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Vanessa Miranda
Address: 13620 Acorn Circle, Valley Center CA 92082
Phone: (760) 443-5064
Email: Vmiranda0128@outlook.com
To provide instructors and individuals with support. To bring passion and dedication towards the
education of children, and to use my qualifications for personal growth and career advancement.
California State University, San Marcos
August 2012- January 2014
Graduation: May 25, 2014
Bachelor of Arts: Sociology
Palomar Community College
August 2010  December 2011
California State University, Long Beach
September 2006- May 2009
Orange Glen High School
September 2002-June 2006
High School Diploma: General Education
Escondido Union High School
Substitute Teacher 02/2016- Present
 Monitor students
 Teaches lesson plan as outlined by the absent teacher
 Meet and instruct assigned classes in the locations and at the times designated
 Create a classroom environment that is favorable to learning and appropriate to the maturity
and interests of the students.
Escondido Union High School District-- Valley High School
Instructional Aide 02/2012- 01/2016
 Assist students in areas of need
 Assist teachers in the classroom
 Monitor students
 Operate standard office equipment
 Assists with maintaining IEP records and files; attend and participate in IEP meetings as
 Contact parents as directed or required
 Assist in administering tests
 Perform a variety of clerical duties such as preparing and duplicating instructional materials,
scoring papers and recording grades; maintain records including attendance, grades and test
scores as assigned; maintain the confidentiality of records and information related to students
and parents
On the Border MexicanGrill and Cantina
Cashier/Hostess 04/2011-04/2012
 Operated cash register
 Greeted and seated guests
 Maintained a clean work environment
 Handled the concerns of disgruntled customers without the need of supervisor assistance
Valley View Casino & Hotel
Cashier/Hostess 07/2009-09/2010
 Operated cash register
 Greeted and seated guests
 Maintained a clean work environment
 Handled the concerns of disgruntled customers without the need of supervisor assistance
United Realty & Mortgage
Receptionist 07/2008-10/2008
 Scheduled appointments
 Collected payments
 Operated standard office equipment
 High volume data entry
 Created/ modified documents as needed on Excel/ Microsoft Word  Assisted staff with
administrative duties as requested
Isabel Patterson Child Development Center
Student Teacher Assistant 09/2007-
 Delivered quality early care and assisted in educational programs for children 6 months through
2nd grade
 Assisted in meal preparation
 Ensured the existence of a safe and nurturing environment for staff and children  Adhered to
all rules and regulations regarding alternative education
Simon Salinas Law Office
Office Assistant 04/2007-08/2007
 Scheduled appointments
 Collected payments
 Organized hard copy and electronic files
 Occasionally accompanied administrator to court appearances for clerical support
Sales Support 02/2006-08/2006
 Stocked merchandise
 Organized floor displays
 Provided cashier relief and assumed duties in high volume days
 Operated cash register and collected payments
Assets Program
VHS after school program
08/2013- Present
Casa de Amparo
Teacher Assistant (semester internship)
CCEA-California Continuation Education Association
Employee of the Year 2014
Pro-ACT Professional Assault Crisis Training
Certificate of Completion 10/2014
 Proven personable and dependable individual with the ability to maintain a positive attitude in
high stress situations
 Willingness to put the team first
 Avid learner
 Comfortable handling situations with disgruntled customers with a sense of professionalism,
empathy and without compromising company values
 Completely fluent in Spanish: speaking, reading, and writing
 Proven to work well with children and form an atmosphere in which children are comfortable
 Willing to take on challenges

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  • 1. Vanessa Miranda Address: 13620 Acorn Circle, Valley Center CA 92082 Phone: (760) 443-5064 Email: Vmiranda0128@outlook.com OBJECTIVE: To provide instructors and individuals with support. To bring passion and dedication towards the education of children, and to use my qualifications for personal growth and career advancement. EDUCATION California State University, San Marcos August 2012- January 2014 Graduation: May 25, 2014 Bachelor of Arts: Sociology Palomar Community College August 2010 December 2011 California State University, Long Beach September 2006- May 2009 Orange Glen High School September 2002-June 2006 High School Diploma: General Education EMPLOYMENT Escondido Union High School Substitute Teacher 02/2016- Present Monitor students Teaches lesson plan as outlined by the absent teacher Meet and instruct assigned classes in the locations and at the times designated Create a classroom environment that is favorable to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interests of the students. Escondido Union High School District-- Valley High School Instructional Aide 02/2012- 01/2016 Assist students in areas of need Assist teachers in the classroom Monitor students
  • 2. Operate standard office equipment Assists with maintaining IEP records and files; attend and participate in IEP meetings as required Contact parents as directed or required Translate Assist in administering tests Perform a variety of clerical duties such as preparing and duplicating instructional materials, scoring papers and recording grades; maintain records including attendance, grades and test scores as assigned; maintain the confidentiality of records and information related to students and parents On the Border MexicanGrill and Cantina Cashier/Hostess 04/2011-04/2012 Operated cash register Greeted and seated guests Maintained a clean work environment Handled the concerns of disgruntled customers without the need of supervisor assistance Valley View Casino & Hotel Cashier/Hostess 07/2009-09/2010 Operated cash register Greeted and seated guests Maintained a clean work environment Handled the concerns of disgruntled customers without the need of supervisor assistance United Realty & Mortgage Receptionist 07/2008-10/2008 Scheduled appointments Collected payments Operated standard office equipment High volume data entry Created/ modified documents as needed on Excel/ Microsoft Word Assisted staff with administrative duties as requested Isabel Patterson Child Development Center Student Teacher Assistant 09/2007- 12/2007 Delivered quality early care and assisted in educational programs for children 6 months through 2nd grade Assisted in meal preparation
  • 3. Ensured the existence of a safe and nurturing environment for staff and children Adhered to all rules and regulations regarding alternative education Simon Salinas Law Office Office Assistant 04/2007-08/2007 Scheduled appointments Collected payments Organized hard copy and electronic files Occasionally accompanied administrator to court appearances for clerical support JcPenny Sales Support 02/2006-08/2006 Stocked merchandise Organized floor displays Provided cashier relief and assumed duties in high volume days Operated cash register and collected payments VOLUNTEER Assets Program VHS after school program 08/2013- Present Casa de Amparo Teacher Assistant (semester internship) 02/2013-05/2013 AWARDS/CERTIFICATES CCEA-California Continuation Education Association Employee of the Year 2014 Pro-ACT Professional Assault Crisis Training Certificate of Completion 10/2014 SKILLS/ABILITIES Proven personable and dependable individual with the ability to maintain a positive attitude in high stress situations Willingness to put the team first Avid learner
  • 4. Comfortable handling situations with disgruntled customers with a sense of professionalism, empathy and without compromising company values Completely fluent in Spanish: speaking, reading, and writing Proven to work well with children and form an atmosphere in which children are comfortable Willing to take on challenges