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 Representing objects
 Joining Models
 Modifying Primitives
 Subdivision Surfaces
 Geometrics File Models
 DAG Models
 Modeling Programs
 Inverse Kinematics
 Live Animation
 Key Frame Animation
 Motion Capture
 Future Scope
 Basically animation provides motion/movement to still images and can provide
virtual life to an object.
 Animation is process of adding motion to static images by applying various
 Animation is the rapid display of sequence of images of 2D or 3D art work in order
to create an illusion of movement.
 The modeling problem
 Modeling primitives
 Sphere, ellipsoid, torus, super quadric
 Surfaces of revolutions, smoothed polygons
 Skin & bones
 Non-uniform rational basis spline
 Approaches to modeling complex shapes
 Tools such as extrude, revolve, loft, split, stitch, blend
 Constructive solid geometry (CSG)
 Hierarchy; kinematic joints
 Inverse kinematics
 Key frames
 Objects represented as symbols
 Defined in model coordinates; transformed into world coordinates (M = TRS)
glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef();
glRotatef(); glScalef();
 The basic sort of primitive is the polygon
 Number of polygons:- tradeoff between render time
and model accuracy
 Objects by representing or approximating their
surfaces using polygons.
Polygon Representation Image Representation
 Linear spline
 Cardinal spline
 Bezier curve
 NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational b-spline)
 A polygon mesh is a collection of vertices, edges and faces that defines the shape
of a polyhedral object in 3D computer graphics and solid modeling.
 A mesh is a collection of vertices, edges, and faces that describe the shape of a 3D
object: A vertex is a single point. (The plural of vertex is "vertices") An edge is a
straight line segment connecting two vertices
 Sweep a shape over a path to form a generalized cylinder
 It is a modeling function in which planar closed domain is translated or revolved in
to a solid
 Revolve a shape around an axis to create an object with rotational symmetry
 Extrude: grow a 2D shape in the third dimension
 Shape is created with a (1D) b-spline curves
 Holes are created by subtracting a cylinder
 Any substance that are metallic in nature are
transformed and modeled by this method
 Stitching:- It joins the two surfaces
The two plane surfaces are stitched with each other
 Blending:- Blending surfaces that smoothly join basic primitives such as
planar facets
Determines the way the primitives are joined
 Common set of two-dimensional primitives includes
lines, points, and polygons, although some people
prefer to consider triangles primitives, because every
polygon can be constructed from triangles. All other
graphic elements are built up from these primitives. In
three dimensions, triangles or polygons positioned in
three-dimensional space can be used as primitives to
model more complex 3D forms.
 Relatively new type of primitive, subdivision surface, gives you the advantages of
working with polygons and the smoothness of parameterized surfaces. Set
subdivision level
 Can set level of polygon subdivision
Core Animation
 Skeleton with joined bones
 Can add skin on top of bones
 Automatic or hand-tuned skinning
 Bone represent set of vertices (or some other objects, which represent for example
a leg).Animator controls fewer characteristics of the model
 Animator can focus on the large scale motion.
 Bones are independently movable.
 Can convert between formats
 Converting to a common format may lose information
 In this DXF export, first the holes are connected to the border. Then the concave
shape is decomposed into several concave parts, which are cut into squares and
then triangles
 Formats are : .obj - Alias Wave front
.dxf: AutoCAD
.vrml: Inventor
 Could use tree to represent object
 Actually, a DAG (directed acyclic graph) is better:
can re-use objects
 Note that each arrow needs a
separate modeling transform
 In object-oriented graphics, also need motion constraints with
each arrow
 DAGs may be used as a space-efficient representation of a
collection of sequences with overlapping subsequences.
 Limited functionality
 Light wave, Maya
 NOT shareware
 Very full-featured
 Difficult to learn and use
 Suppose you want the robot to pick up a can of oil
to drink. How?
 You could set the joint positions at each moment in
the animation (kinematics)
 Each and every motion is recored by the kinematics.
 Each motion include the time and delay
 Every action reflexes its body in n times
 You cant just invert the joint transformations
 Joint settings arent even necessarily unique for a
hand position!
 Inverse kinematics: figure out from the hand
 position where the joints should be set.
 Refers to the use of the kinematics equations of a robot to determine the joint
parameters that provide a desired position of the end-effector. Specification of the
movement of a robot so that its end-effector achieves a desired task is known as
motion planning.
 In traditional key frame animation the animator draws several important
frames, and helpers do the inbetweening or twinning
 Computer animation is also key-frame based
 At key frames, animator positions objects and lights, sets parameters, etc.
 The system interpolates parameter values linearly or along a curve
 To get from one object pose to the next, inverse kinematics determine joint
 More realistic motion sequences can be
by Motion Capture
 Attach joint position indicators to real actors
 Record live action
 Sensors are attached to the person and the
motions are captured by the movement
 Morphing: smoothly shifting from one image to another
 First popularized in a Michael Jackson video
 Method: a combination of
 Warping both images, gradually moving control points from location in first image to
location in the second
 Cross-fading from first image sequence to second
 The expressions on the face of this virtual actress were created with a combination
of facial motion capture and biomedical simulations of muscle and tissue
 Many other methods can be done
 User interface, Interaction and Communication can be enhanced
 Can be more technologically pushing the dynamic of human interactions
 Lot of resources are involved in CG creation, it make's cost very high hence we can
make it more cheaper
 It take's more time to create by the experienced developer hence It can be made
more user friendly and less complex
 More addition of AI and Virtual world can get mixed with it
 We have seen the procedures in making an animated images that are trending now in a
graphical environment
 The traditional animation techniques were not involved in it
 Hence, The animation core making is done in a geometrical and in a graphical way.
 The goal is to create software where the animator can generate a movie sequence showing
a photorealistic human character, undergoing physically-plausible motion, together with
clothes, photorealistic hair, a complicated natural background, and possibly interacting with
other simulated human characters. This could be done in a way that the viewer is no longer
able to tell if a particular movie sequence is computer-generated, or created using real
actors in front of movie cameras. Complete human realism is not likely to happen very soon ,
but when it does it may have major repercussions for the film industry.

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Core Animation

  • 2. CONTENT S Definition Modeling Representing objects Joining Models Modifying Primitives Subdivision Surfaces Geometrics File Models DAG Models Modeling Programs Inverse Kinematics Live Animation Key Frame Animation Motion Capture Morphing Future Scope
  • 3. DEFINITION OF ANIMATION Basically animation provides motion/movement to still images and can provide virtual life to an object. Animation is process of adding motion to static images by applying various techniques. Animation is the rapid display of sequence of images of 2D or 3D art work in order to create an illusion of movement.
  • 4. MODELING The modeling problem Modeling primitives Polygon Sphere, ellipsoid, torus, super quadric Surfaces of revolutions, smoothed polygons Particles Skin & bones Non-uniform rational basis spline Approaches to modeling complex shapes Tools such as extrude, revolve, loft, split, stitch, blend Constructive solid geometry (CSG) Hierarchy; kinematic joints Inverse kinematics Key frames
  • 5. REPRESENTING OBJECTS Objects represented as symbols Defined in model coordinates; transformed into world coordinates (M = TRS) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(); glRotatef(); glScalef(); glutSolidCylinder();
  • 6. POLYGON MODELING The basic sort of primitive is the polygon Number of polygons:- tradeoff between render time and model accuracy Objects by representing or approximating their surfaces using polygons.
  • 8. SPLINE CURVES Linear spline Cardinal spline B-spline Bezier curve NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational b-spline)
  • 9. MESH MODELING A polygon mesh is a collection of vertices, edges and faces that defines the shape of a polyhedral object in 3D computer graphics and solid modeling. A mesh is a collection of vertices, edges, and faces that describe the shape of a 3D object: A vertex is a single point. (The plural of vertex is "vertices") An edge is a straight line segment connecting two vertices
  • 10. SWEEP MODELING Sweep a shape over a path to form a generalized cylinder It is a modeling function in which planar closed domain is translated or revolved in to a solid
  • 11. REVOLUTION MODELING Revolve a shape around an axis to create an object with rotational symmetry AXIS OF THE OBJECT CURVE THAT KEEPS ON ROTATING
  • 12. EXTRUSION MODELING Extrude: grow a 2D shape in the third dimension Shape is created with a (1D) b-spline curves Holes are created by subtracting a cylinder Any substance that are metallic in nature are transformed and modeled by this method
  • 13. JOINING MODELS Stitching:- It joins the two surfaces The two plane surfaces are stitched with each other Blending:- Blending surfaces that smoothly join basic primitives such as planar facets Determines the way the primitives are joined
  • 14. MODIFYING PRIMITIVES Common set of two-dimensional primitives includes lines, points, and polygons, although some people prefer to consider triangles primitives, because every polygon can be constructed from triangles. All other graphic elements are built up from these primitives. In three dimensions, triangles or polygons positioned in three-dimensional space can be used as primitives to model more complex 3D forms.
  • 15. SUBDIVISION SURFACES Relatively new type of primitive, subdivision surface, gives you the advantages of working with polygons and the smoothness of parameterized surfaces. Set subdivision level Can set level of polygon subdivision
  • 17. SKIN AND BONES Skeleton with joined bones Can add skin on top of bones Automatic or hand-tuned skinning Bone represent set of vertices (or some other objects, which represent for example a leg).Animator controls fewer characteristics of the model Animator can focus on the large scale motion. Bones are independently movable.
  • 18. GEOMETRIC MODEL FILE FORMATS Can convert between formats Converting to a common format may lose information In this DXF export, first the holes are connected to the border. Then the concave shape is decomposed into several concave parts, which are cut into squares and then triangles Formats are : .obj - Alias Wave front .dxf: AutoCAD .vrml: Inventor
  • 19. DAG MODELS Could use tree to represent object Actually, a DAG (directed acyclic graph) is better: can re-use objects Note that each arrow needs a separate modeling transform In object-oriented graphics, also need motion constraints with each arrow DAGs may be used as a space-efficient representation of a collection of sequences with overlapping subsequences.
  • 20. MODELING PROGRAMS Moray Shareware Limited functionality Easy Light wave, Maya NOT shareware Very full-featured Difficult to learn and use
  • 21. LIVE ANIMATION Suppose you want the robot to pick up a can of oil to drink. How? You could set the joint positions at each moment in the animation (kinematics) Each and every motion is recored by the kinematics. Each motion include the time and delay Every action reflexes its body in n times
  • 22. INVERSE KINEMATICS You cant just invert the joint transformations Joint settings arent even necessarily unique for a hand position! Inverse kinematics: figure out from the hand position where the joints should be set. Refers to the use of the kinematics equations of a robot to determine the joint parameters that provide a desired position of the end-effector. Specification of the movement of a robot so that its end-effector achieves a desired task is known as motion planning.
  • 23. KEY FRAME ANIMATION In traditional key frame animation the animator draws several important frames, and helpers do the inbetweening or twinning Computer animation is also key-frame based At key frames, animator positions objects and lights, sets parameters, etc. The system interpolates parameter values linearly or along a curve To get from one object pose to the next, inverse kinematics determine joint motions
  • 24. MOTION CAPTURE More realistic motion sequences can be generated by Motion Capture Attach joint position indicators to real actors Record live action Sensors are attached to the person and the motions are captured by the movement
  • 25. MORPHING Morphing: smoothly shifting from one image to another First popularized in a Michael Jackson video Method: a combination of Warping both images, gradually moving control points from location in first image to location in the second Cross-fading from first image sequence to second
  • 26. COMBINED APPROACHES The expressions on the face of this virtual actress were created with a combination of facial motion capture and biomedical simulations of muscle and tissue
  • 27. FUTURE SCOPE Many other methods can be done User interface, Interaction and Communication can be enhanced Can be more technologically pushing the dynamic of human interactions Lot of resources are involved in CG creation, it make's cost very high hence we can make it more cheaper It take's more time to create by the experienced developer hence It can be made more user friendly and less complex More addition of AI and Virtual world can get mixed with it
  • 28. CONCLUSION We have seen the procedures in making an animated images that are trending now in a graphical environment The traditional animation techniques were not involved in it Hence, The animation core making is done in a geometrical and in a graphical way. The goal is to create software where the animator can generate a movie sequence showing a photorealistic human character, undergoing physically-plausible motion, together with clothes, photorealistic hair, a complicated natural background, and possibly interacting with other simulated human characters. This could be done in a way that the viewer is no longer able to tell if a particular movie sequence is computer-generated, or created using real actors in front of movie cameras. Complete human realism is not likely to happen very soon , but when it does it may have major repercussions for the film industry.