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Dr Sarah Cornell
Wageningen, November 2014
Unity of knowledge?油
Global science for global changes
Understanding the
whole Earth?
We cant  but
we must!
From Steffen et al. 2004, IGBP
Cornell pe&rc day wageningen nov 2014
Cornell pe&rc day wageningen nov 2014
A very partial timeline of global change science:
Weart (2008), Liverman et al. (2002),
Cornell (2010), Uhrqvist 2014
The Bretherton Diagram (NASA 1988) set out the observational, conceptual and
computational modelling framework for 1-2 decades of global change research.
Spot the
The global change research programmes [] recognise that there is
growing concern over the ever-increasing human modification of the
global environment and the consequent implications for human well-being.
A new system of global environmental science is required.
This is beginning to evolve from complementary approaches of the
international global change research programmes and needs
strengthening and further development.
It will draw strongly on the existing and expanding disciplinary
base of global change science; integrate across disciplines,
environment and development issues and the natural and social sciences;
collaborate across national boundaries [] to build an efficient international
system of global environmental science.
(Amsterdam Declaration, 2001)
Other literature: EURAB 2004, US National Academies
M. Polanyi 1941, The growth of thought in society.
Dugger 1988, An institutional analysis of corporate power
Demeritt 2001, The construction of global warming
Science Policy
Climate Earth system
local gaps
Global agreement
on targets
and metrics
Big science
Biodiversity Local knowledge,
system gaps
Global agreement
on targets
and metrics
Biogeochemistry Gaps in local and
system knowledge
Partial regional
emerging issue
Many different
Chemical pollution Local knowledge,
system gaps
Partial agreements,
weak metrics
Big business
The international challenge 
does global science really look at The World?
NOAA ESRL sites  climate and biogeochemistry,
map from www.esrl.noaa.gov
Active sites
Inactive (one-off) sites
IUCN/UNEP World Database of Protected Areas
Cornell pe&rc day wageningen nov 2014
Who dont we see/hear when we
talk of humanity and the world?
Fox-Keller 1986
Why not join
jellywatch.org, www.rspb.org.uk/birdwatchbbc,
Tea Bag Index www.decolab.org/tbi,
Intercultural challenges:
Global science has new opportunities
and new responsibilities
Interdisciplinarity bridges
knowledge cultures
Research methods
Conference protocols
Gender and power relations
Perceptions (ooh or yuk)
 Unfamiliar worlds
Nissani 1997 (Ten cheers)
My own trajectory:
chemistry  environmental science 
environmental economics 
human dimensions
Normal experience in global change science:
 tensions of working across or between disciplines
 challenges of meeting changing policy needs
Shotgun wedding approach
Pragmatic pick 卒n mix
Building a shared understanding
Interdisciplinarities differ:
Good unities (knowledge integration)
deepen and extend our knowledge.
Bad ones might work in some regards
Schellnhuber 1987 Earth system analysis: the scope of the challenge
Cornell 2010, in Bhaskar et al. Interdisciplinarity and Climate Change
Rigour Innovation
So what do we do?
Precaution  Provisionality  Participation
Pausing to reflect
Preiser and Cilliers 2010, Romm 1998, Macnaghten et al. 2005, Doubleday 2007
E.O. Wilson:
 If we dream,
press to discover,
explain and dream again,
thereby plunging repeatedly
into new terrain, the world will
somehow become clearer
and we will grasp the true
strangeness of the universe.
And the strangeness will all
prove to be connected
and make sense.
(Consilience, 1998)
Cornell pe&rc day wageningen nov 2014

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Cornell pe&rc day wageningen nov 2014

  • 1. 1 A PARTNER WITH Dr Sarah Cornell Wageningen, November 2014 Unity of knowledge?油 Global science for global changes
  • 3. From Steffen et al. 2004, IGBP
  • 6. A very partial timeline of global change science: Weart (2008), Liverman et al. (2002), Cornell (2010), Uhrqvist 2014
  • 7. The Bretherton Diagram (NASA 1988) set out the observational, conceptual and computational modelling framework for 1-2 decades of global change research. Spot the human.. .
  • 8. The global change research programmes [] recognise that there is growing concern over the ever-increasing human modification of the global environment and the consequent implications for human well-being. A new system of global environmental science is required. This is beginning to evolve from complementary approaches of the international global change research programmes and needs strengthening and further development. It will draw strongly on the existing and expanding disciplinary base of global change science; integrate across disciplines, environment and development issues and the natural and social sciences; collaborate across national boundaries [] to build an efficient international system of global environmental science. (Amsterdam Declaration, 2001) Other literature: EURAB 2004, US National Academies COSEPUP 2004, ESF-COST RESCUE 2012
  • 9. M. Polanyi 1941, The growth of thought in society. Dugger 1988, An institutional analysis of corporate power Demeritt 2001, The construction of global warming
  • 10. Science Policy Decision landscape Climate Earth system knowledge, local gaps Global agreement on targets and metrics Big science Biodiversity Local knowledge, system gaps Global agreement on targets and metrics Concerned coalitions Biogeochemistry Gaps in local and system knowledge Partial regional agreements, emerging issue Many different players Chemical pollution Local knowledge, system gaps Partial agreements, weak metrics Big business
  • 11. The international challenge does global science really look at The World? NOAA ESRL sites climate and biogeochemistry, map from www.esrl.noaa.gov Active sites Inactive (one-off) sites IUCN/UNEP World Database of Protected Areas protectedplanet.net
  • 13. Who dont we see/hear when we talk of humanity and the world? Fox-Keller 1986
  • 14. Why not join jellywatch.org, www.rspb.org.uk/birdwatchbbc, Tea Bag Index www.decolab.org/tbi, mappiness.org.uk, www.juegos.com/juego/climate-chaos Intercultural challenges: Global science has new opportunities and new responsibilities
  • 15. Interdisciplinarity bridges knowledge cultures Research methods Evidence Jargon Prose Prospects Internationality Conference protocols Gender and power relations Perceptions (ooh or yuk) Unfamiliar worlds Nissani 1997 (Ten cheers) My own trajectory: chemistry environmental science environmental economics human dimensions
  • 16. Normal experience in global change science: tensions of working across or between disciplines challenges of meeting changing policy needs
  • 17. Timeframe Language Dis/Comfort Shotgun wedding approach Pragmatic pick 卒n mix Building a shared understanding Interdisciplinarities differ:
  • 18. Hippocrab,pixdaus.com Good unities (knowledge integration) deepen and extend our knowledge. Bad ones might work in some regards Schellnhuber 1987 Earth system analysis: the scope of the challenge Cornell 2010, in Bhaskar et al. Interdisciplinarity and Climate Change Rigour Innovation Reflexivity
  • 19. So what do we do? Precaution Provisionality Participation Pausing to reflect Preiser and Cilliers 2010, Romm 1998, Macnaghten et al. 2005, Doubleday 2007 (Re)read Listen Question Act
  • 20. E.O. Wilson: If we dream, press to discover, explain and dream again, thereby plunging repeatedly into new terrain, the world will somehow become clearer and we will grasp the true strangeness of the universe. And the strangeness will all prove to be connected and make sense. (Consilience, 1998)

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Unity of knowledge?油Global science for global changes Sarah Cornell, Stockholm Resilience Centre 油 Global changes, both environmental and social, are the focus of intense research attention and for very good reasons: human activities are a key cause of these changes, and our societies are feeling their consequences. I will explore the development of the global science of global changes, using the grand idea of the unity of knowledge as a prism to highlight some current challenges and some cheering prospects for the place of this science in society. Advancing global change research implies attention to internationalism, not least to ensure global coverage of essential data about the world, but also aligning with internationally agreed sustainability principles, policies and rights. Obtaining a broader and deeper understanding of the world requires interdisciplinarity, especially addressing the enduring intellectual challenge of bridging the natural and social sciences, which is often seen as a kind of Cartesian dualism. And rising on the research and policy agenda is the need to address the many interculturalisms, incorporating and respecting different worldviews in the (co)production and application of global change science. At the frontiers of knowledge, there will always be new divides to be bridged, so I will also reflect on if, when and how experience in these inters might become generalizable guidance for researchers finding themselves in the fray when it comes to understanding and responding to global changes.油