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GMHS is Headed to
South Dakota
April 17-23, 2010

A humanitarian team from GMHS is going
to be traveling to the Cherokee River
Indian Reservation in Eagle Butte, South
Dakota. We will be working with Habitat
for Humanity to aid in the construction of
new homes on the reservation. This trip
will compliment the 11th grade U.S.
History class.                                                       Tribal Flag of the Lakota Sioux

While there, we will be helping the Lakota
Sioux build desperately needed homes for             The Lakota Sioux
                                                     The Lakota Sioux Indians were the last to give up their struggle
their people. We will also be given a
                                                     against the Americans in the late 1800s. They were a proud
glimpse into this thousand year old                  people who were forced into one sided treaties with the
culture and have an amazing opportunity              Americans who in turn reneged on almost all of their promises.
to partake in the Lakota traditions.
                                                     In the mid 1800s, the tribe was given land that included their
We are looking for a few corporate                   sacred Black Hills that stretched over parts of North and South
                                                     Dakota and into Montana and Wyoming. When gold was
sponsors to make this trip a sustainable
                                                     discovered in the hills, the government asked them once again to
reality. Please read through this packet             move. This time they refused thus beginning the wars against
and think about a tax deductible donation            them. During this struggle, General George Armstrong Custer
to a worthy humanitarian cause.                      and his army were defeated by a combined force of Lakota Sioux
                                                     led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull.
As always, we thank the community for
                                                     The government sent in a large force to avenge Custer and forced
their support.
                                                     Crazy Horse to surrender. Upon his surrender, the army
                                                     executed him. Sitting Bull 鍖ed to Canada with a small number of
                                                     followers and returned to lead his people when things had
                                                     calmed down. By this time the Lakota were living on a
                                                     government run reservation that operated like a prison camp.

                                                     On the reservation, the government told Sitting Bull to tell his
Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit,   people to stop performing a religious ceremony that they did not
nondenominational Christian housing ministry         agree with. Sitting Bull refused and for that, he was shot in his
founded on the conviction that every man,            own bed. The government then sent a small army to eliminate
woman and child should have a decent, safe
and affordable place to live. Through volunteer      Sitting Bulls followers, which they did in the Massacre at
labor and donations of money and materials,          Wounded Knee.
Habitat and its homeowner families have built
or rehabilitated more than 350,000 houses.           The Lakota have been living in squalor ever since.
Habitat invites people of all backgrounds, races
and religions to build together in partnership.
Rationale and Sponsorship Opportunities
Conditions on the Sioux                                           Sponsorship
Median油income油is油approximately油$2,600油to油         comes油with油a油number油of油different油advertising油
$3,500油per油year.                                   possibilities.
                                                   1. For油a油$500油donation,油your油business油logo油will油
Lakota油men油have油a油life油expectancy油of油less油than油      be油placed油on油our油team油banner油that油will油be油
44油years,油lowest油of油any油country油in油the油World油         displayed油during油our油community油events.油
(excluding油AIDS)油including油Haiti.                     Your油business油will油also油be油listed油on油the油
Lakota油death油rate油is油the油highest油in油the油United油      sponsorship油section油of油our油group油website,油
States.                                               made油available油to油the油community.油Your油
The油Lakota油infant油mortality油rate油is油300%油            letter油that油can油be油proudly油displayed油to油your油
more油than油the油U.S.油Average.                           customers.
One油out油of油every油four油Lakota油children油born油       2. For油a油$1000油donation,油your油business油will油get油
are油fostered油or油adopted油out油to油nonIndian油            everything油above油in油addition油to油your油
homes.                                                company油name油and油logo油on油a油sponsorship油
Teenage油suicide油rate油is油150%油higher油than油the油        customers油that油you油were油a油proud油sponsor油of油
U.S油national油average.                                 this油trip.
Many油families油cannot油afford油heating油oil,油wood油    3. For油a油$1500油donation,油your油business油will油get油
or油propane油and油many油residents油use油ovens油to油           everything油above油in油addition油to油a油short油
heat油their油homes.                                     section油of油the油video油dedicated油just油to油
Elderly油die油each油winter油from油hypothermia油            business油will油also油get油to油put油its油logo油on油the油
(freezing).                                           homepage油of油our油website油with油a油clickable油
1/3油of油the油homes油lack油basic油clean油water油and油         link油to油your油site.油Your油business油logo油will油also油
sewage油while油40%油lack油electricity.                    be油placed油on油our油group油TShirts油that油will油be油
60%油of油Reservation油families油have油no油                 events油that油we油will油host.
                                                   4. Any油donations油over油$1500油will油get油
60%油of油housing油is油infected油with油potentially油         everything油above油and油will油be油mentioned油by油
fatal油black油molds.                                    name油as油often油as油possible油throughout油our油
*The油most油basic油need油on油the油reservation油is油           community油events.



                                     City                      State               Zip Code









This油form油can油be油mailed油to:                 GHMS油Native油American油Outreach


油油油油油油油油The   GMHS Native American Outreach Team

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Corporate Sponsorship Form

  • 1. GRANBY MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL NATIVE AMERICAN OUTREACH GMHS is Headed to South Dakota April 17-23, 2010 A humanitarian team from GMHS is going to be traveling to the Cherokee River Indian Reservation in Eagle Butte, South Dakota. We will be working with Habitat for Humanity to aid in the construction of new homes on the reservation. This trip will compliment the 11th grade U.S. History class. Tribal Flag of the Lakota Sioux While there, we will be helping the Lakota Sioux build desperately needed homes for The Lakota Sioux The Lakota Sioux Indians were the last to give up their struggle their people. We will also be given a against the Americans in the late 1800s. They were a proud glimpse into this thousand year old people who were forced into one sided treaties with the culture and have an amazing opportunity Americans who in turn reneged on almost all of their promises. to partake in the Lakota traditions. In the mid 1800s, the tribe was given land that included their We are looking for a few corporate sacred Black Hills that stretched over parts of North and South Dakota and into Montana and Wyoming. When gold was sponsors to make this trip a sustainable discovered in the hills, the government asked them once again to reality. Please read through this packet move. This time they refused thus beginning the wars against and think about a tax deductible donation them. During this struggle, General George Armstrong Custer to a worthy humanitarian cause. and his army were defeated by a combined force of Lakota Sioux led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull. As always, we thank the community for The government sent in a large force to avenge Custer and forced their support. Crazy Horse to surrender. Upon his surrender, the army executed him. Sitting Bull 鍖ed to Canada with a small number of followers and returned to lead his people when things had calmed down. By this time the Lakota were living on a government run reservation that operated like a prison camp. On the reservation, the government told Sitting Bull to tell his Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, people to stop performing a religious ceremony that they did not nondenominational Christian housing ministry agree with. Sitting Bull refused and for that, he was shot in his founded on the conviction that every man, own bed. The government then sent a small army to eliminate woman and child should have a decent, safe and affordable place to live. Through volunteer Sitting Bulls followers, which they did in the Massacre at labor and donations of money and materials, Wounded Knee. Habitat and its homeowner families have built or rehabilitated more than 350,000 houses. The Lakota have been living in squalor ever since. Habitat invites people of all backgrounds, races and religions to build together in partnership. www.habitat.org
  • 2. Rationale and Sponsorship Opportunities Conditions on the Sioux Sponsorship Reservations We油Are油looking油for油some油corporate油sponsors油to油 help油with油the油costs油of油this油trip.油This油sponsorship油 Median油income油is油approximately油$2,600油to油 comes油with油a油number油of油different油advertising油 $3,500油per油year. possibilities. 97%油of油Lakota油people油live油below油the油poverty油 line. 1. For油a油$500油donation,油your油business油logo油will油 Lakota油men油have油a油life油expectancy油of油less油than油 be油placed油on油our油team油banner油that油will油be油 44油years,油lowest油of油any油country油in油the油World油 displayed油during油our油community油events.油 (excluding油AIDS)油including油Haiti. Your油business油will油also油be油listed油on油the油 Lakota油death油rate油is油the油highest油in油the油United油 sponsorship油section油of油our油group油website,油 States. made油available油to油the油community.油Your油 business油will油also油get油a油framed油thank油you油 The油Lakota油infant油mortality油rate油is油300%油 letter油that油can油be油proudly油displayed油to油your油 more油than油the油U.S.油Average. customers. One油out油of油every油four油Lakota油children油born油 2. For油a油$1000油donation,油your油business油will油get油 are油fostered油or油adopted油out油to油nonIndian油 everything油above油in油addition油to油your油 homes. company油name油and油logo油on油a油sponsorship油 section油of油our油video油that油will油be油shown油to油the油 Diseases油such油as油tuberculosis,油polio,油etc.油are油 community油and油circulated油on油the油web.油Your油 present.油Cancer油is油now油at油epidemic油 business油will油also油receive油an油engraved油 proportions! hardwood油plaque油announcing油to油your油 Teenage油suicide油rate油is油150%油higher油than油the油 customers油that油you油were油a油proud油sponsor油of油 U.S油national油average. this油trip. Many油families油cannot油afford油heating油oil,油wood油 3. For油a油$1500油donation,油your油business油will油get油 or油propane油and油many油residents油use油ovens油to油 everything油above油in油addition油to油a油short油 heat油their油homes. section油of油the油video油dedicated油just油to油 thanking油you油for油your油support.油Your油 Elderly油die油each油winter油from油hypothermia油 business油will油also油get油to油put油its油logo油on油the油 (freezing). homepage油of油our油website油with油a油clickable油 1/3油of油the油homes油lack油basic油clean油water油and油 link油to油your油site.油Your油business油logo油will油also油 sewage油while油40%油lack油electricity. be油placed油on油our油group油TShirts油that油will油be油 worn油on油our油trip油and油during油the油community油 60%油of油Reservation油families油have油no油 events油that油we油will油host. telephone. 4. Any油donations油over油$1500油will油get油 60%油of油housing油is油infected油with油potentially油 everything油above油and油will油be油mentioned油by油 fatal油black油molds. name油as油often油as油possible油throughout油our油 *The油most油basic油need油on油the油reservation油is油 community油events. decent油housing! Thank油you油so油much油for油your油consideration.油Any油 donations油in油any油form油will油work油towards油 fostering油a油relationship油between油your油local油high油 school油youth油and油the油Lakota油Sioux油people,油 building油lasting油philanthropic油values油in油todays油 youth.
  • 3. GRANBY MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL NATIVE AMERICAN OUTREACH CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP FORM If油you油are油interested油in油being油a油corporate油sponsor,油please油complete油the油following油form. Company油Name:_________________________________________________________ Company油Address:______________________________________________________ Street 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油___________________________油油_____________油油_________________ City State Zip Code Company油Website:__________________________________________________________ Contact油Person:_____________________________________________________________ Contact油Phone:______________________________________________________________ Contact油Email:_______________________________________________________________ Pledge油Amount:油油油油油油油油油$500油油油油油油油油油油油油$1000油油油油油油油油油油油油$1500油油油油油油油油油油油油Other:油$________________ Please油make油checks油payable油to油GMHS.油Remember,油your油donations油are油tax油deductible. Once油your油paperwork油is油submitted,油you油will油receive油an油email油from油the油outreach油team.油This油 email油will油contain油more油information油about油the油trip油and油will油have油instructions油on油how油to油 submit油your油company油logo油for油display油on油our油various油advertising油materials.油If油you油do油not油 have油a油digital油copy油of油your油company油logo油or油would油rather油submit油a油paper油copy油of油your油 company油logo,油please油send油that油along油with油this油form. We油greatly油appreciate油your油help油and油support油as油we油go油out油and油try油to油touch油lives.油You油will油be油 kept油up油to油date油of油all油of油our油activities. This油form油can油be油mailed油to: GHMS油Native油American油Outreach C/O油Joe油Jarvis 315油Salmon油Brook油Street Granby,油CT油油06035 Thanks, 油油油油油油油油The GMHS Native American Outreach Team