This document provides an agenda for the CORRCON 2015 conference on corrosion in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The conference will address major challenges in corrosion monitoring, modeling, control, inhibitors, internal corrosion, external corrosion, and pipeline integrity over two days. Speakers will include professionals from asset integrity, corrosion inspection, materials, reliability, pipelines, coatings, subsea, operations, and cathodic protection. Sessions will focus on practical case studies and strategies to help attendees better prevent corrosion and reduce costs. The conference aims to help industry leaders network and move from reactive to proactive corrosion management.
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1. Our Esteemed Speakers:
Marcos Bartelotti
Consultor Gerência de Engenharia, Transporte Brasilia
Daniel Cypriano
Equipamentos e Serviços, Tecnologia de Inspeção de
Equipamentos Petrobras
Marcelo Schultz
Consultant, Petrobras
Fabio E Yost
Maintenance Engineer, YPF
Fabio Santos
Wellstream Materials Coordinator, GE Oil and Gas
Professionals from the following
• Asset Integrity
• Corrosion and Inspection
• Materials
• Reliability
• Pipelines
• Coatings
• Subsea
• Operations
• Cathodic Protection
• Facilities
Corrosion is a natural inevitable phenomenon that has been one of the biggest concerns for every industry. It can raise
serious damage that can affect the safety and reliability of structures. Fleming Gulf is coming up with The LATAM Corrosion
Conference, CORRCON 2015, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that would address some of the major challenges and best practices
in the wide discipline of corrosion. The conference would highlight comprehensive sessions under coatings, corrosion
monitoring and modeling, corrosion inhibitors, internal corrosion, external corrosion and pipeline integrity.
• Exhaustive agenda reviewed by the advisory board, that addresses the major challenges in the corrosion sector
• Devising optimum corrosion control strategies and their implementation
• Case Studies on major failures due to corrosion and identifying ways to manage them
• Networking platform to interact with the key industry leaders from top companies
• Interactive Panel Discussion on formulating effective prevention strategies to mitigate the cost of corrosion and moving
from reactive to proactive corrosion management models
About the conference:
Find your reasons to attend:
Who should attend?
The LATAM Corrosion Conference
25 - 26 November, 2015 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
visit our website:
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2. 25th
November 2015
7:30 Registration and Coffee
8:20 Welcome by Fleming Gulf
8:25 Opening remarks from the Chair
Corrosion - Monitoring, Modeling and
9:00 Corrosion control of reinforced concrete
structures in marine environment
• Causes of corrosion in reinforced concrete structures
• Different types of corrosion: Crevice, Pitting
• Understanding the corrosion mechanism of reinforced steel
• Using cathodic protection to control corrosion
9:30 Latest on-line and real time technology for
corrosion monitoring
• Advancements in corrosion monitoring technology
• Investigation of information on corrosion and pitting
• Key benefits of the technology
10:00 Monitoring and control strategies for corrosion
under insulation (CUI)
• Risk based inspection (RBI) Technique for monitoring CUI
• Prevention and mitigation of CUI- current methods used
• Design considerations for preventing CUI
• Monitoring techniques for CUI- Linear Polarization Resistance,
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Electrochemical
Noise, Zero Resistance Ammetry
10:30 Modeling and projection of the corrosion rates of
stainless steel in marine environments
• Corrosion rate calculation
• Discussing the material selection model
• Comparing the experimental and theoretical corrosion rates
11:00 Networking Break and Refreshment
Corrosion Inhibitors
12:00 Corrosion Inhibitors for Flow Induced Localized
Corrosion (FILC)
• Study of the initiation of the Flow Induced Localized Corrosion
• How corrosion inhibitors mitigate corrosion caused by flowing
• Understanding the mechanism of drag reducing properties of
corrosion inhibitors
• How the inhibitors prevent the initiation of FILC?
• Mitigating flow induced localized corrosion by corrosion
• Relevance of drag reduction effect by corrosion inhibitors
• Case studies of FILC inhibition in CO2 and H2S Systems
• Understanding the mechanism of drag reduction effect
12:30 Corrosion in above the gas storage tanks and its
mitigation through Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors
• Introduction to volatile corrosion inhibitors
• Evaluating the effectiveness of VCIs
• VCI application on above ground storage tanks in conjunction
with cathodic protection
13:00 Eco-friendly corrosion inhibitors for metals and
• Case studies of application of Eco-friendly corrosion inhibitors
and their performance
• Estimating the toxicity of corrosion inhibitors and their impact
over environment
• Using natural products and synthetic compounds as corrosion
13:30 Lunch Break
Internal Corrosion
15:00 Best practices to monitor, analyze and mitigate
internal corrosion in wells and pipeline systems
• Common factors of internal corrosion and their effects: H2S,
CO2, water stagnation, bacteria
• Pitting corrosion and its mechanism
• Best practices for mitigation of internal corrosion in the design
phase and operational phase
• Corrosion mitigation techniques like Pigging, Batch/
Continuous Corrosion Inhibition, Biocides
• Identifying the best ways to monitor, analyze and mitigate
internal corrosion
• Monitoring techniques for early detection of internal corrosion
• Case studies on mitigation of internal corrosion
• Integrity management of internal corrosion
15:30 Internal corrosion in slurry pipeline carrying iron-
ore and phosphate
• Internal abrasion problems in the slurry pipeline
• Electrochemical techniques used for determining corrosion of
slurry pipelines
• Corrosion control methods to be adopted
• Corrosion inhibition in slurry pipelines
16:00 Panel Discussion: Formulating effective
prevention strategies to mitigate the cost of
corrosion in long run
• Impact of corrosion and the damage caused to different
• Discussing the successful real time examples of effective
strategies incorporated that helped in cost reduction
• Defining optimum corrosion management practices
17:00 Closing remarks from the Chairman
17:10 Networking Reception
Speakers and delegates are cordially invited to
Networking Cocktail Reception
End of Conference Day One
Day 1
Booking Line: tel: + 91 20 6607 0064, fax: + 91 20 6607 0061
3. 26th
November 2015
8:00 Registration and Coffee
8:50 Opening Remarks from the Chairman
9:00 Corrosion control of FPSOs by using coating in
conjunction with cathodic protection systems
• Opting a suitable coating system
• Corrosion prevention for FPSO Tanks and Top side equipments
• Adopting a well defined inspection program for achieving
• Application of Galvanic anodes or impressed current type
cathodic protection
9:30 Health and Safety Issues in Coating Application
and Removal
• Brief synopsis about health and safety issues in the coatings
• Common safety measures
• Respiratory Hazards and understanding Respiratory Protection
• Fundamentals of environmental protection standards
• Protection from exposure during paint removal operations
10:00 Dealing with Cathodic Disbondment
• Determining the factors that affect the Cathodic Disbondment
• Analysis of Cathodic Disbondment Testing
• Overview of Cathodic Disbondement Resistance Mechanisms
10:30 Leak detection systems for underground pipelines
and storage tanks
• Detection of breakdowns due to internal and external coating
• Tank Leak Detection: Secondary containment with interstitial
monitoring, Automatic Tank Gauging Systems, Vapor
Monitoring, Statistical Inventory Reconciliation
• Leak Detection System for underground pipelines
11:00 Coffee Break and Networking
External Corrosion
11:30 Analysis, monitoring and mitigation of stray
current corrosion
• Causes of stray current corrosion from DC transit systems
• Effects of rail and utility-pipe corrosion caused by stray currents
• Corrosion rates of different metals affected by stray current
• Measures to be taken to control stray current
• Different techniques to avoid stray corrosion
12:00 Atmospheric Corrosion of carbon steel in different
environmental conditions
• Mechanism of atmospheric corrosion on carbon steel
• Determining the corrosion rates of carbon steel in different
• Factors and variables in atmospheric corrosion
12:30 The effects of Microbial Influenced Corrosion
(MIC) on engineering metals
• Understanding the mechanism of Microbial Corrosion in
aqueous environment
• Study of adhesion of microbes to the metal surface
• Types of bacteria responsible for corrosion
• Electrochemical techniques for the inspection of of bacterial
13:00 Lunch Break
Pipeline Integrity
14:30 Performing Close Interval Potential Survey (CIPS)
and Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG) for
enhancing pipeline integrity
• Brief overview of CIPS and DCVG techniques
• Advantages and Disadvantages of performing CIPS and DCVG
• Calculating the %IR for combined CIPS and DCVG
• Case Study of using Combined CIPS and DCVG
15:00 Maintaining the integrity of Flexible Pipes
• Causes of damage and failure of Flexible Pipes
• Understanding the structural layers of the Flexible Pipes
• Flexible pipes integrity management strategies
• Latest Inspection and Monitoring techniques used
• How to deal with the corrosion of the tensile and pressure
armors of Flexible Pipe?
15:30 Subsea Corrosion Management and Inspection
• Managing the integrity of offshore assets
• Challenges in inspecting pipelines and their repair
• Discussing the latest corrosion monitoring techniques
• Material selection for subsea assets
16:00 Panel Discussion: Creating a proactive corrosion
strategy for avoiding failures
• Moving from reactive to proactive model for avoiding failures
• Latest advancements in the corrosion monitoring, inspection,
modeling and control
• Examples of some disasters and lessons learned
17:00 Closing remarks from the Chairman
17:15 Close of the conference and Farewell Networking
I would like to thank everyone who has helped with the research
and organization of this event, specially the Advisory Council and
Speakers for their support and commitment.
Ruchi Nema | Conference Producer
Day 2
Booking Line: tel: + 91 20 6607 0064, fax: + 91 20 6607 0061