This document contains a list of 19 words related to coming of age, relationships, and social interactions. Many of the words describe subtle behaviors or advances that can make people feel uncomfortable, such as dismissing, overlooking, undermining or retaliating against others. A few positive terms are also included, such as having zeal. Overall, the list touches on experiences and interactions that are part of growing up and navigating interpersonal dynamics.
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1. 1. To come of age / the coming of
2. Sly
3. To rebuff
4. An overture
5. To fish for
6. Dismissiveness
7. To grope
8. Lewd
9. Entourage
10. To overlook
11.To be in the gift of
12. The premises
13. Trivial
14. Creepily
15. To undermine
16. Retaliation
17. To sulk
18. Zeal / overzealous