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Classification of Poisons
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 1
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 2
Corrosive poisoning
At the end of the topic the student will
be able to
 Classify corrosive poisons
 Describe the signs , symptoms, diagnoses,
treatment and postmortem appearances due
to sulphuric acid, Nitric acid, Carbolic acid,
oxalic acid and alkalies
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 4
Definition of a corrosive
 A corrosive is a substance which erodes and
destroys any surface it comes in contact with
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 5
Phases seen in caustic exposure
 Acute inflammatory phase ( upto 7 days) :
vascular thrombosis and cellular necrosis
 Latent granulation phase ( 1 to 2 weeks):
sloughed mucosa shows fibroplasia and
granulation tissue. Collagen replaces G.tissue
 Chronic cicatrisation phase( after 2 weeks):
excessive scar tissue resulting in contractures
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 6
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 7
1. Strong acids
(A) Mineral / Inorganic acids
(B) Organic acids
2. Strong alkalis
hydroxides & carbonates of Na, K, Ca,
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 8
Mineral/ Inorganic acids
1. Severe local actions
2. No remote or systemic actions
3. Desiccation & Coagulation necrosis
 Sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol)
 Nitric acid (aqua fortis)
 Hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid)
 Hydrofluoric acid
 Boric acid Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 9
Organic acid
1. Severe systemic actions
2. Less severe local actions
 Carbolic acid (phenol)
 Oxalic acid (salt of sorrel)
 Formic acid
 Salicylic acid
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 10
Sulphuric acid
 Oil of vitriol . Oleum, battery acid
 Heavy, colourless, odourless, non-fuming,
oily liquid
 Storage batteries
 Pipe and drain cleaners
 Industry Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 11
 Fatal dose: 20 to 30 ml of Conc H2 SO4
 Mode of action: produces coagulation
necrosis of tissue on contact
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 12
Clinical features
 Burning pain, intense thirst
 Teeth chalky white, brittle
 Vomiting- brown/black material ( coffee
ground vomitus )
 Respiratory manifestations
 Burnt skin ( blackish eschar formatin )
 Generalised shock
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 13
 Lips are swollen and excoriated with blackish
streaks present running down the angles of
the mouth.
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 14
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 15
a) Perforation of GIT
b) Secondary infection
c) Stricture formation
d) Carcinoma
e) Renal failure
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 16
 Litmus test
 Sodium bicarbonate drops (cloths) -bubbles
 Addition of barium chloride
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 17
 Oral feeds, stomach wash or induction of
emesis is contraindicated.
 Wash and the irrigate the skin copiously
with saline
 Respiratory distress  100% oxygen
 Morphine & crushed ice
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 18
 Antibiotics & corticosteroids
 Fiber optic endoscopy
 Emergency laprotomy
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 19
Pm appearances
 Corroded areas appear brownish or blackish
 Stomach mucosa- wet blotting paper ( Black
in color)
 Acids act on the columnar epithelium of the
 The mucosal ridges are more damaged then
the furrows
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 20
 Inflammation, necrosis or perforation of the
GI tract
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 21
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 22
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 23
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 24
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 25
Medicolegal importance
-Vitriolage- example of grevious hurt.
 Jealous or disgruntled persons may use to
disfigure enemies. blindness may occur.
 Death may result from shock or toxemia.
 The penetrating burns devitalises the tissues
and predispose to infection.
 Scar tissue may lead to contracture
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 26
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 27
 - washing skin with water & soap
- raw surface covered with some antibiotic
-eyes should be washed with water and
irrigated with1% sodium bicarbonate
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 28
 Accidental poisoning
 Disposal of body : John George Haigh
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 29
Nitric acid (Syn: Aqua Fortis , engravers acid )
 Colourless or yellow, Fuming liquid, pungent
Metal refineries
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 30
 Xanthoproteic reaction
-Yellow stains on
clothing and tissues and crowns of teeth
Reacts with organic acid to produce
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 31
Signs and symptoms
 Inhalation of fumes can produce lacrimation ,
coughing & dysnoea
 Abdominal distension
 Perforation of the GIT is less common
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 32
 PM appearance- corroded areas of skin and
mucous membrane appear yellowish
 Perforation is not as common as in cases of
 Treatment is same as in cases of H2SO4.
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 33
Organic acids
 weaker in corrosive action
 Absorbed in to circulation- both systemic &
local actions
 Carbolic acid (Phenol)
 Oxalic acid
 Salicylic acid
 Formic acid
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 34
Carbolic acid (Phenol)
 Colorless, needlelike crystals turns pink &
 Commercial phenol- brownish liquid with
several impurities with hospital odour
 Derivatives- cresol, coal tar, thymol, tannic
acid Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 35
 Antiseptic and disinfectants
 Preservative in injectable medications
 Face peel in plastic surgery
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 36
Signs and symptoms
 Acute poisoning ( carbolism )
Local: skin or mucosal contact: hardening and
whitish discoloration with burning pain,
tingling, numbness,
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 37
 Systemic poisoning:
GIT: burning pain, vomiting
CNS: vertigo, convulsions, coma. Pupils:
CVS: tacycardia, hypotension, arrythmias
RS: tachypnoea, bronchospasm, pulmonary
Blood: hemolysis, methhemoglobinaemia
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 38
 Metabolic : hypothermia, with metabolic
 Hepatorenal: oliguria with scanty urine which
turns greenish or brownish on exposure to air
this is due to metabolities hydroquinone and
Also called as carboluria
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 39
Pm appearance
 Distinct odour of phenol at mouth and
stomach contents
 Corroded area brownish or whitish
 Stomach mucosa  pale, hardened, leathery
 Cerebral & pulmonary oedema
 Congestion of internal organs
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 40
 Stomach wash  thick, hard & leathery
 Sodium bicarbonate IV
 Methylene blue IV
 Supportive measures
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 41
Medicolegal importance
 Accidental poisoning
 Suicidal deaths- rare
 Homicidal- extremely rare
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 42
Oxalic acid ( Syn: salt of sorrel, acid
of sugar)
 Prismatic crystals similar to magnesium & zinc
 Uses  ink & rust remover
- Bleaching agent & industry
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 43
Mechanism of action
 local- do not lose poisonous properties when
 Combines with serum calcium & produce
features of tetany
 Forms calcium oxalate and it is precipitated
and accumulated in the liver, kidneys, heart,
lungs and is excreted in urine
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 44
Clinical features
Local: whitish or yellowish corrosion of the skin
The mucosa is referred to as  scalded
Systemic: vomiting and diarrhoea
Signs and symptoms of tetany
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 45
 Demonstration of urinary oxalate crystals
Monohydrates( prism or needle like)
Dihydrates ( tent or envelope shaped)
 Measurement of oxalic acid in urine by
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 46
 Stomach wash  lime water, chalk
suspension, ca gluconate solution.
 Calcium gluconate- IV (10ml of a 10%
 Parathyroid extract-100 units IM
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 47
 Corrosion of mucosa- whitish or yellowish
 Scalded mucosa of the GI tract, especially
 Kidney- necrosis & hyaline degeneration of
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 48
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 49
 Ammonium hydroxide: paint, oil and dirt
 Sodium hydroxide: drain cleaner, oven cleaner
 Potassium hydroxide: drain cleaners, hearing
aid batteries
 Sodium hypochlorite: household bleach
 Sodium carbonate: washing soda
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 50
Mode of action
 Produce liquefaction necrosis
 Extensive penetrating damage because of
saponification of fats and solubility of proteins
 Oesophogus more affected
 Alkalis are more prone to cause perforation
than acids
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 51
Clinical features
 Corrosion of the GI mucosa with
pseudomembrane formation
 Oesophagus is commonly affectes resulting in
dysphagia, vomiting, drooling and stridor
 Abdominal pain, diarrhea, tenesmus
 Greyish soapy necrotic areas on the skin
 Eye involvement
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 52
 In stomach contents
White slimy lumps, flakes and granules
Turns litmus paper blue
Soapy and slimy feeling when touched
 sharp penetrating odour in case of ammonia
Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 53

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  • 2. Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 2
  • 4. At the end of the topic the student will be able to Classify corrosive poisons Describe the signs , symptoms, diagnoses, treatment and postmortem appearances due to sulphuric acid, Nitric acid, Carbolic acid, oxalic acid and alkalies Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 4
  • 5. Definition of a corrosive A corrosive is a substance which erodes and destroys any surface it comes in contact with Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 5
  • 6. Phases seen in caustic exposure Acute inflammatory phase ( upto 7 days) : vascular thrombosis and cellular necrosis Latent granulation phase ( 1 to 2 weeks): sloughed mucosa shows fibroplasia and granulation tissue. Collagen replaces G.tissue Chronic cicatrisation phase( after 2 weeks): excessive scar tissue resulting in contractures Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 6
  • 8. Classification 1. Strong acids (A) Mineral / Inorganic acids (B) Organic acids 2. Strong alkalis hydroxides & carbonates of Na, K, Ca, ammonia Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 8
  • 9. Mineral/ Inorganic acids 1. Severe local actions 2. No remote or systemic actions 3. Desiccation & Coagulation necrosis Sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol) Nitric acid (aqua fortis) Hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid) Hydrofluoric acid Boric acid Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 9
  • 10. Organic acid 1. Severe systemic actions 2. Less severe local actions Carbolic acid (phenol) Oxalic acid (salt of sorrel) Formic acid Salicylic acid Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 10
  • 11. Sulphuric acid Oil of vitriol . Oleum, battery acid Heavy, colourless, odourless, non-fuming, hygroscopic, oily liquid Uses Storage batteries Pipe and drain cleaners Laboratory Industry Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 11
  • 12. Fatal dose: 20 to 30 ml of Conc H2 SO4 Mode of action: produces coagulation necrosis of tissue on contact Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 12
  • 13. Clinical features Burning pain, intense thirst Teeth chalky white, brittle Vomiting- brown/black material ( coffee ground vomitus ) Respiratory manifestations Burnt skin ( blackish eschar formatin ) Acidemia Generalised shock Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 13
  • 14. Lips are swollen and excoriated with blackish streaks present running down the angles of the mouth. Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 14
  • 15. Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 15
  • 16. Complications a) Perforation of GIT b) Secondary infection c) Stricture formation d) Carcinoma e) Renal failure Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 16
  • 17. Diagnosis Litmus test Sodium bicarbonate drops (cloths) -bubbles Addition of barium chloride Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 17
  • 18. Treatment Oral feeds, stomach wash or induction of emesis is contraindicated. Wash and the irrigate the skin copiously with saline Demulcents Respiratory distress 100% oxygen Morphine & crushed ice Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 18
  • 19. Antibiotics & corticosteroids Fiber optic endoscopy Emergency laprotomy Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 19
  • 20. Pm appearances Corroded areas appear brownish or blackish Stomach mucosa- wet blotting paper ( Black in color) Acids act on the columnar epithelium of the stomach The mucosal ridges are more damaged then the furrows Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 20
  • 21. Inflammation, necrosis or perforation of the GI tract Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 21
  • 22. Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 22
  • 23. Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 23
  • 24. Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 24
  • 25. Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 25
  • 26. Medicolegal importance -Vitriolage- example of grevious hurt. Jealous or disgruntled persons may use to disfigure enemies. blindness may occur. Death may result from shock or toxemia. The penetrating burns devitalises the tissues and predispose to infection. Scar tissue may lead to contracture Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 26
  • 27. Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 27
  • 28. Treatment - washing skin with water & soap - raw surface covered with some antibiotic cream -eyes should be washed with water and irrigated with1% sodium bicarbonate solution Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 28
  • 29. Accidental poisoning Disposal of body : John George Haigh Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 29
  • 30. Nitric acid (Syn: Aqua Fortis , engravers acid ) Colourless or yellow, Fuming liquid, pungent odour Uses Engraving Electroplating Fertilizers Metal refineries Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 30
  • 31. Xanthoproteic reaction -Yellow stains on clothing and tissues and crowns of teeth Reacts with organic acid to produce trinitrophenol Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 31
  • 32. Signs and symptoms Inhalation of fumes can produce lacrimation , coughing & dysnoea Abdominal distension Perforation of the GIT is less common Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 32
  • 33. PM appearance- corroded areas of skin and mucous membrane appear yellowish Perforation is not as common as in cases of H2SO4 Treatment is same as in cases of H2SO4. Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 33
  • 34. Organic acids weaker in corrosive action Absorbed in to circulation- both systemic & local actions Carbolic acid (Phenol) Oxalic acid Salicylic acid Formic acid Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 34
  • 35. Carbolic acid (Phenol) Colorless, needlelike crystals turns pink & liquefy Commercial phenol- brownish liquid with several impurities with hospital odour Derivatives- cresol, coal tar, thymol, tannic acid Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 35
  • 36. Uses Antiseptic and disinfectants Preservative in injectable medications Face peel in plastic surgery Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 36
  • 37. Signs and symptoms Acute poisoning ( carbolism ) Local: skin or mucosal contact: hardening and whitish discoloration with burning pain, tingling, numbness, Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 37
  • 38. Systemic poisoning: GIT: burning pain, vomiting CNS: vertigo, convulsions, coma. Pupils: constricted CVS: tacycardia, hypotension, arrythmias RS: tachypnoea, bronchospasm, pulmonary edema Blood: hemolysis, methhemoglobinaemia Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 38
  • 39. Metabolic : hypothermia, with metabolic acidosis Hepatorenal: oliguria with scanty urine which turns greenish or brownish on exposure to air this is due to metabolities hydroquinone and pyracatechol Also called as carboluria Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 39
  • 40. Pm appearance Distinct odour of phenol at mouth and stomach contents Corroded area brownish or whitish Stomach mucosa pale, hardened, leathery Cerebral & pulmonary oedema Congestion of internal organs Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 40
  • 41. Treatment Stomach wash thick, hard & leathery consistency Demulcents Sodium bicarbonate IV Methylene blue IV Haemodialysis Supportive measures Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 41
  • 42. Medicolegal importance Accidental poisoning Suicidal deaths- rare Homicidal- extremely rare Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 42
  • 43. Oxalic acid ( Syn: salt of sorrel, acid of sugar) Prismatic crystals similar to magnesium & zinc sulphates Uses ink & rust remover - Bleaching agent & industry Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 43
  • 44. Mechanism of action local- do not lose poisonous properties when diluted Combines with serum calcium & produce features of tetany Forms calcium oxalate and it is precipitated and accumulated in the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs and is excreted in urine Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 44
  • 45. Clinical features Local: whitish or yellowish corrosion of the skin The mucosa is referred to as scalded appearance Systemic: vomiting and diarrhoea Signs and symptoms of tetany Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 45
  • 46. Diagnosis Demonstration of urinary oxalate crystals Monohydrates( prism or needle like) Dihydrates ( tent or envelope shaped) Measurement of oxalic acid in urine by colorimetry Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 46
  • 47. Treatment Stomach wash lime water, chalk suspension, ca gluconate solution. Calcium gluconate- IV (10ml of a 10% solution) Demulcents Parathyroid extract-100 units IM Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 47
  • 48. PM APPEARANCE Corrosion of mucosa- whitish or yellowish Scalded mucosa of the GI tract, especially stomach Kidney- necrosis & hyaline degeneration of tubules Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 48
  • 49. Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 49
  • 50. Alkalies Ammonium hydroxide: paint, oil and dirt remover Sodium hydroxide: drain cleaner, oven cleaner Potassium hydroxide: drain cleaners, hearing aid batteries Sodium hypochlorite: household bleach Sodium carbonate: washing soda Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 50
  • 51. Mode of action Produce liquefaction necrosis Extensive penetrating damage because of saponification of fats and solubility of proteins Oesophogus more affected Alkalis are more prone to cause perforation than acids Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 51
  • 52. Clinical features Corrosion of the GI mucosa with pseudomembrane formation Oesophagus is commonly affectes resulting in dysphagia, vomiting, drooling and stridor Abdominal pain, diarrhea, tenesmus Greyish soapy necrotic areas on the skin Eye involvement Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 52
  • 53. Diagnosis In stomach contents White slimy lumps, flakes and granules Turns litmus paper blue Soapy and slimy feeling when touched sharp penetrating odour in case of ammonia Dr Varun Pai AIMST university 53