The document discusses corruption in India and proposals for reforming anti-corruption efforts. It notes that corruption stems from the politician-bureaucrat nexus, overly complex laws and policies, and lack of executive independence. The scale of corruption is large, affecting many areas of government. Proposed reforms include simplifying laws, increasing bureaucratic accountability, reducing government interface, and administrative reforms like freeing executives and police reforms. The Lokpal is discussed as one part of reforms, with differences between the government's version and the Jan Lokpal version outlined. Key to successful anti-corruption efforts is deterrence, prevention, and education as demonstrated by Hong Kong's ICAC.
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Corruption and lokpal
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Corruption and Lokpal
Nishant Priyadarshi
Co-Founder & Director
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Misuse of official position for personal gain
Types of Corruption
Toll Tax
Government services and benefits
Example: Approvals, Pensions, Welfare benefits
Protection from Law
Evasion of civil and criminal penalties
Traffic violations, Tax fraud, Drug trafficking etc
Undue benefits
Special licenses, allocation of resources, contracts etc
Diversion of welfare benefits
Subsidies and government schemes
Development and infrastructure work
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Politician Bureaucrat Nexus
Political parties
Massive fund requirements
Cadre, Infrastructure and Events
Election campaigning expenses
Donations Non transparent
4. +
Politician Bureaucrat Nexus
Have realized the financial impact of their powers
Active partners in Political corruption
Thorough knowledge of policies and rules
Relatively underpaid
Advance premium Selections and postings
5. +
Laws and Policies
Over regulated country
Too many laws
Complex and Often ambiguous
Left open for Bureaucratic interpretation
Review of Administrative laws
Recommended repeal of 1382 out of 2500 laws
Only 33 laws repealed so far
Old and outdated
Police Act 1861
National Police commission model act 1981
6. +
Laws and Policies
Telecom Industry is governed by
Indian Telegraph act 1885
Indian wireless telegraphy act 1938
Labor Law
55 Central laws and 100 State labor laws
Workmens Compensation act 1923
Trade Unions act 1926
7. +
Discretionary Power
Unduly favor a particular person/Entity
Vaguely defined In public interest
No accountability
No time frame on decision making
Protection/Immunity from prosecution
No Compensation to affected parties
Acts of omission/commission
8. +
Opportunities for Corruption
Want to set up a Mfg Unit
Need 48 Licenses/Permits/Clearances
48 opportunities for corruption
No specified time frame for these Licenses
Index of Economic Freedom
India ranked 119 Between Malawi and Nigeria
173/185 Ease of starting a business (World Bank)
9. +
No Executive Independence
Political control of bureaucracy
Appointments and transfers
Appraisals & Promotions
Interference in all aspects of Administration
Recruitment and postings
Implementation of laws
Allocation of contracts etc
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Scale of Corruption
Transparency International 2012
72 out of 180 countries
Perception is bad for Foreign Trade & Investment
Areas of Max corruption
Government Procurement Defense, etc
Allocation of Natural resources
Implementation of Welfare Schemes
Police and Justice system
11. +
Bureaucrats Dilemma
No Reward for honesty and Diligence
Transfers to insignificant postings
Denial of promotions to Senior positions
No punishment for corruption
Very few have been convicted so far
Sanction for prosecution shields the corrupt
Central government sitting on 236 requests
Over 66% pending for over 3 months
Appeals and Stay orders add further delay
12. +
Big carrot & Invisible stick
Central Vigilance Commission
13061 cases given departmental penalties (94%)
846 Cases given sanction for prosecution
4895 cases of Major penalties
Dismissal, loss of rank, reduction in pension
Minor punishments for rest of them
Censure, Transfers etc
Slow Judiciary
50% of CBI cases pending for > 5 Years
23% pending for > 10 Years
13. +
A sense of despair
Endemic Corruption
A resigned acceptance
Belief that corruption cannot be ended
Highest level to petty corruption
Middle class distrust of politics
Apathy on voting day
Discouraged from entering political fray
Believes all Parties and all politicians to be corrupt
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What can be done?
It is fight worth fighting and can be won
Revamp laws to reduce ambiguity
Simple laws creating a level playing field
No Discretionary power
Simplify complex procedures, scrap inessential
Create bureaucratic accountability
Targets, Incentives and punishments
Clear Time frames for procedures
Penalties for non performance
Reduce government interface
Automate processes, take online
15. +
Administrative Reforms
Free Executive from Legislature
Time bound tenure, no arbitrary transfers
Close down/downgrade punishment posts
Ministers limited to policy making and review
Police reforms - Accountability
Low conviction rates, False cases & Wrongful arrests, neglect of
duty, etc
To be investigated by a independent special police
Reporting to judiciary
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Reform Judicial system
Independence for CBI/CVC and Lokpal
Set up special anti corruption fast track courts
Target higher Conviction rates
Target black money
Provide whistle blower protection
Reward people who expose corruption
Witness protection program
17. +
Is no magic bullet
Part of a comprehensive solution
An Ombudsman for complaints of corruption
Independence from Politicians/Executive
Appointment, supervision and removal
Specific to government corruption
Should not extend to Pvt sector, NGOs
Powers to investigate and prosecute
Cases tried in special courts
18. +
Pending since 1968
Bill Introduced 8 earlier times
Jan Lokpal
Inspired by ICAC Hong Kong
Drafted by IAC through public consultations
Public agitation led by Anna Hazare
All powerful body with concentrated powers
Legislature, Executive and Judiciary under ambit
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Key Differences
Immunity for PM
Prosecution after PM demits office
Exclusion of Judiciary
To be covered under Judicial Accountability bill
Exclusion of MPs for acts inside parliament
To be dealt with by the speaker
Exclusion of lower bureaucracy
Only Senior officers included
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Key Differences
Exclusion of NGOs
Included in government bill
Protection of whistleblowers
Under separate bill
Bringing CBI and CVC under Lokpal
CBI reports to Lokpal on corruption cases
No independent investigative/prosecutor powers
21. +
Key Differences
Appointment & Removal of Lokpal
Government controls 3/5
PM, Speaker, Presidents Nominee
Leader of Opposition and CJI or nominee
Jan Lokpal proposes CVC, CEC, CAG etc
7 member search committee Govt controlled
Government can suspend, move Supreme court for removal
22. +
Key Differences
Dismissal of public servant
Decision taking by Minister
Advise of Lokpal not binding
Lok Ayuktas
To be set up by the states
Other Points
Old cases kept out of Lokpal purview
Prosecution controlled by Government
23. +
Success of ICAC
(Independent Commission Against Corruption)
Three pronged strategy
Deterrence, prevention and education
Enforcement Led
Professional Staff
Effective strategies for deterrence, prevention and education
Adequate Law
Review Mechanism
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Success of ICAC
Equal emphasis on public and private sector corruption
Partnership approach
Top political will, independence and adequate resources
#3: Why this classification? In some cases, bribe giver is the victim and in some cases an active participant in the crime
#6: It took me some time to realize that having the longest constitution in the world was not a matter of pride. It was a matter of concern.The NPC suggested a model act in 1981 which has not been implemented by any State
#7: In UttamNakate case, the Bombay High Court held that dismissing an employee for repeated sleeping on the factory floor was illegal - a decision which was overturned by the Supreme Court of India. Moreover, it took two decades to complete the legal process
#8: If an bureaucrat by his/her action or inaction has caused loss to an Individual or business, there is no compensation. Say a false allegation is made, you fight and clear the allegation, causing huge losses. No compensation is paid, nor any action is taken against bureaucrat responsible
#10: Ministers control transfers within Government departments and even PSUs right upto middle and even junior levels. No fixed tenure for any officer. No reason has to be given for any transfer. Many obscure, powerless punishment postings are available for inconvenient bureaucrats
#12: Public servants cannot be prosecuted without the sanction of the respective governments.
#15: Deemed approval if not acted upon in a specified time frame.
#17: Al Capone notorious Gangster was convicted for Tax evasion. Tax evasion, unaccounted wealth is far easier to prove than corruption.
#19: ICAC transformed Hong Kong from a graft ridden city to one of the cleanest in the world
#20: Currently complaints against Lower bureaucracy go to the departmental head of the same department for internal enquiry which is largely a sham. Appeals can go to Public Grievances Committee at State Capitals. As per government lower Bureaucracy corruption will be go to CVC which is government controlled rather than Lokpal
#21: Inclusion of NGOs is a deliberate attempt to try and muzzle NGOs which have been at forefront of anti corruption or other anti government protests. Lokpal cannot do everything, But, Whistleblower protection and rewards is critical to conviction of the corrupt. Lokpal as investigator and prosecutor should have a way of protecting its witnesses. Govt proposes to give power to CVC
#23: While there is strong need to have good Lok Ayuktas at state level, the constitution makes it difficult to push a central law onto the states, so state assembly has to pass its only laws.