Teng Yan Yau is operating plastic surgery medical fraud website and committing several serious criminal offenses that include patient identity theft, copyright infringement, and medical review fraud, defamation.
He goes across several blogs and forums and scrapes and steals original review content from patients, bloggers and forum owners without permission, rephrases and re-words their personal and intimate reviews and testimonials and then creates a fake phantom patient account on their behalf on his website (cosmerience) and assumes their identity. He is doing this to fool patients and possibly investors that his website has an audience and is active.
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Cosmerience - Medical Fraud Plastic Surgery Website and Copyright Infringement
2. About Fraud Company
• Small One Man Start Up (Est. Oct 2014)
• CEO - Teng Yan Yau
• Medical Tourism Sector Focused
• Content Generation Based
• Social Community Structure
• Search Engine Traffic Driven
• Steals patient identities & copyrighted content
• Fraudulently alters medical review content
• Misleads patients to believe content is authentic
3. Criminal Acts Being Committed
• Copyright Infringement
– Stealing hundreds of copyrighted materials & reposting
them as his own
• Online Identity Theft
– Stealing real patient testimonials and create phantom
patient accounts on website and masquerading as patients
• Medical Fraud
– Creating false medical reviews by altering & fabricating
stolen medical reviews from other websites.
4. Potential Damages
• Puts Singaporean medical tourists to Korea & Asia at risk.
• Manipulating unassuming medical tourists decisions
through unqualified advice.
• Fraudulently operating phantom patient online profiles
based on stolen identities & content.
• Stealing patient identities and images.
• Stealing traffic from websites.
• Defaming hospitals by circulating fabricated reviews.
• Deceiving investors that his site has growth and traction.
5. CEO of Medical Fraud Review Site
Teng Yan Yau
10 ANSON ROAD #10 - 11
UEN: 201431092E
6. Step 1:
Create Search Engine
Optimized Site
Step 2:
Steal Patient Identities,
usernames, reviews &
testimonials across internet
copyrighted forums and blogs.
Step 4:
Alter original reviews for
Search Engines and to avoid
DMCA Google Spam Filter
Step 5:
Create phantom patient
online profiles & false
online activity using stolen
Step 6:
Use stolen content to entice
new patients to join site.
Step 7:
Deceive investors that site
has user growth. Earn Ad
revenue from stolen content.
Sell & monetize patient data.
7. Copyrighted Content Stolen From:
• Naver.com (Korean Portal Site)
• PurseBlog.com (Women’s Lifestyle Site)
• Soompi.com (Korean Entertainment Forum)
• Singapore Expat Forum
• Beauty Power Bloggers
• Korean Medical Clinic Websites
8. Examples of Copyright &
Patient Identify Theft – CASE: 1
Original Copyrighted Content: forum.purseblog.com
Patient Username: Carissa80
Posting Date: JAN 11, 2010 (Aproximatley 5 Years Ago)
Content: Korean Plastic Surgery Review
9. Examples of Copyright &
Patient Identify Theft – CASE: 1
Teng Yan Yau’s Content Theft:
Phantom Patient Created:
changes username Carissa80 to
Review Content: Reworded,
altered and rephrased.
Posting Date Updated: From JAN
11, 2010 to December 11, 2014.
Visitors & Startup Investors are
tricked into thinking this is a
current and actual medical
Original Copyrighted Content Stolen & Reposted using Phantom Patient Account.
10. Side by Side Comparison of Patient
Review Altering
Original Patient Version Teng Yan Yau’s Stolen Altered Version
He makes it appear as if it's a real patient on his site, when in fact it's him posting the content
and posing as the patient. He even goes so far as to rephrase and reword the original patient's
review (extremely unethical). And then creates the illusion that you can interact with the
patient through this phantom profile and ask them follow up questions, but all inquiries are
really going to him and being answered by him like a twisted Wizard of Oz.
13. Case 2
Teng Yan Yau then pretends to be the female patient username mijitsu and posts a fake
question on her behalf, which he answers himself.
14. Case 2
The original patient was contacted via personal message on PurseForum and shown links
to her phantom patient profile on cosmerience.com
15. Case 3
Here another review stolen from – Singapore Expat Forums
Patient Username: ngngpop
Posting Date: May 7, 2010
16. Case 3
Steals Patient’s
Online identity
Update’s posting
date from 2010 to
2014 misleading
people to think this
is a current review
and reflection of
hospital’s current
Rewrite’s patient’s
testimonial, tone &
manner, changes
words and
fabricates a new
17. Case 3
In the original review the patient is expressing that he/she felt rushed. But in Teng Yan
Yau’s fraud and stolen review. He alters the words and changes the meaning to express that
the patient felt the treatment was time efficient.
18. Case 4
Here is the original content stolen from – Forums at Soompi.com
Patient Username: dagney
Posting Date: Oct 2013
19. Case 4
Here is the stolen version posted by Teng Yan Yau with phantom patient account
This is not permission
20. Please Help
• Teng Yan Yau’s is posting hundreds of altered
reviews and creating hundreds of phantom
patient profiles based on theft and medical
review fraud. At this rate there will be 1000’s.
People can make a misinformed life changing
decision based on his lies and fraud.
• If you are a public officer, journalist, VC and or
victim of theft by Teng Yan Yau please report him
and take action.
21. How to Report
Report this FRAUD:
Teng Yan Yau
10 ANSON ROAD #10 - 11
UEN: 201431092E
File a Singaporean Police Crime Report:
For Website Owners Google DMCA:
For Medical Tourists & Patient Identify Theft
Victims – Singapore Ministry of Health.
Need a spreadsheet of stolen content? Are
you Journalist & want to cover this story?