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Cost Recovery: The
A NPCI Webinar
February 12,
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Todays Speaker
Nina Platt
Principal Consultant
Nina Platt Consulting, Inc.
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
 Trends in Cost Recovery
 Electronic Resource Management (ERM) Tools
 Disbursement Management
 Tracking Progress
 Communicating to Firm Leaders
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Trends in Cost Recovery
Movement towards not charging clients
Firm decision to continue charging
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Current Trends in Cost Recovery
AmLaw 2008 Survey
Recovery of online research costs increasing
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Current Trends in Cost Recovery
AmLaw 2008 Survey
3% of firms do not recover online costs
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Trends in Cost Recovery 
ABA Survey
% of Lawyers Who Don't Know How Their Firm Recovers Online Research Expenses
Solo 2-9 lawyers 10-49 lawyers 50-99 lawyers 100+ lawyers
Size of firm
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Trends in Cost Recovery 
Expert Interviews
 No significant change in the near term
 Movement to not charge for online
services over time (10-20 years)
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Trends in Cost Recovery 
The Value of Online
 What contributes to the devaluing of
 Lawyers arent taught to value research in law
 Lawyers want to be seen as experts who
have the answer
 A whole lot of waffling on the decision to
charge clients
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Trends in Cost Recovery 
The Value of Online
 What contributes to the devaluing of
 Law firms dont communicate openly with
clients about the value
 Clients have no trust in how the research is
being invoiced
 Clients wont pay for services they dont value
and invoices they dont trust
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Trends in Cost Recovery 
The Value of Online
Research How can lawyer behavior be changed?
 Discussions with leadership  team with
group leaders
 Creation of transparent pricing policies
 Individual discussions with lawyers
 Presentations at practice group and team
 Lawyers providing message to clients
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Trends in Cost Recovery 
The Value of Online
Research How can client behavior be changed?
 Partners having the value discussions with
their clients
 Engagement letters that include transparent
research pricing policies
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
 Face the responsibility w/o authority dilemma
 Budget your projected recovery against expense
to create the % of costs you hope to recover
 Depending on individual firm needs and vendor
bill groups, this budget may be split out by office,
practice group, etc.
 Set up accounts for each service where you plan
to recover costs
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Budget Example
GL for use in paying expense and another for
dispersing costs
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Budget Example
Percentage expected to recover
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
 Set up two accounts
 The two accounts should be related to be able to
report on the recovery against cost
 Work with your accounting department may
have alternative ways of setting this up
depending on software and firm processes,
policies, and procedures
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
 Work with Pro Bono to budget use of
research services
 Handled differently at each firm
 ProBono team may have their own budget
 Lexis vs. Westlaw
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
ERM Tools  The Players
 Lookup Precision (Advanced Productivity
Software - US) This is not a West product.
 OneLog (Info Technology Supply, LTD  UK)
 Research Monitor (Priory Solutions  UK)
 Cost Recovery Manager (LexisNexis  US)
 Research Agent (sold to nQueue and taken off
the market)
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
ERM Tools  Market
 Survey of NLJ 250 with 100 firms responding
regarding the use of cost recovery tools
 37 out of 100 firms have purchased the software
 51 out of 100 firms plan to purchase in the near future
 If other NLJ 250 firms follow suit, 88% of that
population of law firms will be using this type of
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
ERM Tools - Market
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
ERM Tools  The
Features and Functionality
 Site tracking
 Client/matter validation
 User id and password management
 Auto-population of user ids and passwords
 License management
 Usage reports
 Cost recovery reports
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
ERM Tools  Past Issues
 Difficult to set up
 Limited reporting
 Desktop plugins
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
ERM Tools  Use in Practice
Functionality Implemented
Cost Recovery Site Tracking Password
Access Control Other
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Disbursement Management 
Vendor Tools
 West Quickview +
 Lexis Power Invoice
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
 Westlaw Cost Recovery Solutions
 Lexis Power Invoice
 Library Relations Article
 LexisNexis Cost Recovery Manager
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Disbursement Management -
Vendor Tools
 Use of macros
 Uploading files to Accounting
 Cost recovery vendor solutions  e.g.,
Equitrac Online Services Module
 Providing backup
 Power Invoice  Enhanced report
 Quickview + - Target options
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Tracking Progress  Reports,
Reports and more Reports
 Internal library reports
 Maintain payment history in library system or
 Report on how payments were broken out
from month to month (e.g., out of contract vs.
in contract)
 Report predicted recovery based on billable
vs. non-billable in usage reports
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Tracking Progress  Reports,
Reports and more Reports
 Internal accounting reports
 Reports for each unit (office, group, etc) and resource
being tracked - monthly
 Clients who are not charged or where research has
been discounted - quarterly
 Write-offs and non-billable charges in spreadsheet
format with clients, lawyers and practice groups
included in report  quarterly
 Exceptions report - monthly
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Tracking Progress 
Reports and more Reports
 Vendor reports
 Quickview + and PowerInvoice reports
 Outside of contract details  monthly,
quarterly and annually  insist on spreadsheet
 Use to determine what resources to add to
 Do not add outside contract content that can be
passed on to client (e.g., briefs)
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Communicating Recovery to
Firm Leaders
 Dont be surprised
 Call leaders or accounting to discuss issues the
reports unearth
 Call group heads to discuss non-billables or
 Treat write-offs with care
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
 Cost recovery is here to stay for now
 If beliefs dont change, we will continue to
struggle in recovering costs
 If we do change beliefs, we will be
contributing to the firms bottom line
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Questions? Need Help?
Contact Us
 Nina Platt, Owner, Principal Consultant
 Carrie Long, Research Analyst
 Emily Harder, Office Manager
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI
Contact Us for More
 Nina Platt Consulting, Inc. (NPCI)
Call us: 612-235-7485
Visit us on the web: www.ninaplatt.com
Read our blogs:

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Cost Recovery : The Basics

  • 1. Cost Recovery: The Basics A NPCI Webinar February 12, 2009
  • 2. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Todays Speaker Nina Platt Principal Consultant Nina Platt Consulting, Inc.
  • 3. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Agenda Trends in Cost Recovery Budget Electronic Resource Management (ERM) Tools Disbursement Management Tracking Progress Communicating to Firm Leaders
  • 4. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Trends in Cost Recovery Movement towards not charging clients vs. Firm decision to continue charging
  • 5. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Current Trends in Cost Recovery AmLaw 2008 Survey Recovery of online research costs increasing
  • 6. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Current Trends in Cost Recovery AmLaw 2008 Survey 3% of firms do not recover online costs
  • 7. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Trends in Cost Recovery ABA Survey % of Lawyers Who Don't Know How Their Firm Recovers Online Research Expenses 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00% Solo 2-9 lawyers 10-49 lawyers 50-99 lawyers 100+ lawyers Size of firm 39.7% 35% 21.4% 5.2% 2.1%
  • 8. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Trends in Cost Recovery Expert Interviews No significant change in the near term Movement to not charge for online services over time (10-20 years)
  • 9. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Trends in Cost Recovery The Value of Online Research What contributes to the devaluing of information? Lawyers arent taught to value research in law school Lawyers want to be seen as experts who have the answer A whole lot of waffling on the decision to charge clients
  • 10. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Trends in Cost Recovery The Value of Online Research What contributes to the devaluing of information? Law firms dont communicate openly with clients about the value Clients have no trust in how the research is being invoiced Clients wont pay for services they dont value and invoices they dont trust
  • 11. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Trends in Cost Recovery The Value of Online Research How can lawyer behavior be changed? Discussions with leadership team with group leaders Creation of transparent pricing policies Individual discussions with lawyers Presentations at practice group and team meetings Lawyers providing message to clients
  • 12. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Trends in Cost Recovery The Value of Online Research How can client behavior be changed? Partners having the value discussions with their clients Engagement letters that include transparent research pricing policies
  • 13. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Budget Face the responsibility w/o authority dilemma Budget your projected recovery against expense to create the % of costs you hope to recover Depending on individual firm needs and vendor bill groups, this budget may be split out by office, practice group, etc. Set up accounts for each service where you plan to recover costs
  • 14. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Budget Example GL for use in paying expense and another for dispersing costs
  • 15. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Budget Example Percentage expected to recover
  • 16. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Budget Set up two accounts The two accounts should be related to be able to report on the recovery against cost Work with your accounting department may have alternative ways of setting this up depending on software and firm processes, policies, and procedures
  • 17. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Budget Work with Pro Bono to budget use of research services Handled differently at each firm ProBono team may have their own budget Lexis vs. Westlaw
  • 18. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar ERM Tools The Players Lookup Precision (Advanced Productivity Software - US) This is not a West product. OneLog (Info Technology Supply, LTD UK) Research Monitor (Priory Solutions UK) Cost Recovery Manager (LexisNexis US) Research Agent (sold to nQueue and taken off the market)
  • 19. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar ERM Tools Market Penetration Survey of NLJ 250 with 100 firms responding regarding the use of cost recovery tools 37 out of 100 firms have purchased the software 51 out of 100 firms plan to purchase in the near future If other NLJ 250 firms follow suit, 88% of that population of law firms will be using this type of software.
  • 20. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar ERM Tools - Market Distribution
  • 21. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar ERM Tools The Features and Functionality Site tracking Client/matter validation User id and password management Auto-population of user ids and passwords License management Reports Usage reports Cost recovery reports
  • 22. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar ERM Tools Past Issues Difficult to set up Limited reporting Desktop plugins
  • 23. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar ERM Tools Use in Practice Functionality Implemented 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Cost Recovery Site Tracking Password management License management Access Control Other NumberofFirms
  • 24. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Disbursement Management Vendor Tools West Quickview + Lexis Power Invoice PACER Dialog Others?
  • 25. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Resources Westlaw Cost Recovery Solutions Lexis Lexis Power Invoice Library Relations Article LexisNexis Cost Recovery Manager
  • 26. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Disbursement Management - Vendor Tools Use of macros Uploading files to Accounting Cost recovery vendor solutions e.g., Equitrac Online Services Module Providing backup Power Invoice Enhanced report Quickview + - Target options
  • 27. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Tracking Progress Reports, Reports and more Reports Internal library reports Maintain payment history in library system or spreadsheets Report on how payments were broken out from month to month (e.g., out of contract vs. in contract) Report predicted recovery based on billable vs. non-billable in usage reports
  • 28. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Tracking Progress Reports, Reports and more Reports Internal accounting reports Reports for each unit (office, group, etc) and resource being tracked - monthly Clients who are not charged or where research has been discounted - quarterly Write-offs and non-billable charges in spreadsheet format with clients, lawyers and practice groups included in report quarterly Exceptions report - monthly
  • 29. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Tracking Progress Reports, Reports and more Reports Vendor reports Quickview + and PowerInvoice reports Outside of contract details monthly, quarterly and annually insist on spreadsheet format Use to determine what resources to add to contract Do not add outside contract content that can be passed on to client (e.g., briefs)
  • 30. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Communicating Recovery to Firm Leaders Dont be surprised Call leaders or accounting to discuss issues the reports unearth Call group heads to discuss non-billables or exceptions Treat write-offs with care
  • 31. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Conclusion Cost recovery is here to stay for now If beliefs dont change, we will continue to struggle in recovering costs If we do change beliefs, we will be contributing to the firms bottom line
  • 32. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Questions? Need Help? Contact Us Nina Platt, Owner, Principal Consultant nplatt@ninaplatt.com Carrie Long, Research Analyst clong@ninaplatt.com Emily Harder, Office Manager eharder@ninaplatt.com
  • 33. Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Cost Recovery: The Basics, a NPCI webinar Contact Us for More Information Nina Platt Consulting, Inc. (NPCI) nplatt@ninaplatt.com Call us: 612-235-7485 Visit us on the web: www.ninaplatt.com Read our blogs: http://strategiclibrarian.com http://lawfirmintranet.com http://electronicresourcereview.wordpress.com