This short document appears to be about pictures of the famous shark Jaws from the 1975 film. It contains the words "Beautiful pictures off Jaws" and mentions someone named Roelof as well as including a website URL.
Epson International Pano Awards 2015: Winnersmaditabalnco
The document lists the winners of the 2015 Epson International Pano Awards. It lists the names of the winners, their country of origin, and the title of their winning panoramic photograph entry. Some winners are listed multiple times for different entries. The awards recognize open category winners in the nature/landscape category.
British Wildlife Photography Awards 2015: The Winnersmaditabalnco
The document summarizes the winners and highly commended entries in various categories of the British Wildlife Photography Awards 2015. The overall winner was Barrie Williams for a photo of northern gannets in Shetland Isles, Scotland. Other winning categories included photos of pheasants in Nottinghamshire, common lizards in Surrey, dew-covered flies in Peak District, and blue sharks in Cornwall. The winners showed the breadth of British wildlife across habitats from urban to coastal to woodland settings.
National Geographic Photographers: Paul Nicklenguimera
Emperor penguins have evolved speed and streamlined bodies to help them escape predators at the edge of ice holes in Antarctica. Their dense, overlapping feathers trap an insulating layer of air when diving and swimming, allowing them to propel quickly out of the water. Photographer Paul Nicklen observed emperor penguins gathering speed underwater before racing towards exit holes in the ice. Leopard seals are the main predators for penguins and other seals in Antarctica, hunting and sometimes playing with their prey. Nicklen witnessed both the grace and ferocity of leopard seals as they hunted penguins and other seals, prolonging their deaths at times. Over many expeditions to document Arctic and Antarctic wildlife, Nicklen gained unique insights into animals like
During the years of space research NASA came across a number of planets and moon that are suitable for the development of life as we know it. Here are some of them.
During the years of space research NASA came across a number of planets and moon that are suitable for the development of life as we know it. Here are some of them.