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COT 1- 21ST-ppt.pptx
COT 1- 21ST-ppt.pptx
COT 1- 21ST-ppt.pptx
COT 1- 21ST-ppt.pptx
COT 1- 21ST-ppt.pptx
COT 1- 21ST-ppt.pptx
COT 1- 21ST-ppt.pptx
COT 1- 21ST-ppt.pptx
COT 1- 21ST-ppt.pptx
of Difficult
COT 1- 21ST-ppt.pptx
How do you feel while singing the
Do you like it? Why?
What line strike you most?
What is the message of the song?
There are approaches in analyzing a written text:
1. Linguistic Approach
Reading the text on its own, regardless of the authors
biography and sociocultural context, may help you
understand the literary text through analyzing the words,
sentences, patterns, imagery, etc. of the text. Analyzing
the literary texts grammar, syntax, or phonemic pattern
may help you find the meaning of the text within its form
and help you interpret it by simply analyzing the content
of the literary work (Gioa & Kennedy, 2007).
Approaches in analyzing a written text:
2. Biographical Approach
Understanding the authors life can help you
understand his or her work thoroughly. This is an
approach to reading literature that draws on extra-
textual knowledge of the authors life as a means of
better understanding a text. Reading the authors
biography or autobiography helps you see how much
his experiences shape his or her work directly and
Socio-cultural Approach
Reading using the sociocultural context helps
you understand the social, economic, political,
and cultural forces affecting the work that you
are reading. Analyzing the sociocultural context
of the text makes you examine the role of the
audience (readers) in shaping literature.
Approaches in analyzing a written text:
There are approaches in analyzing a written text:
1. Linguistic Approach
Reading the text on its own, regardless of the authors
biography and sociocultural context, may help you
understand the literary text through analyzing the words,
sentences, patterns, imagery, etc. of the text. Analyzing
the literary texts grammar, syntax, or phonemic pattern
may help you find the meaning of the text within its form
and help you interpret it by simply analyzing the content
of the literary work (Gioa & Kennedy, 2007).
The following are some strategies you may use
to read a text through the LINGUISTIC
Analyze the diction or choice of words in the
Examine the texts syntax or use of
sentences, clauses, phrases, line cuts, etc.
Observe the use of figurative language.
Analyze the mood and tone of the text.
Observe the texts overall structure.
Analyze the content of the text.
COT 1- 21ST-ppt.pptx
 Context - the circumstances that surround a given text and help to
specify its meaning.
 Symbolism- is the use of words or images to symbolize specific
concepts, people, objects, or events.
 Allusions- is a figure of speech that references a famous person, place,
event, or literary work.
 Diction- is the careful selection of words to communicate a message
or establish a particular voice or writing style.
 Syntax- (SIN-tacks), from the ancient Greek for arrangement, refers
to the way a writer or speaker chooses to order their words. Its an
aspect of grammar, a general term for all the rules and best practices
for effective writing. It is a statement or phrase not intended to be
understood literally.
 metaphors- is a comparison between two things that are
otherwise unrelated. With it, the qualities of one thing are
figuratively carried over to another.
 Tone- in literature refers to the author's attitude toward a
certain topic. Through specific word choice, the author reveals
their feelings and opinions to the reader, conveying the
author's intentions behind the text.
 Themes-message of the story
Imagery is language used by poets, novelists and other writers
to create images in the mind of the reader. Imagery
includes figurative and metaphorical language to improve the
readers experience through their senses.
Tasks. In 10 mins, analyze the
song through:
Group 1  Drawing
Group 2 - Tableau
Group 3 - Collage
Group 4  Poem
Rubrics for drawing.
COT 1- 21ST-ppt.pptx
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Creativity All of the graphics or objects used
in the collage reflect a degree of
student creativity in their display.
Most of the graphics or objects used
in the collage reflect student
creativity in their display.
Only a few graphics or objects
reflect student creativity, but
the ideas were typical rather
than creative.
None of the graphics or objects
reflects student creativity.
Design Graphics are cut to an appropriate
size, shape and are arranged
neatly. Care has been taken to
balance the pictures across the
area. Items are glued neatly and
1-2 graphics are lacking in design or
placement. There may be a few
smudges or glue marks.
3-4 graphics are lacking in
design or placement. Too much
background is showing. There
are noticeable smudges or glue
Graphics are not an appropriate
size shape. Glue marks evident.
Most of the background is
showing. It appears little
attention was given to
designing the collage.
Time and Effort Much time and effort went into
the planning and design of the
collage. It is clear the student used
class time efficiently.
Class time was used wisely. Student
could have put in more time and
Class time was not always used
Class time was not used wisely
and the student put in no
additional effort.
Attention to
The student gives a reasonable
explanation of how every item in
the collage is related to the
assigned theme. For most items,
the relationship is clear without
The student gives a reasonable
explanation of how most items in the
collage are related to the assigned
theme. For many of the items, the
relationship is clear without
The student gives a fairly
reasonable explanation of how
most items in the collage are
related to the assigned theme.
The student's explanations are
weak and illustrate difficulty
understanding how to relate
items to the assigned theme.
Presentation The student speaks clearly, with
confidence and poise. Completely
conveys message of collage as it
relates to personal style choices.
The student speaks clearly, with
confidence and poise. Reasonably
conveys message of collage as it
relates to personal style choices.
The student somewhat speaks
clearly, with confidence and
poise. Somewhat conveys
message of collage as it relates
to personal style choices
The student does not speak
clearly, without confidence and
poise. Does not convey
message of collage as it relates
to personal style choices
Collage Rubric
COT 1- 21ST-ppt.pptx
Answer the following questions to make a Literary
Analysis using Linquistic approach.
Go back to the song, Forevermore of Side A and try to
answer the following. Make your output in paragraph
form. Make 2 to 3 paragraphs using those guide questions
1.What are the striking words used in the song?
2.How many meaningful statements are used in the song?
3.What imagery was used in the song?
4.What is the tone of the song?
5.What is the message of the song?
Excellent (5pts) Good (4pts) Satisfactory (3pts) Needs
Improvement (1-
Analysis and
Good selection of
material for analysis and
appropriate methods of
Generally good selection of
material for analysis and
exemplification, methods of
analysis limited.
Not fully adequate selection
of material for analysis and
exemplification, methods of
analysis inadequate or
Poor selection of material for
analysis and exemplification,
methods of analysis
Style and language Appropriate to the
content; good use of
discipline specific
terminology and
academic English.
Generally appropriate to content,
terminology occasionally
substituted by general
expressions, academic English
occasionally inconsistent.
Simple way of explanation
with some non-fluency
Inadequate style; rare or
incorrect use of terminology;
Organization and
Ideas are well presented.
Answers are well given.
Ideas are presented and answers
are given generally.
Not fully adequate and
There is a little organization
and appropriateness.
Grammar 100% grammar is
80-90% grammar is observed. 60-79% grammar is
Below 50% grammar is
Literary analysis using Linguistic Approach Rubrics (Evaluation)
V. Assignment . Make a short video on the
following accordingly. Shoot only here in
1. Group 1  music video of stanza 1 and chorus.
2. Group 2  music video of stanza 2 and chorus.
3. Group 3  music video of bridge and chorus
4. Group 4  music video of chorus 2x
Rubrics in video presentation
Excellent (5pts) Good (4pts) Satisfactory (3pts) Needs Improvement (1-
Concept The video clearly
demonstrates a key
The video demonstrates
key concepts.
The video
demonstrates a
previous concept.
The video does not
demonstrate a clear
Interpretation The Interpretation of
the song in the video is
very well organized and
well presented
The Interpretation of
the song in the video is
adequately organized
and somewhat good
The Interpretation of
the song in the video is
50% achieved.
The Interpretation of the
song in the video is not
Participate All members
demonstrate an active
role in the process.
The majority of the
members demonstrate
an active role.
Half of the group did
most of the work.
Only one person
demonstrated an active
Final Product Final product looks
professional and the
concepts were visibly
Final product looks
decent and the
concepts were
Final product l
required more
revisions and the
concepts were not
clearly demonstrated.
Final product looks
unrefined and the concepts
were not demonstrated.

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COT 1- 21ST-ppt.pptx

  • 12. Questions: How do you feel while singing the song? Do you like it? Why? What line strike you most? What is the message of the song?
  • 13. There are approaches in analyzing a written text: 1. Linguistic Approach Reading the text on its own, regardless of the authors biography and sociocultural context, may help you understand the literary text through analyzing the words, sentences, patterns, imagery, etc. of the text. Analyzing the literary texts grammar, syntax, or phonemic pattern may help you find the meaning of the text within its form and help you interpret it by simply analyzing the content of the literary work (Gioa & Kennedy, 2007).
  • 14. Approaches in analyzing a written text: 2. Biographical Approach Understanding the authors life can help you understand his or her work thoroughly. This is an approach to reading literature that draws on extra- textual knowledge of the authors life as a means of better understanding a text. Reading the authors biography or autobiography helps you see how much his experiences shape his or her work directly and indirectly.
  • 15. Socio-cultural Approach Reading using the sociocultural context helps you understand the social, economic, political, and cultural forces affecting the work that you are reading. Analyzing the sociocultural context of the text makes you examine the role of the audience (readers) in shaping literature. Approaches in analyzing a written text:
  • 16. There are approaches in analyzing a written text: 1. Linguistic Approach Reading the text on its own, regardless of the authors biography and sociocultural context, may help you understand the literary text through analyzing the words, sentences, patterns, imagery, etc. of the text. Analyzing the literary texts grammar, syntax, or phonemic pattern may help you find the meaning of the text within its form and help you interpret it by simply analyzing the content of the literary work (Gioa & Kennedy, 2007).
  • 17. The following are some strategies you may use to read a text through the LINGUISTIC context: Analyze the diction or choice of words in the text. Examine the texts syntax or use of sentences, clauses, phrases, line cuts, etc. Observe the use of figurative language. Analyze the mood and tone of the text. Observe the texts overall structure. Analyze the content of the text.
  • 19. Context - the circumstances that surround a given text and help to specify its meaning. Symbolism- is the use of words or images to symbolize specific concepts, people, objects, or events. Allusions- is a figure of speech that references a famous person, place, event, or literary work. Diction- is the careful selection of words to communicate a message or establish a particular voice or writing style. Syntax- (SIN-tacks), from the ancient Greek for arrangement, refers to the way a writer or speaker chooses to order their words. Its an aspect of grammar, a general term for all the rules and best practices for effective writing. It is a statement or phrase not intended to be understood literally.
  • 20. metaphors- is a comparison between two things that are otherwise unrelated. With it, the qualities of one thing are figuratively carried over to another. Tone- in literature refers to the author's attitude toward a certain topic. Through specific word choice, the author reveals their feelings and opinions to the reader, conveying the author's intentions behind the text. Themes-message of the story Imagery is language used by poets, novelists and other writers to create images in the mind of the reader. Imagery includes figurative and metaphorical language to improve the readers experience through their senses.
  • 21. Tasks. In 10 mins, analyze the song through: Group 1 Drawing Group 2 - Tableau Group 3 - Collage Group 4 Poem
  • 24. CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Creativity All of the graphics or objects used in the collage reflect a degree of student creativity in their display. Most of the graphics or objects used in the collage reflect student creativity in their display. Only a few graphics or objects reflect student creativity, but the ideas were typical rather than creative. None of the graphics or objects reflects student creativity. Design Graphics are cut to an appropriate size, shape and are arranged neatly. Care has been taken to balance the pictures across the area. Items are glued neatly and securely. 1-2 graphics are lacking in design or placement. There may be a few smudges or glue marks. 3-4 graphics are lacking in design or placement. Too much background is showing. There are noticeable smudges or glue marks. Graphics are not an appropriate size shape. Glue marks evident. Most of the background is showing. It appears little attention was given to designing the collage. Time and Effort Much time and effort went into the planning and design of the collage. It is clear the student used class time efficiently. Class time was used wisely. Student could have put in more time and effort. Class time was not always used wisely. Class time was not used wisely and the student put in no additional effort. Attention to Theme The student gives a reasonable explanation of how every item in the collage is related to the assigned theme. For most items, the relationship is clear without explanation. The student gives a reasonable explanation of how most items in the collage are related to the assigned theme. For many of the items, the relationship is clear without explanation. The student gives a fairly reasonable explanation of how most items in the collage are related to the assigned theme. The student's explanations are weak and illustrate difficulty understanding how to relate items to the assigned theme. Presentation The student speaks clearly, with confidence and poise. Completely conveys message of collage as it relates to personal style choices. The student speaks clearly, with confidence and poise. Reasonably conveys message of collage as it relates to personal style choices. The student somewhat speaks clearly, with confidence and poise. Somewhat conveys message of collage as it relates to personal style choices The student does not speak clearly, without confidence and poise. Does not convey message of collage as it relates to personal style choices Collage Rubric
  • 26. Answer the following questions to make a Literary Analysis using Linquistic approach. Go back to the song, Forevermore of Side A and try to answer the following. Make your output in paragraph form. Make 2 to 3 paragraphs using those guide questions below. 1.What are the striking words used in the song? 2.How many meaningful statements are used in the song? 3.What imagery was used in the song? 4.What is the tone of the song? 5.What is the message of the song?
  • 27. Excellent (5pts) Good (4pts) Satisfactory (3pts) Needs Improvement (1- 2pts) Analysis and interpretation Good selection of material for analysis and exemplification, appropriate methods of analysis. Generally good selection of material for analysis and exemplification, methods of analysis limited. Not fully adequate selection of material for analysis and exemplification, methods of analysis inadequate or limited. Poor selection of material for analysis and exemplification, methods of analysis inadequate. Style and language Appropriate to the content; good use of discipline specific terminology and academic English. Generally appropriate to content, terminology occasionally substituted by general expressions, academic English occasionally inconsistent. Simple way of explanation with some non-fluency features; Inadequate style; rare or incorrect use of terminology; Organization and appropriateness Ideas are well presented. Answers are well given. Ideas are presented and answers are given generally. Not fully adequate and appropriate. There is a little organization and appropriateness. Grammar 100% grammar is observed 80-90% grammar is observed. 60-79% grammar is observed. Below 50% grammar is observed. Literary analysis using Linguistic Approach Rubrics (Evaluation)
  • 28. V. Assignment . Make a short video on the following accordingly. Shoot only here in school 1. Group 1 music video of stanza 1 and chorus. 2. Group 2 music video of stanza 2 and chorus. 3. Group 3 music video of bridge and chorus 4. Group 4 music video of chorus 2x
  • 29. Rubrics in video presentation Excellent (5pts) Good (4pts) Satisfactory (3pts) Needs Improvement (1- 2pts) Concept The video clearly demonstrates a key concept. The video demonstrates key concepts. The video demonstrates a previous concept. The video does not demonstrate a clear concept. Interpretation The Interpretation of the song in the video is very well organized and well presented The Interpretation of the song in the video is adequately organized and somewhat good The Interpretation of the song in the video is 50% achieved. The Interpretation of the song in the video is not achieved. Participate All members demonstrate an active role in the process. The majority of the members demonstrate an active role. Half of the group did most of the work. Only one person demonstrated an active role. Final Product Final product looks professional and the concepts were visibly demonstrated. Final product looks decent and the concepts were somewhat demonstrated. Final product l required more revisions and the concepts were not clearly demonstrated. Final product looks unrefined and the concepts were not demonstrated.