This is a developing story so details are still emerging. A story is unfolding on the website and more information on their blog will be provided soon. Further coverage of this ongoing situation will continue.
El documento habla sobre las actividades escolares. Recomienda prestar atenci¨®n al profesor y completar las tareas asignadas en clase. Durante el recreo, sugiere comer primero y luego jugar con amigas. Al regresar al sal¨®n, aconseja lavarse las manos antes de continuar trabajando.
This document summarizes an online platform called "SecondShares" that aims to attract capital for growing innovative companies in Russia. It provides investors' databases on the Russian innovation sector and small/medium businesses. The platform facilitates access to capital for promising companies through integration with the RTS-MICEX stock exchange. It also offers analytics, market analysis, and training to connect investors like private individuals, state institutions, and companies with innovative startups and small businesses seeking funding. The goal is for this platform to become a key infrastructure element for the Russian development ecosystem and capital markets.
Este documento presenta un cuadro con los nombres de 45 estudiantes de 5¡ã grado de la Escuela Dr. J. Enrique Villa R. El cuadro incluye columnas para evaluar el desempe?o de los estudiantes en trabajo de grupo, trabajo en equipo, trabajo individual, conducta y promedio.
This study investigated the effects of eating rate on binge size in patients with bulimia nervosa (BN) and control subjects. In a controlled experiment, all subjects consumed an unlimited calorie shake at either a slow (70g/min) or fast (140g/min) rate. While controls ate significantly more during the fast rate, eating rate did not affect intake in BN patients. The results suggest that BN patients lack the normal physiological mechanisms that modulate meal size based on eating rate. Determining whether this differs for normal eating or in obese individuals requires further research.
Este documento presenta un caso de estudio sobre una ferreter¨ªa que ilustra la aplicaci¨®n de un modelo de entidad-relaci¨®n para el desarrollo de aplicaciones administrativas empresariales. El modelo incluye entidades como mercanc¨ªas, oferentes-informantes, proveedores, intermediarios, clientes y creadores, as¨ª como las relaciones entre ellos. El documento fue elaborado por Leidy Viviana Delgado Hern¨¢ndez como parte de una actividad sobre dise?o de modelos de entidad-relaci¨®n para empresas.
Cultural Creatives; de nieuwe generatieguest248e35d
Er is iets gaande op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt. Mensen met andere waardepatronen en levensstijlen melden zich. Zij presenteren een eigen visie op de verhouding werk-priv¨¦ en op onderwerpen als creativiteit, zelfstandigheid, competitie en verantwoordelijkheid. Ze worden ¡®cultural creatives¡¯ genoemd of ¡®de nieuwe generatie¡¯. Een heterogene maar belangrijke groep met veel invloed op de Nederlandse arbeidsverhoudingen. Een groep waar u in uw organisatie wellicht al mee te maken heeft of binnenkort mee te maken krijgt.
Speciaal voor u: manager, teamleider, personeelsfunctionaris of HR-deskundige organiseert Twelve training BV een vierluik over deze nieuwe generatie werknemers.
La carta confirma el recibo de una queja de Tejidos Sweet sobre piezas defectuosas entregadas seg¨²n un pedido. Indica que el representante de la empresa, el Sr. Fern¨¢ndez, visitar¨¢ a Tejidos Sweet el 12 de agosto para verificar los defectos y, de ser necesario, reemplazar las piezas o m¨¢quinas afectadas por otras en buen estado. Se disculpa por los inconvenientes causados y espera continuar con su confianza.
Este documento describe etiquetas HTML para estilos de fuente y texto. Explica que la etiqueta <basefont> establece el color, tama?o y fuente predeterminados, pero que esta configuraci¨®n puede ser reemplazada por una etiqueta <font> posterior. Tambi¨¦n cubre etiquetas como <b> y <i> que permiten resaltar texto aplicando estilos como negrita o cursiva.
This document lists various types of swimwear and accessories with reference numbers, including whale tail, turtle, seahorse, duck foot, manta ray, small snorkel, dolphin tail, star, scraper, flip flop, pop, and tropical fish swimwear.
Este documento presenta tres m¨¦todos para calcular la depreciaci¨®n de un activo fijo en Excel: depreciaci¨®n lineal, depreciaci¨®n por suma de d¨ªgitos y depreciaci¨®n por doble disminuci¨®n de saldos. Explica c¨®mo ingresar los valores original, residual y vida ¨²til del activo, y c¨®mo aplicar las f¨®rmulas SLN, SYD y DDB para calcular la depreciaci¨®n anual, acumulada y el saldo en libros para diferentes per¨ªodos.
This single sentence document provides a watermarked message encouraging purchase of a product from a website to remove the watermark. It references a product called A-PDFMergerDEMO and prompts purchase from to eliminate the watermark.
Este documento clasifica los instrumentos musicales en tres categor¨ªas: instrumentos de cuerdas, instrumentos de viento e instrumentos de percusi¨®n. Proporciona una breve descripci¨®n de cada categor¨ªa y sugiere actividades relacionadas con los diferentes tipos de instrumentos.
Se invita a una fiesta de disfraces de Halloween organizada por la empresa STAR SPORT el 31 de octubre a las 12:30 am cerca al parque de las coronitas de las hormigas, con eventos, concursos, bailes y premios. Se ruega confirmar asistencia contactando a Cristian Camacho al 3152345049.
Julie Zamostny introduces a new "viewsletter" format for the learning newsletter. She apologizes for slacking on the monthly newsletter previously. The viewsletter provides training opportunities and resources for libraries in February and March 2012, including webinars, conferences, and in-person workshops. It also highlights new staff and programs at various libraries in the region. The viewsletter aims to better share learning news and creative opportunities across libraries in Allegany, Garrett, and Washington counties.
This document lists the top 3 salespeople in terms of gross sales for an outsourcing company. Ana Cl¨¢udia Picar¨® Jones had the highest gross sales of 581 gigas in first place. Paulo Alexandre Francisco came in second with gross sales of 445 gigas. David C¨¦sar Gouveia Ramos placed third with gross sales of 442 gigas.
O documento descreve a hist¨®ria do papel e do pergaminho, desde as primeiras produ??es na China at¨¦ os dias atuais. Explica que o papel foi desenvolvido inicialmente na China e levado para a Europa pelos ¨¢rabes no s¨¦culo VIII, sendo produzido em larga escala a partir do s¨¦culo XIV. Tamb¨¦m aborda as diferentes mat¨¦rias-primas utilizadas ao longo do tempo, como trapos, fibras vegetais e madeira, e os processos de fabrica??o.
The document promotes an escape game called "The Ultimate Live Escape Game" located on the Gold Coast of Australia. Players work together to solve puzzles and clues to escape from the room within a set time limit. It is described as an immersive, live action experience.
The document presents the design of a new passenger aircraft called The Owl that aims to improve public perception of aircraft by reducing noise levels and focusing on sustainability. The key aspects of the design include a geared turbofan engine for noise reduction, raked wingtips for improved aerodynamics, a V-tail design for distinguishability, and composite materials for strength and weight savings. The design aims to carry 174 passengers over 7000 km with a noise level that is 15 dB lower than current aircraft.
This document provides background information on GameMaker Studio and discusses the process for publishing a GameMaker game to the Windows Store. It begins with an overview of GameMaker's history and capabilities. It then describes exporting a GameMaker game to Windows 8, setting up a developer account, associating the app, creating app packages, and submitting the app to the Windows Store. Key steps include setting package settings in GameMaker, using the App Certification Kit to validate, and addressing common errors in the validation and submission process.
Este documento describe etiquetas HTML para estilos de fuente y texto. Explica que la etiqueta <basefont> establece el color, tama?o y fuente predeterminados, pero que esta configuraci¨®n puede ser reemplazada por una etiqueta <font> posterior. Tambi¨¦n cubre etiquetas como <b> y <i> que permiten resaltar texto aplicando estilos como negrita o cursiva.
This document lists various types of swimwear and accessories with reference numbers, including whale tail, turtle, seahorse, duck foot, manta ray, small snorkel, dolphin tail, star, scraper, flip flop, pop, and tropical fish swimwear.
Este documento presenta tres m¨¦todos para calcular la depreciaci¨®n de un activo fijo en Excel: depreciaci¨®n lineal, depreciaci¨®n por suma de d¨ªgitos y depreciaci¨®n por doble disminuci¨®n de saldos. Explica c¨®mo ingresar los valores original, residual y vida ¨²til del activo, y c¨®mo aplicar las f¨®rmulas SLN, SYD y DDB para calcular la depreciaci¨®n anual, acumulada y el saldo en libros para diferentes per¨ªodos.
This single sentence document provides a watermarked message encouraging purchase of a product from a website to remove the watermark. It references a product called A-PDFMergerDEMO and prompts purchase from to eliminate the watermark.
Este documento clasifica los instrumentos musicales en tres categor¨ªas: instrumentos de cuerdas, instrumentos de viento e instrumentos de percusi¨®n. Proporciona una breve descripci¨®n de cada categor¨ªa y sugiere actividades relacionadas con los diferentes tipos de instrumentos.
Se invita a una fiesta de disfraces de Halloween organizada por la empresa STAR SPORT el 31 de octubre a las 12:30 am cerca al parque de las coronitas de las hormigas, con eventos, concursos, bailes y premios. Se ruega confirmar asistencia contactando a Cristian Camacho al 3152345049.
Julie Zamostny introduces a new "viewsletter" format for the learning newsletter. She apologizes for slacking on the monthly newsletter previously. The viewsletter provides training opportunities and resources for libraries in February and March 2012, including webinars, conferences, and in-person workshops. It also highlights new staff and programs at various libraries in the region. The viewsletter aims to better share learning news and creative opportunities across libraries in Allegany, Garrett, and Washington counties.
This document lists the top 3 salespeople in terms of gross sales for an outsourcing company. Ana Cl¨¢udia Picar¨® Jones had the highest gross sales of 581 gigas in first place. Paulo Alexandre Francisco came in second with gross sales of 445 gigas. David C¨¦sar Gouveia Ramos placed third with gross sales of 442 gigas.
O documento descreve a hist¨®ria do papel e do pergaminho, desde as primeiras produ??es na China at¨¦ os dias atuais. Explica que o papel foi desenvolvido inicialmente na China e levado para a Europa pelos ¨¢rabes no s¨¦culo VIII, sendo produzido em larga escala a partir do s¨¦culo XIV. Tamb¨¦m aborda as diferentes mat¨¦rias-primas utilizadas ao longo do tempo, como trapos, fibras vegetais e madeira, e os processos de fabrica??o.
The document promotes an escape game called "The Ultimate Live Escape Game" located on the Gold Coast of Australia. Players work together to solve puzzles and clues to escape from the room within a set time limit. It is described as an immersive, live action experience.
The document presents the design of a new passenger aircraft called The Owl that aims to improve public perception of aircraft by reducing noise levels and focusing on sustainability. The key aspects of the design include a geared turbofan engine for noise reduction, raked wingtips for improved aerodynamics, a V-tail design for distinguishability, and composite materials for strength and weight savings. The design aims to carry 174 passengers over 7000 km with a noise level that is 15 dB lower than current aircraft.
This document provides background information on GameMaker Studio and discusses the process for publishing a GameMaker game to the Windows Store. It begins with an overview of GameMaker's history and capabilities. It then describes exporting a GameMaker game to Windows 8, setting up a developer account, associating the app, creating app packages, and submitting the app to the Windows Store. Key steps include setting package settings in GameMaker, using the App Certification Kit to validate, and addressing common errors in the validation and submission process.