This document discusses the differences between countable and uncountable nouns in English. It notes that countable nouns can be counted and can be singular or plural, while uncountable nouns cannot be counted and are only used in the singular form. It provides examples for how to use articles, verbs, quantifiers, and pluralization differently with countable versus uncountable nouns. It also notes some nouns can be either countable or uncountable depending on whether they refer to individual items or mass quantities.
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Countable and uncountable nouns
Yunita Permanasari 1511100010
Lintang Gita Diasti 1511100024
Athiya Az. 1511100066
3. Countable nouns are easy to recognize.
They are things that we can count.
Countable can be divided into two
types of noun there are singular and
For example: "pen". We can count
pens. We can have one, two, three or
more pens.
4. 1. can be changed to plural form
There is a pen in the table
There are two pens in the table (plural)
5. Example:
There is a man in that room
I bought an umbrella last week
Theson of my teacher is lawyer
6. 3. We can use many, several and some
with plural countable nouns
We can use some and any with
countable and uncountable nouns
She doesnt have many cars
I've got some dollars
7. 4. If a countable noun is singular, the
verb must be followed by
s/es, is, was(tobe)
My teacher stands near the door
8. 5. If a countable noun is plural, the verb is
unfollowed by s/es but the verb should
be followed are or were
Our books are on the table
10. Uncountable nouns can only be used in
singular. These nouns cannot be used
with a number. they can't be counted.
For example, we cannot count "milk".
We can count "bottles of milk" or "litres
of milk", but we cannot count "milk"
11. 1. We usually treat uncountable nouns as
This news is very important
12. 2. We do not use the indefinite article
a/an with uncountable nouns
We cannot say "an information" or "a
music". But we can say a something of
A piece of news
13. 3. We can use some and any with
uncountable nouns
She want some water
She need some money
Anyone can do it
She has not any money
14. 4. Sometimes, the same noun can
be countable and
uncountable, often with a change of
some supposedly uncountable
nouns can behave like countable
noun if we think of them as being in
containers, or one of several types.
This is because containers and
types can be counted.
15. Example:
There are two hairs in my coffee
(countable noun)
I don't have much hair
Doctors recommend limiting
consumption of two coffees a day
(countable noun)
16. 5. We can use much, a lot of, a great deal
of or plenty of with uncountable noun.
Example :
have you much money ?
There is a lot of water in this glass.