La teor鱈a de Lev Vygotsky propone que el desarrollo cognitivo de un ni単o depende de su interacci坦n con los dem叩s y su entorno cultural. Vygotsky cre鱈a que el desarrollo de las competencias de un ni単o ocurre primero a nivel social a trav辿s de la interacci坦n con los dem叩s, y luego se internaliza para formar funciones mentales superiores como la atenci坦n voluntaria y la memoria l坦gica. Este documento presenta un mapa conceptual de las distintas competencias seg炭n la teor鱈a de desarrollo sociocultural
Las nuevas tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n procesan, almacenan y presentan informaci坦n de varias formas. Surgen con la invenci坦n del tel辿grafo y tel辿fono, y su desarrollo incluye el transistor, cables transatl叩nticos, centrales telef坦nicas electr坦nicas y la divisi坦n de AT&T. Actualmente se usa tecnolog鱈a digital para transmitir datos binarios de forma estable.
I Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Bibliotecas Itinerantes, Guarda, 24 Outubro 2014Jo達o Henriques
O documento descreve o estudo de caso de uma biblioteca itinerante em Portugal e o desenvolvimento de um diret坦rio online sobre bibliotecas itinerantes portuguesas. O estudo de caso analisou os perfis e opini探es dos usu叩rios da biblioteca itinerante em Proen巽a-a-Nova. O diret坦rio, chamado "A Nave Voadora", foi criado para mapear e promover o debate sobre bibliotecas itinerantes no pa鱈s.
El documento presenta las misiones y visiones de PDVSA, la empresa estatal petrolera de Venezuela, y de Empresas Polar, una corporaci坦n industrial venezolana l鱈der en alimentos y bebidas. La misi坦n de PDVSA es fortalecer la identidad venezolana mediante la protecci坦n y promoci坦n de los valores y manifestaciones culturales. Su visi坦n es ser reconocida por desarrollar proyectos socioculturales que promuevan el acceso a la cultura. La misi坦n de Empresas Polar es satisfacer las necesidades de sus grupos de inter辿s a trav辿s de
La teor鱈a de Lev Vygotsky propone que el desarrollo cognitivo de un ni単o depende de su interacci坦n con los dem叩s y su entorno cultural. Vygotsky cre鱈a que el desarrollo de las competencias de un ni単o ocurre primero a nivel social a trav辿s de la interacci坦n con los dem叩s, y luego se internaliza para formar funciones mentales superiores como la atenci坦n voluntaria y la memoria l坦gica. Este documento presenta un mapa conceptual de las distintas competencias seg炭n la teor鱈a de desarrollo sociocultural
Las nuevas tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n procesan, almacenan y presentan informaci坦n de varias formas. Surgen con la invenci坦n del tel辿grafo y tel辿fono, y su desarrollo incluye el transistor, cables transatl叩nticos, centrales telef坦nicas electr坦nicas y la divisi坦n de AT&T. Actualmente se usa tecnolog鱈a digital para transmitir datos binarios de forma estable.
I Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Bibliotecas Itinerantes, Guarda, 24 Outubro 2014Jo達o Henriques
O documento descreve o estudo de caso de uma biblioteca itinerante em Portugal e o desenvolvimento de um diret坦rio online sobre bibliotecas itinerantes portuguesas. O estudo de caso analisou os perfis e opini探es dos usu叩rios da biblioteca itinerante em Proen巽a-a-Nova. O diret坦rio, chamado "A Nave Voadora", foi criado para mapear e promover o debate sobre bibliotecas itinerantes no pa鱈s.
El documento presenta las misiones y visiones de PDVSA, la empresa estatal petrolera de Venezuela, y de Empresas Polar, una corporaci坦n industrial venezolana l鱈der en alimentos y bebidas. La misi坦n de PDVSA es fortalecer la identidad venezolana mediante la protecci坦n y promoci坦n de los valores y manifestaciones culturales. Su visi坦n es ser reconocida por desarrollar proyectos socioculturales que promuevan el acceso a la cultura. La misi坦n de Empresas Polar es satisfacer las necesidades de sus grupos de inter辿s a trav辿s de
O documento 辿 uma f叩bula cl叩ssica de Monteiro Lobato que narra o encontro entre um lobo faminto e um cordeirinho bebendo 叩gua. Apesar das respostas v叩lidas e fundamentadas do cordeirinho s acusa巽探es infundadas do lobo, este acaba matando o cordeirinho, sugerindo que a for巽a pode se sobrepor raz達o.
Este documento descreve a parametriza巽達o do rel辿 digital SEL-751A da empresa SEL. O rel辿 fornece fun巽探es de prote巽達o, medi巽達o, monitoramento e comunica巽達o para prote巽達o de alimentadores. O documento explica como configurar as prote巽探es, medi巽探es, l坦gicas e registros de eventos do rel辿 utilizando o software AcSELerator.
The document is a magazine from the Erasmus+ project "YES - Young European Scribes" that features articles written by students from schools in several European countries. The magazine includes articles about culture and traditions in Italy, Romania, and Poland; a day in the life of students at schools in Italy, Romania, and Spain; and descriptions of extracurricular activities and traditional games from Italy.
Jon Porter is seeking a position that utilizes his creativity, communication skills, leadership experience, teaching background, and ability to build relationships. He has a Bachelor's degree in Education from Ball State University and a Master of Divinity in progress from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. His experience includes 15 years as Senior Pastor overseeing growth of two churches and development of community outreach programs, as well as teaching music to K-12 students and overseeing choir programs.
This document summarizes the results of a triathlon relay race that took place on April 16, 2018 in Tautira. It lists the 19 teams that participated, broken down by the individual times and placements of each team's first, second, and third relay runners in the swimming, cycling, and running portions of the race. The top finishing team was made up of Pierre/Thomas/Teva, who completed the full relay course in a time of 1:33:39.
This document contains the results of a triathlon competition including 68 participants' rankings, names, genders, clubs, and times. It lists each participant's place, identification number, last name, first name, gender, category, club, and time. The participants' times range from 00:33:18 to 01:06:38. Several did not provide a time and are marked as NP (non-participant). The document provides a breakdown of the triathlon participants by gender, category, club, and finishing times.
This document appears to be results from an aquathlon competition with multiple age categories. It includes the rankings of participants in each category by time, including their individual times for the swim and run portions. The fastest times and rankings are listed at the top with slower times further down.
This document appears to be results from a youth running competition with 21 individual entries listed. It includes information about each entrant's place, name, gender, age category, whether they are licensed, their license number, sponsoring club, and finishing time. The times range from 6 minutes 50 seconds to 10 minutes 41 seconds. The competition involves both boys and girls in the 6-9 year old category.
The document appears to be results from an individual youth competition for ages 10-11. It lists 18 competitors by place, name, gender, license information, club, and time. The winner was Axel Pham with a time of 10'20. Competitors came from clubs including FEI PI, PUNARUU TRI, and KONA TRI. Ages ranged from Pupille to Benjamin(e) and license numbers were provided for most participants.
The document appears to be results from a triathlon competition listing 45 participants by place, name, club, and time for different stages of the race including the swim, bike, multiple runs, and total time. It includes categories for men, women, veterans, and teams with times shown in hours, minutes, and seconds.
The document appears to be results from a triathlon containing information about 33 participants such as their name, gender, club, and times for swimming, biking, running and total intermediate times. It lists each participant's place, name, gender, club, and times for swimming, transition 1, biking, transition 2, running, and transition 3.
The document appears to be results from a triathlon competition containing 50 entries. It includes information on each competitor's name, bib number, swim time, bike time, total time, run time, and total race time. It also lists their club affiliation and category. The results seem to cover a range of categories including senior, veteran, cadet, and different gender categories.
This document contains the results of a triathlon competition including swimming, cycling, and running times and totals. It lists 81 competitors by bib number, name, swimming time, cycling time, total time, club, and category. The fastest overall time was 00:36:21 by Matthieu Morel of CNP Minime 2.
Fei pi classement (avenir 10-11) 16.10.16Laurent BUVRY
This document appears to be a list or results from a race or competition. It includes 8 entries with details like sex, category, place, bib number, name, time, and club for each entry. The names seem to be of athletes and the details relate to their performance in the event.
The document appears to list the results of a triathlon competition including 16 participants. It includes each participant's bib number, name, times for the swim, bike, total time, and their club and gender. The times range from 00:04:55 to 00:51:20 for the total race time. The participants competed in categories including Minime, Cadet, Benjamin(e), Senior for both males and females.
This document appears to list the results of a triathlon competition with 30 participants. It includes each participant's bib number, name, gender, club, and times for the swim, bike, run and total elapsed time. The times range from 01:05:12 to 01:46:42 for the total elapsed time. A variety of clubs are listed, along with gender categories of men, women, veterans and seniors.