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Placement : 1st Year
Course Description
Hours of Instruction
Theory 150 hours
Practical 650 hours
Total : 800 hours
This course is designed to assist students in developing expertise and in-
depth understanding in the field of Psychiatric Nursing. It will help students
to appreciate the client as a holistic individual and develop skill to function
psychiatric nurse specialist . It will further enable the student to function
as educator, manager, and researcher in the field of Psychiatric nursing
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
1. Appreciate the trends and issues in the field of psychiatry and
psychiatric nursing.
2. Explain the dynamics of personality development and human
3. Describe the concepts of psychobiology in mental disorders and its
implications for psychiatric nursing
4. Demonstrate therapeutic communications skills in all interactions
5. Demonstrate the role of psychiatric nurse practitioner in various
therapeutic modalities
6. Establish and maintain therapeutic relationship with individual and
7. Uses assertive techniques in personal and professional actions
8. Promotes self-esteem of clients, others and self
9. Apply the nursing process approach in caring for patients with mental
10. Describe the psychopharmacological agents, their effects and nurses
11. Recognize the role of psychiatric nurse practitioner and as a member
of the psychiatric and mental health team
12. Describe various types of alternative system of medicines used in
psychiatric settings
13. Incorporate evidence based nursing practice and identify the areas of
research in the field of psychiatric nursing
Course Content
Units Hours Content
I 15 Introduction
 Mental Health and Mental Illness
 Historical perspectives
 Trends, issues and magnitude
 Contemporary practices
 Mental health laws/Acts
 National mental health program -National mental health
authority, state mental health authority
 Human rights of mentally ill
 Mental Health/ Mental Illness Continuum
 Classification of mental illnesses-ICD, DSM
 Standards of Psychiatric nursing
 Challenges and Scope of psychiatric nursing
 Multi-disciplinary team and role of nurse
Role of psychiatric nurse- extended and expanded
II 10 Concepts of Psychobiology
 The Nervous System:
 An Anatomical Review
 The Brain and limbic system
 Nerve Tissue
 Autonomic Nervous system
 Pituitary, Thyroid Gland
 Circadian Rhythms
 Neuro psychiatric disorders
 Normal Immune response
 Implications for psychiatric Illness
 Implications for Nursing
III 10 Theories of Personality Development and relevance to nursing
 Psychoanalytic Theory- Freuds
 Interpersonal Theory-Sullivans
 Theory of Psychosocial Development-Eriksons
 Theory of object relations
 Cognitive Development Theory
 Theory of Moral Development
 A Nursing Model-Hildegard E.Peplau
IV 5 Stress and its management
 An introduction to the concepts of stress
 Psychological Adaptation to stress
 Stress as a Biological Response.
 Stress as an Environmental Event.
Units Hours Content
 Stress as Transaction between the Individual and the
 Stress management.
V 10 Therapeutic communication and interpersonal relationship
 Review communication process, factors affecting
 Communication with individuals and in groups
 Techniques of therapeutic communication-touch therapy
 Barrier of communication with specific reference to
 Therapeutic attitudes
 Dynamics of a therapeutic Nurse-client relationship;
Therapeutic use of self Gaining self-awareness
 Therapeutic nurse-patient relationship its phases ; Conditions
essential to development of a therapeutic relationship
 Therapeutic impasse and its management
VI 10 Assertive Training
 Assertive Communication
 Basic Human Rights
 Response Patterns
 (Nonassertive Behavior
 Assertive Behavior
 Aggressive Behavior
 Passive-Aggressive Behavior)
 Behavioral Components of Assertive Behavior
 Techniques that Promote Assertive Behavior
 Thought-Stopping Techniques Method
Role of The Nurse
VII 10 Promoting Self-Esteem
 Components of Self-Concept
 The Development of Self-Esteem
 The Manifestations of Low-Self-Esteem
Role of The Nurse
5 Women and Mental Health
Normal reaction to conception, pregnancy and puerperium
Problems related to conception, pregnancy and puerperium
and its management.
 Counselling  Premarital, marital and genetic
Units Hours Content
VIII 10 The nursing process in psychiatric/mental health nursing
 Mental health assessment- History taking, mental status
 Physical and neurological examination
 Psychometric assessment
 Investigations, Diagnosis and Differential diagnosis
 Interpretation of investigations
 Nurses role
 Nursing case management
Critical pathways of care
Problem-oriented recording
Focus charting
The PIE method
IX 35 Psycho social and physical therapies
 Individual therapy
 Behavioural Therapy- Relaxation therapy, cognitive therapy,
positive- negative reinforcement, bio-feedback, guided imagery,
ab-reactive therapy
 Group Therapy
 Family Therapy
 Milieu Therapy
 The Therapeutic Community
 Occupational therapy
 Recreational therapy
 Play therapy
 Music therapy
 Light therapy
 Color therapy
 Aroma therapy
XI 5 Electroconvulsive Therapy
 Historical Perspectives
 Mechanisms of Action
 Side Effects
 Risks Associated with Electroconvulsive Therapy
 The Role of The Nurse in Electroconvulsive Therapy
X 10 Psychopharmacology
 Historical Perspectives
 Role of a Nurse in Psychopharmacological Therapy
 Antianxiety Agents
 Antidepressants Agents
 Mood stabilizers
 Central Nervous System Stimulants
 Future developments
Units Hours Content
XII 15 Alternative systems of medicine in mental health
 Types of Therapies
 Herbal Medicine
 Acupressure and Acupuncture
 Diet and Nutrition
 Chiropractic Medicine
 Therapeutic Touch and Massage
 Pet Therapy
Total = 660 Hours
1 Week = 30 Hours
S.No. Area of Posting No. of Week Total Hours
1 Acute Psychiatric Ward 4 120 Hours
2 Chronic Psychiatric ward 4 120 Hours
3 Psychiatric Emergency Unit 2 60 Hours
4 O.P.D 2 60 Hours
5 Family Psychiatric Unit 2 60 Hours
6 Community Mental Health Unit 4 120 Hours
7 Rehabilitation / Occupational Therapy
Unit/Half way home/ Day care centre
4 120 Hours
Total 22 Weeks 660 Hours
Student Activities
 History taking
 Mental health assessment
 Psychometric assessment
 Personality assessment
 Process recording
 Therapies- Group Therapy
 Family Therapy
 Milieu Therapy
 The Therapeutic Community
 Occupational therapy
 Recreational therapy
 Play therapy
 music therapy
 Pet therapy
 Assisted ECT
 Assisted EEG
 Case studies
 Case presentation
 Project work
 Socio and psycho drama
 Field visits

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COURSE PLAN OF Mental health nursing 3rd year

  • 2. 2 CLINICAL SPECIALITY I MENTAL HEALTH (PSYCHIATRIC) NURSING Placement : 1st Year Course Description Hours of Instruction Theory 150 hours Practical 650 hours Total : 800 hours This course is designed to assist students in developing expertise and in- depth understanding in the field of Psychiatric Nursing. It will help students to appreciate the client as a holistic individual and develop skill to function psychiatric nurse specialist . It will further enable the student to function as educator, manager, and researcher in the field of Psychiatric nursing Objectives At the end of the course the students will be able to: 1. Appreciate the trends and issues in the field of psychiatry and psychiatric nursing. 2. Explain the dynamics of personality development and human behaviour. 3. Describe the concepts of psychobiology in mental disorders and its implications for psychiatric nursing 4. Demonstrate therapeutic communications skills in all interactions 5. Demonstrate the role of psychiatric nurse practitioner in various therapeutic modalities 6. Establish and maintain therapeutic relationship with individual and groups 7. Uses assertive techniques in personal and professional actions 8. Promotes self-esteem of clients, others and self 9. Apply the nursing process approach in caring for patients with mental disorders 10. Describe the psychopharmacological agents, their effects and nurses role 11. Recognize the role of psychiatric nurse practitioner and as a member of the psychiatric and mental health team 12. Describe various types of alternative system of medicines used in psychiatric settings 13. Incorporate evidence based nursing practice and identify the areas of research in the field of psychiatric nursing
  • 3. 3 Course Content Units Hours Content I 15 Introduction Mental Health and Mental Illness Historical perspectives Trends, issues and magnitude Contemporary practices Mental health laws/Acts National mental health program -National mental health authority, state mental health authority Human rights of mentally ill Mental Health/ Mental Illness Continuum Classification of mental illnesses-ICD, DSM Standards of Psychiatric nursing Challenges and Scope of psychiatric nursing Multi-disciplinary team and role of nurse Role of psychiatric nurse- extended and expanded II 10 Concepts of Psychobiology The Nervous System: An Anatomical Review The Brain and limbic system Nerve Tissue Autonomic Nervous system Neurotransmitters Neuroendocrinology Pituitary, Thyroid Gland Circadian Rhythms Genetics Neuro psychiatric disorders Psychoimmunology Normal Immune response Implications for psychiatric Illness Implications for Nursing III 10 Theories of Personality Development and relevance to nursing practice Psychoanalytic Theory- Freuds Interpersonal Theory-Sullivans Theory of Psychosocial Development-Eriksons Theory of object relations Cognitive Development Theory Theory of Moral Development A Nursing Model-Hildegard E.Peplau IV 5 Stress and its management An introduction to the concepts of stress Psychological Adaptation to stress Stress as a Biological Response. Stress as an Environmental Event.
  • 4. 4 Units Hours Content Stress as Transaction between the Individual and the Environment. Stress management. V 10 Therapeutic communication and interpersonal relationship Review communication process, factors affecting communication Communication with individuals and in groups Techniques of therapeutic communication-touch therapy Barrier of communication with specific reference to psychopathology Therapeutic attitudes Dynamics of a therapeutic Nurse-client relationship; Therapeutic use of self Gaining self-awareness Therapeutic nurse-patient relationship its phases ; Conditions essential to development of a therapeutic relationship Therapeutic impasse and its management VI 10 Assertive Training Assertive Communication Basic Human Rights Response Patterns (Nonassertive Behavior Assertive Behavior Aggressive Behavior Passive-Aggressive Behavior) Behavioral Components of Assertive Behavior Techniques that Promote Assertive Behavior Thought-Stopping Techniques Method Role of The Nurse VII 10 Promoting Self-Esteem Components of Self-Concept The Development of Self-Esteem The Manifestations of Low-Self-Esteem Boundaries Role of The Nurse 5 Women and Mental Health Normal reaction to conception, pregnancy and puerperium Problems related to conception, pregnancy and puerperium and its management. Counselling Premarital, marital and genetic
  • 5. 5 Units Hours Content VIII 10 The nursing process in psychiatric/mental health nursing Mental health assessment- History taking, mental status examination Physical and neurological examination Psychometric assessment Investigations, Diagnosis and Differential diagnosis Interpretation of investigations Nurses role Nursing case management Critical pathways of care Documentation Problem-oriented recording Focus charting The PIE method IX 35 Psycho social and physical therapies Individual therapy Behavioural Therapy- Relaxation therapy, cognitive therapy, positive- negative reinforcement, bio-feedback, guided imagery, ab-reactive therapy Group Therapy Family Therapy Milieu Therapy The Therapeutic Community Occupational therapy Recreational therapy Play therapy Music therapy Light therapy Color therapy Aroma therapy XI 5 Electroconvulsive Therapy Historical Perspectives Indications Contraindications Mechanisms of Action Side Effects Risks Associated with Electroconvulsive Therapy The Role of The Nurse in Electroconvulsive Therapy X 10 Psychopharmacology Historical Perspectives Role of a Nurse in Psychopharmacological Therapy Antianxiety Agents Antidepressants Agents Mood stabilizers Antipsychotics Sedative-Hypnotics Central Nervous System Stimulants Future developments
  • 6. 6 Units Hours Content XII 15 Alternative systems of medicine in mental health Types of Therapies Herbal Medicine Unani Siddha Homeopathic Acupressure and Acupuncture Diet and Nutrition Chiropractic Medicine Therapeutic Touch and Massage Yoga Pet Therapy
  • 7. 7 Practical Total = 660 Hours 1 Week = 30 Hours S.No. Area of Posting No. of Week Total Hours 1 Acute Psychiatric Ward 4 120 Hours 2 Chronic Psychiatric ward 4 120 Hours 3 Psychiatric Emergency Unit 2 60 Hours 4 O.P.D 2 60 Hours 5 Family Psychiatric Unit 2 60 Hours 6 Community Mental Health Unit 4 120 Hours 7 Rehabilitation / Occupational Therapy Unit/Half way home/ Day care centre 4 120 Hours Total 22 Weeks 660 Hours Student Activities History taking Mental health assessment Psychometric assessment Personality assessment Process recording Therapies- Group Therapy Family Therapy Psychotherapy Milieu Therapy The Therapeutic Community Occupational therapy Recreational therapy Play therapy music therapy Pet therapy Counselling Assisted ECT Assisted EEG Case studies Case presentation Project work Socio and psycho drama Field visits
  • 8. 8