This document provides summaries of two courses: POL100 - Introduction to American Government which examines the history, development, structure and operation of the three branches of American government and their roles. CRT100 – Critical Thinking teaches reasoning and problem-solving techniques such as identifying problems, understanding evidence and perception, distinguishing between belief and knowledge, and analyzing arguments.
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Courses Taught at Borough of Manhattan Community College
1. Borough of Manhattan Community College
POL100 - Introduction to American Government
The history, development, and intellectual origin of American government are studied and
analyzed. Special consideration is given to the structure and operation of the executive,
legislative and judiciary branches, and the role of government and politics in a modern industrial
CRT100 – Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking presents reasoning and problem-solving techniques. It begins with a
description of the thinking process and proceeds to examine areas such as identifying and
defining problems; understanding the roles of evidence, interpretation, and perception in
reasoning; distinguishing between belief and knowledge; understanding the role of language;
techniques for organizing information; and methods for building and analyzing arguments.