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Using LinkedIn for Covert Job Searching
1. Covert Job Searching
While Still Employed
Deborah Smith is a Social Media Marketing Consultant and certified
LinkedIn Instructor who has conducted LinkedIn Training Workshops for
major Law Firms, Banks, Universities and Industry organizations. As a
sought after Social Media professional, Deborah provides public and private
training, consulting and coaching on developing winning strategies and
tactics for Blogs, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
2. #1 Truth In Getting Hired
Computers don't hire people.
People Hire People.
The number one source of new employees for
corporations in the US is employee referrals.
損 Not job boards.
損 Not corporate career sites.
損 Not newspapers.
損 Not staffing firms or third party recruiters.
損 And, not job fairs.
3. What is the #1 Way You Can Connect With
Colleagues, HR Professionals and Recruiters?
4. Why Linkedin?
February 2012: Forbes Magazine Reported a huge jump in revenues
from LinkedIns recruiting services making the company the fastest
growing public provider of corporate recruiting solutions.
Majority of HR Professionals and Recruiters report LinkedIn as their
#1 solution for recruiting passive job seekers.
What kind of first impression are you making?
Recruiters Use Google to Source Leads.
Google loves LinkedIn Profiles.
LinkedIn is becoming more and more accepted as a means to
connect professionally.
Are you accessible?
5. Your Strategy
Look Great: Profile
Start Networking: Network Building Big vs.
Proactive Job Research and Connecting
7. Now I understand exactly why so many
candidates are in transition so much longer
than necessary. Their profiles completely
From How Recruiters Search Using LinkedIn & What We Look For
8. Your LinkedIn Profile
Is Your First Impression
Not a resume,
Keep it Conversational
How Can You Help The Person
Reading Your Profile?
Focus on KEYWORDS that
employers, customers, clients
would use.
9. Optimizing Your Profile
Headshot, close up,
looking out
Most important
keywords. Do not
make them too
Insider Tip: For me its about keywords. I normally am looking at titles, and
keywords and locations based on particular project I may be working on. I will
utilize connection, groups . On Linkedin its about connection so the larger your
network and direct connections, group connections etc. the better the chance of
being found. HR Professional
10. Profile - Top Area
Summary of information from
Down Below
Web site(s)
- You get 3 Web URLs
- Company Web site
- Sub-pages
- Blog
- Customize the Label
Twitter Name/LINK
Create a Personalized Public
Profile URL
11. Summary and Specialties
Summary Section
2,000 characters allowed (2/3 page)
Official Info about the company
Company specialties products, services,
industries, geographies
Territories serviced
Info about you and your role
What makes you special?
Specialties Subsection
500 characters available
List keywords using commas and/or
bullets (ACRONYMS are OK)
13. Settings You Get There
from Here
Covert Tip
14. Who can see your activity feed?
Network Network
Your Connections
Only Me You
Covert Tip: Do not trust LinkedIns privacy settings. Best
Practice: Do not share anything you do not want to get back to
your employer. Do not participate in groups that will identify
you as a job seeker. 14
15. Do You Want to Be Anonymous?
Covert Tip: When researching people you
may want to connect with about a job,
Anonymous may be a good option or not.
16. What Do You Want Non-LinkedIn Users to See?
Covert Tip: Let it all hang out
18. Quantity vs. Quality
Why a Big Network?
Larger pool of 2nd and 3rd Tier Connections
A greater chance of having a common
More respect, sought after
Who to Connect With:
Family, Friends, Alumni, Colleagues
19. Beware of LinkedIns Gotchas
LinkedIn gives you 3,000 Invitations
Lifetime supply
I Dont Know the Dreaded IDK
5 IDKs restricts your account!
Account Restricted?
Request re-instatement
21. Group Activity
Anything you post in an Open Group will show up in your activity feed to
all of your connections.
If you post in a Closed Group (padlock icon next to the Group name)
then only fellow Group members will be able to see the information (it
will not show in your activity feed that is visible to your connections).
Covert Tip
Do not join the almost 25,000 Job
Searching Groups
Join Industry related groups. Many of
these groups will have Job postings.
23. Searching Jobs on LinkedIn
Use Advanced
Search Under
LinkedIn will
indentify your
contacts that are
connected to the
job poster.
Ask for an
24. Researching Companies
Covert TIP
A search could reveal
your 1st degree and
2nd degree contacts
who are current or past
employees, employees
that share similar
groups, like
professional trade
groups, and alumni
Covert Tip: If you know a position is open at a certain company
or you want to work for a certain company, use LinkedIn to
research who the key people are that you need to connect with.
27. Search HR Professionals for Specific
Industries and Companies
Search HR AND
Human Resources
Results will provide
leads for you to
investigate. Join the
groups that these
individuals are members
31. Your Next Steps
1. Complete and Optimize Your Profile
2. Build Your Network of Connections
3. Become Highly Visible Contributor, Be Helpful, Get
4. Add Your LinkedIn URL to your Email Signature and
Business Cards
32. Deborah Smith
Social Media Consulting
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