This is a kind of seminar presentation that covers the basic information about COVID 19 including virus origin, the molecular structure of the virus. It also presents adequate information on the outbreak happened all over the world and the mathematical model for prediction of what will happen later. The other part of the presentation contains a cellular mechanism of how the virus invades our body. Finally, treatment strategies are clarified.
15. Factors to be considered in Modified SIR model for COVID 19 in any region
S= Number of Susceptible
I= Number of Exposed individuals
R= Number of recovered
A= Number of Asymptomatic
infected individuals
M= Number of Mild infected
H= Number of hospitalized infected
N= Total number of Kurdistan
硫1= Transmission coefficient of the
asymptomatic infected cases to the susceptible
硫2= Transmission coefficient of the mild
infected cases to the susceptible
硫3= Transmission coefficient of the hospitalized
infected cases to the susceptible
-1=Mean incubation period
了-1= Mean time between symptom onset to
-1= Mean of infectious period of
asymptomatic infected person for survivors
-1= Mean of infectious period of hospitalized
infected person for survivors
隆-1= Mean time for hospitalized to death
粒= Clinical outbreak rate in all the infected
18. Role of S glycoprotein and ACE2 in virus entry
27. Best targets for treatment..Blocking infection
Kruse RL. Therapeutic strategies in an outbreak scenario to
treat the novel coronavirus originating in Wuhan,
China [version 2; peer review: 2 approved] F1000Research 2020,
9:72 (
28. Current Treatment Options
Among the potential treatments for COVID-19 that are
undergoing clinical trials to assess their safety and efficacy against
the disease are:
remdesivir (investigational)
lopinavir/ritonavir (currently authorised as an anti-HIV medicine)
chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine (currently authorised at
national level as treatments against malaria and certain
autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis)
systemic interferons and in particular interferon beta (currently
authorised to treat diseases such as multiple sclerosis)
monoclonal antibodies with activity against components of the
immune system
Ivermectin which is used as antiparasites especially related to skin