The document outlines key initiatives by the ICT Authority to enable a secure and resilient digital economy in Kenya. It discusses securing the Government Common Core Network to protect all government data and systems from total compromise. It also recommends providing security visibility and monitoring of traffic on the National Optic Fibre Backbone Infrastructure at the regional level. Additionally, it emphasizes the need to immediately revamp and operationalize the National Public Key Infrastructure to ensure online digital identity through issuance of digital signatures.
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The Security of Systems & the underlying Infrastructure provides
Confidence, & Assurance to both the Businesses , the customers, the
Citizenry and our International partners to trust the Systems and the
Platforms that are providing the Digital Markets and the Services
The ICT Authority outlines the following Key Initiatives to enable the
achievement of Secure, Resilient Digital Economy.
2. No
Security Breach
Recommend Mitigation
1 Government Common
Core Network (GCCN)
Total compromise of all Nairobi
MCDAs and Government Data &
Provide GOK Gateway Sec
urity on GCCN & total traf
fic Visibility and Monitori
ng ( SOC) at 24/7.
2 National Optic Fibre
Total compromise of Regional Go
vernment Agencies and County G
Provide at Regional Level
System Security Visibility
for Upstream & Downstre
am Traffic Visibility and M
onitoring ( SOC) at 24/7.
3 National NPKI (Digital
Online Identity)
Security issues such as
confidentiality, integrity and non-
repudiation must be dealt with
effectively for on-line, E-
commerce and digital business to
be successful.
Immediate revamp and o
perationalization of the G
overnment National Publ
ic Key Infrastructure (NPK
I) to ensure Online Digital
Identity through Issuance
of Digital Signatures.