The document provides information on the Thermal Engineering-I course offered at Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology for the 2018-19 academic year. The course aims to integrate concepts from thermodynamics into analyzing cyclic processes and applying thermodynamic concepts to systems like IC engines, steam, turbines, compressors, and refrigeration/air conditioning. Topics covered include gas and steam power cycles, reciprocating air compressors, internal combustion engines and combustion, IC engine performance and systems, and gas turbines. The course objectives, outcomes, syllabus, lesson plan, textbooks, and references are outlined.
HVAC System Analysis of two-storey hospital buildingAsifAkram18
Conduction of a heat load and cooling load analysis and design of a HVAC system of a two-storey hospital building to determine the cooling and heating loads, and representation of the system using Camel software.
IRJET- Performance Evaluation of Automobile RadiatorIRJET Journal
This document discusses performance evaluation of automobile radiators. It begins with an abstract that outlines the goal of studying and analyzing the thermal behavior of automobile radiators using the LMTD and 竜-NTU methods. It then provides background on radiators and their role in removing waste heat from engines. The literature review summarizes previous studies on optimizing radiator design parameters like tube pitch and airflow velocity. The problem statement discusses the need to improve radiator performance as engines have become more powerful. The experimental scheme and design parameters sections outline the planned study to evaluate radiator prototypes using different parameters. In conclusions, the work aims to enhance radiator performance by altering convective heat transfer coefficients and provide easier radiator design using case
IRJET - Performance Evaluation and Parametric Study of Basic and Reheated Coo...IRJET Journal
This document discusses the performance evaluation and parametric study of basic and reheated cooled gas turbine cycles using exergy analysis. It presents schematic diagrams of the basic and reheated gas turbine cycles with air film blade cooling. Governing equations for modeling the cycle components are provided. Results from a MATLAB simulation show that for both cycles, coolant mass flow rate increases with increasing turbine inlet temperature and compressor pressure ratio. Exergy efficiency decreases with increasing turbine inlet temperature but increases with increasing pressure ratio. The basic cooled gas turbine cycle has higher exergy efficiency than the reheated cycle when the turbine inlet temperature is 1800K and pressure ratio is 30.
IRJET- Analysis of Cooling Techniques of a Gas Turbine BladeIRJET Journal
This document analyzes different cooling techniques for gas turbine blades. It begins with an introduction to gas turbines and the need for blade cooling as inlet gas temperatures exceed blade melting points. It then discusses various cooling techniques used for blades, including internal cooling channels. The document presents a case study analyzing three blade models - solid, vertical cooling channels, and a lattice structure model. Thermal and structural analysis using ANSYS software shows the lattice structure blade has lower temperatures, stresses, strains, and deformation compared to the other models. The analysis demonstrates that a lattice cooling channel structure is an effective technique for improving gas turbine blade performance and lifetime.
IRJET- Optimization and CFD Analysis on Profile Elements of Regenerative Rota...IRJET Journal
This document discusses the optimization and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of different profile elements in a regenerative rotary air preheater. It begins with an introduction to rotary air preheaters and describes the various profile types used as heat transfer elements. Experimental measurements from a coal-fired power plant are presented. CFD models of five profile elements are analyzed to determine their outlet air and flue gas temperatures. The results show that the advanced clear element profile provides the best performance with higher air outlet temperature and lower flue gas outlet temperature compared to other profiles.
An approach to evaluate the heat exchanger retrofit for installed industrial ...eSAT Journals
Abstract This paper is the first part of a two-part study aiming to introduce a new integrated approach to evaluate the techno-economic value of recuperator retrofit on existing gas turbine engines. The original gas turbines are designed for combined cycles so that the pressure ratios are moderate to secure suitable exhaust temperatures. One way to enhance the thermal efficiency of some gas turbines is by using recuperation to recover some of the exhaust heat. In this part, the developed model is described and implemented for two gas turbine engines so the obtained characteristics are evaluated against the actual data. The new approach will assist users to select the suitable gas turbine models with favorable recuperator characteristics based on a technical and economic prospective. Besides, the performance results are used to design an appropriate shell and tube heat exchanger. Moreover, a new technique has been established to define the typical heat exchanger parameters in order to ensure the highest possible improvements over the original cycles. One of the main features of this method is that it depends only on the velocity of hot and cold heat exchanger streams from which the rest of the heat exchanger design and performance characteristics were derived. Key Words: integrated approach, techno-economic value, recuperation, shell and tube heat exchanger, velocity
Geometric regeneration and mechanical analysis of a gas turbine blade type Fr...Barhm Mohamad
Simulation and visualization of the mechanical components have become a predominant phase
during the design and the production stages. Several means are used to improve the design and
to reduce study time. Today, the powerful hardware and the software available on the market
have contributed greatly on the improvement of design, visualization and manufacturing
process of complex parts (turbine blade). In this context, our study is a contribution to the
establishment of a methodology to a CAD modelling and finite element analysis, which allows
us to identify the mechanical behavior of a gas turbine blade. The profile of the blade turbine
model is obtained after regeneration using the CATIA V5R20 software from the retro-design
technique using a FARO-type scanner. The turbine blade is analyzed under a static mechanical
behavior. It has been observed that the maximum stresses and deformations are located in the
vicinity of the root and the upper surface along the turbine blade. On the other hand, the elastic
energy is located at a distance from the root of the turbine blade.
This document contains a question bank with questions related to gas power cycles, internal combustion engines, and their thermodynamic cycles. It includes 20 multiple choice questions in Part A and 10 numerical problems in Part B for each of the following topics: Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Dual cycle, Brayton cycle, classification of internal combustion engines, working of diesel and petrol engines, ignition systems, combustion, cooling and lubrication systems. The document provides a comprehensive set of questions to assess knowledge and understanding of thermodynamics, cycles and working of different internal combustion engines.
This document outlines the structure and syllabus for a B.E. Mechanical Engineering program at Savitribai Phule Pune University effective from June 2015. It includes the course codes, titles, credit hours, teaching schemes, and examination schemes for 8 semesters of the program. Several sample course details are also provided, including course objectives, outcomes, topics, and textbooks. The document provides an overview of the mechanical engineering curriculum, courses, and requirements for a bachelor's degree from this university.
This document contains a sample test paper for the subject of Heat Engineering as part of a Diploma in Production Engineering program. It consists of 6 questions testing various concepts related to thermodynamics, heat engines, refrigeration, and power plants. The test has a total of 100 marks and is to be completed within 3 hours. Questions include defining terms, explaining concepts, deriving equations, differentiating between processes and systems, and more. Diagrams and sketches are to be provided where appropriate to illustrate the answers. All questions are compulsory and sequential answering is preferred.
This document provides information about a course on engineering thermodynamics for second year undergraduate mechanical engineering students. It includes the vision, mission, and quality policy of the college. It then outlines the course objectives, units to be covered, textbooks, outcomes, and faculty. The five units cover basic concepts, limitations of the first law, pure substances, mixtures of gases, and power cycles. The document provides a breakdown of chapter coverage from the listed textbooks. It aims to help students understand energy transformation, thermodynamic laws, processes, cycles, and apply concepts to problems.
The document provides information about the Digital Notes on Thermodynamics for the B.Tech II Year I Semester course at Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology. It includes the vision, mission, and quality policy of the college. The document then outlines the course objectives, units to be covered, textbooks referenced, and outcomes expected for the Engineering Thermodynamics course. The units cover basics of thermodynamics, limitations of the first law, pure substances, mixtures of perfect gases, and power cycles. The course aims to help students understand fundamental thermodynamic concepts and analyze thermodynamic systems and cycles.
This document contains instructions for a Thermal Engineering exam. It has 12 questions divided into two sections. The first section has 6 questions on topics like Orsat apparatus, coal combustion analysis, steam properties, Rankine cycle, boiler types and trials. The second section has questions on second law of thermodynamics, heat pumps, available energy, diesel cycle analysis, internal combustion engines, and their systems. Students are instructed to answer questions by section in separate answer books. Diagrams, tables, and calculators may be used. Data should be assumed if necessary.
1) The document discusses simulation of spark ignition (SI) and compression ignition (CI) internal combustion engines, with a focus on spray models for CI engines.
2) For SI engine simulation, models of carbureted and port fuel injected engines are presented and key parameters such as power, efficiency and emissions are reported.
3) For CI engine simulation, the impact of design factors like number/angle of injectors, bowl geometry, and injection timing are examined through three cases modeled. Visualizations of fuel spray for each case are provided.
CFD Simulation of Solar Air Heater having Inclined Discrete Rib Roughness wit...IRJET Journal
This document presents a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of a solar air heater duct with inclined discrete rib roughness and a staggered convex element. The study aims to develop a 3D CFD model to analyze heat transfer and fluid flow performance. Boundary conditions and material properties are defined. A mesh is generated and the RNG k-epsilon turbulence model is used. Results for velocity, temperature, and turbulent kinetic energy contours are presented along with charts showing variations in Nusselt number with Reynolds number and roughness pitch. Inclined discrete ribs with a staggered convex element are found to improve heat transfer in the solar air heater duct.
Modelling & Thermal analysis of pulse jet engine using CFDIRJET Journal
This document summarizes a study that used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to analyze the combustion characteristics of a pulse jet engine. The study modeled a pulse jet engine design using CAD software and then conducted a CFD analysis using two different combustion models: an eddy dissipation model and a finite rate chemistry model. The results showed that the eddy dissipation model generated higher thrust than the finite rate chemistry model. Specifically, the eddy dissipation model produced higher exit pressures and velocities. The study concluded the proper selection of combustion model is important for accurately evaluating performance metrics like thrust generated from a pulse jet engine.
Effect of Modified Design on Engine Fuel Efficiency IJERA Editor
This document summarizes research on improving internal combustion engine fuel efficiency through techniques like reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI). RCCI is a variant of homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) that provides more control over the combustion process and has the potential to significantly increase fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. The document reviews experiments on RCCI using light-duty and heavy-duty engines operated on various fuels, finding that RCCI can achieve near-zero NOx and soot emissions while improving efficiency. However, challenges to implementing RCCI at a wide range of loads and controlling combustion phasing and emissions remain areas of ongoing research.
Optimization of time step and cfd study of combustion in di diesel engineeSAT Publishing House
IJRET : International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology is an international peer reviewed, online journal published by eSAT Publishing House for the enhancement of research in various disciplines of Engineering and Technology. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of Engineering and Technology. We bring together Scientists, Academician, Field Engineers, Scholars and Students of related fields of Engineering and Technology
The increasingly worldwide problem regarding rapid economy development and a relative shortage of
energy. Out of the total heat supplied to the engine in the form of fuel, approximately, 30 to 40% is converted
into useful mechanical work. With the rapid changing environment and atmospheric effect, the air conditioning
of the moving vehicle has become a necessity. In the same time consumers are incapable to bear the increasing
operating cost of the vehicles due to continuous raise in fuel prices, component costs and maintenance costs
associated with vehicles. Keep in mind in this paper, an exploration has been done to research the possibility of
waste heat recovery and its subsequent utilization in air conditioning system of a vehicle without increasing the
component cost, weight, number of component and bring improvement in vehicle by making luxurious. In this
system the Shell and Tube HE type will be used, designed and developed along with vapour absorption
refrigeration system and is tested for performance.
Keywords Eefficiency, Exhaust Gas, Waste Heat & Shell Tube HE.
16 mt6201 industrial automation and control qbSindhuS68
This document contains test questions for various internal exams and a mid-semester exam for the subject Industrial Automation and Control. It is divided into multiple parts containing short answer questions and long answer questions. The questions cover various topics related to programmable logic controllers (PLCs) including architecture, programming, timers, counters, and applications. It also contains questions on supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.
This document contains a question paper for a Mechanical Engineering exam with questions covering various topics in thermal engineering including:
- The efficiency of diesel engines at different cutoff ratios
- How the Brayton cycle works
- Classification of air compressors
- Components and operation of internal combustion engines
- Differences between Otto and Diesel cycles
- Factors considered in gas turbine working fluid selection
The question paper consists of three parts: Part A contains 10 short answer questions, Part B contains 5 long answer questions, and Part C contains 1 long numerical problem question.
This document contains a question paper for a test on Basics of Mechanical Engineering. The test has two parts - Part A contains two short answer questions worth 3.5 marks each. Part B contains two questions worth 9 marks each, where the student must answer one out of two questions. The questions cover topics like two stroke engines, efficiency calculations, refrigeration cycles, fuel injection systems, and engine cooling systems. The document also lists 11 course outcomes for the Basics of Civil and Mechanical Engineering course, covering topics in both disciplines like building construction, surveying, infrastructure, thermodynamics, and manufacturing processes.
This document provides details of the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme of teaching and examination for the 7th semester of the Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering program at Poojya Dodappa Appa College of Engineering, Kalaburagi for the 2021-2022 academic year.
It lists the courses being offered, course codes, credit hours, teaching hours, examination scheme, elective options and internship requirements. Some of the key courses include Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Energy Engineering, Simulation and CIM Lab, Seminar, and Project Work. Students must also complete a mandatory 4-week internship between the 6th-7th or 7th-8th semesters.
This document provides information on an engineering thermodynamics course, including its objectives, outcomes, catalog description, textbooks, and course content. The course objectives are to learn the principles of classical thermodynamics and apply them to analyze systems and thermodynamic cycles. The outcomes are for students to differentiate system types, apply the second law of thermodynamics, analyze cycle performance, and solve combustion problems. The catalog description outlines topics like the laws of thermodynamics, phase changes, power cycles, and fuels/combustion. The course content covers basic concepts, the first/second laws, vapor/gas cycles, ideal gas mixtures, and fuels/combustion over 5 units.
Analysis of recoverable exhaust energy from a light duty gasoline engine by u...ijctet
This document reviews methods of recovering exhaust energy from internal combustion engines using heat pipes. It discusses how heat pipes effectively transfer heat from exhaust gases to a condenser region, enhancing engine thermal performance. The document examines several studies on recovering exhaust waste heat using Rankine cycle systems and heat pipes. These studies found that waste heat recovery can increase engine fuel efficiency by 3-34% and power output by up to 20%, depending on the system and engine operating conditions. Recovering just 6% of exhaust heat energy could result in a 10% reduction in fuel consumption. The document concludes that heat pipe waste heat recovery systems show promising potential but require further research.
Article in Hydrocarbon Engineering September 2019 about K属BOND diffusion bonded heat exchanger, also known as Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger (PCHE).
PCHE is used as recuperator in supercritical CO2 (sCO2) Power Cycles. The Allam Fetvedt cycle is a sCO2 cycle with oxifuel combustion. After the CO2 stream has been used in the power cycle it can be stored underground in depletee oil fields as CCS.
Design and Thermal Analysis of an Automotive Radiator for enhancing Flow Unif...IRJET Journal
This document describes a study to improve flow uniformity in an automotive radiator through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis and design optimization. The researchers first modeled a single-pass radiator in CAD software and performed CFD analysis, finding non-uniform flow. They then redesigned the radiator as a three-pass system by lowering tube size. CFD analysis of the new design showed improved flow uniformity, lower pressure drops, and more uniform streamlines. Thermal analysis found the three-pass radiator achieved a lower coolant outlet temperature and higher heat rejection rate than the single-pass version. In summary, modifying a single-pass radiator to a three-pass design through reduced tube sizing was
1) A senior capstone team at Portland State University developed a method for rapidly prototyping small bipropellant liquid fuel rocket engines using additive manufacturing.
2) They designed a 500 lbf thrust engine using liquid oxygen and ethanol as propellants, with regenerative cooling channels and a pintle injector.
3) The design process utilized Python Jupyter notebooks to generate parametric equations defining the engine geometry, which allows changing design parameters and quickly generating new geometry files for 3D printing.
This document outlines the structure and syllabus for a B.E. Mechanical Engineering program at Savitribai Phule Pune University effective from June 2015. It includes the course codes, titles, credit hours, teaching schemes, and examination schemes for 8 semesters of the program. Several sample course details are also provided, including course objectives, outcomes, topics, and textbooks. The document provides an overview of the mechanical engineering curriculum, courses, and requirements for a bachelor's degree from this university.
This document contains a sample test paper for the subject of Heat Engineering as part of a Diploma in Production Engineering program. It consists of 6 questions testing various concepts related to thermodynamics, heat engines, refrigeration, and power plants. The test has a total of 100 marks and is to be completed within 3 hours. Questions include defining terms, explaining concepts, deriving equations, differentiating between processes and systems, and more. Diagrams and sketches are to be provided where appropriate to illustrate the answers. All questions are compulsory and sequential answering is preferred.
This document provides information about a course on engineering thermodynamics for second year undergraduate mechanical engineering students. It includes the vision, mission, and quality policy of the college. It then outlines the course objectives, units to be covered, textbooks, outcomes, and faculty. The five units cover basic concepts, limitations of the first law, pure substances, mixtures of gases, and power cycles. The document provides a breakdown of chapter coverage from the listed textbooks. It aims to help students understand energy transformation, thermodynamic laws, processes, cycles, and apply concepts to problems.
The document provides information about the Digital Notes on Thermodynamics for the B.Tech II Year I Semester course at Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology. It includes the vision, mission, and quality policy of the college. The document then outlines the course objectives, units to be covered, textbooks referenced, and outcomes expected for the Engineering Thermodynamics course. The units cover basics of thermodynamics, limitations of the first law, pure substances, mixtures of perfect gases, and power cycles. The course aims to help students understand fundamental thermodynamic concepts and analyze thermodynamic systems and cycles.
This document contains instructions for a Thermal Engineering exam. It has 12 questions divided into two sections. The first section has 6 questions on topics like Orsat apparatus, coal combustion analysis, steam properties, Rankine cycle, boiler types and trials. The second section has questions on second law of thermodynamics, heat pumps, available energy, diesel cycle analysis, internal combustion engines, and their systems. Students are instructed to answer questions by section in separate answer books. Diagrams, tables, and calculators may be used. Data should be assumed if necessary.
1) The document discusses simulation of spark ignition (SI) and compression ignition (CI) internal combustion engines, with a focus on spray models for CI engines.
2) For SI engine simulation, models of carbureted and port fuel injected engines are presented and key parameters such as power, efficiency and emissions are reported.
3) For CI engine simulation, the impact of design factors like number/angle of injectors, bowl geometry, and injection timing are examined through three cases modeled. Visualizations of fuel spray for each case are provided.
CFD Simulation of Solar Air Heater having Inclined Discrete Rib Roughness wit...IRJET Journal
This document presents a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of a solar air heater duct with inclined discrete rib roughness and a staggered convex element. The study aims to develop a 3D CFD model to analyze heat transfer and fluid flow performance. Boundary conditions and material properties are defined. A mesh is generated and the RNG k-epsilon turbulence model is used. Results for velocity, temperature, and turbulent kinetic energy contours are presented along with charts showing variations in Nusselt number with Reynolds number and roughness pitch. Inclined discrete ribs with a staggered convex element are found to improve heat transfer in the solar air heater duct.
Modelling & Thermal analysis of pulse jet engine using CFDIRJET Journal
This document summarizes a study that used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to analyze the combustion characteristics of a pulse jet engine. The study modeled a pulse jet engine design using CAD software and then conducted a CFD analysis using two different combustion models: an eddy dissipation model and a finite rate chemistry model. The results showed that the eddy dissipation model generated higher thrust than the finite rate chemistry model. Specifically, the eddy dissipation model produced higher exit pressures and velocities. The study concluded the proper selection of combustion model is important for accurately evaluating performance metrics like thrust generated from a pulse jet engine.
Effect of Modified Design on Engine Fuel Efficiency IJERA Editor
This document summarizes research on improving internal combustion engine fuel efficiency through techniques like reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI). RCCI is a variant of homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) that provides more control over the combustion process and has the potential to significantly increase fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. The document reviews experiments on RCCI using light-duty and heavy-duty engines operated on various fuels, finding that RCCI can achieve near-zero NOx and soot emissions while improving efficiency. However, challenges to implementing RCCI at a wide range of loads and controlling combustion phasing and emissions remain areas of ongoing research.
Optimization of time step and cfd study of combustion in di diesel engineeSAT Publishing House
IJRET : International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology is an international peer reviewed, online journal published by eSAT Publishing House for the enhancement of research in various disciplines of Engineering and Technology. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of Engineering and Technology. We bring together Scientists, Academician, Field Engineers, Scholars and Students of related fields of Engineering and Technology
The increasingly worldwide problem regarding rapid economy development and a relative shortage of
energy. Out of the total heat supplied to the engine in the form of fuel, approximately, 30 to 40% is converted
into useful mechanical work. With the rapid changing environment and atmospheric effect, the air conditioning
of the moving vehicle has become a necessity. In the same time consumers are incapable to bear the increasing
operating cost of the vehicles due to continuous raise in fuel prices, component costs and maintenance costs
associated with vehicles. Keep in mind in this paper, an exploration has been done to research the possibility of
waste heat recovery and its subsequent utilization in air conditioning system of a vehicle without increasing the
component cost, weight, number of component and bring improvement in vehicle by making luxurious. In this
system the Shell and Tube HE type will be used, designed and developed along with vapour absorption
refrigeration system and is tested for performance.
Keywords Eefficiency, Exhaust Gas, Waste Heat & Shell Tube HE.
16 mt6201 industrial automation and control qbSindhuS68
This document contains test questions for various internal exams and a mid-semester exam for the subject Industrial Automation and Control. It is divided into multiple parts containing short answer questions and long answer questions. The questions cover various topics related to programmable logic controllers (PLCs) including architecture, programming, timers, counters, and applications. It also contains questions on supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.
This document contains a question paper for a Mechanical Engineering exam with questions covering various topics in thermal engineering including:
- The efficiency of diesel engines at different cutoff ratios
- How the Brayton cycle works
- Classification of air compressors
- Components and operation of internal combustion engines
- Differences between Otto and Diesel cycles
- Factors considered in gas turbine working fluid selection
The question paper consists of three parts: Part A contains 10 short answer questions, Part B contains 5 long answer questions, and Part C contains 1 long numerical problem question.
This document contains a question paper for a test on Basics of Mechanical Engineering. The test has two parts - Part A contains two short answer questions worth 3.5 marks each. Part B contains two questions worth 9 marks each, where the student must answer one out of two questions. The questions cover topics like two stroke engines, efficiency calculations, refrigeration cycles, fuel injection systems, and engine cooling systems. The document also lists 11 course outcomes for the Basics of Civil and Mechanical Engineering course, covering topics in both disciplines like building construction, surveying, infrastructure, thermodynamics, and manufacturing processes.
This document provides details of the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme of teaching and examination for the 7th semester of the Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering program at Poojya Dodappa Appa College of Engineering, Kalaburagi for the 2021-2022 academic year.
It lists the courses being offered, course codes, credit hours, teaching hours, examination scheme, elective options and internship requirements. Some of the key courses include Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Energy Engineering, Simulation and CIM Lab, Seminar, and Project Work. Students must also complete a mandatory 4-week internship between the 6th-7th or 7th-8th semesters.
This document provides information on an engineering thermodynamics course, including its objectives, outcomes, catalog description, textbooks, and course content. The course objectives are to learn the principles of classical thermodynamics and apply them to analyze systems and thermodynamic cycles. The outcomes are for students to differentiate system types, apply the second law of thermodynamics, analyze cycle performance, and solve combustion problems. The catalog description outlines topics like the laws of thermodynamics, phase changes, power cycles, and fuels/combustion. The course content covers basic concepts, the first/second laws, vapor/gas cycles, ideal gas mixtures, and fuels/combustion over 5 units.
Analysis of recoverable exhaust energy from a light duty gasoline engine by u...ijctet
This document reviews methods of recovering exhaust energy from internal combustion engines using heat pipes. It discusses how heat pipes effectively transfer heat from exhaust gases to a condenser region, enhancing engine thermal performance. The document examines several studies on recovering exhaust waste heat using Rankine cycle systems and heat pipes. These studies found that waste heat recovery can increase engine fuel efficiency by 3-34% and power output by up to 20%, depending on the system and engine operating conditions. Recovering just 6% of exhaust heat energy could result in a 10% reduction in fuel consumption. The document concludes that heat pipe waste heat recovery systems show promising potential but require further research.
Article in Hydrocarbon Engineering September 2019 about K属BOND diffusion bonded heat exchanger, also known as Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger (PCHE).
PCHE is used as recuperator in supercritical CO2 (sCO2) Power Cycles. The Allam Fetvedt cycle is a sCO2 cycle with oxifuel combustion. After the CO2 stream has been used in the power cycle it can be stored underground in depletee oil fields as CCS.
Design and Thermal Analysis of an Automotive Radiator for enhancing Flow Unif...IRJET Journal
This document describes a study to improve flow uniformity in an automotive radiator through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis and design optimization. The researchers first modeled a single-pass radiator in CAD software and performed CFD analysis, finding non-uniform flow. They then redesigned the radiator as a three-pass system by lowering tube size. CFD analysis of the new design showed improved flow uniformity, lower pressure drops, and more uniform streamlines. Thermal analysis found the three-pass radiator achieved a lower coolant outlet temperature and higher heat rejection rate than the single-pass version. In summary, modifying a single-pass radiator to a three-pass design through reduced tube sizing was
1) A senior capstone team at Portland State University developed a method for rapidly prototyping small bipropellant liquid fuel rocket engines using additive manufacturing.
2) They designed a 500 lbf thrust engine using liquid oxygen and ethanol as propellants, with regenerative cooling channels and a pintle injector.
3) The design process utilized Python Jupyter notebooks to generate parametric equations defining the engine geometry, which allows changing design parameters and quickly generating new geometry files for 3D printing.
The Golden Gate Bridge a structural marvel inspired by mother nature.pptxAkankshaRawat75
The Golden Gate Bridge is a 6 lane suspension bridge spans the Golden Gate Strait, connecting the city of San Francisco to Marin County, California.
It provides a vital transportation link between the Pacific Ocean and the San Francisco Bay.
Flex and rigid-flex printed circuit boards (PCBs) can be considered at the basic level some of the most complex PCBs in the industry. With that in mind, its incredibly easy to make a mistake, to leave something out, or to create a design that was doomed from the start.
Such design failures can end up leading to an eventual failure by delamination, short circuits, damage to the flex portions, and many other things. The easiest way to circumvent these is to start at the beginning, to design with preventing failure in mind rather than trying to fix existing designs to accommodate for problems.
In this webinar, we cover how to design flex and rigid-flex PCBs with failure prevention in mind to save time, money, and headaches, and what failure can look like.
For more information on our flex and rigid-flex PCB solutions, visit
The Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association (PVCPA) has published the first North American industry-wide environmental product declaration (EPD) for water and sewer piping, and it has been verified by NSF Sustainability, a division of global public health organization NSF International.
How to Build a Speed Sensor using Arduino?CircuitDigest
Learn how to measure speed using IR sensors in this simple DIY project. This tutorial cover circuit diagram, Sensor calibration and speed calculations and optimized Arduino code for real time speed measurements.
Biases, our brain and software developmentMatias Iacono
Quick presentation about cognitive biases, classic psychological researches and quite new papers that displays how those biases might be impacting software developers.
Cloud Cost Optimization for GCP, AWS, Azurevinothsk19
Reduce Cloud Waste across AWS, GCP, Azure and Optimize Cloud Cost with a structured approach and improve your bottomline or profitability. Decide whether you want to outsource or manage it in house.
Practice Head is assembled with Practice Torpedo intended for carrying out exercise firings. It is assembled with Homing Head in the forward section and oxygen flask in the rear section. Practice Head imparts positive buoyancy to the Torpedo at the end of run. The Practice Head is divided into two compartments viz. Ballast Compartment (Houses Light Device, Depth & Roll Recorder, Signal Flare Ejector, Discharge Valve, Stop Cock, Water discharge Valve, Bellow reducing Valve, Release Mechanism, Recess, Bypass Valve, Pressure Equalizer, Float, Sinking Plug etc.) which provides positive buoyancy at the end of run by discharging water (140 ltrs.) filled in the compartment and Instrument compartment (dry), houses (safety & recovery unit and its battery, combined homing and influence exploder equipment, noise maker, bollards & safety valve etc.) The recess in Ballast compartment houses the float which gets inflated at the end of run to provide floatation to the surfaced Torpedo. Several hand holes/recesses are provided on the casing/shell of Practice Head for assembly of the following components:-
a) Signal Flare Ejector Assembly
b) Depth and Roll Recorder Assembly
c) Light Device
d) Pressure equalizer
e) Drain/Discharge Valve assembly
f) Bollard Assembly
g) Holding for Floater/Balloon Assembly
h) Sinking Valve
i) Safety Valve
j) Inspection hand hole
Technical Details:
SrNo Items Specifications
1 Aluminum Alloy (AlMg5)
Casing Body Material: AlMg5
Larger Outer Diameter of the Casing: 532.4 MM
Smaller Outer Diameter of the Casing: 503.05 MM
Total Length: 1204.20 MM
Thickness: 6-8 mm
Structural Details of Casing: The casing is of uniform outer dia for a certain distance from rear side and tapered from a definite distance to the front side. (Refer T-DAP-A1828-GADWG-PH- REV 00)
Slope of the Tapered Portion: 1/8
Mass of Casing (Without components mounting, but including the ribs and collars on the body): 58.5 kg
Maximum External Test Pressure: 12 kgf/cm2
Maximum Internal Test Pressure:-
i. For Ballast Compartment: 2 kgf/cm2
ii. For Instrument Compartment: 1 kgf/cm2
Innerspace of casing assembly have 2 compartments:-
i. Ballast Compartment and
ii. Instrument Compartment
Cut outs/ recesses shall be provided for the assembly of following components.
a) Signal Flare Ejector Assembly
b) Depth and Roll Recorder Assembly
c) Light Device
d) Pressure Equalizer
e) Drain/ discharge valve assembly
2 Front Side Collar Material: AlMg5
Maximum Outer Diameter: 500 MM
Pitch Circle Diameter: 468 MM
All Dimensions as per drawing T-DAP-A1828-MDWG-C&R-REV-00
In a torpedo, the ballast components and instrument compartment play crucial roles in maintaining stability, control, and overall operational effectiveness. The ballast system primarily manages buoyancy and trim, ensuring that the torpedo maintains a stable trajectory underwater.
Defining the Future of Biophilic Design in Crete.pdfARENCOS
Biophilic design is emerging as a key approach to enhancing well-being by integrating natural elements into residential architecture. In Crete, where the landscape is rich with breathtaking sea views, lush olive groves, and dramatic mountains, biophilic design principles can be seamlessly incorporated to create healthier, more harmonious living environments.
Sppu engineering artificial intelligence and data science semester 6th Artif...pawaletrupti434
Subject Code ME8493 L P T C
Subject Title THERMAL ENGINEERING-I 3 0 0 3
Year / Dept / Sem II / Mechanical Engineering /IV Regulation Year 2017
Faculty Name / Desg / Mr.K.MUTHU/ Assistant Professor / Mechanical Engineering
Course Prerequisite To integrate the concepts, laws and methodologies from the first course in
thermodynamics into analysis of cyclic processes
Course Objectives (CO)
CO 1: To integrate the concepts, laws and methodologies from the first course in
thermodynamics into analysis of cyclic processes.
CO 2: To apply the thermodynamic concepts into various thermal application like
IC engines, Steam.
CO 3: To study and performance about Turbines, Compressors and Refrigeration
and Air conditioning systems
Expected Course
Outcome (ECO)
Upon the completion of this course the students will be able to
CO1:Apply thermodynamic concepts to different air standard cycles and solve
CO2: Solve problems in single stage and multistage air compressors
CO3: Explain the functioning and features of IC engines, components and
CO4:Calculate performance parameters of IC Engines.
CO5:Explain the flow in Gas turbines and solve problems.
Programme Educational
Objective (PEO)
PEO1: The Graduates of Mechanical Engineering would develop continual
receptiveness for scientific and engineering knowledge by self-learning and face
the arriving challenges in their field.
PEO2: The Graduates of Mechanical Engineering would have been trained with a
range of knowledge to analytically integrate the fundamentals and new concepts
from engineering practices to create optimized solutions/products for the real life
PEO3:The Graduates of Mechanical Engineering would excel in communication,
vocabulary with interpersonal skills as professional engineers.
2. Mapping of CO & PO(Specify the POs) - (Fill the col.s with the legend given below)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 2 1 - - - 1 1 - - 1 2
CO2 1 3 3 2 1 - - - - 1 - 1
CO3 1 2 3 1 2 - - 1 2 1 1 1
CO4 1 1 2 1 - - 1 - 1 2 - -
CO5 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 - - -
Bridging the
Curriculum Gap
(Additional Topics
beyond syllabus /
Seminars / Assignments)
BCG1:Engineering applications of thermal engineering.
BCG2:Working principles of I.C Engines.
BCG3:Basic concepts of Air compressor, turbines, R&AC
Related Website URLs
W2: (i.c.engines)
W3: & turbines)
W4: conditioning (R& AC)
Related Video Course
Materials (min. 4 no.s)
V1: power cycles)
V2: engines)
V3: (Compressors)
Text books
T1:.Rajput. R. K., Thermal Engineering S.Chand Publishers, 2000
T2: Kothandaraman.C.P.,Domkundwar. S,Domkundwar. A.V., A course in
thermal Engineering", Fifth Edition, DhanpatRai& sons , 2002
Reference Books
R1:Sarkar, B.K,Thermal Engineering Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2007
R2:Arora.C.P, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning , Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishers 1994
R3:Ganesan V.. Internal Combustion Engines , Third Edition, Tata Mcgraw-
Hill 2007
R4: Rudramoorthy, R, Thermal Engineering ,Tata McGraw-Hill, New
R5: Ramalingam. K.K., "Thermal Engineering", SCITECH Publications (India)
Pvt. Ltd., 2009.
Prepared by Approved by
Designation Assistant Professor / Mechanical HOD (Mechanical)
To integrate the concepts, laws and methodologies from the first course in
thermodynamics into analysis of cyclic processes.
To apply the thermodynamic concepts into various thermal application like IC
engines, Steam.
Turbines, Compressors and Refrigeration and Air conditioning systems
(Use of standard refrigerant property data book, Steam Tables, Mollier diagram and
Psychrometric chart permitted)
Air Standard Cycles Otto, Diesel, Dual, Brayton Cycle Analysis, Performance and
Comparison Rankine, reheat and regenerative cycle.
Classification and comparison, working principle, work of compression with and without
clearance, Volumetric efficiency, Isothermal efficiency and Isentropic efficiency. Multistage
air compressor with Intercooling. Working principle and comparison of Rotary compressors
with reciprocating air compressors.
IC engine Classification, working, components and their functions. Ideal and actual : Valve
and port timing diagrams, p-v diagrams- two stroke & four stroke, and SI & CI engines
comparison. Geometric, operating, and performance comparison of SI and CI engines.
Desirable properties and qualities of fuels. Air-fuel ratio calculation lean and rich mixtures.
Combustion in SI & CI Engines Knocking phenomena and control.
Performance parameters and calculations. Morse and Heat Balance tests. Multipoint Fuel
Injection system and Common Rail Direct lnjection systems. Ignition systems Magneto,
Battery and Electronic. Lubrication and Cooling systems. Concepts of Supercharging and
Turbocharging Emission Norms.
Gas turbine cycle analysis open and closed cycle. Performance and its improvement
Regenerative, Intercooled, Reheated cycles and their combinations. Materials for Turbines.
Upon the completion of this course the students will be able to
CO1 Apply thermodynamic concepts to different air standard cycles and solve problems.
CO2 Solve problems in single stage and multistage air compressors
CO3 Explain the functioning and features of IC engines, components and auxiliaries.
CO4 Calculate performance parameters of IC Engines.
CO5 Explain the flow in Gas turbines and solve problems.
1. Kothandaraman.C.P., Domkundwar. S,Domkundwar. A.V., A course in thermal
Engineering, Fifth Edition, Dhanpat Rai & sons , 2016
2. Rajput. R. K., Thermal Engineering S.Chand Publishers, 2017
1. Arora.C.P, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning , Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers 2008
2. Ganesan V.. Internal Combustion Engines , Third Edition, Tata Mcgraw-Hill 2012
3. Ramalingam. K.K., Thermal Engineering, SCITECH Publications (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2009.
4. Rudramoorthy, R, Thermal Engineering ,Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,2003
5. Sarkar, B.K,Thermal Engineering Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2007
S.No Topic Name Book Page no
No of
Unit I Gas and Steam Power Cycles
1 Basics of thermodynamics T2 1-33 BB 1 1
Introduction, Air standard cycles Otto cycle
Air standard efficiency, mean effective
pressure, Characteristics & applications
538-544 BB 2 3
Diesel cycle Air standard efficiency, mean
effective pressure, Characteristics &
551-552 BB 2 5
Dual cycle Air standard efficiency, mean
effective pressure, Characteristics &
556-564 BB 2 7
Brayton cycle Air standard efficiency,
Characteristics & applications
T2 567-568 BB 1 8
6 Rankine cycle T2 545-551 BB 2 10
7 Reheat cycle T2 553-556 BB 1 11
8 Regenerative cycle T2 558-563 BB 1 12
Unit II Reciprocating Air Compressor
Classification and comparison, working
2 14
work of compression with and without
3 17
Volumetric efficiency, Isothermal efficiency
and Isentropic efficiency.
682-685 OHP 2 19
12 Multistage air compressor with Inter-cooling.
690-699 OHP 2 21
Working principle and comparison of Rotary
compressors with reciprocating air
3 24
Unit III Internal Combustion Engines and Combustion
IC engine Classification, working,
components and their functions.
T2 588-589 BB 2 26
Ideal and actual : Valve and port timing
T2 602-603 BB 1 27
17 p-v diagrams- two stroke & four stroke T2 603-606 BB 2 29
SI & CI engines comparison. Geometric,
operating, and performance comparison of SI
and CI engines.
608-625 BB 2 32
6. 19
Desirable properties and qualities of fuels.
Air-fuel ratio calculation lean and rich
632-640 BB 2 34
Combustion in SI & CI Engines Knocking
phenomena and control.
T2 623-627 BB 2 36
Unit IV Internal Combustion Engines Performance and Systems
22 Performance parameters and calculations.
Morse and Heat Balance tests.
T2 632-634 BB 3 39
23 Multipoint Fuel Injection system and
Common Rail Direct injections systems.
T2 612-614 BB 2 41
24 Ignition systems Magneto, Battery and
T2 615-618 BB 2 43
25 Lubrication and Cooling systems. T2 623-626 BB 2 45
26 Concepts of Supercharging and Turbo
charging Emission Norms.
T2 630-632 BB 3 48
Unit V Gas Turbines
28 Gas turbine cycle analysis T2 754-758 PPT 2 50
29 Open and closed cycle. T2 760-763 BB 2 52
30 Performance and its improvement
Regenerative, Intercooled,
T2 768-771 BB 3 55
31 Reheated cycles and their combinations. T2 778-781 BB 3 58
32 Materials for Turbines. T2 762-765 PPT 2 60
Prepared by Approved by
Designation Assistant Professor / Mechanical HOD (Mechanical)