C.P.D.M.S. Ltd is a company that provides services in law enforcement, defense, and health consultancy with expertise in investigations, intelligence, training, and customer service. They work with a variety of clients and can provide turnkey solutions. Their goal is to build trust with clients through their national and international experience and close relationships.
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C.P.D.M.S. Ltd
1. C.P.D.M.S. Ltd
The most important thing we build is trust
2. C.P.D.M.S. Ltd
Founded to meet the growing
demand for services in Law
Enforcement, Defence and
Health Consultancy.
Close relationship with
National and international
Experience with a variety of
different organisations,
Turnkey solutions
Client Support
Developing a relationship
The most important thing we build is trust
3. Investigations
Complete Policing carry out several types of investigation. These
include (but are not limited to):
Criminal Investigations
Civil Investigations
Negligence Investigations
Corporate Investigations
General Investigations
Forensic investigations
Personnel and Background Checks
Security Incident investigations
The most important thing we build is trust
4. Intelligence
The development of information and intelligence is
an integral part of todays society, specifically in the
area of Business Intelligence.
Intelligence allows business organisations and
companies to gather data.
Business Partners
Economic Environment
Internal Operations
The most important thing we build is trust
5. Advantages of Business intelligence
There are a number of advantages to be gained by
implementing business intelligence, namely:-
1. Enhanced reaction of the business organisation /
company towards the customer, therefore helping to
identify what the customer needs.
2. Increasing the capability of the business organisation
/ company to respond to market transformations.
3. Improved efficiency of operations.
4. Effective use and saving of capital.
5. Optimum use of organisational resources.
The most important thing we build is trust
6. Training
Law Enforcement - Security
Defence - Military
Medical Health Care
Education - Training
The most important thing we build is trust
7. Law Enforcement Training
First Responder
Forensic Awareness
Investigation (Basic)
Investigation (Advanced)
Investigation (Special & Vulnerable Witness)
Crime Scene Investigator / Examiner
Crime Scene Manager / Co-ordinator
Intelligence Analyst
And many more
The most important thing we build is trust
8. Defence Training
Conventional Military Skills Counter Terrorism
CT Assaulters Training
Basic and Advanced Close Quarter CT Aircraft Training
Battle CT Maritime Training
CT Sniper Training
Jungle/Arctic/Desert Warfare Training
CT Mission Management Training
Operations in Built Up Areas Method of Entry -
Reconnaissance/Close Target Manual/Explosive Breaching
Reconnaissance Training
Land Navigation Non Conventional Military Skills
Sniper Operations Surveillance/Counter
Helicopter Operations Surveillance
Maritime Training CIED/EOD Training
CRBN Training
Search and Rescue Training
The most important thing we build is trust
9. Medical Training
Specialist medical disciplines
Forensic awareness for medical professionals
Supply of executives and medical
professionals throughout the world
Speciality forensic training for practitioners
Compliance audits utilising trained medical
The most important thing we build is trust
10. Generic Customer Service Training
Generic training such as Integral part of any job
Customer Service Skills in any industry and at
Vital skills for any any professional level
workplace or Security Agents use
environment enabling customer service skills
Raising Standards with public, other
Raising Image professionals (medics /
doctors / police), senior
officers, junior
members of the service
The most important thing we build is trust
11. Why CPDMS Ltd?
Availability of professionals You Gain:
who are seasoned experts Cost benefits to your
within their own fields. organisation through:
Experience from across the Highly trained and self
Caribbean, the Americas, motivated individuals
and the World. Extremely competent
Experts now available within teams
the region. Reduced transient
Local and international workforce
The most important thing we build is trust
12. First Responders
Qualified First Responder:
First to attend the scene in 99% of all cases
Vital thought processes to process visual information and
save lives and evidence.
First Aid training by a competent trainer qualified to deliver
emergency medicine training (to UK HSE standards).
Forensic awareness training to guide the officer through the
processes required to identify a crime scene, including types
of a crime scene, what evidence is.
The most important thing we build is trust
13. Why are Security Personnel First
Site Security teams
always on site
Intruder detection
Response teams sent to
locations on alarm
Personal Protection
The most important thing we build is trust
14. Phone 07779067691 or
Email info@c-pdms.com
Direct contact 24 hrs a day to advice and
assistance by telephone and or email
Dedicated email address so your questions are
answered by a knowledgeable team of
professionals who recognise the urgency of
Specialists who can deliver change to your
organisation for its betterment
The most important thing we build is trust
15. C.P.D.M.S. Ltd
United Kingdom
St Lucia
St Kitts
Trinidad & Tobago
Cayman Islands
Tel: +44 777 9067691 Email: info@c-pdms.com
Web: http://www.completepolicingdefenceandmedicalsolutions.com
Or http://www.c-pdms.com
The most important thing we build is trust