A CPU, or central processing unit, is the hardware within a computer system that executes instructions from an application to carry out tasks. Early CPUs were custom-designed for specific computers but now most use mass-produced processors from companies like Intel, AMD, and others. A CPU is composed of thousands of tiny transistors that either allow or block the flow of electricity based on input signals. It coordinates the digital components by syncing to a clock signal measured in megahertz or gigahertz.
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1. Also Known as Central Processing
Noorah Mohammed
2. A CPU is most commonly known as a
A CPU is the hardware within a computer
3. Early CPUs were custom-designed as a part
of a larger, sometimes one-of-a-kind,
computer. However, this method of
designing custom CPUs for a particular
application has largely given way to the
development of mass-produced processors
that are made for this standardization
began in the era of discretetransistor
mainframesandminicomputersand has
rapidly accelerated with the popularization
of theintegrated circuits(IC).
4. CPUs are composed of thin layers of
thousands transistors.
Transistors are tiny microscopic bit of material
that blocks electricity when the charge is
weak, but allow electricity to pass through if
the charge is strong enough.
5. Intel
Power PC
G4. G5 IBM
6. The digital chips of a CPU sync each other by
the clock signal (a stream of impulses). The
faster the impulses, the faster the computer
7. CPUs run at rates of millions and billions of
Hertz, megahertz (MHz), and gigahertz
(GHz). Computer circuitry produces radio
frequency interference that could cause
problems for nearby devices.
To prevent this from occurring, a computer
contains a thin piece of metal shielding
inside its case, (only if the case isnt metal).
8. CPU uses electrical signals to direct the
entire computer system to carry out, or
execute stored program instructions.
10. Beach, Thomas E. "Computer Concepts and
Terminology. University of New Mexico. 24 Jan,
2012. Retrieved from:
CPU-Central Processing Unit: Quin Street. 2012.
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