Der Vortrag gibt einen Überblick über den EM 12c (Cloud Control) aus der MW Sicht und stellt neben den Cloud Management Strategie die Neuerungen im Vergleich zu EM 11g dar.
Cloud Storage: Enabling The Dynamic DatacenterEntel
It talk about the business climate today and what we are seeing from an industry perspective, as well as what we’re hearing from our customers and partners in terms of what they need/want to do, what their challenges are, and their requirements to achieve their goals.
It talk about NetApp’s offerings for how we can help you evolve to a dynamic data center.
We’ll highlight some actual NetApp customer
This SQL query selects all properties from the alf_node_properties table where the actual type is 21 and there is no matching content data in the alf_content_data table for the long value property.
This document is a random string of letters and numbers without any discernible meaning or essential information to summarize. It does not contain enough context to generate a useful 3 sentence or less summary.
This SQL query selects all properties from the alf_node_properties table where the actual type is 21 and there is no matching content data in the alf_content_data table for the long value property.
This document is a random string of letters and numbers without any discernible meaning or essential information to summarize. It does not contain enough context to generate a useful 3 sentence or less summary.