A hypothetical non-profit strategic plan presentation. Designed to show how processes would be implemented into the community to decrease D.U.I arrests.
4. Goals:
Ignition Interlock implementation for 1st time offenders
by 7/1/2015
3 fulfilled criminal justice internships for liaison positions
by 7/1/2012
RUAD alcohol & drugs required curriculum for driver
education centers in place by 9/25/2014
Environmental strategies planned for December 2018
5. A fatal collision that occurred I5 near Mercer St. took the lives of two young males age 24
and 23. Driving under the influence of alcohol kills.
WA State Fatality Statistics:
49.2% of impairment deaths on persons 16-30 years of age
Greatest day of week for such deaths are Saturdays and Sundays
Greatest time of day by 65.9% is 6pm-5:59 am
Greatest months at 41.7% are June September
3 of 5 are single vehicle and 2 of 3 are single occupant
Washington State #44
6. 2010 WA Courts Data
2,195 - DUI Charges
730 - Plead Guilty
4 - Not Guilty
580 Dismissed
1,502 Reduced or Amended
43 Jury
What about Spokane?
7. Who are the greatest
18-30 year olds
2011 Washington State Offender Information:
- 37,000 + arrests
-19,783 are 3rd time offenders
-2,103 are 5th time offenders
8. Programs currently in place include:
- The DUI Intensive Supervision Therapeutic Court
- 24 Hour Jail Alternative DUI Education Program
- Alcohol & Drug Information School (ADIS)
- Addiction & Recovery Overview
- DUI Victim's Panel Presentation
9. Members of our team:
CRASH Board of Officers 2012-2013
Amber Jones (Civic Organizations)
Vice President:
Heidi Kerwin (Business)
Sally Azar (Business)
Stephanie Kavadias-Boyers (Regional Education)
Deborah Kwik (Parent)
Immediate Past President:
Ken Briggs (Civic Organizations)
Liaison Members of Community Partners:
Amanda King (Probation)
Brenda Johnson (Youth)
Donna Smith (Prevention)
Frank James (Media)
John Doe (Law Enforcement)
Raymond Temple (Treatment)
Tom Baker (Regional Education)
10. Meeting Schedule: (Unless otherwise announced)
CRASH Board of Officers meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 4:00 pm
Community Services Building,
312 W 8th Ave., 5th floor conference room.
Annual meeting of all Community Partners and members: 1st Monday in June.
2012: June 4th, @ the Spokane Convention Center 8:30 am 3:30 pm.
11. Capacity: organizing with current programs in place
to meet project goals with financial resources.
Spokane County CSHCD Substance Abuse
Prevention Team
Volunteer DUI Panel Speakers
Spokane County District/Municipal Court
and Probation Services
Airway Heights Municipal Court and
Probation Department
Cheney Municipal Court and Probation
Medical Lake Municipal Court and Probation
Alcohol/Drug Information School Program
NEWTA (North East Washington Treatment
Spokane County Prosecutor's Office
Geiger Corrections Center
American Medical Response (AMR)
12. Planning:
Existing programs will only change in the
way they are accessed
Existing DUI Court System, jail alternative
program, ADIS and DUI panel remain
*A component of study and evaluation to
determine effectiveness
* New Liaison program
o Responsible for management of the
caseload outside of the court room
o Brings new and existing programs
together creating a cohesive and more
effective network toward success
13. Implementation: Tactics
-focused on carrying out goals and strategic planning
Process management liaison
o 3 paid positions supported with criminal justice interns
o Using interns supports long-term goals future lawyers working within the desire
court system
Environmental Strategies
o Positive Community Norms Development and Marketing Most of Us
o Responsible alcohol sales training
On-going and important component of long term success
Focus on what is right-communities shift toward healthy choices and away
from negative actions.
Recent changes in the distribution centers mean an increase in emphasis
on training for those newer establishment selling alcohol products
Liquor Control Board law and recommendations
14. Reduce Underage Drinking (RUAD) Education and Intervention Strategy Sessions
o CRASH better able to standardize education components in schools across city and
o Add 2 part series in conjunction with Drivers Education course
o MADD program of education of Grades 1-6 a template to local education system
It is not too early to start education our young against improper use of alcohol
*Ignition Interlock Rule for all first-time DUI offenders
o 50 states have some sort of ignition interlock laws
o 15 states have adopted all offender interlock laws
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analysis of 14 studies showed DUI
recidivism reduced by a median of 67%
Spokane County chosen to model court system dynamics and changes to institute 1st
time Ignition Interlock Rule
Dont get locked up, get interlock!
16. Framing Issues and Tactics
o Public defenders, lawyers and judges suggest court system will be burdened by case
Creating havoc within the courts VS. saving lives
Establish a working relationship with courts
Relational meetings between CRASH representatives
o Retired court Judge Malcolm Smith
o 2 lawyers of member CRASH
o Our intent, open dialogue, court input
o Negative public response
Taking away freedom, forcing compliance, lumping offenders VS. saving lives
Media contacts to reinforce the reduction in DUI fatalities
Work closely with law enforcement agencies when DUI patrol
announced to maintain flow of info re: ignition interlock and reducing
drunk driving
o Costs
Costs too much ($480/6mon) VS cost of a life
Issues at present, compliance is most important and courts and
probation officers will be asked for imput
Other Tactics
o Educational Component
Youth team presentations regarding peer pressure, realities of ignition
interlock and strategies to achieve a healthy lifestyle
o Community Readiness
Increasing area providers
Better Business Bureau Sound on Wheels
MADD link House and Transportation and Infrastructure
Committee has introduced an American Energy and Infrastructure
Job Act which would incentivize states to require these life-saving
o Letters
To State House Representatives: CRASH supports a state-wide Ignition
Interlock Rule
Influence the decision makers
To other city representatives and DUI Related programs throughout the
Sharing actions and goal of Ignition Interlock Rule
o Allies - those in position to influence decisions makers and
implement actions
18. C.R.A.S.H
Pre and Post
Program surveys
Court recorded data
Survey data
DUI arrest &
Recidivism rates
Evaluation: the measurement of impact within the
community both positive and negative.
Were to the point where almost everyone knows that [he or she]
shouldnt drink and drive. The people who are still doing it are
choosing to do it. The most effective way to deal with them is to
arrest them.
Or, as CRASH says, to INTERLOCK them!