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(816) 600-2478 Tammy@BeyondJobSearching.com CareerResumeConsulting.com
息 Career Resume Consulting 2016
(816) 600-2478 Tammy@BeyondJobSearching.com CareerResumeConsulting.com
息 Career Resume Consulting 2016
Now that weve told you a bit about our successful clients,
I would like to introduce myself as the Founder and CEO
of Career Resume Consulting. Im Tammy Kabell, and I have
been marketing my clients successfully into new careers since
2003, giving them both the competence and the confidence to win
the position they love and deserve, and be paid what theyre worth.
Early in my career, I held positions in sales and management, and spent a decade in Operations
Leadership at one of the largest employers in the Kansas City, MO, area, where I made hiring
decisions for every position from front line customer service to Executive Directors. After being
laid off on my 10-year anniversary in 2003, I found myself in the position of being an unemployed
executive, and not knowing the first thing about how to look for a six-figure job. I spent 12 months
searching the job boards and contacting friends and recruiters with very little success, and by
Christmas, my family was in dire straits and our house was in foreclosure. By sheer luck, I was
hired by the largest Executive Career Firm in the industry, where I served as a Senior Marketing
Director. At that time, I didnt even know what an Executive Career Firm was, but it was here
that I gained the insight into what a personal marketing approach can do for an Executive career
search. It was also in working with this firm that I realized my life mission  and best talent  was
to get people their dream jobs and have them paid what theyre worth in the marketplace.
In 2008, I started Career Resume Consulting, and have built it into an internationally recognized full
service Executive Career Firm. I am now considered a national authority in the hiring industry, and
have been fortunate enough to be featured as an expert multiple times in The Wall Street Journal,
NBC News, Fox News, Bloomberg Businessweek, Monster.com, Careerbuilder.com, TheLadders.
com and dozens of other online and paper publications. For two years, I was the resident job search
expert for a talk radio station in the Kansas City area, and since 2015, I have been a regular guest on
the local Fox TV affiliate, along with guest radio appearances across North America. CRC has also
been named the exclusive career firm partner of the VFW association, serving 1.3 million veterans.
(816) 600-2478 Tammy@BeyondJobSearching.com CareerResumeConsulting.com
息 Career Resume Consulting 2016
(816) 600-2478 Tammy@BeyondJobSearching.com CareerResumeConsulting.com
息 Career Resume Consulting 2016
One of my firms gifts is being able to articulate your worth relative to your competition
and define your strengths and your unique selling proposition to potential employers.
This induces a profound change in our clients overall attitudes. Then, equipped with the
knowledge of exactly how to contact decision makers and what theyll say in interviews,
our clients evolve from frustrated, lost job seekers to excited, confident ones.
It is critically important to me that every client secure a career position that not only pays
them what they are worth, but in a position where they are excited every morning to go
to work, surrounded by people that appreciate their opinion and unique talents.
The people I bring into our practice start as clients, quickly turn into
friends and end up as happily employed RAVING FANS!
Career Resume Consulting is a boutique career service, as we can be choosy as to whom we take on
as clients. CRC s effectiveness comes from being the best of both worlds - the best practices training
from the largest and most established executive firm in the industry, coupled with the individualized
attention of a small business and our expertise. It is only because of our controlled growth that we
are able to offer this level of personal service to every one of our clients. This has been a main key
to our business success. For this reason, we only take on a limited number of clients each month.
CRC has built a reputation as an industry thought leader who continuously evolves our techniques,
shifting our process and our writing style to meet the needs of the present market and each
individual client. In our experienced hands with world class coaches, you are assured you will not get
a novice with little training, an outdated resume writer or a career consultant that has not changed
techniques in over 1O years. The advantages of working with true experts in a small business is
your instruction and support will be built upon the successes of our past clients, as we constantly
incorporate what has worked for clients and discard those strategies that have become outdated.
A Boutique Career Firm
As featured in
(816) 600-2478 Tammy@BeyondJobSearching.com CareerResumeConsulting.com
息 Career Resume Consulting 2016
These results are seen consistently with our clients.
What affect would these kind of results do for your current job search?
When applying for posted positions online, your response rate increases.
When we update your online profiles on the job boards and LinkedIn, youll
receive unsolicited phone calls and emails from interested recruiters and
employers who have found you while searching for qualified candidates.
When getting your resume in the hands of the decision makers, you receive phone interviews
from those employers who are looking for exactly what you have to offer them.
During these interviews, the employers are extremely eager to talk with you, and youll find
the interviewers do most of the talking. Your resume has pre-sold you  the interviewer knows
you can do the job, and its only a matter of whether or not you are a good personality fit.
You are presented as a top performer, a Rock Star, and therefore positioned to receive a higher offer
in pay. It is easier to negotiate for a better compensation package as well, as long as your Rock Star
positioning is maintained throughout the hiring process with stellar interviewing and follow up.
You can finally tell the story of what you can do for your next employer in a way that gets
the decision makers attention and gets you those all-important first phone calls.
For the first time, you have the quantifiable results documented of your
achievements. You know exactly how they have affected the bottom line of your
past employers, so you know your true value in the job marketplace.
You can overcome any liability you might have in your search, like age, lengthy
unemployment, changing jobs too often and changing industries.
We have identified your transferable skills and core competencies, which allows you to
articulate these to an employer during any communication (letters, emails, interviews).
With the expertise of one of the best in the business, you know what positions you are qualified for,
and at what level. You also know the best industries options for your career goals and current market.
You have the assurance that youre working with one of very best resume
writers in the nation with a success rate that is unmatched.
(816) 600-2478 Tammy@BeyondJobSearching.com CareerResumeConsulting.com
息 Career Resume Consulting 2016
You are given 100 hand-researched contacts within your target companies right out of
the gate, giving you an immediate slingshot advantage in your six-figure search.
With a step-by-step plan, you are never lost, alone or misunderstood in your executive job search.
You know exactly what youre going to do each day of your search, with the reassurance
that what you are doing is moving you toward your ultimate result  getting a high-
paying job quickly that is a perfect fit with people you love working with.
You always have a great answer to any interview question, even if you dont know the answer.
You know how to network specifically for six figure job seeking, and
you make the most out of every networking opportunity.
You turn your references into walking testimonials for you.
You get the most out of executive recruiters, who are eager to promote you to their target companies.
For our Six Figure Solution executive full search program
clients, where we stick with you until you find your next
position, you receive all the benefits above, plus consistently
see the following additional results in your search:
(816) 600-2478 Tammy@BeyondJobSearching.com CareerResumeConsulting.com
息 Career Resume Consulting 2016
During a phone interview, you easily sell yourself into a face to face conversation.
You understand how to control an interview, and keep the topic
on the subjects you want to cover  your strengths.
You know how to read an interviewers unconscious signals and body
language, and how to build a connection by using these cues.
You build immediate personal chemistry with every interviewer, every time.
You have the inner confidence of someone who knows their abilities and their true
worth to an organization. This equates to winning the job more easily; a large majority
of our clients speak with four companies or less before landing their next position.
You know how to gather intelligence about a business and about the interviewer, which gives
you the upper hand vs. your competition and even above the employers during negotiations.
You always know you have the personalized support of a top career expert  we always have your
back and you never go into any search situation without knowing exactly what to do or say.
Youre excited to get up every morning because job searching has become THRILLING!
If youre looking for a six-figure position, each month that youre not employed at your potential, it is
costing you $8,300 to $15,000. We never make a recommendation for our services unless we are absolutely
confident that we can provide a multiple return on investment for you and save you months of searching.
How many days are you going to let slip by you where you are not living up to your potential?
During a free initial consultation, you can sit down with one of our coaches and find out your
estimated value in todays market, and whether you would be a successful client when working
with us. Contact us today to schedule this valuable appointment by calling our offices at
(816) 600-2478, or you can email Tammy Kabell directly at Tammy@BeyondJobSearching.com.

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CRC - About Our Firm

  • 1. (816) 600-2478 Tammy@BeyondJobSearching.com CareerResumeConsulting.com 息 Career Resume Consulting 2016 (816) 600-2478 Tammy@BeyondJobSearching.com CareerResumeConsulting.com 息 Career Resume Consulting 2016 AN INTRODUCTION TO OUR FIRM Now that weve told you a bit about our successful clients, I would like to introduce myself as the Founder and CEO of Career Resume Consulting. Im Tammy Kabell, and I have been marketing my clients successfully into new careers since 2003, giving them both the competence and the confidence to win the position they love and deserve, and be paid what theyre worth. Early in my career, I held positions in sales and management, and spent a decade in Operations Leadership at one of the largest employers in the Kansas City, MO, area, where I made hiring decisions for every position from front line customer service to Executive Directors. After being laid off on my 10-year anniversary in 2003, I found myself in the position of being an unemployed executive, and not knowing the first thing about how to look for a six-figure job. I spent 12 months searching the job boards and contacting friends and recruiters with very little success, and by Christmas, my family was in dire straits and our house was in foreclosure. By sheer luck, I was hired by the largest Executive Career Firm in the industry, where I served as a Senior Marketing Director. At that time, I didnt even know what an Executive Career Firm was, but it was here that I gained the insight into what a personal marketing approach can do for an Executive career search. It was also in working with this firm that I realized my life mission and best talent was to get people their dream jobs and have them paid what theyre worth in the marketplace. In 2008, I started Career Resume Consulting, and have built it into an internationally recognized full service Executive Career Firm. I am now considered a national authority in the hiring industry, and have been fortunate enough to be featured as an expert multiple times in The Wall Street Journal, NBC News, Fox News, Bloomberg Businessweek, Monster.com, Careerbuilder.com, TheLadders. com and dozens of other online and paper publications. For two years, I was the resident job search expert for a talk radio station in the Kansas City area, and since 2015, I have been a regular guest on the local Fox TV affiliate, along with guest radio appearances across North America. CRC has also been named the exclusive career firm partner of the VFW association, serving 1.3 million veterans.
  • 2. (816) 600-2478 Tammy@BeyondJobSearching.com CareerResumeConsulting.com 息 Career Resume Consulting 2016 (816) 600-2478 Tammy@BeyondJobSearching.com CareerResumeConsulting.com 息 Career Resume Consulting 2016 One of my firms gifts is being able to articulate your worth relative to your competition and define your strengths and your unique selling proposition to potential employers. This induces a profound change in our clients overall attitudes. Then, equipped with the knowledge of exactly how to contact decision makers and what theyll say in interviews, our clients evolve from frustrated, lost job seekers to excited, confident ones. It is critically important to me that every client secure a career position that not only pays them what they are worth, but in a position where they are excited every morning to go to work, surrounded by people that appreciate their opinion and unique talents. The people I bring into our practice start as clients, quickly turn into friends and end up as happily employed RAVING FANS! Career Resume Consulting is a boutique career service, as we can be choosy as to whom we take on as clients. CRC s effectiveness comes from being the best of both worlds - the best practices training from the largest and most established executive firm in the industry, coupled with the individualized attention of a small business and our expertise. It is only because of our controlled growth that we are able to offer this level of personal service to every one of our clients. This has been a main key to our business success. For this reason, we only take on a limited number of clients each month. CRC has built a reputation as an industry thought leader who continuously evolves our techniques, shifting our process and our writing style to meet the needs of the present market and each individual client. In our experienced hands with world class coaches, you are assured you will not get a novice with little training, an outdated resume writer or a career consultant that has not changed techniques in over 1O years. The advantages of working with true experts in a small business is your instruction and support will be built upon the successes of our past clients, as we constantly incorporate what has worked for clients and discard those strategies that have become outdated. CAREER RESUME CONSULTING: A Boutique Career Firm As featured in
  • 3. (816) 600-2478 Tammy@BeyondJobSearching.com CareerResumeConsulting.com 息 Career Resume Consulting 2016 THE EFFECTS OF ENROLLING IN OUR EXECUTIVE BRANDING PROGRAM: These results are seen consistently with our clients. What affect would these kind of results do for your current job search? When applying for posted positions online, your response rate increases. When we update your online profiles on the job boards and LinkedIn, youll receive unsolicited phone calls and emails from interested recruiters and employers who have found you while searching for qualified candidates. When getting your resume in the hands of the decision makers, you receive phone interviews from those employers who are looking for exactly what you have to offer them. During these interviews, the employers are extremely eager to talk with you, and youll find the interviewers do most of the talking. Your resume has pre-sold you the interviewer knows you can do the job, and its only a matter of whether or not you are a good personality fit. You are presented as a top performer, a Rock Star, and therefore positioned to receive a higher offer in pay. It is easier to negotiate for a better compensation package as well, as long as your Rock Star positioning is maintained throughout the hiring process with stellar interviewing and follow up. You can finally tell the story of what you can do for your next employer in a way that gets the decision makers attention and gets you those all-important first phone calls. For the first time, you have the quantifiable results documented of your achievements. You know exactly how they have affected the bottom line of your past employers, so you know your true value in the job marketplace. You can overcome any liability you might have in your search, like age, lengthy unemployment, changing jobs too often and changing industries. We have identified your transferable skills and core competencies, which allows you to articulate these to an employer during any communication (letters, emails, interviews). With the expertise of one of the best in the business, you know what positions you are qualified for, and at what level. You also know the best industries options for your career goals and current market. You have the assurance that youre working with one of very best resume writers in the nation with a success rate that is unmatched.
  • 4. (816) 600-2478 Tammy@BeyondJobSearching.com CareerResumeConsulting.com 息 Career Resume Consulting 2016 You are given 100 hand-researched contacts within your target companies right out of the gate, giving you an immediate slingshot advantage in your six-figure search. With a step-by-step plan, you are never lost, alone or misunderstood in your executive job search. You know exactly what youre going to do each day of your search, with the reassurance that what you are doing is moving you toward your ultimate result getting a high- paying job quickly that is a perfect fit with people you love working with. You always have a great answer to any interview question, even if you dont know the answer. You know how to network specifically for six figure job seeking, and you make the most out of every networking opportunity. You turn your references into walking testimonials for you. You get the most out of executive recruiters, who are eager to promote you to their target companies. For our Six Figure Solution executive full search program clients, where we stick with you until you find your next position, you receive all the benefits above, plus consistently see the following additional results in your search:
  • 5. (816) 600-2478 Tammy@BeyondJobSearching.com CareerResumeConsulting.com 息 Career Resume Consulting 2016 During a phone interview, you easily sell yourself into a face to face conversation. You understand how to control an interview, and keep the topic on the subjects you want to cover your strengths. You know how to read an interviewers unconscious signals and body language, and how to build a connection by using these cues. You build immediate personal chemistry with every interviewer, every time. You have the inner confidence of someone who knows their abilities and their true worth to an organization. This equates to winning the job more easily; a large majority of our clients speak with four companies or less before landing their next position. You know how to gather intelligence about a business and about the interviewer, which gives you the upper hand vs. your competition and even above the employers during negotiations. You always know you have the personalized support of a top career expert we always have your back and you never go into any search situation without knowing exactly what to do or say. Youre excited to get up every morning because job searching has become THRILLING! If youre looking for a six-figure position, each month that youre not employed at your potential, it is costing you $8,300 to $15,000. We never make a recommendation for our services unless we are absolutely confident that we can provide a multiple return on investment for you and save you months of searching. How many days are you going to let slip by you where you are not living up to your potential? During a free initial consultation, you can sit down with one of our coaches and find out your estimated value in todays market, and whether you would be a successful client when working with us. Contact us today to schedule this valuable appointment by calling our offices at (816) 600-2478, or you can email Tammy Kabell directly at Tammy@BeyondJobSearching.com.