The document provides instructions for teachers to create assignments in MBC and distribute them to students, including selecting a group, filling out information, standards, and assignees tabs to create the assignment, and then adding the created assignment to instructional bundles or pages to distribute to students.
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Create an Assignment in MBC
2. Creating Assignments
Now that you have uploaded resources to Your Stuff,
you can distribute these resources to your students as
7. Create Schoolwork Screen
You will now be in the Create Schoolwork Screen.
There are four tabs you need to complete before you
add the assignment:
Make sure you click on SAVE
after each tab or MBC will not
Questions let you move to the next tab
and your information will be
Standards lost.
9. 2. Enter the Title
3. Enter the
4. Enter the Max
Score for the
10. Assignment Description
Lay guidelines for
what you want the
assignment to look
like. For example,
Please complete the
RADCAB Worksheet
and submit it to me
using your iPad.
5. Click Your
11. After clicking Your Stuff, this textbox will
Scroll down to select the
document you want.
Select your Resource
12. After selecting your resource, it will
appear at the bottom of the page.
Select Save & Continue
13. Standards Tab
Choose standards by clicking on the + sign
Click Save
14. Assignees Tab
2. Click Save
1. Click Add New
15. Assign to a Group or Groups or even
specific members of a group.
Select the Start Date and Due Date
16. Select Maximum Submission Number
Complete the rest of the form
by choosing the settings you
desire for your assignment
Click Save
17. This information will show up when you are
finished assigning the work.
Edit and delete buttons are
available to make corrections
Save your work
when finished.
18. Assignments
The assignments can be given to your Group (class) or
you can add the assignment to you Bundle (Unit).
The following will show you how to add an assignment
to a Bundle.
19. Add Assignment to Bundles or Pages
1. Select your Bundle1 3. Select Schoolwork
2. Select Content
20. 2.Click on Schoolwork to
1. Scroll down to find be added to the Bundle
your Assignment
21. 3. Click and hold on assignment
and drop it into your Content.
22. This is what it will look like in your Bundle.
4. Click Save
23. Now it is your turn.
Go into a Group, create an assignment, and
add it to your Bundle.