The document summarizes a presentation about the CReATE Cluster Toolkit, which is used to develop the European digital media sector. It was successfully tested in 4 regions. The toolkit helps clusters understand and develop key sectors, agree a joint research agenda, and improve collaboration and innovation. It takes a step-by-step approach to define the cluster, analyze data, validate findings, and agree actions. Using the toolkit helps stakeholders respond to trends, work together, and increase profile, turnover, and funding. The presentation outlines regional results from using the toolkit in the West Midlands and tips for delivering it practically.
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CReaTE toolkit-brussels-29sept10-dcf
1. CReATE Cluster Toolkit:
Developing the European
Digital Media Sector
David Furmage – Author of Toolkit
Policy, Strategy & European Project Specialist
Brussels 29th Sept 2010
2. Presentation Outline
CReATE Toolkit – towards excellence
Successfully trialed in 4 Regions
How it works – step-by-step approach
What Outcomes you can expect
3. aims
Understand & develop key sectors
Agree Joint Research Agenda
Improve collaboration & innovation
Toolkit works for other knowledge sectors
Increase Understanding
Raise Profile
Step-by-Step with
cluster managers in mind!
launching at
Nov 2010 Stuttgart
also download Joint Research Agenda
select downloads
5. Collecting & analyzing the right data
Defining your cluster
Toolkit takes you through what
you need to do step-by-step…
Asking the right questions
Create a cluster map
Validating your SWOT analysis
7. Refine SWOT & STEEPV
Get a perspective on global trends
Bring stakeholders and
experts together through
workshops Agree joint actions
8. Agree your own regional research plan and cluster priorities
Develop partnerships & potential projects – in region & beyond
9. Launch your plans
Provide match-making opportunities for business & research
Influence policy & point to funding
Get REAL projects and joint ventures off the ground
Increase your clusters profile
11. using the CReATE Toolkit will help your stakeholders….
respond to future achieve a shared ‘buy-in’,
trends, avoiding working together in new
threats, building new ways, starting joint
opportunities… ventures…
increase turnover and
influence policies, point to
research activity, more
funding, kick start real
connections beyond
projects, real impacts…
region, higher profile…
Join the CReATE approach
Join our linkedin group European Digital Creative Network
12. CReATE Cluster Toolkit
Developing the digital media sector
thank you
for listening
David Furmage – Author of Toolkit
Policy, Strategy & European Project Specialist
13. CReATE Cluster Toolkit:
Developing the European
Digital Media Sector
Dan Licari - Cluster Manager, West Midlands, UK
Digital Media Consultant
Brussels 29th Sept 2010
14. Practical Tips on running CReATE
Feedback & tips from West Midlands Region …
… other comments and tips…
Innovation in Delivery
Second Life in West Midlands
15. Regional Results – West Midlands UK
Games serious games
Social Media
Positive Outcomes & aspirations…
16. Joint Research Agenda
Visual & Interactive Experiences
Tools of Productivity & Automation
Digital Distribution
Mobility & Interoperability
User-producer Interaction in Development
17. Practical Tips, Lessons Learnt, Future Possibilities
Dan Licari
Screen, Image & Sound Cluster Manager
Practical tips
& Lessons Learnt
more thoughts…
the future…
18. Next Steps
Real Business Development & Research is Crucial
Searching out effective Ideas, Projects, Collaborations
Develop Better Communications in Region and beyond
European Digital Creative Network - linkedin
Connect CReATE with existing Associations, groups…
Connect to University Funding & Other Initiatives…
Build momentum, Influence, cluster profile …
Influence Policy & New Funding Programmes if possible
19. CReATE Toolkit | Lessons Learnt | Future Possibilities
thank you for listening!