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Create Your
A Transamerica Company
The best way to predict your future is to create it.
- Abraham Lincoln
This presentation provides
you with an overview of:
What we believe at
World Financial Group
How we help people create success
How the WFG business works
There is no
expectation for
you to make a
decision today.
Three Questions
Whom do you know who could
benefit from our message?
Could this information help you or
your family financially?
Are you intrigued by this business?
Characteristics of
Successful WFG Associates
Many of WFGs successful associates
have these traits:
People skills and a desire to learn
A willingness to follow a proven
business platform
Our Goals
Create generations of people who
know how to better manage and
protect their money.
Provide a business platform to
associates, which gives the support
and systems they need to build
strong businesses and create better
lives for themselves.
An Exceptional Business
An overwhelming need for our
products and services
An effective business platform
Powerful compensation
Great timing
Strong core values
1 2014 Insurance Barometer Study, Ashley Durham, LIFE and LIMRA, 2014.
2 Facts from LIMRA: Life Insurance Awareness Month, September 2014, LIMRA. September 2014.
3. 2014 RCS Fact Sheet #6 - Preparing for Retirement in America, 2014 Retirement Confidence Survey, Employee Benefit Research Institute and Greenwald  Associates
The Dramatic Need
Many financial services
companies focus only on
the wealthy few, thus many
middle-income individuals
and families are grossly
People Need Help
There is a gap between the number of people
who say they need life insurance (65%) and
those who say they are extremely or very likely
to purchase it in the next year (3% and 7%
The middle market represents the largest segment
of uninsured households2
There is a need for education: Less than a quarter
of middle-market consumers are comfortable with
their level of financial knowledge and more than
three quarters believe they would benefit from a
financial services professionals guidance.2
Six in 10 workers report they and/or their spouse
have less than $25,000 in total savings and
investments, excluding their home and defined
benefit plans, which includes 36% who have less
than $1,000. However, of those workers with
annual household income of less than $35,000,
68% report having saved less than $1,000,
compared with 23% with incomes between
$35,000$74,999 and just 3 percent of those
with $75,000 or more a year in income.3
Where Most
Families Are Today
Whats the price?
Without financial security there is:
No peace of mind
Stress and frustration
A negative impact
on the family
Lost opportunities
Lack of confidence
Lack of hope
Lowered expectations
Lack of dreams
Whats the impact?
We believe that many families:
Live with insufficient protection and too much debt
Have no savings, or do not know why or how much
money they should save to reach their goals
Do not have a strategy for their futures, do not
make enough money and are not sure what to do
about either
To provide individuals and families
with a better quality of life, we
have to help this change.
A Different Kind of Company
There is a need for a different kind of
company in financial services. WFG believes
that we are that company.
WFG associates:
Reach out to middle-income individuals and
families instead of just the wealthy few
Help clients establish goals and give them a
clear strategy on how to reach them
Help people build a stronger, more sound
financial foundation
Some people believe wealth is:
Extravagant lifestyle: celebrities,
high-salaried sports stars, etc.
Exotic sports cars, expensive homes,
designer brands
But most people who try to
live a wealthy lifestyle:
Spend the money they earn or more
Dont attain wealth but, instead,
accumulate large amounts of debt
Financial security requires
Its necessary to develop discipline,
and the ability to determine needs
versus wants.
The discipline to
determine needs versus
wants is necessary to
achieve financial security.
What is Wealth?
True financial independence means to:
Save more and spend less
Live within ones means
Protect loved ones should the
worst-case scenario occur
Reduce and eliminate debt
Save sufficient funds to cover
expenses for six months to a year
Build long-term savings that protect
you and your family for life
Financial independence
offers peace of mind.
WFG and its associates
believe in a respectful,
no-pressure process.
How WFG Associates
Conduct Business
On the first visit, the associate
discusses concepts, gathers data
and information, and makes a
follow-up appointment.
The associate performs a financial
needs analysis for the client.
The associate returns to present the
analysis and recommendations.
Basic Financial Concepts
Knowing and understanding three basic financial concepts can help people have and
enjoy financial security. This is what WFG associates teach.
Managing Rate and Risk4
The Rule of 72 - If you divide 72 by the rate of return being earned, you will obtain
the approximate number of years required for your initial savings to double.
4 The Rule of 72 is a mathematical concept that approximates the number of years it will take to double the principal at a constant rate of return. The performance of investments fluctuates over time and,
as a result, the actual time it will take an investment to double in value cannot be predicted with any certainty. Additionally, there are no guarantees that any investment or savings program can outpace
inflation. All figures are for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect an actual investment in any product.
38 47 56 65
For example, the Rule of 72 tells us that an
investment earning a constant 8% rate of return
should double approximately every 9 years.
So, if you made a $10,000 investment at
age 29, with an 8% rate of return, it
should grow to about $160,000 by age 65.
The Power of Time
Time can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy. If you havent started saving
for your future, start now.
Reduce the Impact of Taxes6
When saving, you want to ensure to consider the effect that taxes can have on
your income.
5 All figures are for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect an actual investment in any product. Additionally, they do not reflect the performance risks, taxes, expenses or charges associated with any actual investment,
which would lower performance. This illustration is not an indication or guarantee of future performance. Contributions are made at the end of the period. Total accumulation figures are rounded to the nearest dollar.
6 Tax and/or legal advice are not offered by World Financial Group, Inc., its affiliated companies or its independent associates. Please consult with your personal tax and/or legal professional for further guidance.
Age of Investor 30
$677,561 $411,235 $266,326
$75,000 $12,500
35 5 years
Principal Invested
Total Accumulation
Person A Person B Difference
An example of saving $2,500 per
year, until age 65, in a tax-deferred
account earning 10% per year.5
 Savings Accounts
 Certificates of Deposit (CDs)
 Fixed Annuities
 Savings Bonds
 Roth IRAs
 Cash Accumulation in a
Life Insurance Policy
Tax Deferred Tax Exempt
7 Tax and/or legal advice are not offered by World Financial Group, Inc., its affiliated companies nor its independent associates. Please consult with your personal tax and/or legal professional for further guidance.
The WFG Financial Needs Analysis
A WFG associate can help answer these questions:
How do I create a workable savings plan
that I can stick to?
What goals should I set, and how much
do I need to save to reach these goals?
Are there products available that can
provide guarantees against loss?
What products can allow my money to
grow but still allow me to have access
to it without a penalty or being taxed?7
How much insurance do I need? What
types of insurance should I consider?
Will a professional work with me even
if I dont have a lot of money?
Build Wealth
 Strive to outpace inflation  reduce taxes
 Professional money management
Proper Protection
 Protect against loss of income
 Protect family assets
Debt Management
 Consolidate debt
 Strive to eliminate debt
Emergency Fund
 Save 3-6 months income
 Prepare for unexpected expenses
Cash Flow
 Earn additional income
 Manage expenses
Preserve Wealth
 Reduce taxation
 Build a family legacy
When investing, there are certain risks, fees and charges, and limitations that one must take into consideration.
Our Product Solutions8
Term Insurance
Universal Life
Fixed Annuities
College Savings12
8	Providers listed maintain current selling agreements with World Financial Group Insurance Agency, Inc. or its subsidiaries. 		
		 Associates must be properly licensed and/or appointed to sell insurance.
9 	Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company, Transamerica Life Insurance Company, World Financial Group, Inc., and World 		
		 Financial Group Insurance Agency, Inc. and its subsidiaries are affiliated companies.
10 	The full names, city and state locations of these entities are: Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa;
Transamerica Life Insurance Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Pacific Life Insurance Company, Newport Beach, California; Voya
Insurance and Annuity Company, Des Moines, Iowa; Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Columbus, Ohio.
11	 If the cash value of a life insurance policy is withdrawn for retirement then please note that money withdrawals from the 		
		 cash-value part of the insurance policy can be treated as a form of income. The withdrawals can also reduce the insurance 		
		 policys death benefit. Unpaid loans taken by the life insurance policy owner can also reduce the death benefit paid to the 		
12	 If the cash value of a life insurance policy is used for college savings then please note that money withdrawals from the
		 cash-value part of the insurance policy can be as a form of income and does count against needs-based financial aid in the
		 following year. The withdrawals can also reduce the insurance policys death benefit. Returns within an insurance policy may
		 not keep pace with rising college cost and surrender charges in the life insurance policys early years may reduce the cash
		 value. A cost-benefit analysis should be performed to determine if this long-term college savings strategy makes financial
		 sense for a particular family.
Traditional vs. Non-Traditional Models
Traditional Model
Production Oriented
Incentive to hinder promotion(s)
Difficult to keep talented people
Can deter loyalty
Low energy
Environment can be negative
Little to no growth
Little recognition other than a paycheck
Good training
Strong products
Great earning potential
Non-Traditional Model
Recruiting Oriented
Products often based on a fad
No standards for participation
Inadequate training
No loyalty or buy in
Possible lack of professionalism
Lack of financial discipline
Get-rich-quick mentality
Low entry-level earnings
Positive and inspirational
High-energy environment
Business ownership
Potential for growth
Major recognition
The WFG platform offers:
Excellent, high-quality training programs
A high-standard of professionalism
Top-rated products
Excellent earnings potential
An energetic and positive working environment
Inspiration and motivation
Exciting growth potential
Mentoring from top leadership
Business ownership
The WFG Business Platform
WFG has taken the best of both the production-
and recruiting-focused models and created a
business platform that rewards both production
and leadership development.
Personal production
Override the production of the
associates you help develop
Residual income from renewals
and/or trails
How to Earn Income at WFG
A WFG associate can earn income
in one of three ways:
WFG associates can develop their
full potential as leaders and
business owners while building
their organization.
The guidelines for an associates next
promotion are clearly stated and
easily accessible from his/her first
moment with the company.
An associates personal production
and hard work, as well as that of
his/her organization, are among the
factors that help determine when
the associate achieves his/her next
Your Earning Potential
WFG offers an excellent income opportunity. The following example shows how helping
a family results in a $2,220 commission paid to the field, with the commission based on
an average Life Insurance Policy sale to a 40-year-old male who is contributing $185 per
month to the policy.13,14
	 Per Month	 Per Year
	 $3,996	$47,952
(Helps four families per month)
Senior Marketing Director15,16
	 $7,104	$85,248
(Helps four families per month)
Senior Marketing Director leading
a five-person organization15,16,17
Only Senior Marketing Directors associates17
help four families each per month	 $15,540	$186,480
Senior Marketing Director and each member17
of the organization help four families per month	 $22,644	$271,728
Many people have experienced different levels of success with World Financial Group. However, individual member experiences may vary. This is not intended to, nor does it, represent that any current
members individual results are representative of what all participants achieve when following the World Financial Group system.
13 Opportunities to build other income may be achieved by qualifying for additional compensation and by qualifying for bonus pools.
14 Commission amount may vary based on product type and size of purchase.
15 This is a hypothetical scenario for illustrative purposes only. There is no assurance that these results can or will be achieved. Income is earned from sales of World Financial Group authorized products and
services. No income is earned for recruiting. See the current World Financial Group Field Manual for compensation percentages on all diversified product lines. All compensation plans subject to change.
Promotional criteria/designations are determined and offered by or through World Financial Group. Personal percentages earned on products may vary based on promotional level with WFG.
WFG Associate contract level of 36%, Senior Marketing Director contract level of 64%,Senior Marketing Director override level of 28%.
16 Associates of World Financial Group are independent contractors, regardless of field title/designation.
17 Example assumes all Senior Marketing Directors team members are at the Associate level.
In difficult economic times,
there is:
A greater demand for financial
education and guidance
A heightened demand to earn
extra income
Increased motivation to ensure security
Timing Is Everything
Now is a perfect time to consider WFG.
Essential Values
The strength of a business begins with
strength of character.
In life and in business, especially financial services, a
person should have integrity, honesty, dependability,
and be worthy of someones trust. These traits help
to build long-lasting relationships.
WFG believes in family.
WFG wants our associates families to be supported
and involved in the business.
Its important to have teamwork both at home and
at work.
WFG believes that involving family helps create a
more positive and effectual environment.
Our associates are encouraged to always remain
positive and to never give up on their dreams.
The WFG Business
Is WFG right for you? Typically, people
who are considering becoming an associate
with our company look to do so:
Part Time
They like their current jobs but
would like to earn extra income.
They are frustrated or dissatisfied
with where they are in their career/
life, and would like more control
over their time and income.
They feel less secure or have
recently lost a job, and are looking
for options.
Full Time
They are looking to change careers
or want to own a business.
Consider WFG
Lets overview the three
questions we asked
you to consider when
contemplating a career
with WFG.
Next Steps
Consider the reasons why you
may want to become a WFG
associate and discuss them with
your spouse/family.
Who do you know who could benefit from
our message?
Could this information help you or your
family financially?
Are you intrigued by this business?
In the next one to two days, meet
with a WFG associate for a follow up
If you set an appointment with an
associate, please keep it.
There is a need and WFG is here to meet it.
World Financial Group, Inc. (WFG) is a
financial services marketing company whose
affiliates offer a broad array of financial
products and services.
Insurance products offered through World
Financial Group Insurance Agency, Inc.,
World Financial Group Insurance Agency of
Hawaii, Inc., World Financial Group Insurance
Agency of Massachusetts, Inc., World Financial
Group Insurance Agency of Wyoming, Inc.,
World Financial Insurance Agency, Inc. and/or
WFG Insurance Agency of Puerto Rico, Inc. -
collectively WFGIA.
California #0679300
WFG and WFGIA are affiliated companies.
Headquarters: 11315 Johns Creek Parkway,
Johns Creek, GA 30097-1517.
Phone: 770.453.9300.
For use in the United States only.
World Financial Group and the WFG logo
are registered trademarks of World Financial
Group, Inc.
息2015 World Financial Group, Inc. 	

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Create Your Success

  • 2. The best way to predict your future is to create it. - Abraham Lincoln
  • 3. 1 This presentation provides you with an overview of: What we believe at World Financial Group How we help people create success How the WFG business works There is no expectation for you to make a decision today.
  • 4. 2 Three Questions Whom do you know who could benefit from our message? Could this information help you or your family financially? Are you intrigued by this business? Characteristics of Successful WFG Associates Many of WFGs successful associates have these traits: People skills and a desire to learn Coachability A willingness to follow a proven business platform
  • 5. 3 Our Goals Create generations of people who know how to better manage and protect their money. Provide a business platform to associates, which gives the support and systems they need to build strong businesses and create better lives for themselves.
  • 6. 4 An Exceptional Business Opportunity An overwhelming need for our products and services An effective business platform Powerful compensation Great timing Strong core values
  • 7. 5 1 2014 Insurance Barometer Study, Ashley Durham, LIFE and LIMRA, 2014. 2 Facts from LIMRA: Life Insurance Awareness Month, September 2014, LIMRA. September 2014. 3. 2014 RCS Fact Sheet #6 - Preparing for Retirement in America, 2014 Retirement Confidence Survey, Employee Benefit Research Institute and Greenwald Associates The Dramatic Need Many financial services companies focus only on the wealthy few, thus many middle-income individuals and families are grossly underserved. People Need Help There is a gap between the number of people who say they need life insurance (65%) and those who say they are extremely or very likely to purchase it in the next year (3% and 7% respectively)1 The middle market represents the largest segment of uninsured households2 There is a need for education: Less than a quarter of middle-market consumers are comfortable with their level of financial knowledge and more than three quarters believe they would benefit from a financial services professionals guidance.2 Six in 10 workers report they and/or their spouse have less than $25,000 in total savings and investments, excluding their home and defined benefit plans, which includes 36% who have less than $1,000. However, of those workers with annual household income of less than $35,000, 68% report having saved less than $1,000, compared with 23% with incomes between $35,000$74,999 and just 3 percent of those with $75,000 or more a year in income.3
  • 8. 6 Where Most Families Are Today Whats the price? Without financial security there is: No peace of mind Stress and frustration A negative impact on the family Lost opportunities Lack of confidence Lack of hope Lowered expectations Lack of dreams Whats the impact? We believe that many families: Live with insufficient protection and too much debt Have no savings, or do not know why or how much money they should save to reach their goals Do not have a strategy for their futures, do not make enough money and are not sure what to do about either
  • 9. 7 To provide individuals and families with a better quality of life, we have to help this change.
  • 10. 8 A Different Kind of Company There is a need for a different kind of company in financial services. WFG believes that we are that company. WFG associates: Reach out to middle-income individuals and families instead of just the wealthy few Help clients establish goals and give them a clear strategy on how to reach them Help people build a stronger, more sound financial foundation
  • 11. 9 Some people believe wealth is: Extravagant lifestyle: celebrities, high-salaried sports stars, etc. Exotic sports cars, expensive homes, designer brands But most people who try to live a wealthy lifestyle: Spend the money they earn or more Dont attain wealth but, instead, accumulate large amounts of debt Financial security requires discipline Its necessary to develop discipline, and the ability to determine needs versus wants. The discipline to determine needs versus wants is necessary to achieve financial security. What is Wealth?
  • 12. 10 True financial independence means to: Save more and spend less Live within ones means Protect loved ones should the worst-case scenario occur Reduce and eliminate debt Save sufficient funds to cover expenses for six months to a year Build long-term savings that protect you and your family for life Financial independence offers peace of mind.
  • 13. 11 WFG and its associates believe in a respectful, no-pressure process. How WFG Associates Conduct Business On the first visit, the associate discusses concepts, gathers data and information, and makes a follow-up appointment. The associate performs a financial needs analysis for the client. The associate returns to present the analysis and recommendations.
  • 14. 12 Basic Financial Concepts Knowing and understanding three basic financial concepts can help people have and enjoy financial security. This is what WFG associates teach. Managing Rate and Risk4 The Rule of 72 - If you divide 72 by the rate of return being earned, you will obtain the approximate number of years required for your initial savings to double. 4 The Rule of 72 is a mathematical concept that approximates the number of years it will take to double the principal at a constant rate of return. The performance of investments fluctuates over time and, as a result, the actual time it will take an investment to double in value cannot be predicted with any certainty. Additionally, there are no guarantees that any investment or savings program can outpace inflation. All figures are for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect an actual investment in any product. $20k 38 47 56 65 $40k $80k $160k For example, the Rule of 72 tells us that an investment earning a constant 8% rate of return should double approximately every 9 years. So, if you made a $10,000 investment at age 29, with an 8% rate of return, it should grow to about $160,000 by age 65.
  • 15. 13 The Power of Time Time can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy. If you havent started saving for your future, start now. Reduce the Impact of Taxes6 When saving, you want to ensure to consider the effect that taxes can have on your income. 5 All figures are for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect an actual investment in any product. Additionally, they do not reflect the performance risks, taxes, expenses or charges associated with any actual investment, which would lower performance. This illustration is not an indication or guarantee of future performance. Contributions are made at the end of the period. Total accumulation figures are rounded to the nearest dollar. 6 Tax and/or legal advice are not offered by World Financial Group, Inc., its affiliated companies or its independent associates. Please consult with your personal tax and/or legal professional for further guidance. Age of Investor 30 $87,500 $677,561 $411,235 $266,326 $75,000 $12,500 35 5 years Principal Invested Total Accumulation Person A Person B Difference An example of saving $2,500 per year, until age 65, in a tax-deferred account earning 10% per year.5 Taxable Savings Accounts Certificates of Deposit (CDs) 401(K)s IRAs Fixed Annuities Savings Bonds Roth IRAs Cash Accumulation in a Life Insurance Policy Tax Deferred Tax Exempt
  • 16. 14 7 Tax and/or legal advice are not offered by World Financial Group, Inc., its affiliated companies nor its independent associates. Please consult with your personal tax and/or legal professional for further guidance. The WFG Financial Needs Analysis A WFG associate can help answer these questions: How do I create a workable savings plan that I can stick to? What goals should I set, and how much do I need to save to reach these goals? Are there products available that can provide guarantees against loss? What products can allow my money to grow but still allow me to have access to it without a penalty or being taxed?7 How much insurance do I need? What types of insurance should I consider? Will a professional work with me even if I dont have a lot of money? Build Wealth Strive to outpace inflation reduce taxes Professional money management Proper Protection Protect against loss of income Protect family assets Debt Management Consolidate debt Strive to eliminate debt Emergency Fund Save 3-6 months income Prepare for unexpected expenses Cash Flow Earn additional income Manage expenses Preserve Wealth Reduce taxation Build a family legacy When investing, there are certain risks, fees and charges, and limitations that one must take into consideration.
  • 17. 15 Our Product Solutions8 Term Insurance Universal Life Fixed Annuities IRAs Retirement11 College Savings12 9,10 10 10 8 Providers listed maintain current selling agreements with World Financial Group Insurance Agency, Inc. or its subsidiaries. Associates must be properly licensed and/or appointed to sell insurance. 9 Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company, Transamerica Life Insurance Company, World Financial Group, Inc., and World Financial Group Insurance Agency, Inc. and its subsidiaries are affiliated companies. 10 The full names, city and state locations of these entities are: Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Transamerica Life Insurance Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Pacific Life Insurance Company, Newport Beach, California; Voya Insurance and Annuity Company, Des Moines, Iowa; Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Columbus, Ohio. 11 If the cash value of a life insurance policy is withdrawn for retirement then please note that money withdrawals from the cash-value part of the insurance policy can be treated as a form of income. The withdrawals can also reduce the insurance policys death benefit. Unpaid loans taken by the life insurance policy owner can also reduce the death benefit paid to the beneficiaries. 12 If the cash value of a life insurance policy is used for college savings then please note that money withdrawals from the cash-value part of the insurance policy can be as a form of income and does count against needs-based financial aid in the following year. The withdrawals can also reduce the insurance policys death benefit. Returns within an insurance policy may not keep pace with rising college cost and surrender charges in the life insurance policys early years may reduce the cash value. A cost-benefit analysis should be performed to determine if this long-term college savings strategy makes financial sense for a particular family. 9,10 1010
  • 18. 16 Traditional vs. Non-Traditional Models Traditional Model Production Oriented Weaknesses Incentive to hinder promotion(s) Difficult to keep talented people Can deter loyalty Low energy Environment can be negative Stressful Little to no growth Little recognition other than a paycheck Strengths Good training Professionalism Strong products Great earning potential Non-Traditional Model Recruiting Oriented Weaknesses Products often based on a fad No standards for participation Inadequate training No loyalty or buy in Possible lack of professionalism Lack of financial discipline Get-rich-quick mentality Low entry-level earnings Strengths Positive and inspirational High-energy environment Business ownership Potential for growth Major recognition VS
  • 19. 17 The WFG platform offers: Excellent, high-quality training programs A high-standard of professionalism Top-rated products Excellent earnings potential An energetic and positive working environment Inspiration and motivation Exciting growth potential Mentoring from top leadership Business ownership The WFG Business Platform WFG has taken the best of both the production- and recruiting-focused models and created a business platform that rewards both production and leadership development.
  • 20. 18 Personal production Override the production of the associates you help develop Residual income from renewals and/or trails How to Earn Income at WFG A WFG associate can earn income in one of three ways:
  • 21. 19 Promotions WFG associates can develop their full potential as leaders and business owners while building their organization. The guidelines for an associates next promotion are clearly stated and easily accessible from his/her first moment with the company. An associates personal production and hard work, as well as that of his/her organization, are among the factors that help determine when the associate achieves his/her next promotion. Powerful. Motivational. Inspirational.
  • 22. 20 Your Earning Potential WFG offers an excellent income opportunity. The following example shows how helping a family results in a $2,220 commission paid to the field, with the commission based on an average Life Insurance Policy sale to a 40-year-old male who is contributing $185 per month to the policy.13,14 Per Month Per Year Associate15,16 $3,996 $47,952 (Helps four families per month) Senior Marketing Director15,16 $7,104 $85,248 (Helps four families per month) Senior Marketing Director leading a five-person organization15,16,17 Only Senior Marketing Directors associates17 help four families each per month $15,540 $186,480 Senior Marketing Director and each member17 of the organization help four families per month $22,644 $271,728 Many people have experienced different levels of success with World Financial Group. However, individual member experiences may vary. This is not intended to, nor does it, represent that any current members individual results are representative of what all participants achieve when following the World Financial Group system. 13 Opportunities to build other income may be achieved by qualifying for additional compensation and by qualifying for bonus pools. 14 Commission amount may vary based on product type and size of purchase. 15 This is a hypothetical scenario for illustrative purposes only. There is no assurance that these results can or will be achieved. Income is earned from sales of World Financial Group authorized products and services. No income is earned for recruiting. See the current World Financial Group Field Manual for compensation percentages on all diversified product lines. All compensation plans subject to change. Promotional criteria/designations are determined and offered by or through World Financial Group. Personal percentages earned on products may vary based on promotional level with WFG. WFG Associate contract level of 36%, Senior Marketing Director contract level of 64%,Senior Marketing Director override level of 28%. 16 Associates of World Financial Group are independent contractors, regardless of field title/designation. 17 Example assumes all Senior Marketing Directors team members are at the Associate level.
  • 23. 21 In difficult economic times, there is: A greater demand for financial education and guidance A heightened demand to earn extra income Increased motivation to ensure security Timing Is Everything Now is a perfect time to consider WFG.
  • 24. 22 Essential Values The strength of a business begins with strength of character. In life and in business, especially financial services, a person should have integrity, honesty, dependability, and be worthy of someones trust. These traits help to build long-lasting relationships. WFG believes in family. WFG wants our associates families to be supported and involved in the business. Its important to have teamwork both at home and at work. WFG believes that involving family helps create a more positive and effectual environment. Our associates are encouraged to always remain positive and to never give up on their dreams.
  • 25. 23 The WFG Business Is WFG right for you? Typically, people who are considering becoming an associate with our company look to do so: Part Time They like their current jobs but would like to earn extra income. They are frustrated or dissatisfied with where they are in their career/ life, and would like more control over their time and income. They feel less secure or have recently lost a job, and are looking for options. Full Time They are looking to change careers or want to own a business.
  • 26. 24 Consider WFG Lets overview the three questions we asked you to consider when contemplating a career with WFG. Next Steps Consider the reasons why you may want to become a WFG associate and discuss them with your spouse/family. Who do you know who could benefit from our message? Could this information help you or your family financially? Are you intrigued by this business? In the next one to two days, meet with a WFG associate for a follow up meeting. If you set an appointment with an associate, please keep it.
  • 27. 25 There is a need and WFG is here to meet it.
  • 28. 26 WFGOpportunity.com World Financial Group, Inc. (WFG) is a financial services marketing company whose affiliates offer a broad array of financial products and services. Insurance products offered through World Financial Group Insurance Agency, Inc., World Financial Group Insurance Agency of Hawaii, Inc., World Financial Group Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, Inc., World Financial Group Insurance Agency of Wyoming, Inc., World Financial Insurance Agency, Inc. and/or WFG Insurance Agency of Puerto Rico, Inc. - collectively WFGIA. California #0679300 WFG and WFGIA are affiliated companies. Headquarters: 11315 Johns Creek Parkway, Johns Creek, GA 30097-1517. Phone: 770.453.9300. WorldFinancialGroup.com For use in the United States only. World Financial Group and the WFG logo are registered trademarks of World Financial Group, Inc. 息2015 World Financial Group, Inc. 2585/6.15