The document discusses using gamification elements, social support capabilities, and community building to create a sustainable mobile ecosystem for education. It proposes apps that allow students to share real-time information, check-in, develop good study habits, explore careers, find internships and opportunities, and receive mentoring - aiming to prepare students for the data, ideas, and attention economy of the future. Developing a Nike-like social-local-mobile approach could help key stakeholders capitalize on this model and replicate it for K-12 and higher education.
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Creating a nike like system for service learning
3. Gamification Elements
and Mechanics (badges,
Social support
capability to
personalize ones
5. Why are K12 and
Higher Education
Missing? Students
are consumers.
11. A sustainable, cloud-based, realtime,
mobile ecosystem can emerge if key
stakeholders capitalize on this Nike-Like
model and replicate it. To sustain a game-changing
model like Nike has with fitness,
developers will need to provide dedicated
apps to establishing good study habits,
career exploration, internship options,
community service, and mentoring and job
opportunities. Apps that will enable
students to check-in and share real-time
information, in an effort to prepare them
for what awaits in the data, ideas, and
attention economy they will find