Information architecture organizes a website's content into categories and creates an interface to support those categories, balancing business and user goals while allowing multiple ways to find content and representing it with a coherent underlying concept. Information architects research the business and audience, analyze data, and develop labeling, navigation, and site structure through site maps, diagrams, and wireframes.
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4. What is Information Architecture ?
Information architecture is combination of
organizing a site's content into categories and
creating an interface to support those
6. Characteristics of Good IA
Balances business & user goals
Allows people to easily find what they need
Provides more than one way to content
Represents the content
Has a coherent underlying concept
Exposes information as needed
7. So what IAs do ??
Research Business
Research the audience
Analyze the data
Primary Objective
Develop labelling/navigation/site structure
Site maps
Site flow diagrams
13. What is web designing ?
It is the skill of creating presentations of
content that is delivered to end user through
the world wide web, by a web browser or
other web-enabled software like internet
23. Refers to the process of optimizing both the
on-page and off-page ranking factors in order
to achieve high search engine rankings for
targeted search terms.
24. Title
Meta Description
Key words/ long tail keywords
Out going links
Internal linking
Alt attribute (Image Optimisation)
Link title
Headings (H1, H2)
Domain name
25. Quality backlink building
Directory submission
Blog commenting
Forum posting
Guest or sponsored posting
Link bookmarking
News Site and Press release
29. SEM
Social Media
Email marketing
Mobile marketing
Affiliate marketing
37. Revenue from subscription
Revenue from Pay Per View
Revenue from CPM
Banner ads, skyscrapers
Revenue from CPC advertising
Revenue from CPA advertising
Revenue from PPI advertising
Selling user data
Website flipping