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Breaking Barriers to Deployment
       May 2-4, 2011
  Washington Nationals Park

Creating Climate Wealthwillconvene respectedentrepreneursinWashington, DC jointly witha
selectedgroup of Intrapreneursfromthegovernment,non-pro鍖t,andcorporatecommunitiesto
providetheirinsightsandexpertiseonthepolicies,marketframeworks, and programs thatwill
clear the barrierstodelivertheseemissionreductions andpromotejobcreation. Thegathering
will startfromexisting proposals, butwill encourageparticipants to use their entrepreneurial

andeconomicgrowth.Since theoilcrisesofthe1970s,theWorldhasinvestedbillionsinto

Creating Climate Wealth is by invitation only. It兵s designed for
entrepreneurs, industryexecutives, investors, lenders, civilservants,
technicalexperts, NGO leaders, and professionalserviceproviders.

The challenge beforeusis toidentify themarket inef鍖ciencies andpolicy failures thatarecausing
pro鍖tabletechnologysolutionsfromscalingrapidlyandbrainstormwaysfor usto work togetherto
prosperity,enhancecompetitiveness,securenationalsecurity,boost the protection andrestoration
ofnaturalsystems,andalleviateresourceconstraints inenergy,water, andrareearthmetals.In

TheCarbonWarRoom andour partnerswillfacilitateaforumwherewenotonlydiscuss

     I believe in our resourcefulness and in our

              capacity to invent solutions to the
          problems we have ourselves created.
                                Sir Richard Branson
Summit Agenda

May 2, 2011
                                                                               WORKING GROUP
6:00 - 8:00 pm     	     	Welcome Reception                                       TRACKS
                                                                                  Distributed Generation
May 3, 2011                                                                       Energy Ef鍖ciency
7:30 - 8:45 am	          Continental Breakfast                                     Transportation
9:00 - 9:30 am
Welcome and Keynote                                    Island Nations
	                        		Richard Branson, Virgin Group (Invited)                Renewable Fuels
	                        		Strive T. Masiyiwa, CEO, Econet Wireless
                                                                                  Shipping and Freight
9:45 - 11:30 am
         Plenary Session - Creating Climate Wealth               Sustainable Agriculture

                        Former President Jose Maria Figueres
	                        Strive T. Masiyiwa, CEO, Econet Wireless

12:00 - 1:00 pm	         Lunch

1:30 - 4:00 pm	          Working Groups Meet

4:30 - 5:30 pm	          Cocktail Hour

5:30 pm	                 	Buses Leave for Gala

         climate                                                                            May 4, 2011
                       gala                                           7:30 - 8:45 am

                                                             9:00 - 9:30 am
                                                                                              Continental Breakfast

                                                                                     Welcome and Session Recap
     May 3, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm                                               Jigar Shah, CEO, Carbon War Room
     Hosted by Carbon War Room
                                                      9:30 - 10:30 am         Plenary Session  Impact Investing
     and Earth Day Network
                                                              11:00 am - 12:30 pm            Working Groups Meet
     The gala, held at the Ronald Reagan
     Building, home of the EPA, will feature                                           1:00 - 2:00 pm       Lunch
     speakers, music, and entertainment.
                                                                      2:30 - 4:15 pm         Working Groups Meet
     This gala is open to non-summit
     attendees.                                                            4:30 - 5:30 pm          Closing Plenary

                                 EARTH DAY NETWORK
Summit Speakers
   RICHARD BRANSON | Founder and Chairman of the Virgin Group (Invited)
   Sir Richard Branson is a successful international entrepreneur and is Founder and Chairman of the
   Virgin Group. Virgin is one of the worlds most recognized and respected brands and has expanded
   into everything from airand ground travel to telecommunications, health, space travel and
   renewable energy through more than 200 companies worldwide, employing approximately 50,000
   people in 29 countries.

                                   JOS MARIA FIGUERES | Former President of Costa Rica
                     As President of Costa Rica, Jos辿 Maria Figueres created a comprehensive
                  national sustainable development strategy, combining sound macroeconomic
               indicators, strategic human development investments, and a strong alliance with
                 nature. In the international arena, President Figueres has pioneered the linkage
                  between sustainable development and technology. He helped create and lead
                                     the United Nations ICT Task Force as its 鍖rst Chairperson.

   ARNOLD SCHWARTZNEGGER | Former Governor of California (Invited)
   Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's 2005 executive order on climate change and the landmark
   California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 established the state as a leader in making real
   reductions in carbon emissions requiring the state to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to
   1990 levels by 2020. Governor Schwarzenegger is founding chairman of R20, , an alliance of
   regional leaders who have pledged to work together to 鍖ght climate change.

                                STRIVE T. MASIYIWA | Founder and CEO of Econet Wireless
                 Strive Masiyiwa is the maverick founder, chairman, and CEO of Econet Wireless
                          Holdings, a diversi鍖ed international telecommunications group based in
                      South Africa with operations on three continents. He is a founding member
                   of the African Latin American Institute, a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation
                             and a board member of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa.

   MICHAEL HAAS | Founder and CEO of Orion Renewable Energy Group
   Michael Haas is the Founder and CEO of Orion and Co-Founder of Renewable Development
   Company Ltd. (RDC), pioneers in delivering low cost renewable energy around the world. In 2009, Mr.
   Haas founded Alliance for Climate Education (ACE), which educates high school students on the
   science behind global warming and inspires them to take action. In its 鍖rst 18 months, ACE educators
   presented to over 650,000 students in schools across the US.


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Creating Climate Wealth May 2011 DC

  • 1. Breaking Barriers to Deployment May 2-4, 2011 Washington Nationals Park PRESENTED BY POWERED BY
  • 2. Creating Climate Wealthwillconvene respectedentrepreneursinWashington, DC jointly witha selectedgroup of Intrapreneursfromthegovernment,non-pro鍖t,andcorporatecommunitiesto providetheirinsightsandexpertiseonthepolicies,marketframeworks, and programs thatwill clear the barrierstodelivertheseemissionreductions andpromotejobcreation. Thegathering will startfromexisting proposals, butwill encourageparticipants to use their entrepreneurial expertisetoproblem-solvenewapproachesbasedonbudgetde鍖citsandothermarketconditions. Thegoalofthemeetingistofocusonoutcomessavinggigatonsofcarbonwhilecreatingjobs andeconomicgrowth.Since theoilcrisesofthe1970s,theWorldhasinvestedbillionsinto technologydevelopmentintheareasofenergyef鍖ciency,lowcarbonenergy,ef鍖cient transportation,biofuels,andotherareas.Thisresearchhasledtohundredsofbreakthroughsthat arecosteffective,yettheyhavenotscaleduptotheirfullpotential.Thisrepresentsanamazing wealthcreationopportunityonewecanusetocreateeconomicgrowth,entrepreneurialwealth, goodpayingjobs,andcarbonreductions. Creating Climate Wealth is by invitation only. It兵s designed for entrepreneurs, industryexecutives, investors, lenders, civilservants, technicalexperts, NGO leaders, and professionalserviceproviders. The challenge beforeusis toidentify themarket inef鍖ciencies andpolicy failures thatarecausing pro鍖tabletechnologysolutionsfromscalingrapidlyandbrainstormwaysfor usto work togetherto attackthemheadontocreatenewjobs,whileatthesametimereachinggigatonlevelsolutions. Indeed,thesoonerweeliminateinef鍖cientpolicies,thequickerwecanrestoreglobaleconomic prosperity,enhancecompetitiveness,securenationalsecurity,boost the protection andrestoration ofnaturalsystems,andalleviateresourceconstraints inenergy,water, andrareearthmetals.In thisnewdecadewecanfullyalignoureffortstocreatewealthandprotecttheplanetthrough intelligentpolicyandfreemarketstructures. TheCarbonWarRoom andour partnerswillfacilitateaforumwherewenotonlydiscuss thesematters,butcreateaconcreteroadmapwithspeci鍖cstepsthatcanbetaken. I believe in our resourcefulness and in our capacity to invent solutions to the problems we have ourselves created. Sir Richard Branson
  • 3. Summit Agenda May 2, 2011 WORKING GROUP 6:00 - 8:00 pm Welcome Reception TRACKS Distributed Generation May 3, 2011 Energy Ef鍖ciency Personal 7:30 - 8:45 am Continental Breakfast Transportation 9:00 - 9:30 am Welcome and Keynote Island Nations Richard Branson, Virgin Group (Invited) Renewable Fuels Strive T. Masiyiwa, CEO, Econet Wireless Shipping and Freight 9:45 - 11:30 am Plenary Session - Creating Climate Wealth Sustainable Agriculture Former President Jose Maria Figueres Strive T. Masiyiwa, CEO, Econet Wireless 12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch 1:30 - 4:00 pm Working Groups Meet 4:30 - 5:30 pm Cocktail Hour 5:30 pm Buses Leave for Gala climate May 4, 2011 leadership gala 7:30 - 8:45 am 9:00 - 9:30 am Continental Breakfast Welcome and Session Recap May 3, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm Jigar Shah, CEO, Carbon War Room Hosted by Carbon War Room 9:30 - 10:30 am Plenary Session Impact Investing and Earth Day Network 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Working Groups Meet The gala, held at the Ronald Reagan Building, home of the EPA, will feature 1:00 - 2:00 pm Lunch speakers, music, and entertainment. 2:30 - 4:15 pm Working Groups Meet This gala is open to non-summit attendees. 4:30 - 5:30 pm Closing Plenary EARTH DAY NETWORK
  • 4. Summit Speakers RICHARD BRANSON | Founder and Chairman of the Virgin Group (Invited) Sir Richard Branson is a successful international entrepreneur and is Founder and Chairman of the Virgin Group. Virgin is one of the worlds most recognized and respected brands and has expanded into everything from airand ground travel to telecommunications, health, space travel and renewable energy through more than 200 companies worldwide, employing approximately 50,000 people in 29 countries. JOS MARIA FIGUERES | Former President of Costa Rica As President of Costa Rica, Jos辿 Maria Figueres created a comprehensive national sustainable development strategy, combining sound macroeconomic indicators, strategic human development investments, and a strong alliance with nature. In the international arena, President Figueres has pioneered the linkage between sustainable development and technology. He helped create and lead the United Nations ICT Task Force as its 鍖rst Chairperson. ARNOLD SCHWARTZNEGGER | Former Governor of California (Invited) Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's 2005 executive order on climate change and the landmark California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 established the state as a leader in making real reductions in carbon emissions requiring the state to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. Governor Schwarzenegger is founding chairman of R20, , an alliance of regional leaders who have pledged to work together to 鍖ght climate change. STRIVE T. MASIYIWA | Founder and CEO of Econet Wireless Strive Masiyiwa is the maverick founder, chairman, and CEO of Econet Wireless Holdings, a diversi鍖ed international telecommunications group based in South Africa with operations on three continents. He is a founding member of the African Latin American Institute, a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and a board member of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. MICHAEL HAAS | Founder and CEO of Orion Renewable Energy Group Michael Haas is the Founder and CEO of Orion and Co-Founder of Renewable Development Company Ltd. (RDC), pioneers in delivering low cost renewable energy around the world. In 2009, Mr. Haas founded Alliance for Climate Education (ACE), which educates high school students on the science behind global warming and inspires them to take action. In its 鍖rst 18 months, ACE educators presented to over 650,000 students in schools across the US. www.creatingclimatewealth.com