The leaderboard adds a whole new dimension to your video game. It's a means of building rivalry between players and deepening their engagement with the game. But, like most things in gaming, building a leaderboard comes with its own technical challenges.
2. Leaderboards
Effective way to show where a user stands within a gamified
Absolute leaderboards incentivize
Relative leaderboards avoid disengagement of players at
lower end of rankings
Several type of rankings (weekly, monthly, friends, )
6. Requirements
Add member
Remove member
Update member score
Find member score
Find member rank
Associate data to members (Name, Alliance, etc)
Get slices of the ranking (for pagination)
8. Implementation
Redis data structure server
Sorted set data structure
Different sorted sets for different kinds of rankings
Redis hash data structure for member associated data
Lua scripting for aggregating in-memory data
(Sorted) Sets operations (union, intersection, etc)
9. Challenges
Horizontal scaling
It is not possible to shard a dataset with a single huge key like a
very big sorted set
Two-phase commits if you want to execute a transaction
among different data stores
10. Summary
Redis is the right tool for the job, but datasets can not be bigger
than memory
Exceptional performance (more than 8K leaderboard ops per
second in a single instance)
Easy to use and understand technology
Mature and open source