Pong-Ravee Halelamien interned full-time for 35 hours per week at CreativeRXN, an organization that manufactures rocket test stands. As an intern, Pong assisted in operating machines like mills, lathes, welders and saws to help construct a test stand that could handle 3,000 pounds of thrust. Pong found the internship through competitions and met the founder, who trusted Pong's engineering decisions and allowed independence in handling tasks. The internship provided challenges like learning to use new tools like welders and lathes, but with guidance Pong was able to quickly learn the basics of each machine.
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1. Tufts Internship Profiles 2012
Tufts Career Center | careers.tufts.edu | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall
CreativeRXN | www.creativerxn.com
Pong-Ravee Halelamien (Mechanical Engineering, First Year)
Machinist intern
Full-time, 35 hours per week
What do you do as an intern at this organization?
As an intern at CreativeRXN, I helped manufacture and construct the Prometheus 3K, a rocket test-stand
that could handle 3,000 pounds of thrust. I assisted by operating the CNC mill, bridgeport mill, lathes,
welder, and various saws.
How did you find your internship?
I found this internship through BotsIQ and StarBot. During the BotsIQ competition, I met the founder of
CreativeRXN, Zachary Howard.
What do you enjoy most about your internship?
I enjoyed the amount of trust my boss, Zach, had in me. He trusted my engineering decisions and
allowed me to handle any given situation as deemed appropriate. In addition to working hard until 1am
on most days, we became close friends.
What do you find challenging?
I encountered tools and machinery that I've never operated before. Prior to the internship, I've never
operated a MIG welder, a lathe, nor a bandsaw. I faced a few obstacles, but thanks to some guidance, I
quickly learned the basics of each machine.
What advice would you offer to someone who wants to make the most of an internship like yours?
My advice would be to learn anything about everything when given the opportunity. At first I was
hesitant to use the chop-saw to cut the steel plate because of the sparks, but I quickly became
comfortable with it.
About the Organization
Weston, Florida
Founded in 2011 by Zach Howard, an Aerospace Engineer from Georgia Tech, CreativeRXN provides
scientists and engineers from all walks of life with platforms to develop space related technology. Our
company is based on the philosophy that innovation can come from anyone, anywhere. Until recently,
experimental space technology required huge budgets and advanced electronics. We are changing that
paradigm, by combining advances in microprocessor and data acquisition technology with lean start up
sensibility. Come help us make a ding in the universe!