1) Credit cards can cause users to overspend and fall into debt due to high interest rates and unexpected fees. While convenient, credit cards encourage spending beyond one's means.
2) While credit card companies provide some purchase protections, users are still subject to fees like cash advance charges and high penalty interest on unpaid balances.
3) Although credit cards can help build a positive credit history, they also risk deepening user debt over time as interest charges accumulate on balances that are not paid off each month.
Ekonomi komersial masyarakat Melayu mulai berkembang sejak abad ke-15 melalui perdagangan internasional dengan berbagai negara. Aktivitas ekonomi komersial meliputi perdagangan, penanaman komoditas ekspor seperti lada hitam dan gambir, pemungutan hasil hutan, serta penanaman padi untuk diperdagangkan. Kedatangan Britania Raya mempercepat perkembangan ekonomi komersial dengan melibatkan berbagai lapisan masyarakat dan
Slaid menerangkan tentang faktor mengapa British menubuhkan Negeri-negeri Melayu Bersekutu. Terdapat beberapa faktor di mana faktor kewangan merupakan faktor utama. Di samping itu, masalah kuasa residen dan kurang kawalan gabenor Negeri-negeri Selat. Negeri-negeri Melayu Bersekutu terdiri daripada negeri Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, negeri Pahang dan juga negeri Perak.
Dokumen ini membahas perkembangan zaman prasejarah di Malaysia, terutama zaman Paleolitik, Neolitik, dan Logam. Zaman Paleolitik ditandai dengan gaya hidup berpindah-randah, menggunakan alat batu, dan upacara perkuburan. Pada zaman Neolitik muncul pertanian, tembikar, dan permukiman tetap. Zaman Logam dicirikan dengan penggunaan logam seperti besi dan gangsa serta sistem sosial yang lebih
20120531200501 kuliah 7 imperialisme barat di asia tenggaraTatulrich Tatul
Dokumen ini membahas pengaruh imperialisme Barat di Asia Tenggara, terutama Belanda dan Inggris. Ia menjelaskan bagaimana Belanda memperluas pengaruhnya di Indonesia melalui sistem kultur dan monopoli perdagangan, sementara Inggris menguasai Semenanjung Melayu untuk kepentingan ekonomi dan keamanan. Dokumen ini juga membahas penyebaran pengaruh kedua kuasa kolonial ini di kawasan tersebut hingga abad ke-20.
Penjelajahan dan penerokaan telah berlaku sejak zaman tamadun awal manusia dengan tujuan mencari sumber rezeki dan membuka kawasan baru. Beberapa tamadun seperti Mesir, China, Melayu dan Yunani telah melakukan aktiviti ini untuk tujuan perdagangan dan menyebarkan agama. Zaman Renaissance dan kemajuan teknologi pelayaran memudahkan penjelajahan Eropah ke seluruh dunia.
Hubungan antara Kerajaan Kedah, Kelantan, Negeri Sembilan dan Perlis dengan negeri-negeri Melayu lain berdasarkan tiga asas utama: agama (Islam), keserumpunan, dan geografi. Hubungan diplomatik dan perdagangan diperkukuh melalui pertukaran budaya, perkahwinan antara keluarga diraja, serta aktiviti perdagangan di pelabuhan-pelabuhan utama.
Alam Melayu merujuk kepada kawasan di Asia Tenggara yang terdiri dari kepulauan dan tanah besar. Kawasan ini dahulunya dikenal sebagai Pentas Sunda. Penduduk di kawasan ini berbagi tamadun yang sama seperti bahasa, budaya, dan kepercayaan karena keserupaan ciri geografi dan ekologi. Kedudukan strategis memungkinkan pertukaran dan perkembangan cepat suatu kerajaan.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang perjuangan rakyat Kedah melawan Siam untuk mendapatkan kembali kedaulatan Kedah pada abad ke-19. Perjuangan ini dipimpin oleh beberapa tokoh seperti Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin, Tunku Kudin, dan Tunku Muhammad Saad. Meskipun beberapa kali berhasil merebut kembali wilayah Kedah, upaya mereka sering digagalkan oleh campur tangan Britania Raya yang mendukung Siam.
Dokumen tersebut membincangkan konsep-konsep globalisasi, kebergantungan, liberalisasi dan deregulasi ekonomi serta kesan-kesannya. Ia juga menyentuh mengenai kerjasama ekonomi antara kawasan seperti APEC dan ASEAN termasuklah Segitiga Pertumbuhan. Kerjasama alam sekitar turut ditekankan bagi memastikan sumber semula jadi dan pembangunan lestari.
The document discusses the different types of payment cards available, including credit cards, charge cards, ATM cards, debit cards, and prepaid cards. Credit cards provide a line of credit up to a spending limit and require minimum monthly payments, while charge cards require payment in full each month. ATM cards access bank accounts at ATMs, and debit cards allow direct payments from checking accounts. Prepaid cards work like debit cards but are funded with deposits instead of a bank account. The document also notes various fees associated with different card types and importance of researching terms before applying.
Credit cards originated in the United States in the early 20th century when department stores issued metal plates to loyal customers, allowing them to buy on credit. Later, banks introduced general-use credit cards that could be used at multiple merchants. Credit cards offer convenient credit and a way to track expenses, and are accepted worldwide with various credit limits and rewards programs. There are standard credit cards as well as specialized cards like balance transfer cards, rewards cards, secured cards for those with poor credit, and business or student cards designed for specific users.
Slaid menerangkan tentang faktor mengapa British menubuhkan Negeri-negeri Melayu Bersekutu. Terdapat beberapa faktor di mana faktor kewangan merupakan faktor utama. Di samping itu, masalah kuasa residen dan kurang kawalan gabenor Negeri-negeri Selat. Negeri-negeri Melayu Bersekutu terdiri daripada negeri Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, negeri Pahang dan juga negeri Perak.
Dokumen ini membahas perkembangan zaman prasejarah di Malaysia, terutama zaman Paleolitik, Neolitik, dan Logam. Zaman Paleolitik ditandai dengan gaya hidup berpindah-randah, menggunakan alat batu, dan upacara perkuburan. Pada zaman Neolitik muncul pertanian, tembikar, dan permukiman tetap. Zaman Logam dicirikan dengan penggunaan logam seperti besi dan gangsa serta sistem sosial yang lebih
20120531200501 kuliah 7 imperialisme barat di asia tenggaraTatulrich Tatul
Dokumen ini membahas pengaruh imperialisme Barat di Asia Tenggara, terutama Belanda dan Inggris. Ia menjelaskan bagaimana Belanda memperluas pengaruhnya di Indonesia melalui sistem kultur dan monopoli perdagangan, sementara Inggris menguasai Semenanjung Melayu untuk kepentingan ekonomi dan keamanan. Dokumen ini juga membahas penyebaran pengaruh kedua kuasa kolonial ini di kawasan tersebut hingga abad ke-20.
Penjelajahan dan penerokaan telah berlaku sejak zaman tamadun awal manusia dengan tujuan mencari sumber rezeki dan membuka kawasan baru. Beberapa tamadun seperti Mesir, China, Melayu dan Yunani telah melakukan aktiviti ini untuk tujuan perdagangan dan menyebarkan agama. Zaman Renaissance dan kemajuan teknologi pelayaran memudahkan penjelajahan Eropah ke seluruh dunia.
Hubungan antara Kerajaan Kedah, Kelantan, Negeri Sembilan dan Perlis dengan negeri-negeri Melayu lain berdasarkan tiga asas utama: agama (Islam), keserumpunan, dan geografi. Hubungan diplomatik dan perdagangan diperkukuh melalui pertukaran budaya, perkahwinan antara keluarga diraja, serta aktiviti perdagangan di pelabuhan-pelabuhan utama.
Alam Melayu merujuk kepada kawasan di Asia Tenggara yang terdiri dari kepulauan dan tanah besar. Kawasan ini dahulunya dikenal sebagai Pentas Sunda. Penduduk di kawasan ini berbagi tamadun yang sama seperti bahasa, budaya, dan kepercayaan karena keserupaan ciri geografi dan ekologi. Kedudukan strategis memungkinkan pertukaran dan perkembangan cepat suatu kerajaan.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang perjuangan rakyat Kedah melawan Siam untuk mendapatkan kembali kedaulatan Kedah pada abad ke-19. Perjuangan ini dipimpin oleh beberapa tokoh seperti Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin, Tunku Kudin, dan Tunku Muhammad Saad. Meskipun beberapa kali berhasil merebut kembali wilayah Kedah, upaya mereka sering digagalkan oleh campur tangan Britania Raya yang mendukung Siam.
Dokumen tersebut membincangkan konsep-konsep globalisasi, kebergantungan, liberalisasi dan deregulasi ekonomi serta kesan-kesannya. Ia juga menyentuh mengenai kerjasama ekonomi antara kawasan seperti APEC dan ASEAN termasuklah Segitiga Pertumbuhan. Kerjasama alam sekitar turut ditekankan bagi memastikan sumber semula jadi dan pembangunan lestari.
The document discusses the different types of payment cards available, including credit cards, charge cards, ATM cards, debit cards, and prepaid cards. Credit cards provide a line of credit up to a spending limit and require minimum monthly payments, while charge cards require payment in full each month. ATM cards access bank accounts at ATMs, and debit cards allow direct payments from checking accounts. Prepaid cards work like debit cards but are funded with deposits instead of a bank account. The document also notes various fees associated with different card types and importance of researching terms before applying.
Credit cards originated in the United States in the early 20th century when department stores issued metal plates to loyal customers, allowing them to buy on credit. Later, banks introduced general-use credit cards that could be used at multiple merchants. Credit cards offer convenient credit and a way to track expenses, and are accepted worldwide with various credit limits and rewards programs. There are standard credit cards as well as specialized cards like balance transfer cards, rewards cards, secured cards for those with poor credit, and business or student cards designed for specific users.
This document discusses credit card fraud, including its definition, types, implications, and common locations where it occurs. Credit card fraud involves stealing and misusing someone's credit card information to make unauthorized purchases. It can seriously harm victims by saddling them with debt and damaging their credit scores. Fraud occurs through various means such as online theft, physical card theft, counterfeiting, and phone/mail scams. Common locations with high fraud rates include supermarkets, hospitals, shopping centers, clothing stores, restaurants, and hotels.
Things To Look For When You Find Credit Cards For Bad Creditpaully58
There are several factors to consider when choosing a credit card if you have bad credit. You should look for cards that 1) do not require a credit check, 2) have reasonable interest rates capped at 25%, and 3) have no hidden fees. It is also beneficial to get a card that reports payments to credit agencies, has flexible payment schedules, and allows credit limits to increase with on-time payments over time to help rebuild your credit score.
The ultimate cheat sheet on all about payday loansFaaastCash
This document provides information about payday loans in California and tips for applying for payday loans. It discusses California laws regulating payday lenders and loans, how payday loans can help build credit when repaid on time, common situations where payday loans are useful, and tips for choosing a trustworthy payday lender such as checking if they are a member of the Online Lenders Association.
The document is a project report submitted by Dravya Chawla on a study of perceptions of credit cards among bank customers. It includes a declaration by the author, a certificate from the institute, acknowledgements, table of contents, and several chapters on the introduction, literature review, research methodology, results and discussion. The introduction provides background on the growth of credit card usage and discusses key aspects of the credit card system including interest charges, grace periods, benefits to customers and merchants, and consequences of credit card defaults.
The document discusses various electronic payment systems used in e-commerce. It describes the meaning of electronic payments and some common modes of electronic payments including e-cash, credit cards, debit cards, smart cards, e-wallets, and electronic funds transfer. For each payment mode, it provides details on how they work, their advantages and disadvantages. The key electronic payment modes covered in the document are e-cash, credit cards, debit cards, smart cards, and e-wallets. It provides an overview of these different payment options and factors to consider when using them.
This document discusses different electronic payment systems used in e-commerce. It describes e-cash, credit cards, debit cards, smart cards, e-wallets, and electronic funds transfer. It provides details on credit cards and debit cards, including how they work, their advantages and disadvantages. Credit cards offer benefits like easy access to credit, rewards programs, and purchase protection, but can also lead to debt issues if not managed properly due to high interest rates and potential overspending. Debit cards provide convenience but have limitations like restricted funds access and potential fees for using other banks' ATMs.
A Few White Sneaky Ways To Repair Your Credit Historywellirene
The document provides tips for repairing damaged credit scores and bad credit. It recommends paying bills on time, closing credit accounts gradually, monitoring your credit report, negotiating with creditors to remove negative items, and utilizing tools on the FTC website to dispute inaccuracies. It emphasizes that repairing credit takes time, patience and avoiding companies that promise quick fixes. Maintaining good financial habits like paying obligations on time and adding positive information to credit reports can help in credit repair.
The document discusses factors that can lead to overspending and provides tips to prevent it. It identifies easy access to cash via debit cards and widespread availability of credit options like credit cards, auto loans, and mortgages as primary reasons for overspending. It warns that while convenient, relying on credit and failing to recognize the debt incurred can encourage impulse spending beyond one's means. The key is only using credit cards for purchases that can be paid off each month to avoid interest charges that drive up total costs.
Get your credit to work for you instead of against you. This credit card FAQ and guide aims to help you understand the inner workings and technical aspects of credit card policies and credit card debt. Get the best card rates and deals by applying these tips.
This document provides information about different types of consumer credit. It defines credit as an arrangement to receive goods or services now and pay for them later. It discusses how credit works, including borrowing money from a creditor and paying interest. It also covers the costs and benefits of using credit, factors to consider before financing a purchase, and the various forms consumer credit can take, such as credit cards, loans, and layaway plans. It emphasizes the importance of understanding interest rates, fees, repayment terms, and your ability to repay before taking on debt.
Just as there are too many credit card companies to count, there seems to be just as many different credit cards, all claiming to offer you the best possible deal.
Full details here: http://www.badcreditresources.com/different-types-credit-cards-features
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This document provides an introduction to managing personal finances, including proper use of debit cards, credit cards, and understanding the true costs of carrying credit card balances over time. It advises tracking all purchases and payments, paying credit cards in full each month to avoid interest charges, and only making purchases if you have the cash to pay for them. Examples are given showing how small minimum payments on balances can result in paying much more over time in interest. The goal is to educate youth on developing healthy money habits.
Chargeback is one of the worst words for merchants today. While they are a huge pain, chargebacks are a part of any business that accepts debit and credit cards. Originally chargebacks were used to protect consumers from charges made fraudulently, along with keeping merchants accountable and honest. However, today chargebacks are used by many more people and can feel like a vendetta.
1. Buying on credit involves purchasing something with the promise to pay in the future.
2. Key players in credit card transactions include the cardholder, merchant, acquiring bank (merchant's bank), issuing bank (cardholder's bank), and card associations like Visa and Mastercard.
3. An acquiring bank contracts with merchants to enable credit card acceptance, while an issuing bank issues cards to consumers and is repaid by cardholders. Card associations govern the system and process transactions.
The Credit Repair Specialist recognizes all current credit laws and offers a comprehensive, yet simple approach to improve credit ratings. The Credit Repair Specialist disputes inaccurate, obsolete, erroneous, incomplete and unverifiable information reported to the four major credit bureaus namely: Experian, Trans Union, Equifax and Innovis in order to help improve consumers' credit ratings.
Global Client Solutions, a debt management company based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, provides advice for proper credit card use, including keeping close track of all charges, understanding card terms like fees and limits, paying more than the minimum when possible to reduce interest, and seeking professional help for debt if relying on cards just to get by financially.
It is not entirely uncommon, for most of us to be faced with emergency situations in which we are not able to meet our current needs financially. These are some of the most stressful times that one can go through.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Dr. Ansari Khurshid Ahmed- Factors affecting Validity of a Test.pptxKhurshid Ahmed Ansari
Validity is an important characteristic of a test. A test having low validity is of little use. Validity is the accuracy with which a test measures whatever it is supposed to measure. Validity can be low, moderate or high. There are many factors which affect the validity of a test. If these factors are controlled, then the validity of the test can be maintained to a high level. In the power point presentation, factors affecting validity are discussed with the help of concrete examples.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
Mastering Soft Tissue Therapy & Sports Taping: Pathway to Sports Medicine Excellence
This presentation was delivered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the Institute of Sports Medicine to an audience of sports physiotherapists, exercise scientists, athletic trainers, and healthcare professionals. Led by Kusal Goonewardena (PhD Candidate - Muscle Fatigue, APA Titled Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist) and Gayath Jayasinghe (Sports Scientist), the session provided comprehensive training on soft tissue assessment, treatment techniques, and essential sports taping methods.
Key topics covered:
Soft Tissue Therapy The science behind muscle, fascia, and joint assessment for optimal treatment outcomes.
Sports Taping Techniques Practical applications for injury prevention and rehabilitation, including ankle, knee, shoulder, thoracic, and cervical spine taping.
Sports Trainer Level 1 Course by Sports Medicine Australia A gateway to professional development, career opportunities, and working in Australia.
This training mirrors the Elite Akademy Sports Medicine standards, ensuring evidence-based approaches to injury management and athlete care.
If you are a sports professional looking to enhance your clinical skills and open doors to global opportunities, this presentation is for you.
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECD
Hannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website https://oecdedutoday.com/webinars/
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
This slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
Functional Muscle Testing of Facial Muscles.pdfSamarHosni3
Credit Cards
1. Credit Card is Harmful for users
Credit Card is Harmful for users
Nurzahirah bt. Baharin (141240276)
Siti Aminah bt. Mazlan (141240292)
University Malaysia Perlis
2. Credit Card is Harmful for users
This essay is about the disadvantages of using a credit card. Where, credit card have
more disadvantages rather than advantages, thus, the user of the credit card may end up with
financial problem or burden. The thesis statement of this essay is credit card is harmful for
users as it causes users to overuse the credit card, unexpected fees and deepening the user
debt. The topic sentence for Body Paragraph 1 is credit card is convenience because it can save
your time and trouble. But in using a credit card, it may lead you to overuse the credit card.
And the topic sentence for Body Paragraph 2 is credit card company will provide a purchase
protection to their customers. In spite of this, there is unexpected fees. Finally, the topic
sentence for body paragraph 3 is even though the use of credit card can build a positive credit,
it also may deepening your debt.
3. Credit Card is Harmful for users
For those who are planning to fill a form to apply a credit card, should rethink again
after read this facts. According to Tang (2015) Cash, Debit and Credit Card publish by New
Straits Times. The first impression of credit card by the public or the user, is like a ginie where
the user can get anything that they wish but the pleasant is just at the moment you swipe the
plastic card and take away the goods from the shelve, but actually the moment you felt the
pleasant you are deepening your debt to the bank. Thus credit card is harmful for users as it
causes users to overuse the credit card, unexpected fees and deepening the user debt.
The credit card is convenience because it can save your time and trouble. Where you
dont have to waste time to search and queue waiting for your turn at the ATM machine to
withdraw your cash. Besides that, credit card is useful in times of emergency. Credit cards also
will avoid the user from keeping a lot of cash on-hand. It will avoid the user from losing their
money if there are an accident happen such as the user lose their wallet or someone may steal
their credit card number. The user can cancel their credit cards by calling the credit card
company immediately when they realized about it and to cancel all the purchases made by
another person after they lost their cards. Credit cards also convenience because some of it
offer benefits such as travel and emergency assistance. By using credit cards, the users might
not face trouble when there are emergency and need to withdraw a lot of money. They also can
check their card to see what travel advantages are available and offering. But it may lead you
to overuse the credit card, by revolving the credit card, makes it easy to spend more than what
you can afford. Meaning, with the existence of credit card, you may think that you able grab
anything that you wish from the shelf and you are not consider about the price, or think about
whether you could afford it or not. You may spend money beyond you means. According to
Tang (2015) , the New Straits Times, Cash, Debit and Credit Cards, she says that Credit
Cards let you spend more than you have in your bank account, but what they are actually doing
is giving you a loan with a high rate of interest, so you will end up paying even more for
4. Credit Card is Harmful for users
something you could not afford in the first place. Thus, as Thomas Jefferson quote says Never
spend your money before you have it to avoid from risking yourself in financial. Just because
the users do not realized about their spending money by using the credit card, they will face
another problems. For example, they will be burden with debts by their overuse money in their
accounts. There are increasing amount of the people that have been officially being bankruptcy
because they cannot adapt to their financial burden.
Besides that, Credit Card Company will provide a purchase protection to their
customers. Under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act, credit cards issuers and retailers take
joint responsibility for faulty purchases. Meaning, the user of credit card will be protected in
the event that its faulty if they are purchase for something valued between 贈100 and 贈30,000.
They can claim for a refund from card provider. Where most of the company will provide an
extra protection if you lost, damage or stolen something that you have just bought. According
to Khaidir (2015), in the articles title The Plastic of Choice, he says that Credit Cards do
hold a certain advantage. Consumers who pay their balance in full each month can benefit from
up to certain days of free float the time between when a purchase is made and when you actually
pay your bill. By the credit card statement, you can showed the fact that you have bought the
goods. In spite of this, there is unexpected fees. Usually, to get an advance cash you need to
pay around 2 to 4 percent, and it carry high interest rate. Furthermore, the credit card company
will charge you with high amount of interest on each balance that you have failed to pay at the
end of each month. The credit card company making their money by collecting their interest
that included in the credit card. Usually, the company will put around 10% if we are making a
loan from a bank and if the user owe money to a credit card company, they have to pay the
around 20% interest. Because of this, most of credit card user get into debt because of the high
interest rates.
5. Credit Card is Harmful for users
In addition, by using the credit card it build positive credit. Which means controlled use
of credit card can help you establish credit for the first time or rebuild if you had financial
problem in the past. According to the reader Ryall (2014), experience, he paid off the card
twice a month instead of once a month. To be sure if he forget to make one, at least he already
did one and the interest rate would not be increased for being late. Besides that, he paid off all
his credit, and got a good score, then switched to a low limit credit card to train himself. Now
he had much higher limit and he manage his spending responsibly. When you are manage to
build or rebuild a good credit history indirectly the used of credit card can be the advantage of
you. For an illustration, when you intend to buy a house or car by loan, the first thing that the
bank do is to check your financial and credit history. Since you have a good and solid financial
and credit history, you have proof to the bank that you are able to pay your bills, thus it is a
good persuasion in order to get the trust from the bank to trust you with large amount of their
money. Even though the use of credit card can build a positive credit, it also may deepening
your debt. With the credit card, consumer are using credit more than before. As they encourage
the consumer to spend money that they dont have. By means even if you only have $100, but
yet you are able to spend up to $500 or even more on your plastic card. Gradually, your debt is
deepening due to interest charge on each balance that you dont pay off at the end of each
month. Consumers actually use the money more than they have in their account. So, without
they do not know, they actually make loan with the bank because they are using others money
in the bank. Because of that, many consumers that use credit cards will actually increase or
deepening their debts with the bank.
As has been noted, credit card is harmful for users. As it causes users to overuse the
credit card, unexpected fees and deepening the user debt. Thus the readers who are planning to
apply the credit card should reconsider if you are able to manage a good credit history, whether
you are smart enough to use it in a wiser way, or you are strong enough to be a discipline credit
6. Credit Card is Harmful for users
card user. If not, you might spending and go over your limit, you are not able to pay off the
credit in full at the end of each month and you will end up charged with high interest rate.
Sooner or later if the problem getting severe you might end up as a bankruptcy.
7. Credit Card is Harmful for users
Ching. Debit card versus credit card : Which is right for you? Retrieved on June 13, 2012
from https://www.imoney.my/articles/debit-card-vs-credit-card/
Adam, D. Debit Cards vs. Credit Cards: Your best arguments. Retrieved on July 1, 2014
from http://lifehacker.com/debit-cards-vs-credit-cards-your-best-arguments-
Tiffany, T. Cash, Debit and Credit Card. Retrieved on March 17, 2015 from New Straits
Times. http://www2.nst.com.my/channels/niexter/cash-debit-and-credit-card-
Khaidir, A. M. The plastic of choice. Retrieved on March 17, 2015 from New Straits Times.
Emily B. A Beginners Guide to Credit Cards. Retrieved from