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Can India prevail?
A statistical analysis of the ongoing T20 worldcup
Submitted by:
Sugyan Panda, SIOM
Can India Prevail?
For the IndiancricketfansIndiahas alwaysbeenamostfavourednationforany cricketcup.
The winningof firsteverT20 worldcuphas increasedtheirexpectationbymanyfolds.Afterthe first
one IndiacouldntperformuptotheirexpectationinanyotherT20 worldcup.
Here is an analysisshowingthe potential of the currentteamto winanother worldcup.The stepby
stepanalysisrepresentsthe currentsituation,whocouldbe the possiblekeyplayersandwhat
changescan be done inthe currentway of playing.
The Process:
Step 1: Average total score in one innings in winning causes
How isit calculated?
 Complete dataforthe winningcausesare taken
 Average runsperoverwas calculated
 Average total score for1 inningswascalculated (20*avgrpo)
Thismethodof calculatingthe average score removesthe no.of overIndia battedwhen
inningsanditalsoremovesthe biasnessarisesdue tosituational
 The average RPO calculatedwas8.463 witha standard deviationof 1.176
 The average total score inone inningscanbe calculatedas= 20 * 8.463 = 169.23
 So,total inningsscore of 169 will increase the chancesof winningthe matchfor
The averagetotal scoreof Indian team in one innings in
winning causes
Possibleaveragetotalscorethat can be scored by the
currentIndian team in one innings
What could be the possibleresults and whatwould
be the strategy
Mean 8.463
StDev 1.176
N 25
Histogram of RPO
(Minitab output for winning causes)
Team Score Overs RPO Inns Result Opposition
India 218/4 20 10.9 1 won v England
India 211/4 19.1 11 2 won v Sri Lanka
India 202/4 19.4 10.27 2 won v Australia
India 192/5 20 9.6 1 won v Pakistan
India 188/5 20 9.4 1 won v Australia
India 186/5 20 9.3 1 won v SouthAfrica
India 180/5 20 9 1 won v Bangladesh
India 174/7 19.2 9 2 won v Sri Lanka
India 170/4 20 8.5 1 won v England
India 168/6 20 8.4 1 won v SouthAfrica
India 167/3 18.1 9.19 2 won v Australia
India 159/6 20 7.95 1 won v WestIndies
India 159/5 20 7.95 1 won v Afghanistan
India 158/5 17.5 8.85 2 won v England
India 157/5 20 7.85 1 won v Pakistan
India 155/3 20 7.75 1 won v Sri Lanka
India 153/5 20 7.65 1 won v SouthAfrica
India 152/6 20 7.6 1 won v SouthAfrica
India 144/3 18 8 2 won v Zimbabwe
India 135/2 19.4 6.86 2 won v Australia
India 129/2 17 7.58 2 won v Pakistan
India 127/4 19.5 6.4 2 won v SouthAfrica
India 116/3 14.5 7.82 2 won v Afghanistan
India 113/2 15.3 7.29 2 won v Ireland
India 112/4 15 7.46 2 won v Zimbabwe
(Average RPO in different causes)
Step 2: Possible total score that can be scored by the current Indian team in
one innings
How isit calculated?
 Collectthe datacontainingthe average score andstrike rate of each player
 Calculate the weightedaverage strikerate forthe team (= avg score * strike rate/total avg
 Calculate the total score that can be scored in20 overswiththisweightedaverage strike
rate (= wght avgstrike rate * 120/100)
 Addthe extrasthat Indiacouldgetif theybatfor 20 overs.
No. of
Played Total Score Average Ball Faced Strike rate
avg score *
Singh 32 868 33.38 567 153.08 5109.8104
SK Raina 33 859 33.03 630 136.34 4503.3102
MS Dhoni 40 772 32.16 672 114.88 3694.5408
V Kohli 19 587 34.52 450 130.44 4502.7888
RG Sharma 29 539 28.36 424 127.12 3605.1232
AMRahane 7 174 24.85 142 122.53 3044.8705
RA Jadeja 10 74 10.57 88 84.09 888.8313
R Ashwin 5 53 26.5 44 120.45 3191.925
S Dhawan 2 37 18.5 30 123.33 2281.605
SUM Total 241.87 30822.8052
weightedavg strike rate 127.4354207
Possible score 152.88
strike rate
AM Rahane
MS Dhoni
R Ashwin
RA Jadeja
RG Sharma
S Dhawan
SK Raina
V Kohli
Yuvraj Singh
130.4 127.1 122.5
120.5 123.3
Strike rate
Strike rate
Indiahas received6.1%of their total score in extras.
So adding6% of score to the above calculatedaverage score,we canconclude thatat an average
Indiacouldgetan average of 9 runs as extras.
Total possible score in20 overs= 153 + 9 = 162
Thisanalysis showswith the currentbattingline upIndiacouldpossiblyscore atan average of 162
runs perinnings.
Step 3: Strategy
ObviouslyIndiahasto score fasterthan the average strike rate towinthe matches.Sothe keypoints
 Change the orderof battingline upbyputtingR. Jadeja(strike rate of 84.1) into7th
or 8th
 Give the keyplayers(Yuvraj Singh,ViratKohli andSureshRaina) better opportunitiesso
theycan playwithoutanypressure.
 Restotherplayersshouldfocusmore onscoringa little fasterinsteadof focusingmore on
scoringhighpersonal score.
What is the probability that India could win a game with a total score
of 162 per innings
8.1 8.463
Distribution Plot
Normal, Mean=8.463, StDev=1.176
162 runsin an inningsisequivalentto8.1 runs perover.
The average winningRPOforIndiais8.463
Calculatingthe Zvalue fromit
Std Deviation
= 0.308
So area underthe curve = 0.148
0.5-0.148 = 0.352
So there is 35% ChancethatIndia could win the match with a score of 162 in
20 overs.
5 questions that could be askedby customer (Customer -
1. Who shouldbe takeninthe teamand whoshouldbe consideredinplaying11?
2. What shouldbe the batting/bowlingorder?
3. What are the otherfactors that affectthe teamsperformance?
4. Shouldtheygofor bowlingorbattingif theywinthe tossand whatare the factors influence
5. What are the weaknessesof playersof against team?
Source: www.espncricinfo.com

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  • 1. Can India prevail? A statistical analysis of the ongoing T20 worldcup 3/21/2014 Submitted by: Sugyan Panda, SIOM
  • 2. Can India Prevail? For the IndiancricketfansIndiahas alwaysbeenamostfavourednationforany cricketcup. The winningof firsteverT20 worldcuphas increasedtheirexpectationbymanyfolds.Afterthe first one IndiacouldntperformuptotheirexpectationinanyotherT20 worldcup. Here is an analysisshowingthe potential of the currentteamto winanother worldcup.The stepby stepanalysisrepresentsthe currentsituation,whocouldbe the possiblekeyplayersandwhat changescan be done inthe currentway of playing. The Process: Step 1: Average total score in one innings in winning causes How isit calculated? Complete dataforthe winningcausesare taken Average runsperoverwas calculated Average total score for1 inningswascalculated (20*avgrpo) Thismethodof calculatingthe average score removesthe no.of overIndia battedwhen theyplayedin2nd inningsanditalsoremovesthe biasnessarisesdue tosituational batting. Inferences: The average RPO calculatedwas8.463 witha standard deviationof 1.176 The average total score inone inningscanbe calculatedas= 20 * 8.463 = 169.23 So,total inningsscore of 169 will increase the chancesof winningthe matchfor India. The averagetotal scoreof Indian team in one innings in winning causes Possibleaveragetotalscorethat can be scored by the currentIndian team in one innings What could be the possibleresults and whatwould be the strategy
  • 3. 11109876 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RPO Frequency Mean 8.463 StDev 1.176 N 25 Histogram of RPO Normal (Minitab output for winning causes) Team Score Overs RPO Inns Result Opposition India 218/4 20 10.9 1 won v England India 211/4 19.1 11 2 won v Sri Lanka India 202/4 19.4 10.27 2 won v Australia India 192/5 20 9.6 1 won v Pakistan India 188/5 20 9.4 1 won v Australia India 186/5 20 9.3 1 won v SouthAfrica India 180/5 20 9 1 won v Bangladesh India 174/7 19.2 9 2 won v Sri Lanka India 170/4 20 8.5 1 won v England India 168/6 20 8.4 1 won v SouthAfrica India 167/3 18.1 9.19 2 won v Australia India 159/6 20 7.95 1 won v WestIndies India 159/5 20 7.95 1 won v Afghanistan India 158/5 17.5 8.85 2 won v England India 157/5 20 7.85 1 won v Pakistan India 155/3 20 7.75 1 won v Sri Lanka India 153/5 20 7.65 1 won v SouthAfrica India 152/6 20 7.6 1 won v SouthAfrica India 144/3 18 8 2 won v Zimbabwe India 135/2 19.4 6.86 2 won v Australia India 129/2 17 7.58 2 won v Pakistan India 127/4 19.5 6.4 2 won v SouthAfrica India 116/3 14.5 7.82 2 won v Afghanistan India 113/2 15.3 7.29 2 won v Ireland India 112/4 15 7.46 2 won v Zimbabwe
  • 4. (Average RPO in different causes) Step 2: Possible total score that can be scored by the current Indian team in one innings How isit calculated? Collectthe datacontainingthe average score andstrike rate of each player Calculate the weightedaverage strikerate forthe team (= avg score * strike rate/total avg score) Calculate the total score that can be scored in20 overswiththisweightedaverage strike rate (= wght avgstrike rate * 120/100) Addthe extrasthat Indiacouldgetif theybatfor 20 overs. Player No. of Innings Played Total Score Average Ball Faced Strike rate avg score * stikerate Yuvraj Singh 32 868 33.38 567 153.08 5109.8104 SK Raina 33 859 33.03 630 136.34 4503.3102 MS Dhoni 40 772 32.16 672 114.88 3694.5408 V Kohli 19 587 34.52 450 130.44 4502.7888 RG Sharma 29 539 28.36 424 127.12 3605.1232 AMRahane 7 174 24.85 142 122.53 3044.8705 RA Jadeja 10 74 10.57 88 84.09 888.8313 R Ashwin 5 53 26.5 44 120.45 3191.925 S Dhawan 2 37 18.5 30 123.33 2281.605 SUM Total 241.87 30822.8052 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 Total RPO lost tied won
  • 5. weightedavg strike rate 127.4354207 Possible score 152.88 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Average strike rate AM Rahane MS Dhoni R Ashwin RA Jadeja RG Sharma S Dhawan SK Raina V Kohli Yuvraj Singh 153.1 136.3 114.9 130.4 127.1 122.5 84.1 120.5 123.3 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Strike rate Strike rate
  • 6. Extras Indiahas received6.1%of their total score in extras. So adding6% of score to the above calculatedaverage score,we canconclude thatat an average Indiacouldgetan average of 9 runs as extras. Inferences: Total possible score in20 overs= 153 + 9 = 162 Thisanalysis showswith the currentbattingline upIndiacouldpossiblyscore atan average of 162 runs perinnings. Step 3: Strategy ObviouslyIndiahasto score fasterthan the average strike rate towinthe matches.Sothe keypoints theyshouldfocusonare: Change the orderof battingline upbyputtingR. Jadeja(strike rate of 84.1) into7th or 8th place. Give the keyplayers(Yuvraj Singh,ViratKohli andSureshRaina) better opportunitiesso theycan playwithoutanypressure. Restotherplayersshouldfocusmore onscoringa little fasterinsteadof focusingmore on scoringhighpersonal score. What is the probability that India could win a game with a total score of 162 per innings 13121110987654 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 X Density 8.1 8.463 Distribution Plot Normal, Mean=8.463, StDev=1.176
  • 7. 162 runsin an inningsisequivalentto8.1 runs perover. The average winningRPOforIndiais8.463 Calculatingthe Zvalue fromit = XMean Std Deviation = 0.308 So area underthe curve = 0.148 0.5-0.148 = 0.352 So there is 35% ChancethatIndia could win the match with a score of 162 in 20 overs. 5 questions that could be askedby customer (Customer - Coach/Captain/Selector) 1. Who shouldbe takeninthe teamand whoshouldbe consideredinplaying11? 2. What shouldbe the batting/bowlingorder? 3. What are the otherfactors that affectthe teamsperformance? 4. Shouldtheygofor bowlingorbattingif theywinthe tossand whatare the factors influence thisdecisions? 5. What are the weaknessesof playersof against team? Source: www.espncricinfo.com