The document defines crime as an action or omission that is illegal and punishable by law. It discusses different types of crimes such as drugs crimes, street crimes, organized crimes, and white collar crimes. The causes of crime mentioned include weaknesses in individuals, lack of faith, imbalance, poor judgment, lack of love, poverty, unemployment, being a victim of circumstances, and poor parenting skills. The effects of crime on society discussed are impacts on individuals through personal life and work, impacts on communities through lower living standards and damage to community spirit, and impacts on a country's economy through discouraging investment and creating uncertainty. Crime prevention strategies proposed include reducing opportunities, community involvement, education, activities like sports, parenting skills, and government
2. What is a crime?
An action or omission that
constitute an offense that may be
prosecuted by the state and is
punishable by law.
3. Types of crime
Drugs crime
use, purchase, transport and sales of illegal drugs
Street crime
robbery, homicide, assault and auto theft etc
Organized crime
supply of illegal goods and services
White collar crime
different kinds of fraud and illegal sales
4. Causes of crime
fear, discrimination, anxiety, doubt, worry etc
(a)Lack of faith
peoples who are not believing on
their internal power
(b) Imbalance
Peoples who are mentally weak.
5. Poor judgment
lack of proper education.
Lack of love
dysfunctional family and feeling discrimination.
deprival from basic requirements.
People do not have the job.
6. Being a victim of chain of events
individuals who face a lot of difficult situations
Poor parenting skills
erratic or harsh discipline, poor
supervision and attachment
have no proper guidance and no one
to support them.
7. Affects of crime on society
Effects people
effects peoples personal life
difficult to concentrate on work
8. Affects community
Lower standard of living of peoples and peoples
do not want to invest in that area.
Peoples suffering from depression, anxiety, fear
and dream disturbance.
Damage community spirit
9. Affects economy of a country
Discourage domestic and foreign investment,
create uncertainty and inefficiency.
Cost of crime for society
Time and resources
Medical or health care service for victims
Pay for security
10. Crime prevention
reduce opportunities for crime
Community involvement
Proper education and create sports
Proper parental skills
Crime prevention is the responsibility of
the government