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Curriculum Vitae
Cristiane Busato Smith
1670, W Carla Vista Dr
Chandler AZ 85224
Telephone: (480) 395-3625
E-mail: crisbsmith3@gmail.com
Ph.D. in Literary Studies, Universidade Federal do Paran叩, Brazil, 2007
M.A. in English Literature, Universidade Federal do Paran叩, Brazil, 1995
B.A. in English and Portuguese, Pontif鱈cia Universidade Cat坦lica do Paran叩,
Brazil, 1985
Centro Universit叩rio Campos de Andrade, 2007-2011
Professor of Literary Theory and Cultural Studies
M.A. Program in Literary Theory
Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩, 1998-2011
Professor of English
Department of Languages and Literature
Universidade Federal do Paran叩, 1997-1998
Substitute Professor of English
Department of Modern Languages
cole Renault du Br辿sil, 1998-2000
Teacher of English as a Second Language
Incepa (Ind炭stria Cer但mica do Paran叩), 1985-1993
Program Coordinator and Teacher of English as a Second Language
Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies 2013  2016
Arizona State University
Adjunct Scholar
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2012 - present
Global Shakespeares Electronic Archive
Regional Editor
Representations of Ophelia in Victorian England (Representa巽探es da Of辿lia
de Shakespeare na Inglaterra Vitoriana). CESh Centro de Estudos
Shakespearianos. Belo Horizonte: Editora Tessitura. (in press).
Refereed Journal Articles
(*translated title, paper originally published in Portuguese)
What ceremony else?: Images of Ophelia in Brazil: the Politics of
Subversion of the Female Artist. The Shakespearean International Yearbook
16. (Forthcoming, 2016).
*Fair and Foul on and Off Stage: an Analysis of Two Productions of Macbeth
in 1992 Turbulent Brazil. Tradu巽達o em Revista 14, (2013): 100-112.
*Neither Angel nor Devil: a Cultural Analysis of the Appropriation of Ophelia
by The Family Shakespeare. Revista Letras 77, (2010): 10-28.
"Ophelia and the Perils of the Sacred Feminine. Multicultural Shakespeare:
Translation, Appropriation and Performance 6, (21) / 7(22) (2010): 10-33.
*Shakespeares Space-in-Between on Brazilian Television: an Analysis of
the Miniseries Otelo de Oliveira, Scripta Uniandrade 7, (2010): 215-226.
*Shakespeare and the Intertext of Female Violence. Tuiuti 41, (2010): 1-14.
*Shakespeare: The Man and the Myth. Eletras 17, (2009):16-28.
*Shakespeare and Astronomy. Eletras 18, (2009): 42-58.
*Hybridism and Mimicry in Jessie Couvrers Monsieur Caloche, Scripta
Uniandrade 6, (2008): 139-154.
*A wounded deer: Frida the Film and Frida the Life. Scripta Uniandrade
4, (2006): 1-12.
Ask no questions: Ontological instabilities in John Fowless The Magus.
Eletras 9, (2006): 1-15.
The Quest Theme in John Fowless The Magus. Eletras 2, (2001): 20-39.
The Real and the Unreal in Stoppard`s The Real Thing. Fragmenta 9, no. 92
(1993): 33-46.
The Designing and the Implementation of the Simulation - A Trip to Britain.
Fragmenta 9, n. 92 (1993): 109-112.
Web-Based Publications
N坦s do Morro: Voice, Art and Empowerment, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Global Shakespeares Video and Performance Archive, January
8, 2013.
Book Chapters
(*translated title, originally published in Portuguese)
A Pair so Famous: Reputation and Reception in Antony and Cleopatra. In
Shakespeare: His Life and Works. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ Rio de
Janeiro, vol. 1. (Forthcoming, 2016)
*Hamlet. Preface in Hamlet, o Pr鱈ncipe da Dinamarca. Sao Paulo: Martin
Claret. (in press).
*Othello, Our Contemporary. Preface in Otelo, o Mouro de Veneza. Sao
Paulo: Martin Claret, 2014.
The Woman, the Beast and the Sacred: Rereading Desdemona, Lavinia and
Ophelia. In: Global World of Shakespeare: Adaptations, Translations and
Transformations, edited by Abha Singh, 162-172. New Delhi: Prestige Books
International, 2015, vol. 1.
*The Aestheticization of Ophelias Death: An Intermediatic Investigation in
Literature and Painting. In Shakespeare sob m炭ltiplos olhares, edited by Anna
Stegh Camati and C辿lia Arns de Miranda, 163-184. Curitiba: Editora Solar do
Ros叩rio, 2009, vol. 1.
*The Life of William Shakespeare. In Shakespeare, sua poca e sua Obra,
edited by Marlene Soares dos Santos and Liana Le達o, 1-36. Curitiba: Editora
Beatrice, 2008, vol. 1.
Conference Proceedings
(*translated title, paper originally published in Portuguese)
The Brazilian Accent of Othello. Renaissance Shakespeare: Shakespeare
Renaissances: Proceedings of the Ninth World Shakespeare Congress,
Prague, 2011. Eds. Martin Proch叩zka, Michael Dobson, Andreas H旦fele, and
Hanna Scolnicov. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2014. 296-305.
*The Dialetics Between Text and Scene in Gertrudes Monologue. In V
Reuni達o Cient鱈fica da Abrace, Anais da V Reuni達o Cient鱈fica da Abrace. S達o
Paulo, 2009, 9-19.
*A Brazilian Othello. In: Congresso Nacional II CONALI de Linguagens em
Intera巽達o. Universidade Estadual de Maring叩, Maring叩, 2008, vol. 2, 992-999.
*A Dialogue Between Theatre and Painting: Ellen Terry and Ophelia. In: V
Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e P坦s Gradua巽達o em Artes C棚nicas, Belo
Horizonte, 2008, 56-62.
Shakespeare's Heroines in Victorian England. In: I Congresso Internacional
da Abrapui, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2007, vol.
1, 164.
*Virginia Woolfs Diaries and L辿criture Feminine. In: Anais do XVI
Semin叩rio do Cellip - CD-ROM Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina,
2005, 356-370.
*Thou Map of Woe: Lavinia in Titus Andronicus. In: Anais do XVII
Semin叩rio do CELLIP, Unicentro, Guarapuava, 2005, vol. 1, 66.
Book Reviews
(*Translated title, review published in Portuguese)
*On Growing up and Overcoming Bumps on the Road: Juliet on a Bicycle by
Liana Le達o. Eletras, v. 10, 2005
Manuscripts in Submission:
Of辿lia e a Quest達o da Autorrepresenta巽達o Feminina, journal article.
Manuscripts in Preparation:
"Brazilian Shakespeares: the Politics of Performance Aesthetics", book
Dance as a Signifier of Female Subversion in Brian Friels Dancing at
Lughnasa, journal article.
Revision of Translation:
(*from English into Portuguese)
Othello (Otelo, o Mouro de Veneza). Sao Paulo: Martin Claret, 2014.
Other Publications:
(*translated title / newspaper articles published in Portuguese)
*The Scene Imagined: the Reproducibility of Gertrudes Monologue.
Suplemento Shakespeare 400 Anos. Suplemento Liter叩rio de Minas Gerais
(SMLG), Belo Horizonte, March/April, 2016. (Forthcoming, March 2016).
* A Romeo-and-Juliet Kindda Love. Gazeta do Povo, Suplemento Viver
Bem, Curitiba, November v.6, 2005, 11.
* Reflections Post-Mothers Day. Gazeta do Povo, Suplemento Viver Bem, v.
27.591, May 15, 2005, 11.
2010 Member of Faculty Honored by the 2010 Summer class. Universidade
Tuiuti do Paran叩 (2010)
2010 Member of Faculty Honored by the 2010 Winter class. Universidade
Tuiuti do Paran叩 (2010)
2003 Member of Faculty Honored by the 2003 Summer Class. Universidade
Tuiuti do Paran叩 (2003)
1998 Member of Faculty Honored by the 1998 Summer Class. Universidade
Tuiuti do Paran叩 (1998)
Research Grant, Pr坦-Reitoria de P坦s-Gradua巽達o, Pesquisa e Extens達o,
(Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩) 2010-2011
Research Grant, Pr坦-Reitoria de P坦s-Gradua巽達o, Pesquisa e Extens達o,
(Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩) 2008-2010
Research Grant, Pr坦-Reitoria de P坦s-Gradua巽達o, Pesquisa e Extens達o,
(Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩) 2006-2007
Honorary Research Fellow, (University of Leeds, UK), 2005
Reader, The Shakespeare Institute (University of Birmingham, UK), 2004
Research Grant, Pr坦-Reitoria de P坦s-Gradua巽達o, Pesquisa e Extens達o,
Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩 2003-2005
Masters Fellowship CAPES (Coordena巽達o de Aperfei巽oamento de Pessoal
de N鱈vel Superior),1996-1998
(*translated title, talk originally delivered in Portuguese)
"Wheresoe'er Thou Art in this World's Globe": the MIT Global Shakespeares
Digital Archive. Shakespeare First! From Page to Stage! (First Folio Teacher
Training). Mesa Public Library, February, 2016.
Brazilian Shakespeares. Panel Dead at 400: Shakespeare, Cervantes and
El Inca Garcilasco, Twenty-Second Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and
Renaissance Studies Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, February 4-6, 2016.
Lady Macbeth and Ophelia: Beyond Drowning and Sleep-walking. Fearless
Females Series. Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
Changing Hands Bookstore, January, 2015.
The Politics of Adapting Othello in Otelo da Mangueira. Videoconference.
Emory University, November 24, 2014.
Shakespeare and Samba: Rereading Othello in Brazil. Videoconference talk.
Emory University, May 19, 2014.
Brazilian Adaptations of Shakespeare. Videoconference talk. Emory
University, October 31, 2013.
Lady Macbeth and the Politics of Fair and Foul. V Abril de Shakespeare
Conference, Universidade Federal do Paran叩, Curitiba, April 22, 2010
* Titus Andronicus: the Poetics of Pain and Silence. IV Abril de Shakespeare
Conference, Universidade Federal do Paran叩, Curitiba, April 23, 2008.
*The Shakespearean text, the Researcher and the Choice Semana de
Letras, Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩, Curitiba, March 12, 2008.
*Whats in a play? Reflections on Romeo and Juliet, Semana de Letras,
Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩, Curitiba, October 22, 2008.
*Representations of Ophelia: a Case Study. Graduate Program in Gender
Studies, Universidade Tecnol坦gica do Paran叩, Curitiba, June 5, 2008.
*Ekphrasis: Painting and Poetry, Life and Death. Graduate Program in
Literature, Universidade Federal do Paran叩, Curitiba, November 7, 2007.
*Hamlet: a History of Textual Instabilities. II Abril de Shakespeare
Conference, Universidade Federal do Paran叩, Curitiba, April 26, 2007.
*Nineteenth Century Hamlet Editions. Abril de Shakespeare Conference,
Graduate Program in Literature, Centro Universit叩rio Campos de Andrade,
Curitiba April 29, 2006.
*Lavinia as the Sacrificial Victim. Graduate Program in Literature,
Universidade Federal do Paran叩, Curitiba, Abril 3, 2005.
*Marilyn Monroe: the Construction of a Sexual Icon. Imagens da Mulher:
Texto Palco e Tela, Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩, Curitiba, May 7, 2005.
*Flowers, Sanity and Madness. 2003 Graduate Program in Literature,
Universidade Federal do Paran叩, Curitiba, May 23, 2003.
The Educational System in Brazil. World Languages Program, The
University of South Florida, Tampa, July 30, 1999.
Teaching English Through Literature. Semana de Letras, Universidade
Tuiuti do Paran叩, Curitiba, September 12, 2001.
*British Nineteenth Century Culture: Elizabeth Gaskell's Cranford, a Study of
Provincial Life. Semana de Letras 2002. Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩,
Curitiba, November 9, 2000.
*Introduction to the Shakespearean Universe. Evento de Extens達o,
Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩, Curitiba, June 3, 2000.
Metafictional Texts. Semana de Letras, Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩,
Curitiba, October 29, 1999.
Panels Organized
(*Translated title, panel originally delivered in Portuguese)
Shakespeare in Brazil: Investments in the Local and the Global, 12th
International Congress of the Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA), Kings
College, 20-23 August 2014, London, UK, 2014.
Cultural Manifestations in Contemporary Brazil: New Paradigms in Social
Aesthetics, XXXI International Congress of the Latin American Studies
Association, Washington, DC, May 29-June 1, 2013.
Intermedial Transactions: Creative Stage and Screen Adaptations, The Sixth
Symposium of Irish Studies in South America, Federal University of Paran叩,
Curitiba, August 30-31  September 1, 2010.
*Dilemmas of Postcolonial Literatures: Practices of Reading in the
Globalized World, I SIELL  Simp坦sio de Estudos Lingu鱈sticos e Liter叩rios,
Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩, Curitiba, October 1416, 2010.
*Alterities in Shakespeare, 2005 (Cellip) XVII Semin叩rio do Cellip,
Guarapuava, October, 27-29, 2005.
Papers Presented
(*translated title, paper originally presented in Portuguese)
Ophelia in Contemporary Brazilian Art. Twenty-Second Annual Arizona
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Scottsdale, AZ,
February 4-6, 2016.
Global Shakespeares and the Study of a Brazilian Adaptation of Othello.
Twenty-First Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, February 5-7, 2015.
Shakespeare, Samba, Solace and Escape: An analysis of Otelo da
Mangueira. 12th International Congress of the Brazilian Studies Association
(BRASA), Kings College, 20-23 August 2014, London, UK, 2014.
Macbeth: Visions of Apocalypse Now and Then. Twentieth Annual Arizona
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Scottsdale, AZ,
February 6-8, 2014.
Fair and Foul: an analysis of two Macbeth productions in 1992 turbulent
Brazil. XXXI International Congress of the Latin American Studies
Association, Washington, DC, May 29-June 1, 2013.
The Woman, the Beast and the Sacred. 19th Annual Arizona Center for
Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Phoenix 14-16 February,
Images of Ophelia in Brazil: the Politics of Subversion of the Female body.
40th Annual Meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America, Boston 5-7
April, 2012.
The Brazilian Accent of Othello. Ninth World Shakespeare Congress,
Prague, July 17-22, 2011.
Dance as a Signifier of Female Subversion in Brian Friels Dancing at
Lughnasa. The Fifth Symposium of Irish Studies, Curitiba, August 30-31-
September 1, 2010.
Multiculturalism in the Modern World: More than a Question of Tolerance.
2009, Simp坦sio de Reflex探es sobre Metodologias e Pr叩ticas de Ensino.
Curitiba, October 29-31, 2009.
*The Dialetics between Text and Stage in Gertrudess Monologue. Sao
Paulo, November 5-6. 2009.
*The Brazilianation of Othello. Conali Universidade Estadual de Maring叩
October 7-10, 2008.
*Victorian Shakespeare: A Definitely Dynamic Shakespeare. Curitiba,
November 1-3, 2008
*Theatre and Painting in Dialogue: Ellen Terry and Ophelia. V ABRACE
Congress, Belo Horizonte, October 28-31, 2008.
*Forms and (Re)Forms: the Appropriation of Shakespeare in the Nineteenth
Century. Semana Cient鱈fica Universidade Tuitui do Paran叩, May 22-23,
Shakespeare's Heroines in Victorian England. In: I Congresso Internacional
da Abrapui, Belo Horizonte: Faculdade de Letras  Universidade Federal; de
Minas Gerais, 2007.
*The Place of the Female Body in Fifties Hollywood, October 25-27, Day,
*Ophelia Reloaded. Semana de Letras, Universidade Federal do Paran叩,
June 23-24, 2006.
* Violence and the Sacred in Titus Andronicus. XVII Semin叩rio do Cellip.
Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Guarapuava, October 27-29, 2005.
* Rereading Ophelia. Semana de Letras da Uniandrade, Curitiba, October
23, 2005.
*Diamonds are a mans best friend: Sexuality in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.
IV Congresso Paranaense de Leitura e I Congresso Nacional de Leituras de
M炭ltiplas Linguagens. Pontif鱈cia Universidade Cat坦lica do Paran叩, May 11-14,
Ophelia and the Perils of the Sacred Feminine. The Sacred and the Feminine:
Image, Music, Text, Space, CentreCATH at The University of Leeds, Leeds,
UK, 14-16 January, 2005.
The Ophelia Phenomenon: Iconography and Popular Imagination. XXXII
Senapulli: Literaturas de L鱈ngua Inglesa: Vis探es e Revis探es. Universidade
Federal de Santa Catarina, Florian坦polis, April 6-10, 2003.
Panel Shakespeare and the Catastrophic, Twentieth Annual ACMRS
Conference, Phoenix, AZ, February 6-8, 2014.
Panel Alan Gilsenan's The Ghost of Roger Casement, Fifth Symposium of
Irish Studies in South America, Curitiba, 30, 31 August and 01 September,
Panel Dead at 400: Shakespeare, Cervantes and El Inca Garcilasco.
Twenty-Second Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance
Studies Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, February 4-6, 2016.
M.A. Level
Languages of Alterity in Brazilian Fiction (M.A. in Literary Theory, Uniandrade)
Specialization in Language and Literature,
Literature and Cultural Studies (Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩)
Specialization in English
Listening Strategies
Literature in the E.S.L. Classroom: A Communicative Approach
(Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩)
English Literature I and II
English Drama I and II
American Fiction I and II
Nineteenth Century Fiction in English
Twentieth Century Fiction in English
Advanced English
Graduate Supervision
M.A. Theses Supervised
Manoel Messias da Costa. The Influence of Space in Clarice Lispectors The
Hour of the Star. (M.A. in Literary Theory) - Centro Universit叩rio Campos de
Andrade, 2011.
Maria Isabel Hardt. The Devil to Pay in the Backlands: From the Fiction to The
National Park. Disserta巽達o (M.A. in Literary Theory) - Centro Universit叩rio
Campos de Andrade, 2011
Maria Luiza Striffler de Souza Gon巽alves. Intertextual Challenges in A Girl
with a Pearl Earring. (M.A. in Literary Theory) - Centro Universit叩rio Campos
de Andrade, 2011.
Juliana Pessi Mayorca. Reflections on Identity in The English Patient: a
Cultural Reading. Disserta巽達o (M.A. in Literary Theory) - Centro Universit叩rio
Campos de Andrade, 2010.
Rodrigo Augusto Kovalski. Problematic Identities In Jo達o Gilberto Nolls Lorde
2009. (M.A. in Literary Theory) - Centro Universit叩rio Campos de Andrade,
Member of MA Theses Committees
Between 2007 and 2011, served on 11 Masters Thesis Committees
Leader of Reading Group (The Women of Shakespeare), Arizona Center for
Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2015.
Editorial Board: Woolfiana, 2014  present.
Editorial Board: Scripta Alumni, 2012  present.
Editorial Board: Revista Interin, 2014  present.
Journal manuscript reviewer: Journal Acta Scientiarum. Language and
Culture, 2009.
Grant reviewer: Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, 2003.
Manuscript reviewer: Electronic Journal Eletras, 2003-2011
Proposal reviewer: I SIEEL 2010.
Joint Editor of the electronic journal Scripta Alumni 2008-2011
Editorial Board: Scripta 2008-2011.
Editorial Board Eletras 2007-2011.
Conference Organizer: Images of Women: Text, Stage and Screen, Curitiba,
Brazil, 24-26 May, 2005.
Organizing Committee: The Fifth Symposium of Irish Studies, UFPR, Curitiba,
30, 31 August and 01 September, 2010.
Organizing Committee: I SIEEL Simp坦sio de Estudos Lingu鱈sticos e
Liter叩rios, Curitiba, Brazil, 14-16 October, 2010.
Member of Admissions Committee
Member of Research Committee
Shakespearean Studies (Global Shakespeares; Shakespeare and the Digital
Archive; The Self-Sacrificial Heroine in Shakespeares Works; Female
Characters in Shakespeare; Brazilian Shakespeares).
Brazilian Literature and Culture.
Womens Studies (Visual and Textual Representations of Women)
Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish
ISA (International Shakespeare Association)
SAA (Shakespeare Association of America)
LASA (Latin American Studies Association)
BRASA (Brazilian Studies Association)
ABRACE (Associa巽達o Brasileira de Artes C棚nicas)
CESh (Centro de Estudos Shakespearianos)
Peter Donaldson, Ford Foundation Professor in the Humanities
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Literature Section Building 14N, Office: 14N-431
Cambridge, MA 02139
PBX: 617-253-1447
Email: psdlit@mit.edu
Alexa Huang, Professor of English
George Washington University
801 22nd Street NW
Suite 760
Washington, DC 20052
Phone number: (202) 994-6636
Email: acyhuang@gwu.edu
Anna Stegh Camati, Professor of Theatre Studies
M.A. Program in Literary Theory
Centro Universit叩rio Campos de Andrade
Jo達o Scuissiato n尊1 - CEP: 80.310-310 Curitiba PR Brazil
Email: anniesc@bol.com.br
U.S. Naturalized Citizen.

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Cris Busato Smith CV (April2016)

  • 1. Curriculum Vitae Cristiane Busato Smith 1670, W Carla Vista Dr Chandler AZ 85224 Telephone: (480) 395-3625 E-mail: crisbsmith3@gmail.com EDUCATION: Ph.D. in Literary Studies, Universidade Federal do Paran叩, Brazil, 2007 M.A. in English Literature, Universidade Federal do Paran叩, Brazil, 1995 B.A. in English and Portuguese, Pontif鱈cia Universidade Cat坦lica do Paran叩, Brazil, 1985 EMPLOYMENT Centro Universit叩rio Campos de Andrade, 2007-2011 Professor of Literary Theory and Cultural Studies M.A. Program in Literary Theory Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩, 1998-2011 Professor of English Department of Languages and Literature Universidade Federal do Paran叩, 1997-1998 Substitute Professor of English Department of Modern Languages cole Renault du Br辿sil, 1998-2000 Teacher of English as a Second Language Incepa (Ind炭stria Cer但mica do Paran叩), 1985-1993 Program Coordinator and Teacher of English as a Second Language PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies 2013 2016 Arizona State University Adjunct Scholar Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2012 - present Global Shakespeares Electronic Archive Regional Editor
  • 2. PUBLICATIONS Books Representations of Ophelia in Victorian England (Representa巽探es da Of辿lia de Shakespeare na Inglaterra Vitoriana). CESh Centro de Estudos Shakespearianos. Belo Horizonte: Editora Tessitura. (in press). Refereed Journal Articles (*translated title, paper originally published in Portuguese) What ceremony else?: Images of Ophelia in Brazil: the Politics of Subversion of the Female Artist. The Shakespearean International Yearbook 16. (Forthcoming, 2016). *Fair and Foul on and Off Stage: an Analysis of Two Productions of Macbeth in 1992 Turbulent Brazil. Tradu巽達o em Revista 14, (2013): 100-112. *Neither Angel nor Devil: a Cultural Analysis of the Appropriation of Ophelia by The Family Shakespeare. Revista Letras 77, (2010): 10-28. "Ophelia and the Perils of the Sacred Feminine. Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance 6, (21) / 7(22) (2010): 10-33. *Shakespeares Space-in-Between on Brazilian Television: an Analysis of the Miniseries Otelo de Oliveira, Scripta Uniandrade 7, (2010): 215-226. *Shakespeare and the Intertext of Female Violence. Tuiuti 41, (2010): 1-14. *Shakespeare: The Man and the Myth. Eletras 17, (2009):16-28. *Shakespeare and Astronomy. Eletras 18, (2009): 42-58. *Hybridism and Mimicry in Jessie Couvrers Monsieur Caloche, Scripta Uniandrade 6, (2008): 139-154. *A wounded deer: Frida the Film and Frida the Life. Scripta Uniandrade 4, (2006): 1-12. Ask no questions: Ontological instabilities in John Fowless The Magus. Eletras 9, (2006): 1-15. The Quest Theme in John Fowless The Magus. Eletras 2, (2001): 20-39. The Real and the Unreal in Stoppard`s The Real Thing. Fragmenta 9, no. 92
  • 3. (1993): 33-46. The Designing and the Implementation of the Simulation - A Trip to Britain. Fragmenta 9, n. 92 (1993): 109-112. Web-Based Publications N坦s do Morro: Voice, Art and Empowerment, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Global Shakespeares Video and Performance Archive, January 8, 2013. http://globalshakespeares.mit.edu/blog/2013/01/08/nos-do-morro-voice-art- and-empowerment/ Book Chapters (*translated title, originally published in Portuguese) A Pair so Famous: Reputation and Reception in Antony and Cleopatra. In Shakespeare: His Life and Works. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ Rio de Janeiro, vol. 1. (Forthcoming, 2016) *Hamlet. Preface in Hamlet, o Pr鱈ncipe da Dinamarca. Sao Paulo: Martin Claret. (in press). *Othello, Our Contemporary. Preface in Otelo, o Mouro de Veneza. Sao Paulo: Martin Claret, 2014. The Woman, the Beast and the Sacred: Rereading Desdemona, Lavinia and Ophelia. In: Global World of Shakespeare: Adaptations, Translations and Transformations, edited by Abha Singh, 162-172. New Delhi: Prestige Books International, 2015, vol. 1. *The Aestheticization of Ophelias Death: An Intermediatic Investigation in Literature and Painting. In Shakespeare sob m炭ltiplos olhares, edited by Anna Stegh Camati and C辿lia Arns de Miranda, 163-184. Curitiba: Editora Solar do Ros叩rio, 2009, vol. 1. *The Life of William Shakespeare. In Shakespeare, sua poca e sua Obra, edited by Marlene Soares dos Santos and Liana Le達o, 1-36. Curitiba: Editora Beatrice, 2008, vol. 1. Conference Proceedings (*translated title, paper originally published in Portuguese) The Brazilian Accent of Othello. Renaissance Shakespeare: Shakespeare Renaissances: Proceedings of the Ninth World Shakespeare Congress, Prague, 2011. Eds. Martin Proch叩zka, Michael Dobson, Andreas H旦fele, and Hanna Scolnicov. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2014. 296-305. Print.
  • 4. *The Dialetics Between Text and Scene in Gertrudes Monologue. In V Reuni達o Cient鱈fica da Abrace, Anais da V Reuni達o Cient鱈fica da Abrace. S達o Paulo, 2009, 9-19. *A Brazilian Othello. In: Congresso Nacional II CONALI de Linguagens em Intera巽達o. Universidade Estadual de Maring叩, Maring叩, 2008, vol. 2, 992-999. *A Dialogue Between Theatre and Painting: Ellen Terry and Ophelia. In: V Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e P坦s Gradua巽達o em Artes C棚nicas, Belo Horizonte, 2008, 56-62. Shakespeare's Heroines in Victorian England. In: I Congresso Internacional da Abrapui, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2007, vol. 1, 164. *Virginia Woolfs Diaries and L辿criture Feminine. In: Anais do XVI Semin叩rio do Cellip - CD-ROM Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina, 2005, 356-370. *Thou Map of Woe: Lavinia in Titus Andronicus. In: Anais do XVII Semin叩rio do CELLIP, Unicentro, Guarapuava, 2005, vol. 1, 66. Book Reviews (*Translated title, review published in Portuguese) *On Growing up and Overcoming Bumps on the Road: Juliet on a Bicycle by Liana Le達o. Eletras, v. 10, 2005 Manuscripts in Submission: Of辿lia e a Quest達o da Autorrepresenta巽達o Feminina, journal article. Manuscripts in Preparation: "Brazilian Shakespeares: the Politics of Performance Aesthetics", book manuscript. Dance as a Signifier of Female Subversion in Brian Friels Dancing at Lughnasa, journal article. Revision of Translation: (*from English into Portuguese) Othello (Otelo, o Mouro de Veneza). Sao Paulo: Martin Claret, 2014.
  • 5. Other Publications: (*translated title / newspaper articles published in Portuguese) *The Scene Imagined: the Reproducibility of Gertrudes Monologue. Suplemento Shakespeare 400 Anos. Suplemento Liter叩rio de Minas Gerais (SMLG), Belo Horizonte, March/April, 2016. (Forthcoming, March 2016). * A Romeo-and-Juliet Kindda Love. Gazeta do Povo, Suplemento Viver Bem, Curitiba, November v.6, 2005, 11. * Reflections Post-Mothers Day. Gazeta do Povo, Suplemento Viver Bem, v. 27.591, May 15, 2005, 11. AWARDS AND HONORS 2010 Member of Faculty Honored by the 2010 Summer class. Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩 (2010) 2010 Member of Faculty Honored by the 2010 Winter class. Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩 (2010) 2003 Member of Faculty Honored by the 2003 Summer Class. Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩 (2003) 1998 Member of Faculty Honored by the 1998 Summer Class. Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩 (1998) FELLOWSHIPS AND GRANTS Research Grant, Pr坦-Reitoria de P坦s-Gradua巽達o, Pesquisa e Extens達o, (Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩) 2010-2011 Research Grant, Pr坦-Reitoria de P坦s-Gradua巽達o, Pesquisa e Extens達o, (Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩) 2008-2010 Research Grant, Pr坦-Reitoria de P坦s-Gradua巽達o, Pesquisa e Extens達o, (Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩) 2006-2007 Honorary Research Fellow, (University of Leeds, UK), 2005 Reader, The Shakespeare Institute (University of Birmingham, UK), 2004 Research Grant, Pr坦-Reitoria de P坦s-Gradua巽達o, Pesquisa e Extens達o, Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩 2003-2005 Masters Fellowship CAPES (Coordena巽達o de Aperfei巽oamento de Pessoal de N鱈vel Superior),1996-1998
  • 6. INVITED TALKS (*translated title, talk originally delivered in Portuguese) "Wheresoe'er Thou Art in this World's Globe": the MIT Global Shakespeares Digital Archive. Shakespeare First! From Page to Stage! (First Folio Teacher Training). Mesa Public Library, February, 2016. Brazilian Shakespeares. Panel Dead at 400: Shakespeare, Cervantes and El Inca Garcilasco, Twenty-Second Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, February 4-6, 2016. Lady Macbeth and Ophelia: Beyond Drowning and Sleep-walking. Fearless Females Series. Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Changing Hands Bookstore, January, 2015. The Politics of Adapting Othello in Otelo da Mangueira. Videoconference. Emory University, November 24, 2014. Shakespeare and Samba: Rereading Othello in Brazil. Videoconference talk. Emory University, May 19, 2014. Brazilian Adaptations of Shakespeare. Videoconference talk. Emory University, October 31, 2013. Lady Macbeth and the Politics of Fair and Foul. V Abril de Shakespeare Conference, Universidade Federal do Paran叩, Curitiba, April 22, 2010 * Titus Andronicus: the Poetics of Pain and Silence. IV Abril de Shakespeare Conference, Universidade Federal do Paran叩, Curitiba, April 23, 2008. *The Shakespearean text, the Researcher and the Choice Semana de Letras, Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩, Curitiba, March 12, 2008. *Whats in a play? Reflections on Romeo and Juliet, Semana de Letras, Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩, Curitiba, October 22, 2008. *Representations of Ophelia: a Case Study. Graduate Program in Gender Studies, Universidade Tecnol坦gica do Paran叩, Curitiba, June 5, 2008. *Ekphrasis: Painting and Poetry, Life and Death. Graduate Program in Literature, Universidade Federal do Paran叩, Curitiba, November 7, 2007. *Hamlet: a History of Textual Instabilities. II Abril de Shakespeare Conference, Universidade Federal do Paran叩, Curitiba, April 26, 2007.
  • 7. *Nineteenth Century Hamlet Editions. Abril de Shakespeare Conference, Graduate Program in Literature, Centro Universit叩rio Campos de Andrade, Curitiba April 29, 2006. *Lavinia as the Sacrificial Victim. Graduate Program in Literature, Universidade Federal do Paran叩, Curitiba, Abril 3, 2005. *Marilyn Monroe: the Construction of a Sexual Icon. Imagens da Mulher: Texto Palco e Tela, Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩, Curitiba, May 7, 2005. *Flowers, Sanity and Madness. 2003 Graduate Program in Literature, Universidade Federal do Paran叩, Curitiba, May 23, 2003. The Educational System in Brazil. World Languages Program, The University of South Florida, Tampa, July 30, 1999. Teaching English Through Literature. Semana de Letras, Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩, Curitiba, September 12, 2001. *British Nineteenth Century Culture: Elizabeth Gaskell's Cranford, a Study of Provincial Life. Semana de Letras 2002. Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩, Curitiba, November 9, 2000. *Introduction to the Shakespearean Universe. Evento de Extens達o, Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩, Curitiba, June 3, 2000. Metafictional Texts. Semana de Letras, Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩, Curitiba, October 29, 1999. CONFERENCE ACTIVITY/PARTICIPATION Panels Organized (*Translated title, panel originally delivered in Portuguese) Shakespeare in Brazil: Investments in the Local and the Global, 12th International Congress of the Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA), Kings College, 20-23 August 2014, London, UK, 2014. Cultural Manifestations in Contemporary Brazil: New Paradigms in Social Aesthetics, XXXI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, DC, May 29-June 1, 2013. Intermedial Transactions: Creative Stage and Screen Adaptations, The Sixth Symposium of Irish Studies in South America, Federal University of Paran叩, Curitiba, August 30-31 September 1, 2010.
  • 8. *Dilemmas of Postcolonial Literatures: Practices of Reading in the Globalized World, I SIELL Simp坦sio de Estudos Lingu鱈sticos e Liter叩rios, Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩, Curitiba, October 1416, 2010. *Alterities in Shakespeare, 2005 (Cellip) XVII Semin叩rio do Cellip, Guarapuava, October, 27-29, 2005. Papers Presented (*translated title, paper originally presented in Portuguese) Ophelia in Contemporary Brazilian Art. Twenty-Second Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, February 4-6, 2016. Global Shakespeares and the Study of a Brazilian Adaptation of Othello. Twenty-First Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, February 5-7, 2015. Shakespeare, Samba, Solace and Escape: An analysis of Otelo da Mangueira. 12th International Congress of the Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA), Kings College, 20-23 August 2014, London, UK, 2014. Macbeth: Visions of Apocalypse Now and Then. Twentieth Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, February 6-8, 2014. Fair and Foul: an analysis of two Macbeth productions in 1992 turbulent Brazil. XXXI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, DC, May 29-June 1, 2013. The Woman, the Beast and the Sacred. 19th Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Phoenix 14-16 February, 2013. Images of Ophelia in Brazil: the Politics of Subversion of the Female body. 40th Annual Meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America, Boston 5-7 April, 2012. The Brazilian Accent of Othello. Ninth World Shakespeare Congress, Prague, July 17-22, 2011. Dance as a Signifier of Female Subversion in Brian Friels Dancing at Lughnasa. The Fifth Symposium of Irish Studies, Curitiba, August 30-31- September 1, 2010. Multiculturalism in the Modern World: More than a Question of Tolerance. 2009, Simp坦sio de Reflex探es sobre Metodologias e Pr叩ticas de Ensino. Curitiba, October 29-31, 2009.
  • 9. *The Dialetics between Text and Stage in Gertrudess Monologue. Sao Paulo, November 5-6. 2009. *The Brazilianation of Othello. Conali Universidade Estadual de Maring叩 October 7-10, 2008. *Victorian Shakespeare: A Definitely Dynamic Shakespeare. Curitiba, November 1-3, 2008 *Theatre and Painting in Dialogue: Ellen Terry and Ophelia. V ABRACE Congress, Belo Horizonte, October 28-31, 2008. *Forms and (Re)Forms: the Appropriation of Shakespeare in the Nineteenth Century. Semana Cient鱈fica Universidade Tuitui do Paran叩, May 22-23, 2008. Shakespeare's Heroines in Victorian England. In: I Congresso Internacional da Abrapui, Belo Horizonte: Faculdade de Letras Universidade Federal; de Minas Gerais, 2007. *The Place of the Female Body in Fifties Hollywood, October 25-27, Day, 2007. *Ophelia Reloaded. Semana de Letras, Universidade Federal do Paran叩, June 23-24, 2006. * Violence and the Sacred in Titus Andronicus. XVII Semin叩rio do Cellip. Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Guarapuava, October 27-29, 2005. * Rereading Ophelia. Semana de Letras da Uniandrade, Curitiba, October 23, 2005. *Diamonds are a mans best friend: Sexuality in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. IV Congresso Paranaense de Leitura e I Congresso Nacional de Leituras de M炭ltiplas Linguagens. Pontif鱈cia Universidade Cat坦lica do Paran叩, May 11-14, 2005. Ophelia and the Perils of the Sacred Feminine. The Sacred and the Feminine: Image, Music, Text, Space, CentreCATH at The University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 14-16 January, 2005. The Ophelia Phenomenon: Iconography and Popular Imagination. XXXII Senapulli: Literaturas de L鱈ngua Inglesa: Vis探es e Revis探es. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florian坦polis, April 6-10, 2003.
  • 10. Chair Panel Shakespeare and the Catastrophic, Twentieth Annual ACMRS Conference, Phoenix, AZ, February 6-8, 2014. Panel Alan Gilsenan's The Ghost of Roger Casement, Fifth Symposium of Irish Studies in South America, Curitiba, 30, 31 August and 01 September, 2010. Discussant Panel Dead at 400: Shakespeare, Cervantes and El Inca Garcilasco. Twenty-Second Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, February 4-6, 2016. TEACHING EXPERIENCE M.A. Level Languages of Alterity in Brazilian Fiction (M.A. in Literary Theory, Uniandrade) Specialization in Language and Literature, Literature and Cultural Studies (Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩) Specialization in English Listening Strategies Literature in the E.S.L. Classroom: A Communicative Approach (Universidade Tuiuti do Paran叩) Undergraduate English Literature I and II English Drama I and II American Fiction I and II Nineteenth Century Fiction in English Twentieth Century Fiction in English Advanced English Graduate Supervision M.A. Theses Supervised (completed) Manoel Messias da Costa. The Influence of Space in Clarice Lispectors The Hour of the Star. (M.A. in Literary Theory) - Centro Universit叩rio Campos de Andrade, 2011. Maria Isabel Hardt. The Devil to Pay in the Backlands: From the Fiction to The
  • 11. National Park. Disserta巽達o (M.A. in Literary Theory) - Centro Universit叩rio Campos de Andrade, 2011 Maria Luiza Striffler de Souza Gon巽alves. Intertextual Challenges in A Girl with a Pearl Earring. (M.A. in Literary Theory) - Centro Universit叩rio Campos de Andrade, 2011. Juliana Pessi Mayorca. Reflections on Identity in The English Patient: a Cultural Reading. Disserta巽達o (M.A. in Literary Theory) - Centro Universit叩rio Campos de Andrade, 2010. Rodrigo Augusto Kovalski. Problematic Identities In Jo達o Gilberto Nolls Lorde 2009. (M.A. in Literary Theory) - Centro Universit叩rio Campos de Andrade, 2009. Member of MA Theses Committees Between 2007 and 2011, served on 11 Masters Thesis Committees SERVICE TO PROFESSION Leader of Reading Group (The Women of Shakespeare), Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2015. Editorial Board: Woolfiana, 2014 present. Editorial Board: Scripta Alumni, 2012 present. Editorial Board: Revista Interin, 2014 present. Journal manuscript reviewer: Journal Acta Scientiarum. Language and Culture, 2009. Grant reviewer: Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, 2003. Manuscript reviewer: Electronic Journal Eletras, 2003-2011 Proposal reviewer: I SIEEL 2010. Joint Editor of the electronic journal Scripta Alumni 2008-2011 Editorial Board: Scripta 2008-2011. Editorial Board Eletras 2007-2011. Conference Organizer: Images of Women: Text, Stage and Screen, Curitiba, Brazil, 24-26 May, 2005.
  • 12. Organizing Committee: The Fifth Symposium of Irish Studies, UFPR, Curitiba, 30, 31 August and 01 September, 2010. Organizing Committee: I SIEEL Simp坦sio de Estudos Lingu鱈sticos e Liter叩rios, Curitiba, Brazil, 14-16 October, 2010. DEPARTAMENTAL/UNIVERSITY SERVICE Member of Admissions Committee Member of Research Committee TEACHING AREAS/COURSES PREPARED TO TEACH Shakespearean Studies (Global Shakespeares; Shakespeare and the Digital Archive; The Self-Sacrificial Heroine in Shakespeares Works; Female Characters in Shakespeare; Brazilian Shakespeares). Brazilian Literature and Culture. Womens Studies (Visual and Textual Representations of Women) LANGUAGES Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS/AFFILIATIONS ISA (International Shakespeare Association) SAA (Shakespeare Association of America) LASA (Latin American Studies Association) BRASA (Brazilian Studies Association) ABRACE (Associa巽達o Brasileira de Artes C棚nicas) CESh (Centro de Estudos Shakespearianos)
  • 13. REFERENCES: Peter Donaldson, Ford Foundation Professor in the Humanities Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Ave. Literature Section Building 14N, Office: 14N-431 Cambridge, MA 02139 PBX: 617-253-1447 Email: psdlit@mit.edu Alexa Huang, Professor of English George Washington University 801 22nd Street NW Suite 760 Washington, DC 20052 Phone number: (202) 994-6636 Email: acyhuang@gwu.edu Anna Stegh Camati, Professor of Theatre Studies M.A. Program in Literary Theory Centro Universit叩rio Campos de Andrade Jo達o Scuissiato n尊1 - CEP: 80.310-310 Curitiba PR Brazil Email: anniesc@bol.com.br CITIZENSHIP Brazilian U.S. Naturalized Citizen. 油 油