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7Critical EvaluationSaiyaraTasnim  (3678)Centre Number:  10508Saiyara.blogspot.com
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
The Film
TaglineThey say 7 is a Lucky Number,But is it... ???Video Clip
Many films have Taglines. Most film taglines are memorable and suggests the tone of the film.Such as, "Check in. Relax. Take a shower" This is the tagline from PsychoI thought the tagline of our film is very catchy and clever, and it also helps the audience get a feel of what may be heading their way. I created the tagline in LiveType, and by keeping it simple, it helped make the start of the film seem serious.
2. Film CompaniesFilm companies often fund and help release a film, as we didn't have any funding we decided to create our own Film Company.POV inc.   (Point Of View)We decided to name our company POV and thought that if it was a real film company it would produce dramas and thrillers, particularly from peoples point of views.
Critical Evaluation Question 1
3. Costumes And PropsThis is a typical feature which most films have. Our characters need specific items of clothing which labelled them and helped portray them in a significant way.We were able to create a stereotypical image of a hooded terrorist, simply by dressing him in a hoodie and giving him a backpack.
4. Editing All films have some sort of editing in them, We challenged these conventions of typical film cuts by inserting transitions and playing scenes at slow motion to create suspense and a dramatic mood.
5. CameraworkWhilst filming we used a range of camera shots including panning in establishing shots, close ups in the bus scenes to create sympathy. We didn't use a lot of zooms as it disturbed the quality of our filming.
6. The ScoreA Film score is basically all the background sound/Music which is featured in a film. We created our score in the Digital editing suite. The music was created on the keyboards and then imported into our film.  The score for our film was created on the programme Logic.
   We also created sounds using the keyboard and created Vox pops, This allowed us to put audio recordings into our film.This is the beeping sound which is heard in our film just before the explosion goes off.  This is an example of a sound we created on the keyboardsThis is an example of a vox pop we inserted in our film. This is when the smart guy calls his daughter.
Challenging conventions of thrillerBy adding scenes with slow motion we challenged the typical features of a thriller film, As typical features in a thriller film includes a fast pace and fast cuts.Thriller movies are often dark and use light to create an atmosphere, however we didnt create a thriller film which used those typical lighting, We filmed in daylight and successfully created suspense without the use of shadows and lighting.
Challenging conventions of DramaDrama films often tell real stories, Although our film was based on a true event, we challenged the conventions of drama by creating a fictional storyline, with fictional characters.Typical characteristics in a Drama film are the use of flashbacks, and mellow music. Our film is very different as our score consists of very loud rhythms, with a lot of beats.
 Taglines are often featured on top of movie posters to help advertise and invite audiences to watch the film. This is something that I also inserted into the film poster.The tagline on the poster for Psycho
Other typical features in the poster included:
The TitleFilm Company,  Director and ProducerDate of ReleaseThe film RatingCast
Challenging the conventions of typical posters  Most film posters are:* Bright and bold fonts and often an intriguing picture to attract the audiences eye, However our poster was dark, black and white to create a sinister look.* Have persuasive language to persuade audiences to watch the film. We did not have any persuasive language in our poster, but we did include a tagline for our film.
The Radio Trailer
    Typical films do have trailers, but these are not necessarily radio trailers. In today's modern world most people enjoy watching video trailers and clips of films before they are released. We challenged these conventions by creating a radio trailer instead.
Typical features in our radio trailer*Our trailer included the title of the film, the cast and the producing company* We also included the tagline from the film* A Voiceover* Fast paced and exciting for the audience
Challenging conventions of radio trailersIt is simple to attract the audience with a  visual trailer, but it is difficult to do so with a radio trailer. We used a deep voice, music and sound effects to create a radio trailer which would sound thrilling and excite audiences.The use of the sound effects and voices was important as the audience could only hear the product that we were advertising, so it was  vital that these combined made our trailer as perfect as possible.

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Critical Evaluation Question 1

  • 1. 7Critical EvaluationSaiyaraTasnim (3678)Centre Number: 10508Saiyara.blogspot.com
  • 2. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • 4. TaglineThey say 7 is a Lucky Number,But is it... ???Video Clip
  • 5. Many films have Taglines. Most film taglines are memorable and suggests the tone of the film.Such as, "Check in. Relax. Take a shower" This is the tagline from PsychoI thought the tagline of our film is very catchy and clever, and it also helps the audience get a feel of what may be heading their way. I created the tagline in LiveType, and by keeping it simple, it helped make the start of the film seem serious.
  • 6. 2. Film CompaniesFilm companies often fund and help release a film, as we didn't have any funding we decided to create our own Film Company.POV inc. (Point Of View)We decided to name our company POV and thought that if it was a real film company it would produce dramas and thrillers, particularly from peoples point of views.
  • 8. 3. Costumes And PropsThis is a typical feature which most films have. Our characters need specific items of clothing which labelled them and helped portray them in a significant way.We were able to create a stereotypical image of a hooded terrorist, simply by dressing him in a hoodie and giving him a backpack.
  • 9. 4. Editing All films have some sort of editing in them, We challenged these conventions of typical film cuts by inserting transitions and playing scenes at slow motion to create suspense and a dramatic mood.
  • 10. 5. CameraworkWhilst filming we used a range of camera shots including panning in establishing shots, close ups in the bus scenes to create sympathy. We didn't use a lot of zooms as it disturbed the quality of our filming.
  • 11. 6. The ScoreA Film score is basically all the background sound/Music which is featured in a film. We created our score in the Digital editing suite. The music was created on the keyboards and then imported into our film. The score for our film was created on the programme Logic.
  • 12. We also created sounds using the keyboard and created Vox pops, This allowed us to put audio recordings into our film.This is the beeping sound which is heard in our film just before the explosion goes off. This is an example of a sound we created on the keyboardsThis is an example of a vox pop we inserted in our film. This is when the smart guy calls his daughter.
  • 13. Challenging conventions of thrillerBy adding scenes with slow motion we challenged the typical features of a thriller film, As typical features in a thriller film includes a fast pace and fast cuts.Thriller movies are often dark and use light to create an atmosphere, however we didnt create a thriller film which used those typical lighting, We filmed in daylight and successfully created suspense without the use of shadows and lighting.
  • 14. Challenging conventions of DramaDrama films often tell real stories, Although our film was based on a true event, we challenged the conventions of drama by creating a fictional storyline, with fictional characters.Typical characteristics in a Drama film are the use of flashbacks, and mellow music. Our film is very different as our score consists of very loud rhythms, with a lot of beats.
  • 16. Taglines are often featured on top of movie posters to help advertise and invite audiences to watch the film. This is something that I also inserted into the film poster.The tagline on the poster for Psycho
  • 17. Other typical features in the poster included:
  • 18. The TitleFilm Company, Director and ProducerDate of ReleaseThe film RatingCast
  • 19. Challenging the conventions of typical posters Most film posters are:* Bright and bold fonts and often an intriguing picture to attract the audiences eye, However our poster was dark, black and white to create a sinister look.* Have persuasive language to persuade audiences to watch the film. We did not have any persuasive language in our poster, but we did include a tagline for our film.
  • 21. Typical films do have trailers, but these are not necessarily radio trailers. In today's modern world most people enjoy watching video trailers and clips of films before they are released. We challenged these conventions by creating a radio trailer instead.
  • 22. Typical features in our radio trailer*Our trailer included the title of the film, the cast and the producing company* We also included the tagline from the film* A Voiceover* Fast paced and exciting for the audience
  • 23. Challenging conventions of radio trailersIt is simple to attract the audience with a visual trailer, but it is difficult to do so with a radio trailer. We used a deep voice, music and sound effects to create a radio trailer which would sound thrilling and excite audiences.The use of the sound effects and voices was important as the audience could only hear the product that we were advertising, so it was vital that these combined made our trailer as perfect as possible.