1. Critical thinking is seen as central to higher education but is often implicit rather than explicitly taught. 2. Critical thinking develops in stages from absolute knowing to contextual knowing. Students may be at different stages for different contexts. 3. Fostering critical thinking requires teaching it explicitly, providing practice and feedback, and assessing it through the curriculum. Bloom's taxonomy provides a framework for classifying thinking skills into remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating.
2. Why
critical thinking?
Seen as central to higher education
Required in Masters level programmes
Claimed as the cornerstone of science and
Often implicit rather than explained in
3. Outline
Stages model
Takes: time, practice,
maturity, inclination
Teach, Practice, Assess
Blooms model
Review, evaluate, apply
4. CT as stages of development
Students (all of us) develop through stages
We may be at different stages in different contexts
Same for students e.g. in real life and in new
academic situations
1 Absolute knowing 2 Transitional stage
3 Independent knowing 4 Contextual
Unreasonable to expect them to have fully reached
contextual thinking
Moon (2005) adapted from Baxter Magnolia & Perry
5. Stages of knowing
1 Absolute knowing
Knowledge is certain experts have the answers. Task is to
absorb knowledge
2 Transitional stage
There is some uncertainty authorities differ. Need to
understand in order to make judgements and apply
3 Independent knowing
Learning is uncertain, everyone has own beliefs. Expected
to have an opinion, peers can be valuable. Discriminating
different perspectives overlooked
4 Contextual knowing
Knowledge is constructed & often contextual, judgement
requires evidence. Opinions must be evidenced
6. Valuing CT
or if we dont, they wont!!
Teach it
Powerful signal
Involves content prioritising
In class/tutorials
Drives behaviour
What does it say/ require?
Can it be changed?
Consistent across modules?
Link to QAA statements?
What are our levels of
ability to influence?
What are the levers for
Where would changes make
the most powerful impact?
* notes next slide
7. Deliberate Practice
Research on achieving
excellence reveals
van Gelder 2005 p7
Focussed practice
aimed to generate
Exercises to improve
the skill (of CT)
Graduated and with
Guidance, timely
accurate feedback
Ongoing takes time
8. Fostering CT in general
Teach philosophy!!
Be explicit about
epistemology and CT
Challenge just beyond
comfort zone
Recognise as a
developmental process
Will be different stages
in the class
Encourage student
Set thinking activities
Reflection, PDP
Give examples of CT
Remains a key issue
Moon 2005
What do you do?
What could you do?
9. Fostering CT some
Create risk-taking
atmosphere in class
Exploring ideas OK
(rather than knowledge
Model CT
Think out loud
Provide thinking time
There it is again!
Use questions
Support placements &
out of class activities
International exchange
Oral activities*
What do you do?
What could you do?
* see handout later
Moon 2005
+ see Thinking Writing project
11. Critical thinking
Is not: automatic response or intuition etc
whatever their value or lack of value!
Critical thinking is reasonable reflective
thinking that is focused on deciding what to
believe or do (R. Ennis)
The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same
level of thinking we were at when we created them. A. Einstein
12. Critical & Critical thinking
Critical position: personally derived evidenced
based judgement Jude Carroll
Critical thinking: thinking that helps you figure
out whether you should believe some claim, and
how strongly you should believe it
i.e. is it true or the art of being right! Tim van Gelder
Critical thinking: capacity to work with complex
ideas. Provide effective evidence to justify a
reasonable judgement. Attending to context
Jenny Moon
13. Each prisoner knows that there are 2 red
hats and 2 blue hats, but no one knows the
colour of his own hat
14. Six Levels of Thinking
1. Remembering
2. Understanding
3. Applying
4. Analysing
5. Evaluating
6. Synthesising creating
Researchers need the language of research
Thinkers need the language of thinking!
Bloom et al
- a classic model
15. 1. Remembering Information
list, name, identify,
define, label, describe
Mnemonic system for
improving memory
Acronyms, Acrostics
Use baroque music
Might not like it
but it works!
List: - ooops Liszt
Music accesses memory
16. 2. Understanding Information
Mind maps (webs)
Key words
Single word
summarise, discuss,
distinguish, predict,
generalise, categorise
Thinking is the hardest work there is
Thats why so few people do it Henry Ford
18. 3. Applying Information
Problem solving
Testing learning in the
real world or in class
apply, demonstrate,
examine, solve
What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing
- Aristotle (this includes CT!!)
19. 4. Analysing Information
Breaking it down
Fact v. opinion
Reasoned judgement
Logical thinking
Activity - PMI
analyse, explain,
compare, classify
See Alec Fisher
Lots of activities to build arguments and reasoning
21. 5. Evaluating
or criticising information
Open-minded, flexible
Check assumptions
Check bias
assess, recommend,
conclude, justify,
Questions are the active acts of intelligence
- Frank Kingdom
22. 6. Synthesising
or creating information
New ideas-Creativity
New applications of
old ideas
Lateral thinking
design, invent,
rewrite, rearrange
Nothing can happen unless you first dream
-Carl Sandburgh
See de Bono
Countless ideas: lateral thinking
23. Snake swallowing its own tail
Creative scientists are ones with access to
their dreams
Albert Einstein
Let us learn to dream, gentlemen,
and then perhaps we shall learn the truth. August Kekul辿
25. Creative brainstorming
- very useful for problem solving
1. Remove negative stimuli (things that
filter ideas out).
2. Separate judgment from idea getting.
a) Divergent mode. Create lots of ideas,
irrespective of quality or relevance.
There are no bad ideas!
b) Convergent mode. Narrow down the
ideas using various criteria.
Task statement
Final idea(s)
26. Universal Intellectual Standards
Check thinking and writing
against these universal standards
Critical thinking: involves improving the
quality of thinking by imposing
intellectual standards - R. Paul
28. Argument Mapping
Build reasoning skills
Produce well organised arguments
Communicate reasoning
Evaluate reasoning
Make better decisions
29. Takeaways
CT is developmental
Variety in class and over time
Levels of thinking a key model
Allows analysis of your teaching focus
Allows analysis of module/programme
Lots of activities
Plenty on the web (subject centre, SNAS, Learn
Higher, CT.org)
30. Summarising!
Try some thinking skills activities
at any level
Be explicit think out loud
Do it! Personal practical
knowledge comes from putting
ideas into practice
A twit on the move may be worth ten seated philosophers
- Unknown
Harkat Main Barakat Hai
31. Sources
Langreher J. (1992). Teach thinking strategies: Ideas for teachers
Carr K. (2001) How can we teach critical thinking?
Claxton G. (1997). Hare brain, tortoise mind
Fisher A. (2001). Critical thinking: An introduction.
Halpern, D. (1989). Thought and knowledge
Krathwohl, D. (2002) A revision of Blooms taxonomy
Paul, R. & Elder, L (2002). Critical thinking
And more - including de Bono
We think of the mind as a storehouse to be filled, when we should be thinking of it
as an instrument to be used - Reed & Graeme
32. Useful Sites
Articles by Tim Van Gelder
van Gelder, T. J. (2005). Teaching critical thinking: some lessons from
cognitive science. College Teaching, 45, 1-6.
Argument mapping
Universal Intellectual Standards
Blooms Taxonomy Skills and questions
Thinking Writing
Jenny Moon (2005) We seek it here...a new perspective on the
elusive activity of critical thinking. HEA Escalate
33. Useful Sites
Dan Kurland
Pierce handbook of CT
Critical Thinking Community
Learn Higher