CRM is an important part of marketing management that focuses on customer relationships and retention rather than just acquisition. It has evolved from simply acquiring new customers to retaining customers for life. CRM is important across many industries like hospitality, education, telecom, banking, and retail. In retail specifically, implementing CRM strategies like loyalty programs can help retailers focus on their most profitable 20% of customers to drive 80% of sales. CRM involves acquiring, enhancing, retaining, building trust with, and valuing customers.
CRM is a powerful functional area of
Marketing Management. It is therefore
desirable that one should have a relook at the
concept of marketing in some of its
evolutionary phases with the change in focus
from products to relationships during the past
50years. Marketing and the Marketing
communication mix are changing. New
opportunities new threats, new tools and
innovations are emerging. The worlds more
than 650crore consumers and probably
50crore industrial buyers are becoming
increasingly accessible. Marketing has moved
from –
Customers acquisition ( winning new
customers ) to
Customers retention ( keeping customers for
life )
3. Customer
There is only one boss. The customer! He can fire everybody in the
company, from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money
somewhere else.
------------- Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart
Our greatest asset is customer! Treat each customer as if they are only
Customer is king
Know your customer……to capture & retain them!
If, we don’t take of our customers someone else
9. Retail sector opts for CRM
Retail sector is Indian’s largest
industry; this sector is valued at $200
billion account for over 10% of the
country’s GDP and around 8% of the
country’s employment. Modern retail has
entered India as seen in sprawling
shopping centers.
According to Pareto’s principle 80%
of sales from 20% of the customers. But
this would happen if the retailer has the
20% as its most profitable customer and
not just normal customer.
10. The following are the some of the examples
where retail malls are following
Pantaloon touch with its loyal customers through
mailers, SMS, telephone informing them about their
developments and promotions.
Shoppers stop known as the ‘first citizen card’ where
customer can enjoy reward points for every purchase.