The document discusses whether Croatia should have or needs a personification that represents Croatian values and national identity. It explores symbols, characteristics, and values that define Croatia as a nation and what Croatians are proud of. Examples of potential symbols that could represent Croatia are given from historic imagery found on postcards, calendars and coins. National personifications of other countries like Lady Liberty for the USA and Marianne for France are provided for comparison.
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Croatian National Personification
1. National Personification
Does Croatia have (or need) a
personification of Croatian values
Do we need symbols which represent us?
What characteristics define us as a nation?
What values define us?
What are we proud of?
Nacionalna personifikacija
Dali Hrvatska ima (ili treba)
svoju personifikaciju?
Trebamo simbole koji predstavljaju i ujedine nas.
Koja obilje転ja nas definira kao narod?
Koje vrijednosti su va転ni za nas?
O emu smo ponosni?