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Everything you need for
best practice Human
Resources management
Smart systems, sound judgement and deep
insight, brought together in one practical
and油proactive service. It couldnt be simpler.
Your Croner
Business Team
Policy & Letter
Training Accident
Contracts &
Health &
Safety Support
Legal Expenses
Consultancy Employee
Online Tools
Croner Simplify
Introducing Croner Simplify
Developed by HR professionals and driven by our passion for simplifying complexity,
Croner油Simplify is your complete employee management service. Building on our
heritage as a champion of best practice compliance, its a powerful package of intelligent
technology and油personal support that will help you manage your people and your
responsibilities efficiently and effectively  day in, day out and in a crisis.
Weve been immersed in our clients
businesses for decades and know exactly
whats on the HR to do list every day, how
to make tasks easier, what issues need to be
tracked and when alerts or assistance are vital.
And weve translated this experience into
simple-to-use web-based management油tools
that dont just cut administration and
complexity but油also油build油skills and油confidence.
Smart systems are all very well, but what
about when you need a sounding board?
When you need someone to talk to whose
experience you respect and whose judgement
you trust when youre unsure about something
or have a difficult decision to make.The
answer is simple: your own油business team 
including a local consultant. People you get
to know and who get to know your business,
so they can油act油when油you need them to
and油guide油you when油you need to act.
In the absence of enough hours in the
day油or a resident legal guru it can be tough
to keep on top of changing legislation and
employment best practice, let alone learn
how to draft a policy document or conduct a
disciplinary process.Thats why weve made it
a simple matter of accessing油our online mine
of regularly-updated essential information,
document templates and stepby-step guides
in Croner-i and podcasts油and webinars in the
training library. 油油
Employee contracts
Absence management
Holiday tracking
Disciplinary issues
Performance management
Recruitment process
Maternity leave
Management reports
HR training
...and so much more
Working with Croner has meant
weve ironed out our previously
ad hoc approach and established
a油culture in which managers know
there are clear procedures to follow
when dealing with employee issues.
Croner油Simplify油keeps us risk-free
by油ensuring our HR procedures
are correct油and uptodate.
Improving efficiency
As the hub of your HR function, Croner Simplify can dramatically cut the cost of
managing your employees well. Its not just that it enables time-consuming tasks to
be automated and costly mistakes averted. It also ensures everything from appraisals
to absence management and recruitment to redundancy is completed right first
time and on time. From cutting the costs of legal advice to making better business
decisions based on accurate information, Croner Simplify is the way to go.
As the manager responsible for HR,
dealing油with the day to day administration
has to be a priority but you cant afford
it to take a油second longer than necessary.
With油Croner油Simplify you know exactly
what to do when and how  and have
to hand everything you need to do it
as productively as every other油aspect
Empowering employees to find out how
much holiday they have left, sign up for
training or confirm that they have viewed油vital
documents has the potential to drastically
cut everyday distractions for those managing
HR.And油Croner Simplify can make it happen.
Theres also an option to give your people
assistance with everything from emotional
support to debt advice  which is of equal
value to油the油individual油and the business.
Cut absence
Reduce legal costs
Improve accuracy
Avoid tribunals
Reduce fire fighting
Avoid fines
Minimise training costs
Automatically update documents
Instant reports
...and so much more
You know your people are your greatest
strength and that what they bring to
work each day owes much to how they
are managed. So you want a way of
embedding good HR and safety practices
across the business to improve morale,
retention and performance  while
also油benefiting the bottom line.
Croner Simplify in action: managing油absence
During discussions with their new client, a manufacturer with 50 employees, the Croner Simplify team learned that absence
was a significant problem that concerned the HR manager.With the average annual cost of absence per employee standing at
贈673 according to the latest report from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, the team pointed out that this
added up to 贈33,000 for the manufacturer. Croner Simplify can be set up to actively manage absenteeism in a way that typically
reduces it significantly. In this case  the system was configured to record all absences and trigger an alert when a certain number
of absent days were reached, at which point the systems template letters on absence and absence disciplinary process would
come油into their own.
Ensuring compliance
As one of the most respected workplace compliance specialists, you know you
can rely on us to help you fulfil every one of your legal obligations consistently
and cost-effectively. But Croner Simplify is about much more than just complying
with legislation.With its smart software, online resources and proactive twist in
the form of expert interpretation of the law its a way of moving beyond basic
compliance to油best practice.
From the recruitment process to the end
of employment, Croner SImplify ensures
you meet your responsibilities as an
employer.Top quality contracts, policies
and procedures are at its heart but as a
living, ever-changing field, employment law
demands something more.This is where
your Croner business teams experience
and support come in, giving you the heads
up about upcoming legislation and helping
you油get ready in油a油timely way.
Croner Simplify Health & Safety
Support can油help businesses embed a
healthily robust油approach to complying
with regulations relating to the safety,
health油and油welfare of油their people.
From audit and tracking tools to awareness
training and policy templates to business
team advice, its possible to put Health
&油Safety centre stage while ensuring
business performance油remains the star.
Legislation tracker
24/7 telephone advice
Audit tools
Accident reporting
Policy guidance
Legal opinion
Risk assessments
Minimum Wage calculator
and so much more
Croner Simplify is a service thats tailored
to each clients specific needs, so whatever
business youre in, it can help you get
documents in order and procedures in
place so you can be sure of油achieving
and油maintaining HR油and safety standards
and avoiding interruptions and油fines.
Croner Simplify in action: fulfilling obligations
When it was setting up Croner Simplify for a specialist food producer, the Croner business team was asked if employees nationality
could be included to make ethnicity reporting easy.Alerted to the fact that quite a few non-nationals were employed, the team
checked the firm knew about its legal requirement to record all documents relating to employees right to work in the UK.They did
not. On implementation Simplify was set up to store all the relevant paperwork in individual employees files and issuing alerts to
warn when the limited rights of some came to an end.This proved invaluable when the firm received a visit from the Border Agency
nine months later, following a tip off that it might be employing illegal workers.The firm demonstrated via Simplify that it was
fulfilling its obligations and that all workers were working legally  although even if documents were found to be false and some
workers werent entitled to work in the UK, it would have been protected from fines as it had clearly done everything by the book.
Protecting your business
It has been said that Croner Simplify is much more than the sum of its parts.
That油the fair practices, solid plans and sensible management of risks it encourages
and enables give it a wider role as a guardian of corporate health and reputation.
Or,油to put it simply, its a case of professional, practical and proactive advice
adding油up to peace of mind.
By helping you manage your employees
well, reward them fairly, support their
development and keep them safe, Croner
Simplify can play a part in creating
one of油the most valuable assets a
company can have: a positive reputation.
And,油as油the油service flexes to accommodate
your ambitions and growth, its an asset
youll appreciate fully when you want
to油attract油fresh talent.
Industrial action.An accident.A high-risk
dismissal.Whatever the crisis, Croner
Simplify can help you keep a cool head.
Its good in a crisis. Of course, its good
at reducing the risk of issues escalating in
the first place, but if a major incident does
occur your Croner business team will be
there for you, 24/7, to help decide how
best to respond and minimise its impact
Procedure guidance	
Audit trails
Risk assessments
Accident reporting
Incident support
Legal expenses insurance
...and so much more
Croner Simplify in action: right to work
A Croner business team was alerted to the fact that one of its clients, a small restaurant chain, was using Croner Simplifys
disciplinary process when the minutes from an initial investigatory meeting were uploaded to the system. During discussions
with the client, the team noted that the employee hadnt worked for them for the period of time required to claim unfair
dismissal. Continuing to monitor progress, the team spotted in the minutes of a subsequent meeting that the employee had
raised a grievance on the basis of disability  a claim in this respect has no service requirement and no compensatory limits.
The油team immediately got in touch with the company to explain the significance of this point and ensure that it was aware
of油the油implications and exactly how they should deal with it.
Croner Simplifys clear procedures, watchful
advisors and audit trails can go a long way to
minimise the number of employment issues
that are taken to tribunal. But as Croner is
one of the largest providers of employment
tribunal representation in the UK  you have
the comfort of knowing additional expert
consultancy support is just a phone call away.
Taking out our legal expense insurance would
ensure that should you be taken to tribunal
your costs would be covered.*
*subject to policy terms and conditions
Croner Simplify
Croner is a trading name of Croner
Group Limited. Croner Group Limited is
authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority.
September 2012
T: 0800 634 1700
E: simplify@
W: www.croner

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Croner Simplify

  • 1. YOUR WORLD-CLASS WORKPLACE BUSINESS PARTNER WERE WITH YOU ALL THE WAY Everything you need for best practice Human Resources management Smart systems, sound judgement and deep insight, brought together in one practical and油proactive service. It couldnt be simpler. Croner Simplify
  • 2. Your Croner Business Team 24/7 24/7 Support Crisis Support Policy & Letter Templates Training Accident Reporting Croner-i Contracts & Handbooks Employee Management Health & Safety Support Legal Expenses Insurance Consultancy Employee Assistance Programme Online Tools Croner Simplify
  • 3. Introducing Croner Simplify Developed by HR professionals and driven by our passion for simplifying complexity, Croner油Simplify is your complete employee management service. Building on our heritage as a champion of best practice compliance, its a powerful package of intelligent technology and油personal support that will help you manage your people and your responsibilities efficiently and effectively day in, day out and in a crisis. SMART TOOLS: SIMPLIFIED TASKS Weve been immersed in our clients businesses for decades and know exactly whats on the HR to do list every day, how to make tasks easier, what issues need to be tracked and when alerts or assistance are vital. And weve translated this experience into simple-to-use web-based management油tools that dont just cut administration and complexity but油also油build油skills and油confidence. BUSINESS TEAM: WISE油GUIDANCE Smart systems are all very well, but what about when you need a sounding board? When you need someone to talk to whose experience you respect and whose judgement you trust when youre unsure about something or have a difficult decision to make.The answer is simple: your own油business team including a local consultant. People you get to know and who get to know your business, so they can油act油when油you need them to and油guide油you when油you need to act. RESOURCES: UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION In the absence of enough hours in the day油or a resident legal guru it can be tough to keep on top of changing legislation and employment best practice, let alone learn how to draft a policy document or conduct a disciplinary process.Thats why weve made it a simple matter of accessing油our online mine of regularly-updated essential information, document templates and stepby-step guides in Croner-i and podcasts油and webinars in the training library. 油油 WE CAN HELP YOU SIMPLIFY Employee contracts Absence management Holiday tracking Disciplinary issues Performance management Recruitment process Maternity leave Redundancy Management reports HR training ...and so much more Working with Croner has meant weve ironed out our previously ad hoc approach and established a油culture in which managers know there are clear procedures to follow when dealing with employee issues. Croner油Simplify油keeps us risk-free by油ensuring our HR procedures are correct油and uptodate. RACHEL WELLS, HR MANAGER, CLOSED油LOOP油RECYCLING
  • 4. Improving efficiency As the hub of your HR function, Croner Simplify can dramatically cut the cost of managing your employees well. Its not just that it enables time-consuming tasks to be automated and costly mistakes averted. It also ensures everything from appraisals to absence management and recruitment to redundancy is completed right first time and on time. From cutting the costs of legal advice to making better business decisions based on accurate information, Croner Simplify is the way to go. HR As the manager responsible for HR, dealing油with the day to day administration has to be a priority but you cant afford it to take a油second longer than necessary. With油Croner油Simplify you know exactly what to do when and how and have to hand everything you need to do it as productively as every other油aspect of油your油job. EMPLOYEES Empowering employees to find out how much holiday they have left, sign up for training or confirm that they have viewed油vital documents has the potential to drastically cut everyday distractions for those managing HR.And油Croner Simplify can make it happen. Theres also an option to give your people assistance with everything from emotional support to debt advice which is of equal value to油the油individual油and the business. SIMPLIFY TO SAVE Cut absence Reduce legal costs Improve accuracy Avoid tribunals Reduce fire fighting Avoid fines Minimise training costs Automatically update documents Instant reports ...and so much more MANAGERS You know your people are your greatest strength and that what they bring to work each day owes much to how they are managed. So you want a way of embedding good HR and safety practices across the business to improve morale, retention and performance while also油benefiting the bottom line. Croner Simplify in action: managing油absence During discussions with their new client, a manufacturer with 50 employees, the Croner Simplify team learned that absence was a significant problem that concerned the HR manager.With the average annual cost of absence per employee standing at 贈673 according to the latest report from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, the team pointed out that this added up to 贈33,000 for the manufacturer. Croner Simplify can be set up to actively manage absenteeism in a way that typically reduces it significantly. In this case the system was configured to record all absences and trigger an alert when a certain number of absent days were reached, at which point the systems template letters on absence and absence disciplinary process would come油into their own.
  • 5. Ensuring compliance As one of the most respected workplace compliance specialists, you know you can rely on us to help you fulfil every one of your legal obligations consistently and cost-effectively. But Croner Simplify is about much more than just complying with legislation.With its smart software, online resources and proactive twist in the form of expert interpretation of the law its a way of moving beyond basic compliance to油best practice. EMPLOYMENT LAW From the recruitment process to the end of employment, Croner SImplify ensures you meet your responsibilities as an employer.Top quality contracts, policies and procedures are at its heart but as a living, ever-changing field, employment law demands something more.This is where your Croner business teams experience and support come in, giving you the heads up about upcoming legislation and helping you油get ready in油a油timely way. HEALTH & SAFETY Croner Simplify Health & Safety Support can油help businesses embed a healthily robust油approach to complying with regulations relating to the safety, health油and油welfare of油their people. From audit and tracking tools to awareness training and policy templates to business team advice, its possible to put Health &油Safety centre stage while ensuring business performance油remains the star. SIMPLIFY TO COMPLY Legislation tracker 24/7 telephone advice Audit tools Accident reporting Policy guidance Legal opinion Risk assessments Minimum Wage calculator and so much more SECTOR-SPECIFIC STANDARDS Croner Simplify is a service thats tailored to each clients specific needs, so whatever business youre in, it can help you get documents in order and procedures in place so you can be sure of油achieving and油maintaining HR油and safety standards and avoiding interruptions and油fines. Croner Simplify in action: fulfilling obligations When it was setting up Croner Simplify for a specialist food producer, the Croner business team was asked if employees nationality could be included to make ethnicity reporting easy.Alerted to the fact that quite a few non-nationals were employed, the team checked the firm knew about its legal requirement to record all documents relating to employees right to work in the UK.They did not. On implementation Simplify was set up to store all the relevant paperwork in individual employees files and issuing alerts to warn when the limited rights of some came to an end.This proved invaluable when the firm received a visit from the Border Agency nine months later, following a tip off that it might be employing illegal workers.The firm demonstrated via Simplify that it was fulfilling its obligations and that all workers were working legally although even if documents were found to be false and some workers werent entitled to work in the UK, it would have been protected from fines as it had clearly done everything by the book.
  • 6. Protecting your business It has been said that Croner Simplify is much more than the sum of its parts. That油the fair practices, solid plans and sensible management of risks it encourages and enables give it a wider role as a guardian of corporate health and reputation. Or,油to put it simply, its a case of professional, practical and proactive advice adding油up to peace of mind. REPUTATION By helping you manage your employees well, reward them fairly, support their development and keep them safe, Croner Simplify can play a part in creating one of油the most valuable assets a company can have: a positive reputation. And,油as油the油service flexes to accommodate your ambitions and growth, its an asset youll appreciate fully when you want to油attract油fresh talent. CRISES Industrial action.An accident.A high-risk dismissal.Whatever the crisis, Croner Simplify can help you keep a cool head. Its good in a crisis. Of course, its good at reducing the risk of issues escalating in the first place, but if a major incident does occur your Croner business team will be there for you, 24/7, to help decide how best to respond and minimise its impact on油the油business. SAFER WITH SIMPLIFY Procedure guidance Audit trails Risk assessments Accident reporting Incident support Legal expenses insurance ...and so much more Croner Simplify in action: right to work A Croner business team was alerted to the fact that one of its clients, a small restaurant chain, was using Croner Simplifys disciplinary process when the minutes from an initial investigatory meeting were uploaded to the system. During discussions with the client, the team noted that the employee hadnt worked for them for the period of time required to claim unfair dismissal. Continuing to monitor progress, the team spotted in the minutes of a subsequent meeting that the employee had raised a grievance on the basis of disability a claim in this respect has no service requirement and no compensatory limits. The油team immediately got in touch with the company to explain the significance of this point and ensure that it was aware of油the油implications and exactly how they should deal with it. TRIBUNALS Croner Simplifys clear procedures, watchful advisors and audit trails can go a long way to minimise the number of employment issues that are taken to tribunal. But as Croner is one of the largest providers of employment tribunal representation in the UK you have the comfort of knowing additional expert consultancy support is just a phone call away. Taking out our legal expense insurance would ensure that should you be taken to tribunal your costs would be covered.* *subject to policy terms and conditions
  • 8. 油 Croner is a trading name of Croner Group Limited. Croner Group Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. September 2012 T: 0800 634 1700 E: simplify@ wolterskluwer.co.uk W: www.croner solutions.co.uk