2. 分享嘉宾
Pekka Toivaen
芬兰著名设计公司Muotohiomo总裁 .芬兰
Hannu K?h?nen Hannu K?h?nen
Pekka Toivaen
Arni Aromaa
Andrea Sch?llgen
西门子GmbH 公司设计战略顾问 .德国
Rechib Zeidam
世界第一化工集团BASF高级区域经理 .德国
Arini Aromaa Andrea Sch?llgen
Tony Wong
IDEO设计公司亚太产物设计总监 .英国
Albert Ng
Rechib Zeidam Tony Wong Albert Ng
4. About Muotohiomo
Muotohiomo is a design studio founded 1992 in Helsinki, Finland.
We work in design strategy and planning: product design, interior design, creative
direction and graphic design.
We are about playfulness. Since without humor and courage no new ideas get
rooted. And we are 12 creative individuals that play together.
We share the common ambition to make new things happen. We are devoted to
create solutions that last and that enrich our environment.
Pekka Toivaen
8. Creadesign is a Helsinki-based industrial design agency having strong client-centred
focus, ecological values and solid design thinking since 1981. The designs are user-
centred, holistic, eco-friendly and economical for the producers.
Creadesign’s clients include small & medium sized companies, service producers, public
organisations as well as manufacturers of large-scale investment commodities and
consumer goods.
Creadesign services cover product and service design, design management consulting
and IPR right sales. Hannu K?h?nen