This document discusses cross-browser testing using Selenium. It introduces Selenium and its architecture, including Selenium IDE, WebDriver, and JavaScriptExecutor. It demonstrates recording and running tests in Selenium IDE and using WebDriver in Visual Studio and JavaScript. The document also covers Selenium Server and Grid for running tests across different browsers and platforms in a distributed environment.
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1. Copyright ? SELA Software & Education Labs, Ltd. | 14-18 Baruch Hirsch St., Bnei Brak 51202, Israel |
Cross Browser Platform in Automation
Oren Ashkenazy
2. Cross Platform Browser Testing
Intro to Selenium
Selenium Architecture
Selenium IDE
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium Server
3. Cross platform Browser Testing
? Greater Test Coverage
? Increased Reusability
? Business advantage
? Secure Deployment To Production
14. Execute JS with Selenium WebDriver
Get the running browser agent/webdriver type
IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor)driver;
String BrowserAgent =
return navigator.userAgent;");
15. Execute JS with Selenium WebDriver
Pass browserAgent to the test method
public void FillAcountHolderData(IWebDriver driver, User user, string BrowserAgent)
if (BrowserAgent.Contains(¡°FireFox¡±)
} { // todo¡.
if (BrowserAgent.Contains(¡°Chrome¡±)
{ // todo¡.
21. Selenium Server - Agenda
What Is Selenium Server?
What Is Selenium Grid?
Setting the hub (Server)
Setting the node (Client)
Using DesiredCapabilities
22. What Is Selenium Server?
23. What Is Selenium Grid?
Selenium Sever
(Win 7 +
Selenium Sever
(Win 8 + IE)
Selenium Sever
(Centos +
25. Install & Configure
? What to Install?
o JRE (Java Runtime Environment)
o Selenium Server (JAR File)
? How To Configure The Hub?
o Run CMD
o Go to the path you downloaded the Jar file: CD ¡°Path Name¡±
o Type the command: java -jar ¡°jar file name¡± -role hub
o After running this command you will receive an output of the
selenium server address (The default address is
o Leave CMD window open while you want the selenium server
process to keep running
27. Setting up a server node
? How to configure?
o Run CMD
o Go to the path you downloaded the Jar file: CD ¡°Path
o Type the command: java -jar ¡°Jar File Name¡± -role node
-hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register
o Validate the node server is up by going to:
29. Use the RemoteWebDriver and
the DesiredCapabilities object to define which
browser, version and platform you wish to use
private IWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver (new
Running a test using the grid
30. In this example the test will run on machine/s that
have IOS and Firefox driver
private IWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new
new DesiredCapabilities("Firefox", "", new
Using a specific configuration
#4: Greater Coverage ¨C More time for QA doing manual exploratory/risk-based
Increased Reusability ¨C Tests can be ran across different platforms and
Business advantage ¨C we get to more users the more platform we support
#9: Selenium webdriver has 3 layers of architecture:
Code Behind is the language we can use it¡¯s code to run selenium commands.
These commands communicate with the WebDriver, the WebDriver contains set of common library which allow to send command to respective drivers through HTML and DOM.
The driver listens to the commands from the code and simulate it on a real browser.
#13: JavaScriptExecutor?is an interface which provides mechanism to execute Javascript through selenium driver. It provides ¡°executescript¡± & "executeAsyncScript" methods, to run JavaScript in the context of the currently selected frame or window.
Why we use it?To enhance the capabilities of the existing scripts by performing javascript injection into our application under test.In simple words ?¡°Javascript can be executed within the browser with the help of JavaScript Executor.¡±
#18: As mentioned, WebDriver has a number of bindings for various languages like Ruby, Python etc. JavaScript being the language of choice for the web, is the latest one to make it to the list.
So as you might guess, WebDriverJS is simply a wrapper over the JSON wire protocol exposing high level functions to make our life easy.
#21: WebdriverIO
Selenium 2.0 bindings for NodeJS
Selenium 2.0 bindings for NodeJS with build in assertion framework
PhantomJS ¨C
No browser required
Headless web testing. Page automation.?Access and manipulate?web pages with the standard DOM API, or with usual libraries like jQuery.
Screen capture. Programmatically?capture web contents, including CSS, SVG and Canvas. Build server-side web graphics apps, from a screenshot service to a vector chart rasterizer.
Network monitoring. Automate performance analysis, track?page loading?and export as standard HAR format.
#23: Selenium Sever allow us to run selenium tests on remote machines.
The command will be send to the server and the server will execute the test by the selected driver.
#24: In Selenium Grid mode we have a network of servers that receives the commands through network hub, each set of command to a specific selenium server.
Selenium Grid allows you to :
Scale by distributing tests on several machines ( parallel execution )
Manage multiple environments from a central point, making it easy to run the tests against a vast combination of browsers / OS.
Minimize the maintenance time for the grid by allowing you to implement custom hooks to leverage virtual infrastructure for instance.