The document discusses different techniques for cross-validation in machine learning. It defines cross-validation as a technique for validating model efficiency by training on a subset of data and testing on an unseen subset. It then describes various cross-validation methods like hold out validation, k-fold cross-validation, leave one out cross-validation, and their implementation in scikit-learn.
6 Evaluating Predictive Performance and ensemble.pptxmohammedalherwi1
Bagging, also known as bootstrap aggregating, is a machine learning ensemble meta-algorithm designed to improve the stability and accuracy of machine learning algorithms used in statistical classification and regression. It works by building multiple models (such as decision trees) and then averaging their predictions. Specifically, bagging fits each model on a random subset of the training set sampled with replacement. Then, the predictions from all the models are averaged or voted over to produce the final prediction.
This document discusses model evaluation techniques for machine learning models. It explains that model evaluation is needed to measure a model's performance and estimate how well it will generalize to new data. Some common evaluation metrics are accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. Cross-validation techniques like k-fold and leave-one-out are covered, which divide data into training and test sets to estimate a model's performance without overfitting. Python libraries can be used to implement these evaluation methods and calculate various metrics from a confusion matrix.
SMOTE and K-Fold Cross Validation-Presentation.pptxHaritikaChhatwal1
SMOTE is a technique used to handle class imbalance problems in data. It involves over-sampling the minority class by synthesizing new minority class examples and under-sampling the majority class. This helps improve recall, or the detection of truly positive instances from the minority class, which is often prioritized over precision in class imbalance situations. K-fold cross-validation is a resampling method used to evaluate machine learning models on limited data. It involves splitting the dataset into k groups, using each group as a test set while the remaining form the training set, and averaging the results.
Bridging the Gap: Machine Learning for Ubiquitous Computing -- EvaluationThomas Ploetz
Tutorial @Ubicomp 2015: Bridging the Gap -- Machine Learning for Ubiquitous Computing (evaluation session).
A tutorial on promises and pitfalls of Machine Learning for Ubicomp (and Human Computer Interaction). From Practitioners for Practitioners.
Presenter: Nils Hammerla <>
video recording of talks as they wer held at Ubicomp:
Cross validation is a technique for evaluating machine learning models by splitting the dataset into training and validation sets and training the model multiple times on different splits, to reduce variance. K-fold cross validation splits the data into k equally sized folds, where each fold is used once for validation while the remaining k-1 folds are used for training. Leave-one-out cross validation uses a single observation from the dataset as the validation set. Stratified k-fold cross validation ensures each fold has the same class proportions as the full dataset. Grid search evaluates all combinations of hyperparameters specified as a grid, while randomized search samples hyperparameters randomly within specified ranges. Learning curves show training and validation performance as a function of training set size and can diagnose underfitting
This document discusses different techniques for selecting machine learning models, including random train/test splitting, resampling methods like k-fold cross-validation and bootstrap, and probabilistic measures. Resampling techniques like k-fold cross-validation estimate error by evaluating models on out-of-sample data. Probabilistic measures consider both a model's performance and complexity, seeking to balance fit and simplicity. Common probabilistic measures mentioned are the Akaike Information Criterion, Bayesian Information Criterion, Minimum Description Length, and Structural Risk Minimization.
This document discusses evaluating machine learning model performance. It covers classification evaluation metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and confusion matrices. It also discusses regression metrics like MAE, MSE, and RMSE. The document discusses techniques for dealing with class imbalance like oversampling and undersampling. It provides examples of evaluating models and interpreting results based on these various performance metrics.
This document discusses various methods for evaluating machine learning models. It describes splitting data into training, validation, and test sets to evaluate models on large datasets. For small or unbalanced datasets, it recommends cross-validation techniques like k-fold cross-validation and stratified sampling. The document also covers evaluating classifier performance using metrics like accuracy, confidence intervals, and lift charts, as well as addressing issues that can impact evaluation like overfitting and class imbalance.
This document provides an introduction to statistical process control (SPC). It discusses the limitations of inspection and why SPC is better. It explains that SPC allows monitoring of processes to detect changes before defective products are produced. Various control chart templates are shown and key SPC concepts are defined, including sources of variation, the central limit theorem, and using average and range to monitor process behavior over time. Examples are provided to illustrate variability, distributions, and how control charts can be used.
Statistical Learning and Model Selection (1).pptxrajalakshmi5921
This document discusses statistical learning and model selection. It introduces statistical learning problems, statistical models, the need for statistical modeling, and issues around evaluating models. Key points include: statistical learning involves using data to build a predictive model; a good model balances bias and variance to minimize prediction error; cross-validation is described as the ideal procedure for evaluating models without overfitting to the test data.
This document provides an overview and agenda for a hands-on introduction to data science. It includes the following sections: Data Science Overview and Intro to R (90 minutes), Exploratory Data Analysis (60 minutes), and Logistic Regression Model (30 minutes). The document then covers key concepts in data science including collecting and analyzing data to find insights to help decision making, using analytics to improve operations and innovations, and predicting problems before they occur. Machine learning and statistical techniques are also introduced such as supervised and unsupervised learning, parameters versus statistics, and calculating variance and standard deviation.
This document provides an overview and agenda for a hands-on introduction to data science. It includes the following sections: Data Science Overview and Intro to R (90 minutes), Exploratory Data Analysis (60 minutes), and Logistic Regression Model (30 minutes). Key topics that will be covered include collecting and analyzing data to find insights to help decision making, predicting problems before they occur, using analytics to improve operations and innovations, and examples of predicting loan defaults. Machine learning concepts such as supervised and unsupervised learning and common machine learning models will also be introduced.
The document discusses validation techniques for machine learning models. It describes the train-test split method of dividing a dataset into training and test sets. It also explains k-fold and leave-one-out cross-validation as alternatives that reduce the impact of random partitions by repeatedly splitting the data into training and test subsets. K-fold validation divides the data into k subsets and uses k-1 for training and 1 for testing over k iterations, while leave-one-out uses a single sample for testing each time.
Cross-validation is a technique used to evaluate machine learning models by reserving a portion of a dataset to test the model trained on the remaining data. There are several common cross-validation methods, including the test set method (reserving 30% of data for testing), leave-one-out cross-validation (training on all data points except one, then testing on the left out point), and k-fold cross-validation (randomly splitting data into k groups, with k-1 used for training and the remaining group for testing). The document provides an example comparing linear regression, quadratic regression, and point-to-point connection on a concrete strength dataset using k-fold cross-validation. SPSS output for the
The document discusses experimental data and uncertainty. It explains that all data has some uncertainty due to limitations of instruments and humans. It also discusses accuracy, precision, and significant figures when reporting results. The mean, uncertainty in the mean, and fractional and percentage uncertainties are also covered.
Application of Machine Learning in AgricultureAman Vasisht
With the growing trend of machine learning, it is needless to say how machine learning can help reap benefits in agriculture. It will be boon for the farmer welfare.
This document provides an introduction to business intelligence and data analytics. It discusses key concepts such as data sources, data warehouses, data marts, data mining, and data analytics. It also covers topics like univariate analysis, measures of dispersion, heterogeneity measures, confidence intervals, cross validation, and ROC curves. The document aims to introduce fundamental techniques and metrics used in business intelligence and data mining.
This document discusses various measures of dispersion used in statistics including range, quartile deviation, mean deviation, and standard deviation. It provides definitions and formulas for calculating each measure, as well as examples of calculating the measures for both ungrouped and grouped quantitative data. The key measures discussed are the range, which is the difference between the maximum and minimum values; quartile deviation, which is the difference between the third and first quartiles; mean deviation, which is the mean of the absolute deviations from the mean; and standard deviation, which is the square root of the mean of the squared deviations from the arithmetic mean.
The document summarizes key concepts in describing data with numerical measures from a statistics textbook chapter. It covers measures of center including mean, median, and mode. It also covers measures of variability such as range, variance, and standard deviation. It provides examples of calculating these measures and interpreting them, as well as using them to construct box plots.
Cross-validation aggregation for forecastingDevon Barrow
Cross-validation aggregation combines the benefits of cross-validation and forecast aggregation. It saves the predictions from models estimated on different cross-validation folds and averages these predictions to obtain the final forecast. Empirical results on 111 time series show that cross-validation aggregation outperforms simple model averaging and bagging, with the lowest errors on validation sets. Different cross-validation aggregation methods perform best depending on data characteristics like time series length and forecast horizon.
Cross validation is a technique for evaluating machine learning models by splitting the dataset into training and validation sets and training the model multiple times on different splits, to reduce variance. K-fold cross validation splits the data into k equally sized folds, where each fold is used once for validation while the remaining k-1 folds are used for training. Leave-one-out cross validation uses a single observation from the dataset as the validation set. Stratified k-fold cross validation ensures each fold has the same class proportions as the full dataset. Grid search evaluates all combinations of hyperparameters specified as a grid, while randomized search samples hyperparameters randomly within specified ranges. Learning curves show training and validation performance as a function of training set size and can diagnose underfitting
This document discusses different techniques for selecting machine learning models, including random train/test splitting, resampling methods like k-fold cross-validation and bootstrap, and probabilistic measures. Resampling techniques like k-fold cross-validation estimate error by evaluating models on out-of-sample data. Probabilistic measures consider both a model's performance and complexity, seeking to balance fit and simplicity. Common probabilistic measures mentioned are the Akaike Information Criterion, Bayesian Information Criterion, Minimum Description Length, and Structural Risk Minimization.
This document discusses evaluating machine learning model performance. It covers classification evaluation metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and confusion matrices. It also discusses regression metrics like MAE, MSE, and RMSE. The document discusses techniques for dealing with class imbalance like oversampling and undersampling. It provides examples of evaluating models and interpreting results based on these various performance metrics.
This document discusses various methods for evaluating machine learning models. It describes splitting data into training, validation, and test sets to evaluate models on large datasets. For small or unbalanced datasets, it recommends cross-validation techniques like k-fold cross-validation and stratified sampling. The document also covers evaluating classifier performance using metrics like accuracy, confidence intervals, and lift charts, as well as addressing issues that can impact evaluation like overfitting and class imbalance.
This document provides an introduction to statistical process control (SPC). It discusses the limitations of inspection and why SPC is better. It explains that SPC allows monitoring of processes to detect changes before defective products are produced. Various control chart templates are shown and key SPC concepts are defined, including sources of variation, the central limit theorem, and using average and range to monitor process behavior over time. Examples are provided to illustrate variability, distributions, and how control charts can be used.
Statistical Learning and Model Selection (1).pptxrajalakshmi5921
This document discusses statistical learning and model selection. It introduces statistical learning problems, statistical models, the need for statistical modeling, and issues around evaluating models. Key points include: statistical learning involves using data to build a predictive model; a good model balances bias and variance to minimize prediction error; cross-validation is described as the ideal procedure for evaluating models without overfitting to the test data.
This document provides an overview and agenda for a hands-on introduction to data science. It includes the following sections: Data Science Overview and Intro to R (90 minutes), Exploratory Data Analysis (60 minutes), and Logistic Regression Model (30 minutes). The document then covers key concepts in data science including collecting and analyzing data to find insights to help decision making, using analytics to improve operations and innovations, and predicting problems before they occur. Machine learning and statistical techniques are also introduced such as supervised and unsupervised learning, parameters versus statistics, and calculating variance and standard deviation.
This document provides an overview and agenda for a hands-on introduction to data science. It includes the following sections: Data Science Overview and Intro to R (90 minutes), Exploratory Data Analysis (60 minutes), and Logistic Regression Model (30 minutes). Key topics that will be covered include collecting and analyzing data to find insights to help decision making, predicting problems before they occur, using analytics to improve operations and innovations, and examples of predicting loan defaults. Machine learning concepts such as supervised and unsupervised learning and common machine learning models will also be introduced.
The document discusses validation techniques for machine learning models. It describes the train-test split method of dividing a dataset into training and test sets. It also explains k-fold and leave-one-out cross-validation as alternatives that reduce the impact of random partitions by repeatedly splitting the data into training and test subsets. K-fold validation divides the data into k subsets and uses k-1 for training and 1 for testing over k iterations, while leave-one-out uses a single sample for testing each time.
Cross-validation is a technique used to evaluate machine learning models by reserving a portion of a dataset to test the model trained on the remaining data. There are several common cross-validation methods, including the test set method (reserving 30% of data for testing), leave-one-out cross-validation (training on all data points except one, then testing on the left out point), and k-fold cross-validation (randomly splitting data into k groups, with k-1 used for training and the remaining group for testing). The document provides an example comparing linear regression, quadratic regression, and point-to-point connection on a concrete strength dataset using k-fold cross-validation. SPSS output for the
The document discusses experimental data and uncertainty. It explains that all data has some uncertainty due to limitations of instruments and humans. It also discusses accuracy, precision, and significant figures when reporting results. The mean, uncertainty in the mean, and fractional and percentage uncertainties are also covered.
Application of Machine Learning in AgricultureAman Vasisht
With the growing trend of machine learning, it is needless to say how machine learning can help reap benefits in agriculture. It will be boon for the farmer welfare.
This document provides an introduction to business intelligence and data analytics. It discusses key concepts such as data sources, data warehouses, data marts, data mining, and data analytics. It also covers topics like univariate analysis, measures of dispersion, heterogeneity measures, confidence intervals, cross validation, and ROC curves. The document aims to introduce fundamental techniques and metrics used in business intelligence and data mining.
This document discusses various measures of dispersion used in statistics including range, quartile deviation, mean deviation, and standard deviation. It provides definitions and formulas for calculating each measure, as well as examples of calculating the measures for both ungrouped and grouped quantitative data. The key measures discussed are the range, which is the difference between the maximum and minimum values; quartile deviation, which is the difference between the third and first quartiles; mean deviation, which is the mean of the absolute deviations from the mean; and standard deviation, which is the square root of the mean of the squared deviations from the arithmetic mean.
The document summarizes key concepts in describing data with numerical measures from a statistics textbook chapter. It covers measures of center including mean, median, and mode. It also covers measures of variability such as range, variance, and standard deviation. It provides examples of calculating these measures and interpreting them, as well as using them to construct box plots.
Cross-validation aggregation for forecastingDevon Barrow
Cross-validation aggregation combines the benefits of cross-validation and forecast aggregation. It saves the predictions from models estimated on different cross-validation folds and averages these predictions to obtain the final forecast. Empirical results on 111 time series show that cross-validation aggregation outperforms simple model averaging and bagging, with the lowest errors on validation sets. Different cross-validation aggregation methods perform best depending on data characteristics like time series length and forecast horizon.
Data analytics I: classification of data and measurement scaleshambhurout
This presentation explains the data classification, type of data, and measurement scale for data. This will be useful for the UG level students who wish to know basics of data analytics and structure of data.
Mining the xDB; A pipeline for high-powered insightsMark Stiles
'Mining the xDB; A pipeline for high-powered insights' is a technical discussion on migrating and transforming Sitecore's xDB analytics and related content into high level data models that can feed business intelligence tools for marketing teams. The talk covers extracting and loading data into a warehouse, transforming the raw data into high level business models using SQL and dbt and providing visual examples of the types of insights that are possible with this new technique. The target audiences are marketers, data professionals and Sitecore itself.
Advanced SystemCare Pro 18 Crack 2025 Downloadeastyy67
IObit Advanced SystemCare is a PC optimization and security software designed to clean, speed up, and protect Windows computers. It helps improve system performance by removing junk files, fixing registry errors, managing startup programs
The community meetup was held Wednesday March 19, 2025 @ 9:00 AM PST.
The OpenMetadata 1.7 Release Community Meeting is here! We're excited to showcase our brand-new user experience and operational workflows, especially when it comes to getting started with OpenMetadata more quickly. We also have a Community Spotlight with Gorgias, an ecommerce conversational AI platform, and how they use OpenMetadata to manage their data assets and facilitate discovery with AI.
Release 1.7 Highlights:
ィ Design Showcase: Brand-new UX for improved productivity for data teams
Day 1 Experience: AI agents to auto document, tier, classify PII, & test quality
Search Relevancy: Customizable search for more contextual, precise results
Lineage Improvements: Scalable visualization of services, domains, & products
鏝 Domain Enhancements: Improved tag & glossary management across domains
Reverse Metadata: Sync metadata back to sources for consistent governance
Persona UI Customization: Views & workflows tailored to user responsibilities
And more!
Community Spotlight:
Antoine Balliet & Anas El Mhamdi, Senior Data Engineers from Gorgias, will share data management learnings with OpenMetadata, including data source coverage, asset discovery, and data assistance. Gorgias is the Conversational AI platform for ecommerce that drives sales and resolves support inquiries. Trusted by over 15,000 ecommerce brands, Gorgias supports growing independent shops to globally recognizable retailers.
Monthly meeting to present new and up-coming releases, discuss questions and hear from community members.
Just The Facts - Data Modeling Zone 2025Marco Wobben
Fully Communication Oriented Information Modeling (FCOIM) is a groundbreaking approach that empowers organizations to communicate with unparalleled precision and elevate their data modeling efforts. FCOIM leverages natural language to facilitate clear, efficient, and accurate communication between stakeholders, ensuring a seamless data modeling process. With the ability to generate artifacts such as JSON, SQL, and DataVault, FCOIM enables data professionals to create robust and integrated data solutions, aligning perfectly with the projects requirements.
You will learn:
* The fundamentals of FCOIM and its role in enhancing communication within data modeling processes.
* How natural language modeling revolutionizes data-related discussions, fostering collaboration and understanding.
* Practical techniques to generate JSON, SQL, and DataVault artifacts from FCOIM models, streamlining data integration and analysis.
2. How to check if a model fit is good?
The R2
statistic has become the almost universally standard measure
for model fit in linear models.
What is R2
It is the ratio of error in a model over the total variance in the
dependent variable.
Hence the lower the error, the higher the R2
Modeling techniques tend to overfit the data.
Multiple regression:
Every time you add a variable to the regression, the models R2
Na誰ve interpretation: every additional predictive variable helps to
explain yet more of the targets variance. But that cant be true!
Left to its own devices, Multiple Regression will fit too many patterns.
A reason why modeling requires subject-matter expertise.
Error on the dataset used to fit
the model can be misleading
Doesnt predict future
Too much complexity can
diminish models accuracy on
future data.
Sometimes called the Bias-
Variance Tradeoff.
What are the consequences of overfitting?
財Overfitted models will have high R2
values, but will perform poorly in
predicting out-of-sample cases
, also known as coefficient of determination, is a popular measure
of quality of fit in regression. However, it does not offer any
significant insights into how well our regression model can predict
future values.
When an MLR equation is to be used for prediction purposes it is
useful to obtain empirical evidence as to its generalizability, or its
capacity to make accurate predictions for new samples of data. This
process is sometimes referred to as validating the regression
9. One way to address this issue is to literally obtain a new sample of
observations. That is, after the MLR equation is developed from the
original sample, the investigator conducts a new study, replicating the
original one as closely as possible, and uses the new data to assess
the predictive validity of the MLR equation.
This procedure is usually viewed as impractical because of the
requirement to conduct a new study to obtain validation data, as well
as the difficulty in truly replicating the original study.
An alternative, more practical procedure is cross-validation.
In cross-validation the original sample is split into two parts. One part
is called the training (or derivation) sample, and the other part is
called the validation (or validation + testing) sample.
1)What portion of the sample should be in each part?
If sample size is very large, it is often best to split the sample in half. For
smaller samples, it is more conventional to split the sample such that
2/3 of the observations are in the derivation sample and 1/3 are in
the validation sample.
2) How should the sample be split?
The most common approach is to divide the sample randomly, thus
theoretically eliminating any systematic differences. One alternative is to
define matched pairs of subjects in the original sample and to assign one
member of each pair to the derivation sample and the other to the
validation sample.
Modeling of the data uses one part only. The model selected for this part is
then used to predict the values in the other part of the data. A valid model
should show good predictive accuracy.
One thing that R-squared offers no protection against is overfitting. On the
other hand, cross validation, by allowing us to have cases in our testing set
that are different from the cases in our training set, inherently offers
protection against overfitting.
1.Divide data into three sets, training, validation and test sets
2.Find the optimal model on the training set, and use the test set to
check its predictive capability
3.See how well the model can predict the test set
4.The validation error gives an unbiased estimate of the predictive
power of a model
Talked about splitting data in training/test sets
training data is used to fit parameters
test data is used to assess how classifier generalizes to new data
What if classifier has non tunable parameters?
a parameter is non tunable if tuning (or training) it on the training
data leads to overfitting
What about test error? Seems appropriate
degree 2 is the best model according to the test error
Except what do we report as the test error now?
Test error should be computed on data that was not used for training
at all
Here used test data for training, i.e. choosing model
Same question when choosing among several classifiers
our polynomial degree example can be looked at as choosing among
3 classifiers (degree 1, 2, or 3)
Solution: split the labeled data into three parts
Since data are often scarce, there might not be enough to set aside for a
validation sample
To work around this issue k-fold CV works as follows:
1. Split the sample into k subsets of equal size
2. For each fold estimate a model on all the subsets except one
3. Use the left out subset to test the model, by calculating a CV metric of
4. Average the CV metric across subsets to get the CV error
This has the advantage of using all data for estimating the model, however
finding a good value for k can be tricky
28. K-fold Cross Validation Example
1. Split the data into 5
2. Fit a model to the training
samples and use the test
sample to calculate a CV
3. Repeat the process for the
next sample, until all
samples have been used to
either train or test the
30. Improve cross-validation
Even better: repeated cross-validation
10-fold cross-validation is repeated 10 times and results are
averaged (reduce the variance)
31. Cross Validation - Metrics
How do we determine if one model is predicting better than another
33. Best Practice for Reporting Model Fit
1.Use Cross Validation to find the best model
2.Report the RMSE and MAPE statistics from the cross validation
3.Report the R Squared from the model as you normally would.
The added cross-validation information will allow one to evaluate not
how much variance can be explained by the model, but also the
predictive accuracy of the model. Good models should have a high
predictive AND explanatory power!
The following table gives the size of the floor area (ha) and the price ($000), for
15 houses sold in the Canberra (Australia) suburb of Aranda in 1999.
For simplicity, we will use 3-fold cross validation
> library(DAAG)
Loading required package: lattice
> data(houseprices)
> summary(houseprices)
area bedrooms sale.price
Min. : 694.0 Min. :4.000 Min. :112.7
1st Qu.: 743.5 1st Qu.:4.000 1st Qu.:213.5
Median : 821.0 Median :4.000 Median :221.5
Mean : 889.3 Mean :4.333 Mean :237.7
3rd Qu.: 984.5 3rd Qu.:4.500 3rd Qu.:267.0
Max. :1366.0 Max. :6.000 Max. :375.0
35. > houseprices$bedrooms=as.factor(houseprices[,2])
> summary(houseprices)
area bedrooms sale.price
Min. : 694.0 4:11 Min. :112.7
1st Qu.: 743.5 5: 3 1st Qu.:213.5
Median : 821.0 6: 1 Median :221.5
Mean : 889.3 Mean :237.7
3rd Qu.: 984.5 3rd Qu.:267.0
Max. :1366.0 Max. :375.0
plot(sale.price ~ area, data = houseprices, log = "y",pch = 16, xlab = "Floor Area",
ylab = "Sale Price", main = "log(sale.price) vs area")
37. > #Split row numbers randomly into 3 groups
> rand<- sample(1:15)%%3 + 1
> # a%%3 is a remainder of a modulo 3
> #Subtract from a the largest multiple of 3 that is <= a; take
> (1:15)[rand == 1] # Observation numbers from the first group
[1] 2 3 5 7 12
> (1:15)[rand == 2] # Observation numbers from the second group
[1] 4 8 9 11 14
> (1:15)[rand == 3] # Observation numbers from the third group
[1] 1 6 10 13 15
38. > houseprice.lm<- lm(sale.price ~ area, data= houseprices)
> CVlm(houseprices, houseprice.lm, plotit=TRUE)
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: sale.price
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
area 1 18566 18566 8 0.014 *
Residuals 13 30179 2321
fold 1
Observations in test set: 5
11 20 21 22 23
area 802 696 771.0 1006.0 1191
cvpred 204 188 199.3 234.7 262
sale.price 215 255 260.0 293.0 375
CV residual 11 67 60.7 58.3 113
Sum of squares = 24351 Mean square = 4870 n = 5
39. fold 2
Observations in test set: 5
10 13 14 17 18
area 905 716 963.0 1018.00 887.00
cvpred 255 224 264.4 273.38 252.06
sale.price 215 113 185.0 276.00 260.00
CV residual -40 -112 -79.4 2.62 7.94
Sum of squares = 20416 Mean square = 4083 n = 5
fold 3
Observations in test set: 5
9 12 15 16 19
area 694.0 1366 821.00 714.0 790.00
cvpred 183.2 388 221.94 189.3 212.49
sale.price 192.0 274 212.00 220.0 221.50
CV residual 8.8 -114 -9.94 30.7 9.01
Sum of squares = 14241 Mean square = 2848 n = 5
Overall (Sum over all 5 folds)
41. houseprice.lm2<- lm(sale.price ~ area + bedrooms, data= houseprices)
CVlm(houseprices, houseprice.lm2, plotit=TRUE)
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: sale.price
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
area 1 18566 18566 17.0 0.0014 **
bedrooms 1 17065 17065 15.6 0.0019 **
Residuals 12 13114 1093
fold 1
Observations in test set: 5
11 20 21 22 23
Predicted 206 249 259.8 293.3 378
cvpred 204 188 199.3 234.7 262
sale.price 215 255 260.0 293.0 375
CV residual 11 67 60.7 58.3 113
Sum of squares = 24351 Mean square = 4870 n = 5
42. fold 2
Observations in test set: 5
10 13 14 17 18
Predicted 220.5 193.6 228.8 236.6 218.0
cvpred 226.1 204.9 232.6 238.8 224.1
sale.price 215.0 112.7 185.0 276.0 260.0
CV residual -11.1 -92.2 -47.6 37.2 35.9
Sum of squares = 13563 Mean square = 2713 n = 5
fold 3
Observations in test set: 5
9 12 15 16 19
Predicted 190.5 286.3 208.6 193.3 204
cvpred 174.8 312.5 200.8 178.9 194
sale.price 192.0 274.0 212.0 220.0 222
CV residual 17.2 -38.5 11.2 41.1 27
Sum of squares = 4323 Mean square = 865 n = 5
Overall (Sum over all 5 folds)