The document discusses a research laboratory's work on enabling reflective history in Europe by connecting cultural resources, viewpoints, and physical venues through digital tools. It aims to stimulate reflection through semantics and dynamic links between objects, venues, people, and past and present contexts. The work is being done by several researchers and aims to create non-typical connections.
3. Knowledge and Uncertainty Research Laboratory
to make reflective history a reality in the
European cultural context, by enabling
the reinterpretation of European (hi)stories
through cross-border interconnections
among cultural digital resources, citizen
viewpoints and physical venues.
September 9, 20163
5. Knowledge and Uncertainty Research Laboratory
This work
Omar Gustavo
Angeliki Antoniou
Martin Lopez Nores
Manolis Wallace
George Lepouras
September 9, 20165
14. Knowledge and Uncertainty Research Laboratory
In short
Semantics to stimulate reflection
Links between objects
Links between venues
Links between people
Links between
Links between then and now
September 9, 201614