Presentation by Juliana of Some background on the mashup, its genesis and the value of the citizen media community in times of crisis.
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Crowdsourcing Crisis Information and Citizen media
9. Our Goals Create a way for everyday Kenyans to report incidents of violence that they saw Create an archive of news and reports around those same events Show where the majority of the violence was happening
12. Citizen Journalists Objectives - The question why do you blog? is instructive - Blogging as a way of dealing with events around you Reaching Globally - Why do people pay attention? *What is the number of dead at which Compassion Fatigue starts to occur? a) 40,000 b) 50 c) 2 d) 500,000 *(Wired Mag Jul 2008 pg 174) Paul Slovic:
14. Citizen media - Explores Nuances & provides context - Humanizes the crisis e.g Brians Story and-well/
15. Lessons Learned The importance of engaging Diaspora How to Help - A question that we needed to answer early on. Global Networks such as GV are invaluable during crisis situations Value of Aggregation and social networks
16. Lessons Learned The importance of mapping accuracy Data poisoning - what happens when your antagonist starts using it? Verification is difficult Clarify why it was created and make that inescapably obvious Create a feedback loop to end users
17. Next Steps Developing Ushahidi version 2 + Pilot NGO partnership program Mobile platform - collection, feedback loop Ushahidi Community - The power of the crowds and Citizen journalists Answer the question How can I help? mapping volunteer stations/opportunities Create a feedback loop to end users