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By Wendy Rubicam

                         The Crown

                                                                                                          of Arizona
                The dazzling Four Peaks Amethyst may be one of the Valleys best-kept secret treasures

           Four Peaks rises to the easta coveted and distinctive mountain                The Four Peaks mine is one of the most remote commercial
           view from prime properties throughout Scottsdale and Fountain            mines in the country, and the last active commercial amethyst
           Hills. Today, it seems slightly surreal to be in a helicopter, the       mine in North America. The handful of dedicated miners who
           peaks looming large as we head straight towards them to see the          work here have a challenging commutea nine-mile round-trip
           source of the Valleys hidden treasure, the Four Peaks Amethyst.         hike, much of which is extremely steep and unimproved trail lit-
           This exceptional precious stone is found in only two places in the       tered with obstacles like deadfall and boulders. The last 200-yard
           worldthe rugged mountains in the heart of the Tonto National            stretch is almost straight up.
           Forest and the far reaches of Siberia. The stones rich, deep                  In the early days, miners were required to carry in supplies
           purple color is highlighted with flashes of red from the iron and        and carry out up to 80 pounds of amethyst on their backs. Today,
           manganese found in the Arizona soil, giving it a unique vibrancy.        supplies are brought in and stones brought out just twice a year
                 The helicopter touches down on a narrow ledge at close to          by costly helicopter transport, which is one of the mines major
           7,000 feet, just below the craggy third and fourth peaks, and we         expenses. The miners stay on the mountain for a week to 10 days
           run for cover behind a simple shack used to house supplies for the       at a time, and work year-round, except when snow makes navigating
           miners. After a bag or two of precious stones are loaded onto the        the trail too difficult.
           helicopter, it takes off and we begin our exploration of the mine that         Putting ourselves in the miners shoes, we make a short hike
           produces some of the most distinctive amethysts in the world.            along the edge of the steep drop-off to the mine opening, which

           60    So Scottsdale!   July 2011

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is a simple wood-framed opening in the side of the mountain. The         Top 5 Coolest Jewelry Stores in America.
           ground here sparkles with bits of amethyst and quartz crystals                The store is one of only 600 nationwide to carry the exception-
           everywhere you look. Mine owner Kurt Cavano tells us that for            al Hearts on Fire diamonds, as well as specializing in Arizona gems,
           the last 12 years, this opening has been painstakingly dug out by        including bright green Peridot and rich red Anthill Garnets. But
           hand and the miners have now pushed about 90 feet into the rock,         according to Jacks daughter, store marketing manager Stephanie
           following a particular vein of amethyst crystals.                        Bjorkman, the Four Peaks Amethyst is the heart of the store.
                 Cavano gives us an overview of how the amethyst formed from             As soon as Sami saw it, she fell in love with it. I would say
           what were originally compressed layers of sand, shot through with        the amethyst has become a lot of what it is today because of our
           super-heated water and the minerals that gave it its rich purple hue.    advertising.
                 The mine is actually a giant geode, he explains. When you            From the purple d辿cor to the welcoming purple-clad sales
           walk into the mine you are                                                                                          associates, the amethysts
           inside a geode and youll                                                                                           appeal is infectious at Sami.
           see the roof all covered with                                                                                       It is hard to leave the store
           amethyst that formed tens              We grab screwdrivers from a bucket                                           without wanting a flash of
           of millions of years ago.                                                                                          deep violet in a unique
                                                and like excited kids on a treasure hunt,
                 Outfitted with hard hats                                                                                      design on your finger, wrist
           and headlamps, we enter
                                                 begin picking at the purple veins with                                        or earlobes.
           the side of the mountain                the guidance of one of the miners.                                                Fortunately, there are
           and, as promised, are sur-                                                                                          Four Peaks Amethyst cre-
           rounded by dirt walls stud-                                                                                         ations at every price point
           ded everywhere with crystal                                                                                         from sterling silver pieces
           formations. We grab screwdrivers from a                                                           starting at around $25 to an 118-carat,
           bucket and like excited kids on a treasure                                                        museum-quality stone priced at $30,000.
           hunt, begin picking at the purple veins with                                                            Its worth the drive to Fountain Hills
           the guidance of one of the miners. Although                                                       just to see the selection of Arizona jewels,
           the mountain is rich with amethyst, the mine                                                      but Sami also offers a steady stream of
           ships out only about 1,200 pounds of hand-                                                        events for its customers. From Glamour Girl
           dug stone per year.                                                                               parties with wine and cheese to hands-on
                 After it is cleaned and tumbled in                                                          educational gatherings for those interested
           Scottsdale, only about 30 to 50 pounds                                                            in learning more about gemstones, there is
           contain promising amethyst, which is then                                                         always something happening at Sami.
           shipped to China to be cut into gemstones.                                                              Once your interest is piqued by the
                   What comes back a month later                                                            gorgeous Four Peaks Amethyst, you can
           you can fit in two hands, Cavano says,                                                           also visit the store for Meet the Miners night,
           cupping his hands in front of him.                                                                a meet-and-greet session with those hardy
                 And where does that handful of pre-                                                         souls who hand-plucked your stone out of
           cious stones end up? Much of it can be                                                            the mountain. For the more adventurous,
           found at Sami Fine Jewelry in Fountain Hills. Store owner, Sami Jack,    twice a year Sami sponsors the helicopter trip to explore the mine.
           has retained right of first selection of the Four Peaks Amethyst, and         Once you have made that trip and seen the treasure glowing
           Cavano says, There are lots of jewelry stores all over the world that   deep within the mountain, I promise you will never look at Four
           use our stones, but Sami does some of the most original designs          Peaks the same way again.
           and gets some of our biggest and best stones to do some really
           cool jewelry. So cool that the store was actually voted one of the      Wendy Rubicam can be reached at www.rubicamwriting.com.

                                                                                                                            July 2011    So Scottsdale!   61

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Crown jewel

  • 1. By Wendy Rubicam The Crown of Arizona The dazzling Four Peaks Amethyst may be one of the Valleys best-kept secret treasures Four Peaks rises to the easta coveted and distinctive mountain The Four Peaks mine is one of the most remote commercial view from prime properties throughout Scottsdale and Fountain mines in the country, and the last active commercial amethyst Hills. Today, it seems slightly surreal to be in a helicopter, the mine in North America. The handful of dedicated miners who peaks looming large as we head straight towards them to see the work here have a challenging commutea nine-mile round-trip source of the Valleys hidden treasure, the Four Peaks Amethyst. hike, much of which is extremely steep and unimproved trail lit- This exceptional precious stone is found in only two places in the tered with obstacles like deadfall and boulders. The last 200-yard worldthe rugged mountains in the heart of the Tonto National stretch is almost straight up. Forest and the far reaches of Siberia. The stones rich, deep In the early days, miners were required to carry in supplies purple color is highlighted with flashes of red from the iron and and carry out up to 80 pounds of amethyst on their backs. Today, manganese found in the Arizona soil, giving it a unique vibrancy. supplies are brought in and stones brought out just twice a year The helicopter touches down on a narrow ledge at close to by costly helicopter transport, which is one of the mines major 7,000 feet, just below the craggy third and fourth peaks, and we expenses. The miners stay on the mountain for a week to 10 days run for cover behind a simple shack used to house supplies for the at a time, and work year-round, except when snow makes navigating miners. After a bag or two of precious stones are loaded onto the the trail too difficult. helicopter, it takes off and we begin our exploration of the mine that Putting ourselves in the miners shoes, we make a short hike produces some of the most distinctive amethysts in the world. along the edge of the steep drop-off to the mine opening, which 60 So Scottsdale! July 2011 SS_60_61Mine_Jul11.indd 60 6/21/11 2:34:02 PM
  • 2. is a simple wood-framed opening in the side of the mountain. The Top 5 Coolest Jewelry Stores in America. ground here sparkles with bits of amethyst and quartz crystals The store is one of only 600 nationwide to carry the exception- everywhere you look. Mine owner Kurt Cavano tells us that for al Hearts on Fire diamonds, as well as specializing in Arizona gems, the last 12 years, this opening has been painstakingly dug out by including bright green Peridot and rich red Anthill Garnets. But hand and the miners have now pushed about 90 feet into the rock, according to Jacks daughter, store marketing manager Stephanie following a particular vein of amethyst crystals. Bjorkman, the Four Peaks Amethyst is the heart of the store. Cavano gives us an overview of how the amethyst formed from As soon as Sami saw it, she fell in love with it. I would say what were originally compressed layers of sand, shot through with the amethyst has become a lot of what it is today because of our super-heated water and the minerals that gave it its rich purple hue. advertising. The mine is actually a giant geode, he explains. When you From the purple d辿cor to the welcoming purple-clad sales walk into the mine you are associates, the amethysts inside a geode and youll appeal is infectious at Sami. see the roof all covered with It is hard to leave the store amethyst that formed tens We grab screwdrivers from a bucket without wanting a flash of of millions of years ago. deep violet in a unique and like excited kids on a treasure hunt, Outfitted with hard hats design on your finger, wrist and headlamps, we enter begin picking at the purple veins with or earlobes. the side of the mountain the guidance of one of the miners. Fortunately, there are and, as promised, are sur- Four Peaks Amethyst cre- rounded by dirt walls stud- ations at every price point ded everywhere with crystal from sterling silver pieces formations. We grab screwdrivers from a starting at around $25 to an 118-carat, bucket and like excited kids on a treasure museum-quality stone priced at $30,000. hunt, begin picking at the purple veins with Its worth the drive to Fountain Hills the guidance of one of the miners. Although just to see the selection of Arizona jewels, the mountain is rich with amethyst, the mine but Sami also offers a steady stream of ships out only about 1,200 pounds of hand- events for its customers. From Glamour Girl dug stone per year. parties with wine and cheese to hands-on After it is cleaned and tumbled in educational gatherings for those interested Scottsdale, only about 30 to 50 pounds in learning more about gemstones, there is contain promising amethyst, which is then always something happening at Sami. shipped to China to be cut into gemstones. Once your interest is piqued by the What comes back a month later gorgeous Four Peaks Amethyst, you can you can fit in two hands, Cavano says, also visit the store for Meet the Miners night, cupping his hands in front of him. a meet-and-greet session with those hardy And where does that handful of pre- souls who hand-plucked your stone out of cious stones end up? Much of it can be the mountain. For the more adventurous, found at Sami Fine Jewelry in Fountain Hills. Store owner, Sami Jack, twice a year Sami sponsors the helicopter trip to explore the mine. has retained right of first selection of the Four Peaks Amethyst, and Once you have made that trip and seen the treasure glowing Cavano says, There are lots of jewelry stores all over the world that deep within the mountain, I promise you will never look at Four use our stones, but Sami does some of the most original designs Peaks the same way again. and gets some of our biggest and best stones to do some really cool jewelry. So cool that the store was actually voted one of the Wendy Rubicam can be reached at www.rubicamwriting.com. July 2011 So Scottsdale! 61 SS_60_61Mine_Jul11.indd 61 6/21/11 2:34:04 PM