Cryptography is the science of securing communication and information by transforming messages into an unreadable format. The document discusses the origins and evolution of cryptography from ancient hieroglyphs to modern ciphers like the Enigma machine. It outlines the main purposes of cryptography as authentication, data confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation. The key types are described as secret key cryptography, public key cryptography and hash functions. Applications of cryptography include authentication, digital signatures, time stamping and secure network communications.
2. Cryptography is the science and art of
transforming messages to make them
secure and immune to attack.
3. Origin of Cryptography:
The first known evidence of cryptography can be traced to the
use of hieroglyph. Some 4000 years ago, the Egyptians used
to communicate by messages written in hieroglyph.
The most widely known rotor cipher device is the German
Enigma machine used during World War II,
of which there were a number of variants.
the Zimmermann Telegram triggered the
United States' entry into World War I.
4. A Purpose of cryptography:
The main purpose of cryptography is to
defend the transmitted information and it
plays an important role in the following:
Data confidentiality
Data integrity
6. How Does a Substitution algorithm
Substitution Cipher
Method of encryption by which units of plaintext
are replaced with cipher text, according to a fixed
system; the units may be single letters (the
most common), pairs of letters, triplets of letters,
mixtures of the above, and so forth.
7. Cryptography is an actively developed library
that provides cryptographic recipes and
primitives. It supports Python 2.6-2.7 and
Python 3.3+.
cryptography is divided into two layers of recipes
and hazardous materials (hazmat). The recipes
layer provides a simple API for proper symmetric
encryption and the hazmat layer provides low-
level cryptographic primitives.
8. Types:
Secret Key Cryptography (SKC): Uses a single key for
both encryption and decryption; also called
symmetric encryption. Primarily used for privacy and
Public Key Cryptography (PKC): Uses one key for
encryption and another for decryption; also called
asymmetric encryption. Primarily used for
authentication, non-repudiation, and key exchange.
Hash Functions: Uses a mathematical transformation
to irreversibly "encrypt" information, providing a
digital fingerprint. Primarily used for message